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Everything posted by dickluva

  1. Fuckin Oink~! Welcum to BZ! My kinda pigboy! Please keep us posted on your adventures. Please add some pix too.

  2. Welcum to BZ~! Congrats on getting some recovery. Gift giver, no meds, happy to host in st louis mo.

  3. I ended a mess last June,2013 with a drug addict with a partner of like 100 years. Best decision I have made since 1985. Nine months later, I'm only now getting beyond the grief. I know I'm slow in this process, most people would have moved on much faster. I finally accepted he loves getting high more more than he likes me, & he prefers the company of another man over me. I don't know how to stop caring about somebody, butt I do know how to stop allowing that person to hurt me. Every time he has contacted me i repeat I don't want to hear from him anymore. Still, I care about a man I haven't had any contact with for 30 years. I still grieve for my husband who was murdered 6 years ago. I keep reminding myself on a daily basis "why should I care about someone who cared so little for me?" xox
  4. OMG, Yes, i have to get to chicago. i'd get a room 7we'd lure some negs & stealth'em.. i will try to be at April cumunion. How was March?

    Yeah, we've chatted before, in fact I've tried to find you at cumunion here in Chicago. Since I must have missed you, I've pumped my full blown AIDS load into other raw holes here :) hope my med resistant cum ends up killing them!
  5. Fuckin Oink~! I gotta see Austin someday, love to swap bugz with you, poz vers no meds, happy to host in st louis, mo....xox

  6. Fuckin' Oink~! poz vers, no meds, wood love to swap bugz with you.

  7. Fuckin' Oink~! i am bbtopgift on bbrt. i think we have chatted. Ever go to Cumunion? Happy to host you in st louis, mo.

  8. Fuckin Stud~! Welcum to BZ~! I'm a gifter, if you are chasing.

  9. Thanks for sharing here. I was a call boy for years(93-2003) in LA Chicago & NYC, i always had a buddy i wood call & tell where i was going. I rarely met anybody who intended to harm me, one time in chicago at my house.So, yea have a buddly to share where you're going is a good plan. I removed my Recon profile last fall, locals were freaks.
  10. I gave a handsome trucker man a massage for $. I started playing with his ass & he moaned lightly, & backed up on my fingers, I smelled, & tasted his hole, so SWEET! I grabbed a condom & climbed on top of him. I rubbed my dick on his hole & put the rubba on. I fucked him on his stomach for a few minutes, but then I rolled him over cause he seemed so HOT for my dik in his hole, I wanted to see him cum. He shot a load over his head with my throbbing cok in his hole. I thought i felt the condom break, I mean WTF? As soon as I felt his hole wrapped around my semi naked dik, I shot a load deep in his hole. He paid generously, & left quickly, kinda like he was pissed about somethin'? His big l:drool:ad stain on my walls tells me he loved it. I hope he cums back soon.
  11. Fuckin' Oink~1 Wish we were closer~! damit!

  12. Fuckin' Oink~! Wish we were closer~!

  13. Fuckin' Oink~! Wish we were closer~!

  14. Fuckin' Oink~! Keep taking loads anon~! You give me hope~!

  15. Fuckin' Oink~! Thanks for the invite. I'd love to swap bugz with you baby~!

  16. Fuckin' Oink~! Thanks for the invite. Keep taking it & Spread it~!

    1. 1111bb2222


      Thanks stud


    2. 1111bb2222


      Hot profile btw



  17. BBRT strikes again. Met a talented young man at his place in the city this afternoon. He is slender, nice tats, & hung + uncut. Talented cocksucker & hole. I loaded him up a couple of times & we both wanted more. I couldn't get him off. So, I hope he saves up for my hole next time. I want more of him.
  18. Where have been dude? xox

  19. I've stayed at Ashland Arms one year for IML. I had a masterblaster. I had no trouble getting dik, hole, or company. It's upstairs from Jackhammer, near Touche, & Manscountry. My room was pretty fancy with a sling made from Fire hoses. It was still a good price even on a holiday weekend, I paid the friendly host cash in advance for a good discount. Great breakfast too~!
  20. Hey, Great thread. Very helpful. Too soon for me tell anything yet. I bought a container of black organic chia seeds for $12/pound at my local grocery, because I saw this post yesterday. I mixed 2tbls up in my "Magicbullet" with yogurt & about 5 other ingredients. The drink is so big i have to drink it from a ball jar.....
  21. Congrats & Welcum to Rawtop's Breedingzone~! Please tell us how you got pozzed, & A/S/L? Bunches of us want your bugz now while you are so potent.

  22. This friend who is on BZ & writes a blog from his side of the sling, cums to town like once a year, we met tonight at his hotel. OMG, he is so HOT, makes so feel special when he eats my hole, plows me, & blows his loads inside me 2X.
  23. Fuckin' Oink~! Please fill out your profile; Breeder? Chaser? Location? Meds? Travel? Thanks for your invite, gladly.

    1. justsexnowatl


      personally I'm kind of turned on when they don't give a lot of info - states he's vers and not much else. To me, that means "anything goes" depending on his mood, which is fucking hot!! Always wish I knew location to know if there's a chance to actually fuck. hot fucking pic - would love to flip!

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