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Everything posted by wood

  1. 99.9% of people don’t give any shits about Michael Dukakis. He doesn’t matter. NEXT.
  2. I’d say for an circumcised total top, with one potential exposure, you are more likely to have issues with Covid than HIV. if they detectable HIV+ your chances are about 1/1000-1/1500.
  3. Sexual health comes in many different ways and this is just one that happened to occur to me recently. I was having mild rectal pain that I thought (or maybe started) as a fissure. I hadn’t been getting fucked so I put some hydrocortisone on it for a few days and left it at that. however, I woke up in the middle of the night around Jan 30th in tons of pain around my ass. I wasn’t bleeding, but it was swollen. I went to my regular doc for a nurses visit. It was at this point that I was told I had an abscess that must be drained immediately, otherwise I may get sepsis or the infection may spread. I went to the ER, at which point I had needles stuck in there to numb it and a scalpel to drain it. im on the mend now and besides a little temporary scar tissue I’m good. it sucks, but just be a lesson to never let things go. I was told that if I had let it go, it may have required extensive surgery and or a colonoscopy bag, if not worse. Seemingly minor issues can become bad very quick. Be aware.
  4. Make sure he knows to be cleaned out and don’t force it. If you are enjoying each other it will come. Also sometimes just relaxing and possibly passing out then waking up to play is a great way for really fun sensual play. and breed him nice and deep.
  5. Hehehe sounds like the metra hookups I had when I lived in Chicago…. those train bathrooms were amazing in a chance hookup.
  6. Oh and here’s two porn star friends fucking in my Airbnb during IML. They decided to fuck each other after the DP’d me. nap turned into fucking. 🤷🏻‍♂️ they monetize their context so I won’t post more. It’s not my property. I have tons of stories like this and my content is fully searchable but I don’t talk about my sexploits. With that said I have zero issues with the people that do and love the REAL content here, as well as the fiction section. Hell I celebrate it! I really just wish the fakes and liars stayed in their lane.
  7. I have always loved raw gay sex, I’m 38, first BF 20 years ago was poz undetectable, I didn’t want to become poz so our rule was I can nut in you but you have to wear a condom. That sucks. thats why I got involved in public health and still always fucked raw. Oh and he finally bred me years later. As for the 5% comment. Yeah it was a silly brag but honestly its true, even considering some of the somewhat “depraved” stories on here…. I’ve done a lot. I stand by what I said initially. I have accused exactly one person on here of being fake, and he left soon after. I never accused you or anyone else of anything anything false. with that said I know shit when I see it, and it’s all over here. However again, I haven’t referenced your posts and it’s nothing against you.
  8. What’s funny is that I have taken loads from newly infected poz guys before. I knew what I was doing, and I have plenty of trust in the medication/prep I was taken. And it worked. I have zero clue what their viral load was but it happened twice, but got the flu and we fucked just after they felt better but hadn’t started meds yet. But, you already said it best, staying neg is easy now, all I did was take my pill, and even with highly infectious fucks, I was fine.
  9. Unless you were sharing needles and injecting it’s somewhat doubtful, but only testing will tell.
  10. I made it clear in my original post I wasn’t leaving. It’s more about the dissatisfaction with the proliferation of overt fake and false content rather than what actually we all have an interest in on here.
  11. I can’t agree more and will elaborate tomorrow.
  12. Got my life at IML. So happy to see it back.
  13. And there isn’t anything wrong with that. on the side of white people it comes down to treating black men like objects, simply for their dick and that’s beyond wrong.
  14. Honestly that’s why I’m backing off this site, I’ve never met a single person in life that likes being sick in any regard but the fantasy of this site has normalized the idea that advanced HIV is cool, and you still function. you don’t, and you won’t want to fuck either.
  15. I welcome any comments, you listed your porn experience in your profile, I simply choose not to talk about my sexsploits on here, that’s all. My 5% comment? That’s just my personal judgement based on what I have read and nothing more. for the rest of the comments, no I’m not leaving and do enjoy parts of this site. But I am taking a step back simply because I’m not seeing where things are going, and the proliferation of absurdly false stories and profiles are just frustrating.
  16. For most people herpes gets fairly mild overtime. Medications help with outbreaks .
  17. This is just another post why I just posted this. Faking and flaking has seen to become the norm here
  18. I’m going to preface this in that I don’t intend to delete and disappear, but I am fairly sick of much of the content. ____________________________________ Bare sex between men has now become mainstream with the advent of PrEP and Tasp, which I find awesome. We can finally just have the sex we want too, without care. Right now we finally have the opportunity to have the hedonistic sex of the 1970’s again and it’s glorious. I dated my first BF in the early 2000’s who was undetectable and it was scary as hell then. Now it’s normal, which is amazing. however it’s seems now that many people on this site post flagrantly fake or false things about what they are talking about. I have talked to moderators before about this with their agreement. The amount of lies and fakery to what people post has become absurd. I’d really like this site to be a community of likeminded people who are no judgmental, and just share in likeminded ideas, instead it seems like if you aren’t chasing a rattle snake while injecting T, and getting fucked by a guy with a 10 million VL it’s not enough. RAwtop created a great space. I just wonder what that space has become. im not against bugchasing (not my thing) or any kind of free speech, but I haven’t seen a “positive” (not like that) movement in this community in years. I also have to applaud rawtop in his efforts in this past year to rein in certain topics. The anonymity of this site makes it very easy for some to live out fantasies and that’s okay. Hell. If people knew what my life was actually like vs my posts they would bust all the nuts. However, that’s also my point. There is a lack of sanity here that’s more than concerning. People actually come here for advice and information and if the first response they see as a vulnerable person is “yeah take all the loads and get the gift and share it” I think we are doing it wrong. if this community wants to descend into the equivalent of “smoke yourself to death” hey, cool it’s a free country. I just won’t be around for it. Wanna talk about hot anon sex all over the place? Fuck yes. My personal stories which I have never shared here are in the top 5% of all I have read on here. I don’t talk about them because as someone involved in public health I don’t find it appropriate, but if you google rawrods I’ve played with a few. In closing, I don’t know what the future is for this site. After being around this community for almost 10 years; it now seems really lost. We have new guys with zero clue, older meth addicts telling everyone to get charged and others maybe getting off on it? Anyway I’m done and I wish everyone on here the best.
  19. By far the best option. Just get this and let it do it’s work.
  20. I actually disagree with you, and know more than a few black bottoms who are into race play. with that said, raceplay is DEF not my thing. 🤮
  21. While I get that the “full blown AIDS” tag line “works” as someone in the gay health management industry it’s actually advanced HIV now and has been for decades. all I can say is that if you are at the advanced HIV stage I urge you to get treatment. death by hiv related diseases isn’t cute or fun, what is cute or fun is having more raw sex.
  22. In the middle of a baseball field, on the pitchers mound, surrounded by houses, with the field lights on.
  23. I don’t think anything is exactly “wrong” with them, it’s just that life has become easier and less underground. think of it another way. It’s now completely possible to have an open life as a gay man in the vast majority of the US, and many other parts of the world, with a partner, and just “live” two incomes, no kids unless they want them, and the ability to do what they want. Prep and modern treatment has made HIV a very preventable or manageable issue, and if they want to have lots of random sex they can with far less repercussions. living single even with a good job is expensive and a lot more work. You get gay men have just adapted to the changes. Additionally despite what many on this site think the vast majority of people don’t want to deal with STI’s all the time, or drug addiction just in the name of sex for those who PNP. Also, people just generally grow up as they age and not having to deal with issues of hiding their identity has made things generally much easier. has this changed the dynamic, oh for sure. And it’s also unfortunately lead to the demise of bathhouses and other institutions gays have loved, but they are far from gone. It’s also important to point out that younger gay men often have next to no ability to break into markets by opening small bars or clubs because regulations have substantially increased, as have costs and student debt. This is also happening at the same time while development in cities is increasing and the older generation gay men frequently are cashing out to larger developers on the businesses and properties they own.
  24. If you are going off, stay off completely, DO NOT try to extend them by taking them every other day or anything like that. Most med resistance happens from things like that. Not just from completely stopping for a bit. A couple months should be fine, not recommended but usually fine.
  25. I have a fuck bud whose a detective with one the the biggest dicks I’ve ever seen, (porn included) he often has his service piece with him as well when he comes over
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