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Everything posted by wood

  1. I saw how to survive a plague and read up on spencer cox, and some of the other people featured in the film after. Whats really interesting is that after some of these guys had been through hell, a few still made really self destructive choices. Peter Staley, another guy in the film apparently had a serious meth problem in the late 2000's before getting help, and drug and alcohol abuse which to many is common in the gay community seemed to have got the best of some of these guys even when they had been through so much.
  2. Damn imagining this is giving me wood.
  3. Your enjoying the drugs...Honestly if any part of you wants to stay NEG, stop partying NOW. If you want to explore your gay side, do it. But IMO based on the other things you want in life, you would not be happy with a poz diagnosis. Try being gay and safe for a while to get a better perspective.
  4. Dont take this the wrong way, but it sounds like you are having a lot of random unprotected sex because you like the attention, not because you want to be pozzed. IMO you need a social network of real friends and things to do beyond getting fucked. If I were you, I would lay off on the raw sex for a bit, and do a bit of soul searching to see what you really want out of life besides sex. You said your a young guy, but you are getting caught up on the treatment your state offers without even thinking if you move out of state or abroad in your lifetime. Think beyond just sex IMO.
  5. its essentially just a viral load test. Most clinics with government funding now have it as an option, and many do it right away. However, it not a quick test, so you have to wait a few days for results.
  6. Your risk level assuming the bottom is poz with an unknown viral level is about .03%. If you had bottomed the risk level is anywhere from .04%-3.0% You have to make the choices of what you feel is too risky, and make smart decisions from there.
  7. If I were you I wouldnt do it. Lets remember without treatment HIV and AIDS is still a debilitating and deadly disease. If you live in a place you where you cant get treatment you will die from it. IMO I would find a long term NEG boyfriend if you want to bareback in your situation.
  8. your going to need to do some research, and it wont be a clear cut answer. The short answer is yes you can, but there may be interaction with your meds. There are lots of party boys around who do party drugs and are HIV+
  9. yeah I agree, just communicate with the guy. Also I dont know if you guys know your status or not, but I would be livid if I thought I was in a monogamous relationship, and got infected by a long term partner. be smart, have a conversation, dont get mad, just have a rational talk.
  10. I wish i could say I was surprised. Im mostly attracted to black men, and tend to top about 90% of the time. I'm neg and get tested very often, and usually aim for the same. I still use condoms a lot of the time however, and a lot of the guys I will fuck will want me to take it off, and fuck them raw. I know more than a few poz guys, but I have a feeling a lot of the guys just simply dont care, and dont get tested. If I had to take a personal guess I would say that many of them under estimate their risk, and take a person at face value if they say they are neg.
  11. GO GET TESTED!!!!!! This board, and any information you get is NOT a test, or even sound medical advice. Your symptoms could be caused by any number of conditions from who you drink after, to the laundry detergent you use. I got small pink splotches on my skin the other day. Why? I forgot im allergic to liquid fabric softener. While you are probably nervous, a test neg or poz, makes you informed to make the right choices for yourself. If you are close to pretty much any urban area, there will almost certainly be a place to get free confidential testing done. edit from your previous post i think you may be in Baltimore. do yourself a favor and go today. http://baltimorehealth.org/std.html
  12. only once, the guy went really deep, and his cum actually kinda tingled or burned a bit. But I also top a lot more, and my ex was the main guy who used to do me, didnt nut that much.
  13. LOL he seems really confused. And yes it is possible to have healthy safe bareback sex, but that involves complete monogomy, ;-)
  14. Bingo. Im not poz, but The fact that some of these "straight" guys will go home and quite possibly eventually fuck their wives without protection after being nut in by random guys is wrong IMO. Also IMO many of them are just silly and closeted. No time for that.
  15. This is good info, some labs actually mean zero now, while others may still have older equipment which could mean 100 or more. In a case of direct exposure that does make a big difference.
  16. out of curiosity, why are you doing this?
  17. Its a horrible Idea. At best you would be in a ton of pain, and probably need to stop, at worst you could be torn up, and need to visit the hospital.
  18. I completely understand what you are saying, and understand that condoms are not always 100% effective. That being said, its undeniable that consistant, and careful usage does have a large impact on HIV and other STD transmission. I found out more about the story, and another reason he, and I believe that the guy purposely did it, is that another guy my friend knows hooked up with also and found that in the middle of sex he removed the condom. Additionally this guy still wont return any form of communication to my friend despite knowing some of the same people. My friend also tries to serosort, and while we all know this is not a very effective way of preventing HIV infection, the guy in this case did say he was neg, and recently tested...which we all know means NOTHING. That being said, this is still just an anecdotal story. The main point is that stealthing isnt something that anyone should be doing IMO. Fantasy is one thing, but in practice its another.
  19. sounds like you want to try anal, so you should. That being said with all due respect to people on this site, IMO you should do it with someone you like and trust first, NOT a random. Also I suspect you are young, and unless you are willing to take on a lifetime disease like HIV, I would play it safe until you are older.
  20. Where are you at? I am usually mostly attracted to black guys and darker latin guys, just my preference. But I understand where you are coming from. When I tell a guy i am interested in that I am a vers top they usually get excited because they assume because i'm white that I want them to fuck me, which I may sometime, but I got to get my piece too. That being said personally I'm not into any of the typical "race play" at all. No judgement to anyone who is, but to me, saying things during foreplay or sex like, "big black dick, sweet black ass, white ass, etc" is a huge turn off for me. That being said I do want to do an oreo sometime, but a reverse oreo could be hot too.
  21. Its not a no risk activity, but its in theory a lower risk than taking random loads without knowing a status. the big if here is that "undetectable" means that at his last check up his VL in his blood was undetectable. IIRC that means under 50 copies/ml. Viral levels do vary in seman from blood, and will vary based on the persons current health, and how strict they are about the ARV regime.
  22. For the most part I am a very liberal person, and I say people should be able to do what they please. That being said the one thing on this forum that has bothered me is the talk of stealthing, in particular where condoms are purposely broken. I say this because I just had a friend who tested poz, most likely from someone who stealthed him. He is a guy who has ALWAYS played safe, never fucked or been fucked without a condom. He remembers an incident where the guy was really sneaky about what he did with the condom after they had sex, and a few months later when my friend got tested, he wouldnt return his calls. I know many people on here don't care about HIV status, and thats fine, but some guys do, and it should be respected. There are plenty of guys to fuck without having to go to lengths that IMO are wrong, and in many cases they are illegal too. For my friend its been a really rough road. He has been suicidal a few times, and is now on heavy anti-depressants. Keep it consensual in every way guys.
  23. x2... a lot of the guys on here got to get off the stupid stereotype bandwagon.
  24. I would mostly agree with that. I'm a good looking white guy who is mostly into black and latin men, and not for the BBC, "race play" or any of the other stereotypical bullshit. I simply find myself more attracted to them than white people, and thats it. However I have noticed this also applies to friendships. I have had better, and closer friendships with people outside my race, and it applies to both men and woman, so its not just about attraction. and getting back to the original question, unless you are just a dumpster (no judgement) I think anyone should be able to turn down someone they didnt like regardless of dick size or shade, I know I have.
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