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Everything posted by wood

  1. That could really be anything, from food, to a cold. Flu-like symptoms encompass about every disease and sickness out there, lol.
  2. Yeah that's what I've been doing. My thing is, if I'm going to do this, I'm going to do it right, and I want maximum effectiveness. There has only been two instances in two months where it has been more than a 4 hours difference from the day before so I think im doing pretty well.
  3. Well the answer is actually a lot more complicated than that. Better language would be, "Having an HIV poz person ejaculate inside the rectum of an HIV neg person carries a substantially lower risk of having the negative person seroconvert than with a person who is not on treatment." Im not one for using ultra wordy language, but saying its safe is also somewhat incorrect. The main reason is that the only study that was done on this was based on heterosexual couples and vaginal intercourse. It is well known that anal sex is substantially more risky than vaginal sex. Using the word "safe" is very ambiguous. What is safe to one person can be very different to another. I think one of my biggest problems with neg guys trying to serosort is that neg/poz/undetec/dont know, all can be very ambiguous and mean little to nothing at the time of the sexual act. For example a neg guy who got tested three months ago, and took 50 loads since then very well could be poz. Conversely, an undetectable guy who just had a bad flu bout could have sharply increased viral loads that mean he isn't undetectable, at least at the time of the sexual act. Its also the main reason I am a huge supporter of neg guys going on PrEP. If you want to stay neg, its extremely effective, even with unprotected intercourse.
  4. In the PrEP forum, I posted links about some indian drug companies that make a genaric truvada. I dont know if they will ship it to you in Austrailia, but if you can its an option. IIRC it was about $100 USD a month for the cipla genaric version called Tenvir-EM.
  5. Just another link I found for PrEP. Cipla, an Indian pharma company makes a generic version of Truvada called Tenvir-EM. They are well known for making generic HIV drugs, and are actually licensed by some of the major pharma companies to make generics for programs in the developing world to combat HIV/AIDS. If cost is a factor because of lack of health insurance, or decent perscription coverage, I would go to an online pharmacy that has the Cipla drug asap. This place has a six month supply for $400. $66 dollar a month for Truvada beats many health plans prices. http://www.northdrugstore.com/buy-Truvada.html
  6. Yeah I do that a lot on here...Part of it is because I get sick of hearing complete BS, and part of it is because I think a lot more "clinically" that I do in fantasy.
  7. In your case, it probably counteracted the effect of the alcohol, which is why it introduced some clarity into your thought process. Alcohol is a CNS depressant, much like GHB. While both are europhoric in smaller doses, in larger doses they become a depressant. Whats interesting about this is that in severe overdoses of both substances and other CNS depressants, ER doctors will sometimes administer amphetamines to counteract the other drugs. So you just did what an ER may have done.
  8. bingo. Not everyone is insistent on bareback sex. You have to respect peoples wishes.
  9. A rectum can only absorb water, some other fluids, and things completely dissolved in water. Semen has proteins and other compounds that cannot be absorbed by the rectum. That being said, if its watery cum, you body may absorb much of it, and you may not notice the rest, or it may come out with your next bowel movement.
  10. You guys are looking way too much into this. Its hotter for you because you are gay or bisexual. Its as simple as that. If you were the straightest guy in the world sex with men would be a huge turnoff.
  11. Just as the question states. Just trying to get a good idea about what other people are doing. For myself I have never missed a day, but had had a variance in terms of time of day up to about 7 hours on one occasion. In my case, would there be any significant impact on efficacy because of that?
  12. Honestly, you are a perfect candidate for PrEP (read the PrEP forum on here for details) FYI, while having unprotected sex is great and fun, HIV is in no way fun. Its an expensive, lifelong illness that always needs treated. You should try and stay neg, PrEP can help that immensely.
  13. It depends all on your exposure level. Topping one or two partners, its probably a somewhat low risk. Getting fucked in a sling for hours but anyone? You might as well schedule your clinic appointment ahead of time. If you are neg, and healthy your risk is somewhat lower because your body can fight off small infections easier, if you are poz, and have low T-cells, theres a much greater chance of contracting anything. All the doctors and other sources I have talked to have said that with normal unprotected anal sex, with lube, etc, the risk of HCV transmission is very low. However that risk increases dramatically if you are HIV poz, or if there is any blood contact as a top or bottom.
  14. Couple things you should REALLY do asap. 1) start using a good lube NOW, you need that to avoid abrasion. This is doubly important since you are uncut. 2) Personally I would avoid things like beats (slang for bathhouse?) Its much more likely to find people in there that don't know or don't care about their status. 3) Try to wash up with soap and water after EVERY fuck. Wipes are not going to do much.
  15. Incorrect, it actualy does lower infection risk. Urine flushes out virus before it can be absorbed, and washing up, especially for an uncut guy is fairly important. You are doing most of the right things. 1) I would also use a good silicone lube, because it last much longer than the water based lubes. Use alot. 2) dont fuck too long, even jerk off a bit first. Make it smooth and gentle, not hard and rough. 3) Dont play with guys who have already been bred, you dont know the previous tops status. 4) Always ask status, and when the last time they were tested was. Dont rule out undetectable guys because they can be less risk than a guy who has no idea. 5) a regular known neg fuck buddy who only bb's with you is also a good option. 6) I dont know if PrEP is available in Austrailia since Im assuming you guys have universal heathcare. But ask about it. Its when a neg person takes truvada once a day to help stay neg. Check the PrEP forum for details. 7) Circumcision will help, but I probably wouldn't do it, If I was uncut i would want to keep it that way.
  16. I'm with you 100% on how much they need to stress adherence. As I posted in my other thread I take mine religeously because i want the full protection if i am going to take it. But Yes, I would really like to see something where both HIV poz patients and patients on PrEP, could take their regime every other day at least, I theory I think is fairly doable with current technology, IE slow dissolving coatings, etc. The idea of once a week is a bit more far fetched because PrEP works on the basis of having a consistent level in the bloodstream. I think time will tell on the side effects of PrEP, but I am wondering if some of the side effects of the truvada/tenofovir in the original studies, (and your situtation) were exacerbated by other medication being taken and by being positive. I know its too early to tell what the effects might be in people that are negative, but that will be interesting to see. You quoted this in the thread I wrote about my personal PrEP experience, and i quoted it here too, because really fit the article and how I feel about PrEP. There are A LOT of young gay men out there who simply don't care about HIV. They don't want it, but they also dont take the steps to avoid it. In the past year I have had hookups with roughly 5 younger guys. I'm 31, they ranged from 20-24. Not ONE asked for a condom, and not only that every single one lubed up my dick and stuck it in them unprotected. Mind you, I also didn't meet ANY of these guys off sites like BBRT. New HIV infections are overall stagnant, and increasing as the article states at 22% among young people. That needs to stop NOW. I feel like its almost a disservice to people like you bearbandit, when people disregard HIV/AIDS so much when gay people essentially lost a majority of a generation. There needs to be a frank discussion among gay men about staying sexually healthy, and IMO PrEP NEEDS to be a part of that. The "always use a condom" message is obviously not working, so its time to move forward with a new strategy.
  17. yeahh okay... so you are saying you dont like PrEP, if so why?
  18. Small update, been on about a month and a half here, and really nothing to report. I haven't really increased the number of partners I have had, and I still used condoms with the guys i usually use condoms with. The one thing i did do with one fuck buddy who is undetectable is let him stick in in raw for a couple strokes before he rubbered up. I haven't had any side effects, and really its been easy to deal with. As far as adherence to taking the medication, I have never missed a day and usually take it within +/- 1 hour each each day. One day I forgot and took it about 5 hours later than usual but that's it.
  19. Its pretty good, and says almost exactly what my thoughts are on PrEP, its fairly similar in concept to female birth control. Like the article says at this point i would really like to see if PrEP could be developed to be a once every two day/once a week, or once a month or longer medication. I think at that point we would see widespread usage of it, and IMO a sharp decline in new HIV infections. http://www.out.com/news-opinion/2013/09/09/hiv-prevention-new-condom-truvada-pill-prep?page=0,0
  20. Oh Im not mad, I eny a good debate. BINGO! Thats one of my biggest issues with people who dont tell or give consent, especially considering how easy it is to find people who truly don't care and will take almost any nut.
  21. But my main issue with this argument is that there is no proof. HIV transmission has been criminalized in many areas since the late 80's, and in the late 80's and 90's people were eager to get tested and practice safe sex. The simple fact is that because HIV isn't a death sentence anymore, many people especially of a younger generation don't care, so they don't use condoms and don't get tested. For older people condom fatigue is a real thing, and similarly, its a mentality of oh well if i get infected I will just take this pill. Of course there will be some people who don't want to get tested because they don't want to be held liable, but IMO that's an insignificant variable. I worked in a clinic before, and I can tell you the most common reasons people didn't get tested were simple, a) thy didn't want to know because they were scared for themself, the second was just sheer apathy. I doubt many people even think of possible prosecution. People shouldnt go to prison for stupid mistakes, but they should if they knowingly disregard someone elses wishes. Lots of guys never ask, and dont care, but if a guy asks, and cares, there is no excuse not to say the truth.
  22. The biggest issue here is deliberate transmission vs unintentional transmission. I certainly agree that unintentional transmission whether it is from negligence or not should not be criminal. However intentional transmission is entirely different. Also while I get your view on HIV status, its fundamentally false. HIV antibodies never go away if you have them you fall into one of two groups, you are HIV positive, or if you are one of a very small group of people in certain vaccine trials, you will test positive by an antibody test. If you don't have HIV antibodies, you are either negative, or if within a window period, a person could be newly infected, end of discussion, thats irrefutable science. Also right now i believe the current thought process is actually much different than aids=death, in fact its quite the opposite. A lot of people, especially younger people don't care, which is why they are doing more risky behavior, also hence why despite much better treatment HIV infection rates in the developed world have largely leveled off. People are still getting infected. Also while I understand your views on medication, medicine isnt an exact science, doctors try their best, sometimes it works great, sometimes it doesnt. Again, its not deliberate harm to you. I agree I want the epidemic over now too, but I dont think decriminalizing deliberate infection would have any effect at all on that end goal.
  23. Sorry I cant agree with you on this, its more than immoral. Think beyond just sex. Say its proven you could give someone cancer, diabetes, parkinsons or MS, by doing an everyday act, and you know it would harm another person, but you did it anyway. That's intent to cause harm, and it should be illegal. Just because HIV is controllable doesn't doesn't make the rest of that persons life easier, or in many cases pay for the mountains of potential medical bills. Also the first part you just said is also false. While in theory undetectable guys provide a lower risk to negative guys than a partner of unknown or unmedicated poz status, a partner who is truly negative provides NO risk of HIV transmission. Also the argument that people wont get tested so they wont be held liable is tenuous at best. Most people want to live, so they get tested anyway, regardless of possible blame for transmission. Now obviously some people don't get tested enough, but they still do it even with laws regarding criminalizing transmission. I agree there needs to be a change in the stigma towards HIV, but allowing some people to infect others at will because they are immoral is the number one way to NOT change any stigma. Being open and honest, and informed is always a better way to change stigma's. Saying it shouldnt be illegal is like saying that an individual could poison another person, make them sick, but as long as they didnt die, its okay and the person who did it shouldn't be held liable. Informed consent is the name of the game, and all people should practice it.
  24. yeah I tried one once with an ex of mine, it was not too comfortable, and looked really strange. It had a ring of plastic around the outside, and you shoved the bag in your ass/vag. Used once, and never tried it again. As much as I am not a fan regular condoms are still better than that thing. Also to the OP. If you are worried, you may want to look into PrEP. It can offer a significant reduction in the chance of catching HIV. That being said it does nothing for other STD's.
  25. http://www.latimes.com/nation/nationnow/la-na-nn-missouri-hiv-infect-20130904,0,1201613.story http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/man-exposed-300-hiv-article-1.1447262 I know some of you guys have fantasies about pozzing neg guys, but this is just another reason why you shouldn't. It only takes one person to turn you in to the police to start an investigation. The vast majority of people in the country would be outraged if someone knowingly tried to infect them, lied, or didnt inform them of their status, and this goes for tops and bottoms. Inform people and let them make their own decision. There are plenty of men out there to fuck who dont care about status, and will fuck poz guys without a care, look at bbrt. However, going around and trying to deliberately infect people who dont want to be infected, is fucked up IMO.
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