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Everything posted by bbpoznow

  1. I think the majority of bottoms want to be fucked bare. They put safe only to make them selves feel better, but really want bare . I don't put any and very seldom ask . I we are naked and that close I expect it to be bare and to take your loads.,
  2. I am not far from there love to find were it is and the name of it . let me know
  3. I agree with Sydney . I just wish I had started earlier would love to find a Sydneybbfucker then and now
  4. cum is the best lube for the second load. for the first one, to get knocked up no lube or just spit
  5. as a BB BOTTOIM , if I am being fucked the first thing is getting the load , next is taking all the poz cum as posible
  6. hope you got  fucked good over the week end. You must be pozz by now 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. bbpoznow


      yes same here , hope to set some thing up in The UK  if not to pricy to get there . will stay at one of there place , and breed until  pozz results 

    3. cman54


      I`ll PM back.

    4. bbpoznow
  7. gp with what ever every one else is doing, cant go to far wrong
  8. hey would love to visit that dark room , sounds like a lot of fun. can spend a lot of time bent over and take any and all cock none reused wish there was a place like that around here
  9. first time I seen this code , just how many know about it . But makes a lot of since to know it
  10. I am not sure as I don't notch the bed post, I do know it is not nearly enough
  11. I don't know who is being picky . I was just told I wasn't accepted. I got the impression it was a age thing And yes older guy are a better fuck , we give more and put more in to it .
  12. I would go in a heart beat but the cost is a bit much. There is one in the USA like it , but they are very picky on who they let in, it seem only younger guys make it . but he who holds the gold makes the rules
  13. in the middle of a field in the country among the weeds and bugs
  14. maker me # 8 take your time and give as many loads as you can to make sure
  15. Good morning to all. Latintoppoz I have a hole that wants your 4ooK . Not sure were you are but get in touch. Make me #8
  16. can always send him my way, or could travel to him
  17. hey  thanks for the follow . You ever get in this area  let me know . have holes that need filling

  18. would love to be the one to turn your nut inside out
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