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Everything posted by tankonpoint

  1. You did an outstanding job with this story, @daddybear54! I faced an end-of-life situation like Ricky. My English professor and friend who was like a father to me, asked me to stay with him before he passed. He too was gay. He left me something for suspending my life for a few months. I found it the most difficult task I've done: watching this man of such knowledge and experience reduced to a preschool level of mind. I'm glad I was able to do it. Thanks for a great sad but happy ending! [or just thanks for an ENDING!]
  2. This is a wickedly hot story! I am loving this! great job; keep on tapping
  3. You have woven a tale that is full of sex and history. I'm amazed at your knowledge of events and how you've made such pivital happenings in world hisory uniquely critical to the characters. This should be a book, movie. Well done!
  4. The 4 solvants website is NOT taking debit or credit. I did the electronic check payment and now awaiting my order. Knowing one's account number and bank routing number helps. [I didn't know Chase's so i just did a Google search for "chase bank routing number".]
  5. War is hell. Sometimes morality and mortality are trumped by the reality of the, must be extremely out of the normal "events" of warfare. As a former armour office in the US Army, i was aware of the term "fragging." This is the deliberate killing of a fellow soldier, but usually an officer as they were exhibiting irrational behaviour and giving unlawful commands or orders which would risk lives the others under his command. My ears always would prick up, ha, when i heard the term; but as an officer it's a higher level of concern if my orders lead to a casualty. I did have a driver who attempted to hurt/kill my entire tank crew of which he was a member! That was a mental disorder caused attempt. I was a 2nd lieutenant then and made it to captain. {I wouldn't be scheduling myself for a LRP (long range patrol) in the first place. }
  6. You are correct sir. I wont post the title here as it would probably offend the morals board of the site. (I snicker at the thought that this site censors yet contains the content that it does which is mostly immoral to the majority in American society.). Oops tripped over my pulpit on the way to tapping this out! mea culpa and Hail S.A.T.A..N. hehe
  7. I know I'm not going to add anything new to this discussion. I ldont feel like the fantasy of the straight guy being so desperate for money he'd do gay porn. Many of the straight guys I've seen in other scenes; showing no reluctance and a lot of skill with a cock. The problem with gay man and porn is that some guys know what kind of porn turns their crank and those who don't care what it is (though you'll certainly hear negativity spew forth when a scene comes on and they don't kino it!). I am a gay porn addickt. I have watched more porn than the average gg [gay guy] does. I know about the murderers, unusual deaths of porn stars. I love porn. I like it best when those actors get me to believe they are broke, drunk or placed in one of those situations where gsy sex can be had and they are brought through the tunnel of eighteenth. I always question the straight man who would rather get fucked than to fuck an ass. Now thats real life shit I find unbelievable! But it's true! But in porn you should know these are all made up situations. Even the ones that look spontaneous are made up. [unless you travel with a camcorder, or phone, tripod and cameraman where ever you go, there's still an amount of preplanning. And you have to suspend your logical or critical thinking to really enjoy porn. After all, who fucks in a school making a lot of grunts and groans and doesn't get caught? A majority of the scenes shot, don't happen in RL. But the fantastical world of porn make the impossible possible. I just want you all to know, when I entertain guests, you'll be watching porn. The question I ask is, "What type or studio of porn do you like?" When you answer," I don't care." You've committed to watching what i like. I do give an option for next scene or movie but you get that every now and then. Nor "next" then "next" etc. When I am able to find something that they settle on; my porno pride begins to show. So porn is not universal. Because you're gay doesn't give you affection for all gay porn, true. But its so much better to gave sex to than straight porn! [My devices which can transmit video have been engineered to not be able to play straight shit.] I'm highly opinionated on this subject. I'm full of shit sometimes but not when it's porn. I know A LOT of useless minutiae. Right now im watching what most would consider the most controversial gay porn ever made. And it's good and terribl÷ all at the sane time. And still as controversial as ever. Know what it is?
  8. Any of their conqest chapters is enuf to get me off! Awesome writing.
  9. This is definitely one of the best stories on here. Plenty of plot twists and surprises. Excellent job cumdumpslut!
  10. An incidental noise gets their attention directed at the door. Instead of wondering what the noise was, they see Ty peeking at the door. "Hey, look Tre, we have an audience..." "Are you hungry for more black dick?"
  11. Hawks Gym I went there recently and they have expanded. They have a glory hole Booth setup where there's three in a row. There's also a sling and a little maze. I prefer going to Hawks over Entourage and because it's a little more sleazy.
  12. This is one of the best stories on this site. And one of the biggest derailments of a story I've come across. What is left could be enough to call it complete should you venture to read it. My first time reading of this was as thrilling as the third time. It's that good. Thank you, @pervinmt My 2 cents... and 2 💦💦
  13. Thanks for reviving this story! I like seemingly innocent acting GA going from cock, to hole, and back again! The surprise fucks along the way... Thank you!
  14. That encounter is so 🔥! An unfortunate event bringing two pigs together for a hot session is a big turn on for me. Thanks for posting!
  15. The odds of same injury /same side occurrences happening in same family within a relatively short time would be astronomical. So you have a family with bad luck, clumsy folks, or ya got bad mojo? ! j/k i didnt mention those were all female
  16. Damn that was hot! I would like to know if any of those transmissions that any of us have attempted were successful. I always lean toward the 'prepped hole, seed, pink cum' : chalk that as mission accomplished! Thanks for posting! 👍 P. S. What is that foam made of? ingestable? I have never heard of such a thing!
  17. Yes there are! I definitely like to have my face buried in a dude's pit. The air i breathe is man smell. I specifically ask. my fuckbuds to NOT shower before coming over. Non-organic smells banned. ie, deodorant. Love licking all types of pits! Sweat dripping down their flanks below them. I am also an avid ass worshipper of the tongue kink, er, kind. Rim chairs, inside outside, i love to popper up and have that hole dropped on my facs and rimout. I'm so glad i saw your comment which led me to wanna ask you something, but then I looked at your profile which led me to here. Now im just so wanting a pit ass and or crotch to poke my nose into.... 😈
  18. I like the idea that the Captor is a known person to the virgin. I can only guess as to the identity is could possibly be his daddy?
  19. Please post more! I think it's disgusting, knowing the topic, forum, and the site, that your story would garner such negativity. Fictional stories are NOT mandates for readers to follow.
  20. I am loving this development partying dad with his stud son working a chem cum slut! Partners in cream! 😈 @neverenoughcum your comment hit me the same way. My zest for incest, especially witb bonus additives like meth and porn gets my desire and hole worked up! Fucking hot! i have a desire to be wacking to hot a scene to discover, "I KNOW THAT DUDE! To see someone i know doing something so out of character for them in a porn: priceless! 😋
  21. Sex Ed? That used to be my friend Ed's nickname back in high school. j/k Actually i never was offered that course in any of the six {army brat} 1-12th grade schools i attended. To ensure my complete ignorance of all thing to with sex, ie., the birdies and the bb's, my parents did not perform that parental 'highly recommended' task! If either parent or anyone wants to know who turned me homo, i would place that honour/failure on my parents! Before anyone gets their pantsuit melted or panties wadded, the above is meant to be humourous. When referring to the education business of babysitting centers in the USA one tends to begin to shake their head as tears begin to drop. Those are your educators. parents. American patriots and true legislators who are in a crying, as they gaze upon the pitiable shambles of our learning system. We have the second best education system globally. However that doesn't create the best students. Math 38th place and science 24th . I therefore BTW, cheers to the UK and Canada which are highest ranked of the 195{?} countries. {The USA recognizes 195 countries in the world. Your country may have different figure as these are based upon the political agenda of each country. The UN has 194 member states.} BTW all the facts are from the CIA Factbook, the UN and USA Today and other sources. My own experiences mentioned are true.
  22. This is an incest [banned word]'s fantasy/scenario in 'vivid prose! This stuff is erotic and, to my sheltered rearing, very instructional. La metamorfosis de los tres hermanos¡ {Three Brothers' Metamorphosis} Thank you! my chemcock is leaking whilst tapping this. HAIL 😈!
  23. It's one of my go to stories to get off to. You arent pathetic for checking; im just not that hopeful. It would be great if he did continue it tho.
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