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Everything posted by FillMyArse

  1. Yeah my clinic does 1 late clinic a week that I can get to without having to take time off work. You have to phone a week in advance for the appts for it and you have to phone as soon as the phonelines open otherwise you miss out! Find this being a more and more common occurrence with GUM clinics (and GP appts too) but once at the clinic, can't fault the staff at all!
  2. St Giles Hotel near Tottenham Court Rd is good - used it a couple times myself now, no keycards for access/lifts. Just don't book the most basic room (the "Classic") Very small and fixed shower heads in the shower. Go for "City" (typically £20 more than the Classic) or "Executive" for bigger rooms & douche attachment friendly showers (bath in Exec Suites).
  3. London's CL personals ads are still in full working order!
  4. Looking to book a hotel for a sleazy overnight session. What are the best hotels for easy access for Grindr (etc) visitors all night and rooms where there are douche attachment friendly showers. So many hotels I've looked into either have fixed shower heads or it seems pot luck that some are attachment friendly and some are fixed.
  5. Do love a bit of SOP! And been to a couple of the other nights there too. SOP definitely my favourite!! Attitudes are left outside and very friendly venue.
  6. Could try the Mercure hotels near Wittenbergplatz. Around half the price or better than half the price of Axel that I found for my next stay there. Plus close to many of the local fuck bars including Toms, The Bull and Scheune. Lab.Oratory is only a train ride away and a great experience. Haven't done Berlin's fickstutenmarkt yet but fully intend to one day.. Have done Amsterdam's one in a red hood before which was great fun!
  7. And just taken my last drug of the treatment!!!! 4 months has gone so fast... hospital next week to check bloods then see where we go from here!!! 12 weeks later if I'm still showing as negative then will be considered cured!!
  8. Mine was at either HardOn or CumUnion in London. Went to them both within a month of each other then got the HepC result at my next screen. As others point out.. not necessarily contracted through fisting or drugs - orgies seem to be becoming a more commonplace route of transmission. As usccocksucker says its easy to actually treat nowadays but damn expensive. Some complications still around regarding HIV/HepC coinfection due to the toll the drugs take on your body. Took a few years before NHS in UK would authorise my treatment.
  9. From personal experience... I had zero symptoms. Mine was picked up at a routine sexual health checkup. Many years (10+, maybe even more) down the line then that's when symptoms will start as it starts to cause damage to your liver. Fortunately mine was picked up very early on and an over halfway through my treatment now.
  10. Latest blood results recently came through, and a slight difference in wording so not sure how significant this is, but previously they were stated as undetectable and this last one was worded as Negative. Seeing the nurse next week so will ask for confirmation then, but all good news! And with the Ribavirin, the side effects I previously mentioned have all gone and I have been put back on it but at a reduced dosage of 200mg twice daily.
  11. Dirty Dicks, Eagle, Church, Cuckoo's Nest, Drakes.
  12. Read1 I have HepC genotype 1a. There are at least 4 genotypes with various subtypes (a,b,c etc I don't actually know how many subtypes there are of each). The treatments are constantly evolving and various different ones are available.. As i'm being treated via the NHS the decision is largely based on cost vs effectiveness. As for vaccines... there is NO vaccine currently available for HepC. There ARE vaccines for HepA and HepB and if you haven't already I would strongly advise you (and everyone else) to get those vaccines.
  13. So coming up towards the halfway point of my 4 months of treatment and been getting a few side effects in the last week including nausea, insomnia and lightheadedness. Guessing this would be because of an accumulation of the drug in my system (ie, previous dose not completely out of the system by the next dose so slowly builds up over time). I was due to see my nurse in 2 weeks but now been brought forward to next week to have more bloods taken and advised in the meantime to come off the Ribavirin. This shouldn't affect my chances of a cure by much as was already undetectable, and the added ribavirin was to get me from a 90% chance to cure to a 95% chance anyway.
  14. Blood results today showed that the HepC was not detected so having only been on meds for 2 weeks at the time of the bloods being taken, went from nearly 1M viral load to nothing is very quick and good news. My Ribavirin has been reduced to 2xAM and 2xPM (previously on 2xAM and 3xPM) with more bloods taken today at just shy of 4 weeks treatment. Next appointment will be in a month with the plan to further reduce the Ribavirin dosage assuming the HepC is still undetected.
  15. Only about 10% of people are able to clear the virus without meds. After about 6months it's considered that you will not clear it on your own and it becomes classed as a chronic HepC infection until you can get meds to clear it... of which, is up to 95% success rate.
  16. Been on meds now for just over a week. Apart from the occasional toilet issue as mentioned in my OP have not had any other side effects as yet. Hopefully that will continue. Get my bloods rechecked end of next week then consultation re results 2 weeks later. So far so good!!
  17. Well now the ball seems to be rolling with it, hopefully you won't have to wait too much longer. I'd been waiting since 2014. More options are becoming available which means competition will hopefully push prices of drugs down and the the NHS will up their caps on how many people per year will get treated.
  18. So as some of you know, I've had HepC for several years and have been on a waiting list to start treatment (via UK NHS). Well that time has now come and yesterday marked the first day of finally getting treatment started and taking the necessary drugs to clear this virus. At my last sex health clinic earlier this month all other STDs including HIV were negative. I've been put on a combination therapy of Zepatier (50mg Elbasvir / 100mg Grazoprevir) 1x daily, and Ribavirin at a daily dosage of 400mg AM and 600mg PM for four months. So far the only side effect that I've noticed is getting the shits later in the afternoon/evening. But I'm only on Day 2 so still wondering if this is definitely a side effect or coincidence and the toilet needs can be contributed to anything else (recent diet etc). As time goes on, and the HepC becomes undetectable then I will slowly be weaned down on the Ribavirin or even taken off it if I start getting any bad side effects. But so far so good. Latest blood results prior to starting treatment showed that VL was peaking again (it's fluctuated from a low of 87k iu/ml up to 1.5M iu/ml) and currently stands at 940k iu/ml. VL History: (iu/ml) May 2014: 87k Oct 2014: 400k Feb 2015: 1.5M June 2015: 468k Dec 2015: 267k Feb 2017: 940k There is a gap in 2016 for results as I stopped writing them down when my consultant was going through my bloods and was told VL wasn't the main parameter they use to see how I am doing... other blood parameter results were more important for them. Mentally - getting the go ahead to start treatment has done me the world of good. Previous posts I've made on HepC threads I've said about how it's been a bit of a roller coaster ride. Hopefully now it's just onwards and upwards. I plan to keep this thread updated at reasonably regular intervals until the treatment finishes and we see how I get on.
  19. Both the vids have gone now.. pity as would have liked to have seen them.
  20. Have had quite a few BBCs - mostly raw too. Some of my hottest fucks have been with BBC guys.
  21. That's how I love to be fucked! Instant boner watching that!!!
  22. Diagnosed mid-year two years ago. Most likely picked it up at a sex club in London about 6 months previous so had it for I believe pretty much bang on 3 years now. Probably via another bottom as the tops were dipping in and out whether bb or condom and not cleaning between... hot experience!! But with a not so hot outcome. Side effects wise I've had no issues so far and my Dr is even surprised how my blood levels seem to be staying pretty static (VL fluctuates, but liver function levels stay the same). Sex-wise the amount of sex I've had has decreased dramatically. People see or hear the words HepC and they just don't want to know, doesn't matter whether they are HIV neg or poz... you'd think the poz guys would be more understanding considering the stigma that they face from the "DDF / Clean" crew. I get they want to protect themselves, but its the attitude and way they turn you down. Even had abuse on BBRT before from a HIV poz guy... IRONY much!! IMO there's more stigma attached to it than HIV. Even dating wise, can be getting on really well with someone, so 2nd or 3rd date in I disclose my status then that's the last I'll hear from them! Which then leads me onto the mental health effects of having it. I go through periods of being fine and not thinking about it TOO much (albeit I do think about it EVERY DAY) and then I have periods (particularly after any of the above situations) where it really gets me down, sleepless nights, just wanna drink to forget etc. Still awaiting treatment on the NHS (UK based), they cap the number of people who are being allowed treatment and prioritising based on how sick you are. Me being otherwise perfectly healthy, am at the bottom of that list and therefore I know I won't be receiving treatment any time soon. The private cover I've got doesn't include HepC and other STDs or chronic illnesses.
  23. Lab-Oratory on a Friday (2-for-1 drinks) or when they have a Watersports themed night probably be your best bet.
  24. Been made to pass out in a sexual encounter before, wasn't expecting it and didn't get fucked whilst out.. but that experience made me to experience exactly that... being used whilst unconscious, someone filming it and then made to watch what happened to me when I'm awake again.
  25. I went to HardOn in Dec 2013... was very busy - not so busy you're squashed in like sardines, but busy that you will be bumping shoulders with guys to get from area to area. Lots of bb sex on tap. I remember getting fucked by easily over 20 guys (and getting a comment from one guy on how full my hole was with cum and proceeded to eat what he could out so I could go and re-fill!!). A very hot and fun event and nothing like I'd experienced before.
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