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Everything posted by bbpoznow

  1. would love to se if i could beet that 34 load record . any offers to help
  2. seeing who all is on , real slow here to night  

    1. methup


      hi i don't know am i in conntact with with you?

    2. bbpoznow


      yes you are ,or was but  didn't  get any response  from any one so left . I BB BOTTOM only  and love to be pozzed 

  3. never been to one but would love to be there and chasing for the full time. the good places must be sold out by now
  4. never been fucked by a guy with a PA May be about time . Lest go guys all welcome
  5. thanks for the follow

  6. heavy stuff alwaysready have ass ready for it
  7. As BB BOTTOM if the top is good and well hung and willing to convert. I will take a HVL top any day . But to be the meat in a sandwich is good to
  8. Have no problem if  people watch. and love to be fucked hard  by a poz top

  9. I have question not relater to the chat as having no problem with it . But how do you clear the stored message box. cant seem to find the secret
  10. thanks for the follow 

  11. hey thanks for the follow 

  12. for all the guys that are age hung up. IT IS A NUMBER ONLY.I know guys in here over 20 and in worst shape than me. In the summer I still play 36 holes of golf a day and work 5 to 6 hr a night. most of the young guys cant keep up, or hit the ball over 200 . I have grand kids older than some on here I still like the Bottom bare
  13. if you are going t fuck it has to be bare any thing else is just plating around
  14. good like to meet him then some one has to do it
  15. lucky you be fun to meet him if wasn't fantasy
  16. looks like you didn't stop . good for you
  17. chaser hear and always looking 

    1. bbpoznow


      hey  thanks for the follow  hope to find a TOXIC top  for 2018

  18. I would olve to go and Be a BB MARE, but  Berlin to far away 

    1. London7


      I'm going for the first time 

    2. bbpoznow


      let me know how you made out. I hear  there is 1 in the USA and one in Montreal Canada  have tried to contact but o far haven't heard from them.

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