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Everything posted by Knightfalconer

  1. T Simply banning all 'GB' will not work I'm afraid. Its more complicated than that. Although the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man are not part of the UK, the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO), the international body dedicated to promoting international standards), codes them all under "GB-". You may wish to consult SO 3166-2:GB - (the coding system that gives geocodes to administrative divisions of the United Kingdom and the aforementioned islands). Finally, does anyone know if a copy of the site (as last updated before the ban) will still be available via the 'wayback machine'?
  2. This could have been very horny, but it lost its edge because the story isn't being told from one perspective throughout. By all means, present a tale from the viewpoint of different characters, but keep each narrative separate from another. The constant changes here, are sadly confusing and inhibit the 'flow' of the action.
  3. What a great excuse by a poz top, to get his fingers inside his neg victim, in order to scratch his rectal lining and assist his toxic seed to be absorbed!
  4. ........ so many potential recipients want a poz top to take them to this point, as deep down (but not openly admitted to themself), they want the gift.
  5. This is the same story as an older posting called "Justin the twink gets his first ever slam..."???Why has the the author posted twice?
  6. Site admit will (if not already), need to be aware of the fact that the law being brought in only applies to the UK. It does not apply to three nearby populated islands, which non-Brits might not appreciate. The Crown Dependencies[c] are three offshore island territories in the British Islands that are self-governing possessions of the British Crown. Guernsey and Jersey, (both located in the English Channel and together known as the Channel Islands), and the Isle of Man (in the Irish Sea. Access from these location should continue.
  7. I don't disagree with you, but I was asking (on a practical level) what would happen to UK member's profiles and any posts; comments and reactions (given or received) come July? Will our profiles etc remain visible to non-UK members (with the possibility that if the law changes, access will be restored) or will all UK originating content simply be deleted?
  8. I'm sure others find the stimulation on their prostate, to be intensely pleasurable, but personally, I'm not keen on playing with any top wearing a PA. More so because the metal tends to clatter around your teeth whilst you're sucking on the cock. As for being fucked, right from the start its uncomfortable, at best. At worst its painful 😣 , so it immediately comes to an end unless the guy is willing/able to remove the PA. Several years ago, a few play mates suggested that I should get a PA, because the sensation (when fucking) given to its wearer was intensified, but I'd just visited an ex after his was fitted. He was unable to lie or sleep face down. His cock was bandaged up but still bleeding and was too tender to touch. Worse of all, until it healed fully, his urine burned like acid when he went to the toilet. 🤢 It put me of the idea for life. Besides, its one less thing to explain, when you trigger the alarm at airport security! 🤣
  9. Love it when a top get forceful...... Shame there was more than one gifter involved. Seems more intense when the single source of your gift, is known without doubt.
  10. So what exactly will happen? Aside from being unable to access this site from the UK, what will happen to profiles and posts made by UK members? Will everything be deleted or simply suspended (retained and visible to non-UK members) in the hope that one day, access will be restored?
  11. Would love to hear more stories about sexy Mark, the poz rapist!
  12. A good example for all existing and budding authors, to be mindful that just because you know what specific product: place; etc., you're talking about, doesn't mean that your readers do..... especially any reader from another country. Other examples include: Bath house / tubs (America) = Sauna (UK) Rest room (America) = Toilet / bath room (UK) Candy (America) = Sweets (UK) Fries (America) = Chips (UK) Chips (America) = Crisps (UK) 'Take a rain check' (America) = 'I'll pass as I'm busy' (UK) Just something to be mindful of.
  13. Very true. Love my top to blindfold (or hood) me before he slides his cock inside my arse!
  14. A poz top is less likely to be caught out (by his neg target) if he adopts this method, as opposed to secretly removing the condom from his deadly impregnator!
  15. We can only hope that is the outcome should everything else in the UK 'go dark' in July.
  16. Very naughty, but also very hot. The only flaw in the plan, was telling the victim (to soon), that he'd just attempted to poz him. That gave the neg lad, the opportunity to get some preventative PREP treatment.
  17. or maybe the lad won't have the courage to ask the older guy right out, if he's poz. Or even if he does, the older guy will either not answer directly or will merely say that he's 'clean' or 'recently got checked out at the GU clinic' and 'not to worry'. .... just enough to reasure his victim enough so that the lad returns again on Saturday. Dressed in full 'head-to-toe' black rubber; leather or lycra, the older guy proceeds to seduce the young lad, getting him to relax and (via ordering the lad to touch; smell; lick etc, his skin--tight attire), getting the youngster turned on by the attire. Eventually he and positions the lad (face down) on his bed, where upon he securely ties the lad down and tape-gags him. Once his young victim is totally helpless and his neg? arse utterly defenceless, only then does the older guy say that he is poz (detectable) and that before the dawn arrives, he will ensure the lad is impregnated with his deadly poz gift! Oh, how the lad will struggle......in vain!
  18. NB - Just to throw it in to the disussion, there is a website is called 'Gromet's Plaza' covers (m/m; m/f; f/f) stories involving various fetisjes including latex; spandex; bondage; mummification and devoured (vore). Sadly, the site doesn't have a section containing 'pozzing' stories. Specifically, what the website has very good search system, that allows you to identify specific tags to 'include' in a search and those to exclude. By clicking on a tag, you can include it (turn it green) or exclude it (turn it red). It also allows searches depending on level of sexuality and consent (or not). The 'search' page is: [think before following links] https://grometsplaza.net/search.html?site=4
  19. Which I fully appreciate and understand. I wasn't making a demand, merely raising a query!
  20. That always depends on where you're viewed from. 😆
  21. I'm sure I am not alone in saying that I find the whole discussion confusing. I have loved sex whilst wearing fetish gear for most of my life. I find the majority of porn/erotic literature boring, not just because its usually involves two twinky boys, but also because they are invariably naked from the get go. I appreciate that as result, any search I makes (on any site) will yield fewer results, and often, some of those include only a brief fetish mention i.e. a porno where one actor wears a pair of leather trousers at the start, which are removed even before the sex starts. Its just as bad on those sites which have a 'contents' category lists that include all the fetishes you can think of, but also listed is 'gay', as though you can't be both gay and into rubber; boots; latinos; mature or spanking etc. People can not be compartmentalised, no matter how big a 'tree' is set up on a site. I must confess that in spite of my fetish preference, I only became aware of there being a separate forum for 'other fetishes' fairly recently (though to my mind, bug-chasing, or taking drugs are fetishes too). My initial euphoria soon vanished when I read that any stories mentioning 'poz' were to be retained in the Backroom.....? Surely a story with a 'poz' element and a 'fetish' should be in both places, (and all nonmember acesss remove from the entire site, or a new subcatergory covering both in the Backroom should be created.
  22. wearing a fully encasing latex bodysuit sounds so horny!
  23. .......time is getting short, the New Year has already arrived in New Zealand and is less than twelve hours away from here in the United Kingdom.
  24. Maybe I should write a story about what I wish had happened between Malcolm and I?
  25. its sad that he passed away soon after, but you have the memories (& maybe something else) for the rest of your lives. I was too scared to approach the first guy (whom I knew, was poz). Well, I was only 19, in my second year of university and hadn't come out yet. I'd found a room off campus, in a shared house in Brighton. A housemate mentioned he was gay and I summoned up the courage to admit that so was I. What followed was a two week period, during which I was taken to many of the gay bars and clubs in the town. One sticks in my mind, not only as it was my first time in a gay bar, but also because of one of the men behind the bar. Malcolm was a mature, friendly guy with a moustache (giving him that 'Tom of Finland' look, which appealed to me immensely. He was tall and slim, very friendly, but without that creepy, 'dirty old bloke' mannerism. The bar became my regular for a while and I grew increasingly attracted to Malcolm. I learnt that he was HIV, but that didn't worry me. He was still a nice guy whom I fantasised over. Trouble was, I never got up the courage to say anything to him. I so wanted to be fucked by him. Soon after I'd finished my degree and moved away, I learnt that Malcolm had passed away. Now, the bar is no longer even a gay venue. Life is full of regrets. RIP Malcolm (Aquarium Inn - Steine St - Brighton)
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