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Everything posted by wood

  1. The long and short answer is you really dont want to. A good friend is an ER doc, and he has seen a couple cases of guys either taking nitrates for chest pain, and viagra/levitra/cilalis, or the same pills and poppers end up in the ER with extremely low blood pressure. He hasnt seen anyone die from it yet, but needless to say getting wheeled out on a gurnee from a hookup is NOT cute. Not saying it will always happen, but it can, and can be life threatening. If you still wanted to do it, i would say it would be safest on cialis after 24 hours since there is less than 50% bioavailibility left at that point. But I wouldnt even do that.
  2. Great post, and I hope it makes some people think a bit more before they go out and go bug chasing. HIV is permenant, like it or not, and while some people may like bug chasing for a time, the HIV will still be there is you decide sex isnt such a priority anymore. Like you I dont judge who does, but there are other aspects to a happy life than sex. But I am happy you found someone you can be happy with.
  3. Somehow I really doubt this is the case. All versions of hepatitis are relatively hard to treat, and if there was any drug out there that would provide a cure I am certain governments would be petitioning for its use. Also there was one other poster who said that Hep c is relatively easy to treat, and I know for a fact that is false. There are few drugs for it, and those drugs are not all that effective. I have friends who work in medicine doing drug trials, and I can assure you, its is NOT easy to get a drug to market, even lifesaving ones. Anyway the information given so far has been good, keep it coming.
  4. I think your doing the right thing here, but I would always verge on the side of caution. You need to realize that LEGALLY in many places it is up to YOU to inform the other person of your status, if you dont, you can be prosecuted, even if they dont ask you. Dont take offense to this, but you do have an obligation now IMO as a person who is poz to act in a responsible manner in regards to sex with your partners. I know many on here think otherwise, and thats there opinion. However like I said before in many places it is a crime to not talk about your status. If you want to top there are plenty of places to find bottoms who will gladly take your nut, and there is no reason to give it to someone who doesnt want it and is trying to stay neg. Like I said before in another thread on here I have a good friend who was likely pozzed from being stealthed, and he is still having mental health issues from that. Not everyone is okay being pozzed and while they may enjoy sex, and sometimes unprotected sex, its everyones job to respect the partners wishes. That IMO means open and honest communication.
  5. This is one thing that has always worried me, simply because it seems like the jury is still out on how sexually transmittable it is. I know about the usual risk factors including injection drug use, and fisting, but who has some more insight on this.
  6. Bingo. Its full disclosure or no go, thats the law, and its in place for a reason. There are plenty of people to have sex with, a person doesnt have to deliberately have risky sex with someone who doesnt want it.
  7. From a public health perspective I see this another way. IMO HIV/AIDS was included in there simply because it is a known infectious disease. There is a logic behind quarentining people with certain infectious diseases, however it is mostly for people with diseases that can be readily spread in regular contact, such as flu's, pox's, SARS, etc. However in a world of international travel quarantining has also been shown to not work that well. SARS, Flu's, as well as HIV/AIDS, has made it past all attempts at quarantining. Early testing, and treatment is much more effective. Kansas just like all states recieves federal money to deal with HIV/AIDS. Im not one to normally agree with more right wing media, but i do not think this was meant to target people with HIV/AIDS. Heres info on the program in kansas. http://www.kdheks.gov/hiv/ryan_white_care.html That being said, if the government has a serious interest in reducing HIV/AIDS transmission they need to do a much better job at outreach, and making things like PrEP, and clinic visits a low to no cost option for people. If I was director of health and human services I would advocate for free PrEP for all at risk populations, with additional funding for HIV education in all public schools. Many public schools in the country dont even have health classes anymore because of funding cuts, so some kids may not even know what is risky. Until a vaccine or cure is available, PrEP, condoms, and education are the only things that will curb infection, and right now just using 2/3 of those isnt working so well.
  8. Dont know if you have an option with the UK health system but, imiquimod aka aldara, zyclara cream is supposed to fix the problem without surgery. My friend said he would go that route 100% had he known how bad the recovery would be.
  9. just so you know, it seems like a light decision to make at the time, because its just sex, but converting is a lifelong thing.
  10. PLease dont take this personally, but hearing stuff like this really pisses me off. If you have been barebacking for years it should be your responisbility to get tsted more than 3 times, it is your own life you're talking about. Secondly Im not sure how many times I can say this, but YOU'RE NOT A DOCTOR!!! get get fucking tested!! even if you dont want to get an HIV test now, you need to be screened for other STI's from what you have said, and a general physical probably wouldnt hurt either. I honestly do not understand why people get so complacent about their health.
  11. this thread needs pics.
  12. I get what you're saying, however you are in the minority. Most people find a cocktail that works relatively well for them. Also Long term non-progressors are very rare. Most people who are poz, would go on to develop AIDS and die without ARV's and drug cocktails.
  13. If there was only a very small amount of "stuff" that came out, it was probably mostly mucous and lube. Just to be clear however, just because its "lower" risk than some other activities, it makes no difference if you are in the percentage that gets it, and you dont want it. You said you dont want to become poz, but with your "risk reduction" strategy there is a good chance it will eventually happen. Not judging you, just some food for thought.
  14. Your risk rate is about .03%-3% There are too many variables to know much more. That being said, if you want to stay neg, I suggest not getting yourself in situations like that to begin with. Yes undetec guys have lower transmission risks, but its not zero. On a side note it seems like you thought you wanted it at first then pulled away, which is really annoying to guys who want to hookup, make your decisions in advance about what you are comfortable with. If you are really worried go today to your closest clinic/public health department, and as for PeP, (post exposure prophylaxis)
  15. This is correct with a couple notes, ELISA and western blot are both antibody tests for HIV, the main failure of this method is that the body takes time to show antibodies thus why there is a window period. NAT or nucleic acid testing is very similar to viral load testing in people who are HIV poz. This test shortens the window period to roughly two-three weeks. This test is also what blood banks use now, and yes you are correct that someone who is very well controlled may test neg. NAT testing is becoming a lot more common because despite being more expensive, it dramatically shortens the window period. The clinic I go to does antibody testing while you are there, then send the samples out for NAT testing. One thing that has become interesting is that people who are on long term ARV's and very responsive to them have been shown to sometimes albeit rarely test neg on both tests because of how antibodies slowly dissapear overtime in response to some illnesses. Now this is on the order of over 10 years, but it has happened.
  16. Exactly, http://www.myvidster.com/video/7178335/Freaky_Ass_Landon_Fucks_Leiv The link is one of my favorite porns, why? because its a normal hot porn with two great looking guys having hot sex, and the scene flows well. One thing i always disliked about condoms in porn isnt that they were there, but they would cut out the part when they put it on so they pretended like it didnt happen. In this video you see what happens more in reality, two guys are getting hot and heavy and one just starts the fuck the other one. Simple, and more so how is this video show an act thats a fetish?
  17. Good, you actually made my point for me! Almost anything can be made to be a fetish, and for those individuals there is this forum, bbrt, etc. Also IMO people that tend to only want bareback sex are still in the minority, the membership numbers for sites like A4A or gay.com vs bbrt spell that out loud and clear. Porn is a whole other matter, again compare it to straight porn. Straight porn rarely uses condoms because guys dont want to see them in what is supposed to be a fantasy. Gay porn is pretty much just catching up on this. The whole "creampie" craze that is happening in porn right now is just another example of fetishizing a normal unprotected sex act. Hell ask most of the members on here, if a guy came in his ass, they would KEEP it in their not push it onto the sheets. IMO its important to distinguish the base act of something from the ancillary ways that people may use that act. Lots of couples gay or straight everyday have unprotected sex, as well as ALL of the animal kingdom. But there is a big difference between that, and bragging about how many loads one has taken in a night. YES bareback sex can be made into a fetish, but the act in of itself is NOT a fetish.
  18. Your not going to like my answer, but i have a good friend who had this, and got them lasered off. He started having sex about 6 months later, but it was brutal, and he bled. A year after it it was alot better, but he was still really tight, and tore easily. He said it took him a good 3 years to really come back to normal.
  19. Bingo. And heres a couple things that make it easier. The people at clinics really do not judge you. I worked at a clinic before, and I will tell you that almost everyone who worked there had unprotected sex in some form somewhat regularaly, and "slip-ups" where they were worried happened to them too. Also When I first started there I never got tested, and didnt for a few years, even after dating a poz/undetec guy. The fear of going was eating me up more than knowing ever would and I suspect that many people on here are the same way. Its honestly easier to know, neg or poz than to constantly not have any idea. A good friend of mine tested poz unexpectedly recently, and while he had a bad time at first, he is better now, and wants to just control it and live a normal life. I have personally found that the easiest way to do it is to go every three months on a schedule, even if there was no possible exposure. This way it becomes routine, and it feels wierd not to go. rawTOP is correct, the people that die or get very sick today do so because they ignore it, and their health.
  20. But see this is why I still dont think its a fetish. Im 29, so Im not the age of the older guy, but i still see it as just sex. Vanilla sex protected or not is still just sex to me.
  21. IMO, its not. Even given the various definitions of what a fetish is, I dont think it works. Lets face it people bareback because it feels better. Even the term "bareback" didn't really exist until after aids when it was deemed to be a fetish because of the risk. Even with that people take risks all the time, and most dont say they have a fetish for it, they call them risk takers. That being said all people gay or straight probably prefer bareback sex. Most peoples mothers probably prefer it because it just feels so much better. I dont think many would say that a guy who is straight and prefers unprotected sex with woman to have a fetish. Additionally I dont think people would say that a monogamous gay couple having unprotected sex would be called a "fetish" All that being said, there are different ways of having bareback sex that could be termed a fetish, for example, having anonymous sex with random partners I would call a fetish.
  22. I got out of a 6 year monogamous relationship about a year ago, but yes, i know what you're saying. My other points however still stand.
  23. That was me. And heres the major issue with everything you have just said: Its still about complete and open communication. If a fantasy is discussed before hand, thats fine. Whats not fine is keeping quiet just to get your cum in another guys hole just cause you want it there, even if you're HIV/STD free.
  24. Honestly you sound incredibly naive. I really enjoy this board for what it is, but dislike it A LOT for glorifying a debilitating disease. One thing that is never talked about on here is that many neg guys wont fuck with poz guys. You should really ask yourself some questions like "what if I fall in love with a neg guy and he wont be with me because Im poz." Im 30, and looking back to when I was in my teens and early 20's I made some incredibly stupid decisions, you will too. But you really should ask yourself if you want one of those decisions to be living with an illness where you are tied to a daily medication that may have lots of side effects for life. Right now you are young dumb and full of cum, In a few years you could be crying in a corner depressed wishing you had never made that decision. Sex will always be there, but being poz adds in a lifetime of financial and health issues.
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