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Everything posted by AlwaysOpen

  1. Hotraw- thanks for this story line- I have been enjoying it especially your shorter, but regular, submissions. Definitely helps keep the previous chapters fresh in my head. Looking forward to the next piece of this story puzzle.
  2. Well, one thing that I have not noticed addressed here- we are ALL, gay, straight, any race, etc indoctrinated into this type of social pecking order from a very young age. The poor kid in kindergarten who peed his/her pants was made fun of or avoided. The kid in 3rd grade who wore the same shirt and pants all week. Any gym class was pure hell from 1st grade right thru graduating school.(talk about pecking order- how about the dividing up of the gym class for 2 teams- and the desperation on the faces of the kids as the remaining ones standing there got down to the last 2 or 3 and the silent prayers of" don't let me be the last picked.." ) It was subtle, ingrained into our being as we developed. And through experience, I believe everyone learned a survival skill was to not be the one being made fun of as much as possible. Try to be with the group who seemed to direct the humiliation, try to blend in and not be a target for their barbs. Even launch a few of those barbs at others to "prove" you were one of the "right group". Sure made hiding your sexuality a little easier if you didn't stand out like a sore thumb.Or a bad home life, or sexual abuse, or,.. you get the idea. Yes, it sucks we do it within our tribe of "gay", but it is no different from the 2 matronly women on the same subway car tsk tsk'ing the woman wearing a dress too tight or short or dated. I think back centuries ago when I was a kid and the Saturday morning cartoons had the 2 overly polite and courteous chipmunks Chip and Dale, who always were falling over each other trying to be nicer,kinder than the other one. Back then it was just another cartoon filling in a gap until the Roadrunner and coyote did battle with each other, or Bugs Bunny out witted Elmer Fudd. Now I realize it was a morality lesson hidden as a cartoon, that it seems had little to no effect on the kids.
  3. I read HtnHole's posts about Ft Lauderdale, and having lived here for 20 years, and vacationed here 3 or 4 times a year for 10 years before that, let me just add. When I was a vacationer here in the 90's, there were gay guesthouses all over the beach front- at least 20 Pa and Pop run places. MOST of those are gone now, bought up by European developers who have created a series of cafes and guest houses catering to hetero EU tourists. There is a small patch of the beach now where the gay folk tend to gather, tho parking is expensive and often hard to find. Wilton Manors, the gay city within Ft Lauderdale, was barely there in the 90's, real estate was cheap and the boys moved in and sadly, it is pricey and expensive to live there. Just north is Oakland Park ( 2 to 3 miles) (4 or 5 miles to downtown Ft Lauderdale) which might be the area the outpriced gay men are settling in. But OP is a bedroom setting,tho newer development has been happening and apartments are being created. The thing here is, as HtnHole mentioned- the Oakland Park area is just 2 or 3 miles at the most from the main Drive in Wilton Manors, where the bulk of the bars and shops are, and the men. OP and WM butt up against each other for a good part, so you could be even closer. But as far as reliable public transit, forget it. Everything is pretty much done by car. For me to get the 2.8 miles in the morning, after rush hour BTW-from my house in OP to a coffee shop in WM, I plan at least 10 but more often 15 minutes to drive there. Traffic in S Fl sucks- there is just a 7 mile wide strip of land between the ocean and the edge of the Everglades, and all the land has been built on so road expansion is pretty much moot. A trip to Miami, 23 miles away, is at the least 50 minutes and during rush hour or if a wreck, 2+ hours. Yeah, the Ft Lauderdale area has a lot of gay men. 2 bath houses ( 1 is fancy and more like a day spa, 1 is decidedly old and rough around the edges, much like many of its customers. The sex club used to be open 7 days a week, now, post pandemic constraints, it is closed a couple nights a week. We get tourists flying in hourly still. And like most gay places, the fresh meat is chased and bedded in a catch and release frenzy- only to be ignored by the previous days vanquisher the rest of the weeks stay, but still chased and grabbed by other hunters all thru the week. This sense of sexual lure and availability leads a lot of people- myself included, to relocate here. Fantasy Island ends once you settled here. Days on the beach and nights in the bars and then the beds ( or slings) of that newest person to show interest might work when you don't have to be up for work, or the doctor, or to have the car repaired--you get the idea. Once you have lived here a few months, and the initial surge of attention and interest has popped, you will settle into your work a lot more than you probably thought. Going to the beach will become rarer and rarer. Florida has no state income tax.. but of course the state has to raise money, so expect to pay a decent amount in sales tax on most everything. As has been said, we experience hurricanes. But since the start of the pandemic, we have not had any real storms, so all the folk who left the big cities like NYC, Boston, Philly, etc to work remotely from someplace they loved to vacation at have not had the "joy" of prepping for a storm, riding it out, and then living the next week to three weeks without cable, or power, or internet. Or had to try to find some reliable contractor to repair anything damaged. I suspect one storm this season hitting our area, and a lot of folk who have had an employer urging them to return to the office will be dumping their places here and going back to the big cities up north. Others have mentioned Palm Springs. Beautiful town. And pretty much dead quiet from Monday morning thru Friday afternoon, at which time the men from LA, San Diego and San Francisco head in for the weekend. The city is packed from Friday night thru Sunday late afternoon, at which point the 10 to LA becomes bumper to bumper with people headed back home. Summertime heat has been coming earlier and earlier than it used to- friends say they had triple digit temps already this year- the 1st week of April and hitting 100+ F. Come July, 118 during the day and 98 at night is the norm. Static shock every time you slide in and out of the car is the norm. See, the thing is, everything has a really appealing, beautiful side to it. Especially if you do not have to live in it 24/7. I have also pondered where a "good" place to relocate to is, and still I have stayed put here in the FT Lauderdale area. In spite of the weather,the costs, the traffic,the catch and release men. Sometimes, knowing the underbelly of where you are is better than admiring the shiny side of places you think you would like.
  4. I lived near a huge truck stop area, in West Memphis Arkansas. At least 5 or 6 truck stops, and on any given night there might be 5,000 or more big rigs in overnight between them. I would hit the stop for dinner once a week when I would fill up my pick up truck- the truckers buffet was OK, and once in a while the eye candy was even better. But I never had any luck there. However, good ole Mississippi had a couple of pull off areas (and opposite each other for the north and southbound traffic) not too far away from where I worked- no facilities or anything- just an area you could pull into and if nature was calling, head up into the woods and take care of things. 18 wheelers had an area where they pulled in, and there was an area separate but near driveway for cars. One weekend afternoon I happened by and pulled in to see what, if anything , was happening. Only 3 truckers were holed up on their side, and a couple cars in the other parking area. I parked, and got out and walked up into the wooded area. There were pathways thru the brush and trees, and obvious spots where you didn't want to walk as evidenced by the toilet paper and/or flies. But there were other spots where you could see the parking lot thru the trees and see who was pulling in, or who was headed up to the woods. I heard the distinct sound of a truck door close, and a trucker in those 1980's short gym shorts and a wife beater was walking across the parking lot towards the wooded area. He walked in a bit and pulled out his cock, as if to piss, turned looking at me, and began stroking his cock. I moved closer, and with his nod, went down on him. He invited me back to his truck, and into the sleeper. I ended up in there for 90 minutes and 3 loads in my ass. Every time i saw a Schneider truck after that, I would try to see who was driving, on the slim chance it was him and we could reconnect. Of course, that never has happened, but still, I hold out hope . And, unfortunately, the 2 rest areas are no more- both had housing developments encroach on the back side of the wooded areas, and a truck stop was developed at the next exit less than a half mile away.
  5. Hey HotRaw- if you think you are enjoying WRITING this, then know I am enjoying READING it at least 100 times more! Great reading material to respark the sex drive after all the drama and trauma of the last 730 days ! Thank you for every word and chapter !
  6. My money is on-- bolted out the door, straight to the grocery store, and stocked up on boxes of Kleenex LOL
  7. Sub- if you do a Google search for Gay Leather Old Guard Rules, there should be a return for Leatherati, and a somewhat long read explaining Old Guard by Guy Baldwin. He does not list the recipe/rules since, as you will read, each area and its own "Old Guard" had their own thoughts and policies. But, take 10 minutes and read what Guy wrote in 2011- it may give you a bit of an idea of what it was, and in some ways is still.
  8. Some of the issue might fall back on the "Old Guard Leather" rules- bottoms are supposed to always be hosed out and ready. Anything less was a failure.I think I had little problem being spotless as a teen and thru the twenties, but as I got older and my gut changed, always being spotlessly clean became more and more of an issue. For me at least, I still have to be sure my hole will be clean throughout play before I can relax and get into it. And yeah, if there is stink, it kills my libido .
  9. What is even worse is when someone on BBRT is listed as Top, and then has in his profile that he only wants to suck your cock, no recip. Almost as bad as the quick connect ads by tops or top-vers (often the same person, same ad 3 or 5 times a week) announcing they are feeling their "bottom side" today and want to take loads. The running joke here in Ft Bottomdale is any profile between bottom-vers to vers-top is just a bottom who is trying to pull a bait and switch.
  10. I thought it was a good day to roll this story back up to the top of the list. BZ has had some really great stories submitted, this being one, by a number of talented writers- some still submitting, some have inspired new writers to try their hand at writing here, and some have just moved on to other forums. These older stories still have a reason to be at the top of the posts- older members can revisit, and new guys on here ought to explore posts older than yesterday . Enjoy guys !
  11. The local small town postmaster was the one who regularly tried to get a hold of teenage boys, me included. I don't know how much he impacted my sexuality, or life, but I do absolutely believe he jaded me as to who I prefer to have sex with.. as in NOT with older men, cigar smokers, or guys unable to get hard. When I was 25, that wasn't too big of a barrier, but now at 65, I think it has a big impact on who I get to play with. I know of 2 other guys from my town , and my age range, who he "seduced". 1 lives in a subsidized housing situation in Seattle and is a level 2 registered sex offender. The other guy lives in a low income housing development. Not saying the old man disrupted their paths in life, certainly both might well have ended up in the same situation. But I do wonder how much they got off track because of his attentions.
  12. Just for a bit of lightheartedness.. I would say it becomes exclusive when you either cannot free yourself from the sling, or cannot open any of the exterior doors or windows... (maybe I have been reading too many of the backroom stories on here LOL)
  13. No, it was a small, no more than 3 inch by 1 1/2 inch logo, the top half was black, lower half was yellow, in the upper portion it had BBRTS in white, and in the lower .com in black. Like I mentioned, it was discrete enough to wear out to coffee shops and supermarkets. Then they went full on billboard, and those shirts were just too "in your face" for day to day wearing. Might be great for a leather bar or sex club, but not what a lot of people would be comfortable wearing, especially if there was a chance of running into coworkers or neighbors who were not sex pigs. And not to be misunderstood here, I LOVE sex pigs, but do not feel the need to make everything a cause or public knowledge.
  14. Remember the original BBRTS.com t shirts, that were subtle, but which were easily spotted by other members if you wore them out. And then they came out with the "new" version only which literally screamed BAREBACK across the front. Not exactly the shirt to wear to Starbucks at 9 in the morning. I wrote to PigMaster a few times and never got anywhere with getting the old, discreet style reintroduced.As for speed issues, I never experienced that, but the distance thing was and is a big annoyance - especially in a place that is a gay tourist center like Ft Lauderdale. Guys log on their cells here, then after a weeks vacation they head home to Muskrat Butt Iowa and still are showing up as 3 miles away.
  15. Hey Muscledadbod- IF you can wait a little longer you might be a lot better off. Housing here (like all over the country) is bat shit crazy. A 2 br 1 bath house 2 blocks from me just went on the market, after they divided the 2 BR and made 4 !! Crappy yard ( a previous owner actually hung himself in it), and only 1180 sq ft . The flipper used a handyman to do the work, so a lot of "almost got it rights" .They asked $369,000 for it, and it sat on the market for ages, like almost 3 weeks, before selling at the asking price. The thought is once we have a hurricane blow thru, and new owners from northern cites get their property taxes, and insurance costs ( homeowners, windstorm and flood) , and the move back to working in the office versus from home, a lot of these properties will be fire sales.
  16. Might be too late for you this time, but the Days Inn by Windham , 1595 W Oakland Park Blvd- is the type of hotel/motel you are looking for. It is right off I-95, about 9 miles from the airport, and 2 miles to the heart of Wilton Manors. And, Home Depot is a couple of businesses up from here, so you can always pick up your ropes and clamps you forgot-- or the construction worker looking for some fast relief <g>
  17. The Ft Lauderdale "gay"area is akin to shit hitting the fan. Nothing is specifically clumped all in one spot- maybe the biggest plop lands in Wilton Manors, where certainly there is the "Drive" where a lot of the bars and shops and restaurants are focused. Even a few small gay guesthouses a block or two off the Drive. And everything is more expensive in WM (Wilton Manors in shorthand) But WM is not the beach, in fact, it is several miles inland, and not easy to get to using the bus system. The next burb north, Oakland Park, is where quite a few gay men have moved to as the cost of housing and services in WM climbed. You know, gay men move into a run down, affordable area, pretty it up, make it popular, and suddenly it is too costly to live there. OP is all of a mile to 3 miles away from WM, but much more of the residential vibe, city services are great, and the city commissioners have a strong gay representation on it. If you are a beer person, OP Main St is home to Funky Buddah {sp} brewery, some trendy restaurants and shops, and a lot of new condo and lux apartment construction on an old K Mart site. Oh, and OP is also just as far away from the beach, tho there is a slightly easier city bus route out to the ocean . Downtown Ft Lauderdale is exploding with high rises, and the Club Bath building is in the downtown area. 321 sex club is just north of downtown, pretty close to WM but considered Ft Lauderdale. Clubhouse II bathhouse is also in Ft Lauderdale, tho it is east of OP by 3 blocks, or about 3 miles away from downtown. Once upon a time (esp the 90's) Ft Lauderdale beach was swarming with gay guesthouses, but there has been a major buying focus of many of those guesthouses by European money, and they have become mainstream and the area has become more of a little European holiday zone. Yes, there are still a few guesthouses on the beach catering to gay men, but they are few compared to 5, 10 20 years ago. And condo living on the beach is expensive- to buy, expensive to maintain. Esp to insure !!And getting over the damned drawbridges is a pain in the ass. And to go bar hopping at a gay bar, you have to drive in to WM 3 or 4 miles to do it. If you have not looked, the South Fl coastal area that is inhabited is only 7 miles deep from ocean to Everglades pretty much from West Palm Beach south to the bottom of Miami. And a lot of people have moved here year round. Getting from OP to WM can take 10 to 15 minutes, even tho it is not more than 3 miles, due to traffic, and lights. A drive from Ft Laud area to Miami, 20 miles away, can be as fast as 45 minutes, or can grind along and take 90 minutes. The nude beach at Haulover is 18 miles south of OP, but it cannot be done in less than 45 minutes, and if it is rush hour or a wreck or rain or a day folk might be headed to malls, it can be 90 minutes or more. Real estate costs in downtown Ft Laud are high, in WM you can expect to pay about $100,000 more for the same house as in OP. And if your house is on a boatable canal, add another $100,000 to the cost. As others have posted it is known as Ft Bottomdale. PigWeek is happening this week as I type this, and BBRT has 27 party ads for bottoms, no tops have an ad up. And right now on the hook up now, 13 bottoms, all looking for as many tops as they can find, and 1 ad for a top who wants to cuddle...
  18. Thanks for the concern- it was never even a thought this could be an issue, but to be safe for all, I have reached out to EvilQueerPig to look at the question, and if it needs moving, or guardrails to keep it OK, I am sure he will advise and guide me. I appreciate you having my back, and others- and sure hope I can keep my infraction record as squeaky clean as my butt ! <g>
  19. So guys, here is the context of the question. I know on some sites guys use a balloon to silently message they party ( I am guessing it refers to any drug, or is it specific?) I recently spotted someone using 2 hibiscus flower emoji, and went into the land of Google searches, where it suggested it was a reference to using drugs younger folk are using to "outsmart" their parents. It got me wondering, what other emoji are now commonly used to communicate the poster is into/looking for something special in their hook up ad? I know the use of the upper case T is one, but what about the devil - and does the color of it (say, purple) refer to one thing verses a devil emoji that is green? (Oh crap, has the hanky code been updated to devil emoji's??) Looking forward to the replies, and education.
  20. I must have been too stupid or naive when I was in the city between 1974 and 1978- I often rode the subways and regularly the SI ferry, often at 3 or 4 in the morning, and never once scored or really even recall seeing any or feeling any play or groping going on. I guess maybe it was a different period, the only "events" I recall were people having their pockets picked just as the ride stopped and the thief bounding off the bus or train at a dead run.
  21. I am old school, and I have to feel totally assured my hole will be spotless before I drop into bottom hole mode. And some days it is a fast flush and I am ready, as I have gotten older it may take time to get it where I need it to be. So, if I have put in a lot of time ( and in many cases, planning what food to eat the night before to ensure a good ride) I want a good "fuck" return on my investment. I had one guy who bragged he was a extended fucker- but when he arrived, he never got much harder than half hard, and shot his load inside of 2 minutes... while I was still sucking him in an attempt to get him hard enough to fuck. My hole can handle a person who enjoys fucking and has mastered the art of fucking for several hours at a time- but that said, there are some men who think just jabbing away at the hole, too often not even at the opening , is good fucking- for those guys, 5 minutes is too long. ( and not to be a size queen, but the jabber/jammers tend to be the guys with shorter than average cock, as if they are trying to make up for length or girth with force) One on one, or in a sex club I really don't measure the time someone is fucking me, if we are enjoying it. Sure there are maybe 100 other men at a sex venue- but if I am getting a great fucking, why stop it because a 10 minute timer has dinged? What is worse, what if none of the other guys ended up wanting or able to fuck? What is frustrating for me , is having a good connection with a top, who pounds all the right spots for 20 minutes, but doesn't cum, then he pulls out and moves to someone else and slams it in and shoots his load in a minute or less.
  22. Well, Happy Halloween! But you know, I just do not really get excited by the event. I mean, OK, first off, in the gay community, don't we pretty much live Halloween daily, between the drag queens, the guys in leather tit to toe, or sometimes barely in any at all. The muscle boys showing off as much skin and bulge as they can. But then on Halloween, it goes to the N th degree, with guys in heavy make up and elaborate costumes they spent hours getting into. Who is really going to fuck , or want to fuck, if the sheets and pillow cases will be ruined with all the grease paint the guy has on. Or if it takes an hour to just get him out of the damned get up- by then, for me, the delay may well have revealed too much about the person and the desire has eroded. I much prefer being able to hit a leather bar, connect and be in the sling inside of 20 minutes. Am I the odd one out , or do others sort of not get thrilled by the night?
  23. Thank you for all the time, effort, and thought you put into this story line. I have eagerly waited and watched for each release from you <g> . And while this tale has come to the end- at least along this thread <??> I certainly hope you will share more of your writing skills and thoughts with us !
  24. Loving it- firing up my libido with each chapter- and driving my Dick Rambone dildo deeper each time
  25. I used to go commando all the time, but about 20 years ago stress got to my gut and stimulated either IBS or Chrohns. I worked with a team outdoors, and at that point I had to have a safety layer to trap an unexpected flare up before I could find a place to have an explosive crap. Since last year tho, I have been on early retirement, so now I put on a pair in the morning ( usually the same ones from the prior morning) and head off for breakfast with a few friends. As soon as I get home, I strip everything off and stay nude the rest of the day, unless headed out somewhere. As for the type of underwear, I will wear whatever underwear I have found- at one time back in the early 80's, I had 4 boxes[the type that 4 , 1 gallon bottles of wine came in] packed full of underwear I had collected during my time working for a university in food service. I had carte blanche access to all the mens dorms, and one project I was doing involved checking the trash cans on each floor over the weekends to see what food the students were ordering in, so we could open up food outlets serving those foods. As luck had it, the trash cans were for the most part in the bathroom/shower area, so I was in there with a clip board marking down the number of pizza, subs, or whatever other food package I could spot. I knew 19 year old college boys were often drunk weekends, and often would try to grab a sober up shower ( or rinse the puke off shower) wearing their underwear in and a towel, and then after showering and toweling off, wrap the towel around their waist head on back to their room to crash,leaving their underwear hanging in the shower room. Back in the early 80's, "gay" underwear, esp in the Mid America countryside, was not a thing. By and large, I found white briefs- the old school Hanes with the red and black hash mark waist band, or the FOL with the yellow and blue thin band around the waist band. I always had a messenger type bag to make fast stuffing of my finds easy. And, back in those days, almost all of the underwear I grabbed were either small or medium- guys had not gone into the super size era yet, a large pair was rare and XL even rarer. I even made it a point to label each found pair with the dorm, MM/YR in permanent marker. I also had a decent jockstrap collection- many of them also finds over the years. I had a consult job at one school to come up with ways to boost their stadium sales. They put me up for a couple days on campus in a grad dorm. My 1st day I explored the food operation at the stadium and the stadium in general. As my good luck would have it, the new football season was about to start, and the players would be returning ahead of the student body for pre season conditioning- and the supply manager had that day gone thru all the old training shorts and jockstraps, and tossed them into the dumpster near the concession area. Most of the jocks had torn leg straps from the back of the pouch, and the shorts (nice gray sweat pant like material, in the late 70's short shorts style) had the elastic waistband stitching tearing loose from the shorts. I went back that night and grabbed several dozen jocks, and 10 or so shorts, all the while I had a legal pad and a sketch of the stadium I had done earlier, to use as an excuse should the campus cops drift by. Got all of the find packed in my suitcase for the trip home with a little room to spare- and as tempted as I was to go back for more.. better judgement said not to. Still have a few of the shorts, and jocks as well. (BTW- when I moved from the Mid South to Florida 21 years ago, I was tight for space in my car for all my things, and ended up dropping 2 of the underwear boxes off at Goodwill after hours. I can only imagine what the conversation was like Monday morning when they hauled all the donations in and found all those briefs, neatly folded and sorted by brand LOL)
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