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Everything posted by mjkuhl

  1. Man, where were you when I lived in Pensacola?

  2. Good morning.  Your blogs keep me coming back.

    1. Dubconforlife


      Awww thanks!! I’m glad you like it.




    2. mjkuhl


      One hot youth.  Great stores, great bod, great looks.  Whole package right there.

  3. Eduardo was so darn hot
  4. Missing your blogs.  Hope they come back.


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. drscorpio


      He was worried about someone trying to find his identity. 

      It was  nothing to do with the new rules. We had talked extensively about how funny he thought people bitching about the new rules was. 

    3. Mindle30


      I figured it was something to that effect. Wish I could still keep up to date with his writing though. 😕

    4. Dubconforlife


      It had nothing to do with the rules. It had to do with someone overstepping their bounds. I obviously shared too much with people I couldn’t trust so burned it all down. Not sure what my next step is, but it surely won’t be posting anything that has to do with my real life.

  5. Dubcon, Hear no evil is not a good thing.  It just might give you more story ideas.  I mean the avatar.

  6. Ready to knock me up?
  7. Man, you have made me a constant follower.

  8. I know the plotline by heart, but want to read this oer and over again. What a great story.
  9. all loads belong inside. Never let them leak out
  10. Oh, what have you created. He has owned the owner. How many others will Sammy bring into his hoard of men.
  11. Akula, I'd sure like to get with you. Who cares about porn stars. Your are hot.
  12. I wonder how long before Topher Dimaggio bottoms for Treasure Island. He would be a hot hole.
  13. Surprisingly, after long term chastity, being totally free is not so comfortable
  14. My ex wanted my balls swollen. He'd help them along by slapping them. I miss it
  15. I could melt for Brad Mcguire, Tom Sawyer, Slave Will, and Ethan Wolfe.
  16. My ex loved seeing me struggle to talk to my boss or my mom with him fucking the hell out of me. I can't say I didn't like it.
  17. Lucky kid. I wish I had known you when I was 24. I would have wanted the same
  18. Oh, Ev is going to have to learn to be the perfect top as well as bottom. But, Dad's dick is his goal.
  19. I need to get my cock and balls to you for special treatment

  20. mjkuhl


    God tht is hot. Where do I sign up for thata treatment
  21. It will get much hotter, I know.
  22. Oh, what has he created. Sammy rides again.
  23. Please keep writing. We love your work.
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