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Everything posted by CumCravinHole

  1. As long as the PA is a decent gauge, it’s definitely a welCUMed pitch to catch repetitively. Had a routine Str8 guy too who had a thin gauge PA…reminiscent of an ear ring loop id say. It was discomforting because the thinness allowed it to rake/ tug at my “inner walls”. He was a great fuck so I just endured it.
  2. Gift gravy, charged chowder, detectable deposit, hot sauce (charged loads), man-naise(sp), critter cream, bug time tea, liquid Lucifer.
  3. I’m glad you mentioned this. It occurred to me the other day and I was wondering if I was the only one. Attempted to use the invite link from earlier in this thread (Aug 2022) & regrettably it doesn’t work. If anyone seeing these posts and are currently functional on YADS, it’d be greatly appreciated if you could be kind enough to post an invite link here. thank you
  4. CDC treatment guidelines (with discussion) as of 2021: [think before following links] https://www.cdc.gov/std/treatment-guidelines/chlamydia.htm
  5. I’ve chatted with a number of gifters on the apps from various places. So if I had the month to do a a Bury the Bug inside Me road trip, I’d likely hit Dallas, OK, Denver, ABQ, ,Tucson, PHX, LV, & LA.
  6. My fingers are crossed b/c many of my follows are content like that which you’ve mentioned (though hardly mundane) and incidentally have retweeted at times. Excuse the novice in me, however, what does DMC stand for? thank you in advance.
  7. Thank you for presenting and participating in this thread. I was unaware of the issue. I’m in Texas and haven’t experienced difficulty to date, though, if I understand the info shared here correctly then Sept 1st is D-Day. To be clear, once the block is invoked, implementing ip masking techniques (such as VPN, & TOR browsers) are the work around to reestablish access to BZ? thanks again.
  8. I ve done it a lot on the road (if the room has a frig with freezer) and at home. After a top would leave I’d push out his load and freeze it to save as lube to be used inside myself or another bottom. Also comes in handy when a top wants your hole already sloppy wet from other tops and your hole hasn’t been loaded naturally yet. They never suspect the sloppy hole presented to them was manufactured from stored frozen loads.
  9. After viewing an actual clip, I’d enjoy being the bottom who was DP’d by Rocco & Cutler. Woof! Being a Tim Tales bottom du jour would be a close second. 😈
  10. Uncertain if it would have made a difference in the vote, however, include the phrase “as a bottom”.
  11. I’m on board.
  12. When the question cums up online it can be sort of a game with a trap, whereby there is no good answer. if you claim no loads when asked, they can remark in a manner that there must be some inadequacy b/c not bred yet. On the other hand if answered affirmatively then they’ll like press onward and ask quantity. Spoiler alert: No number is ever the right answer. E their too low….. need to catch some more son, or too many where their response can be one of too soiled to be interested in fucking. so if they ask a quantity, just know that in all likelihood there is usually no number that’ll win them over to want to hookup. It’s essentially a sexting op for them.. Now the ones who require you be prebred before they’ll Fuck you can be interesting b/c often times they don’t care about how many loads just that you’re creamed inside the cavity.. They always have been Poz and so I just figured they like the idea of a neg bottom with multiple donors loads so that there is plausible deniability in the event the neg bottom ends up converting.
  13. That is one helluva hot original erotic concept. Using a neg bottom as an hiv test for an untested top. Any curious uncertain bb tops in search of a human test kit….hmu. ;-]
  14. Poz toxic bug conversion stealth cumdump gift
  15. My current regimen is to use a healing/protectant like Aquaphor (i.e. glorified Vaseline) as a base onto which I’ll add some masterbation cream. The rationale being that with prolonged friction the masterbation cream becomes more liquidity and slick...so it’s a delayed deployment lube which comes in handy as the top is really settling into his stride. Then I’ll top it off with some jojoba oil which on a molecular level is similar to sebum, which is a natural oil in the skin. I may also rub some of the jojoba around the rim of my hole. All the ingredients are placed into an applicator and injected a few inches deep inside. On occasion I’ll also pop in a cbd suppository and if the top has a fetish for a crummy hole, I ll reach into the freezer to pull out some frozen previously deposited loads to get my hole slimy & scented with the recycled semen. ive also on occasion have frozen some coconut oil in an ice tray and inserted it. It’s a means of getting one internally oily and slick without losing so much to penetration of the hole on insertion of the oil. interestingly, I once had a regular who would precum so profusely, that I never used lube with him.
  16. I don’t relish being the odd one out here, however, I can understand the fully charged top. Some Poz guys, undetectable or otherwise, can take offense that a Neg bottom wants his load but not the hiv risk it may or may not present (depending on detectable VL). Taking a fully charged load is no guarantee of conversion (though likely), and plays into the role of the worthless bottom who exists solely for the top’s pleasure. If that role doesn’t appeal to a Neg bottom, then no harm no foul. The fully charged top wasn’t out to stealth, he is satiated by unmedicated Neg bottoms willing to receive his giftable load...especially if they are not Officially chasers...though some would argue the Neg bottom is a chaser by default regardless of their intentions or lack there of. For some high octane Poz tops, it’s not so much about gifting per say, as it is letting nature take its course...unless of course he is packing a toothbrush.
  17. I saw your “anyone in Texas” posting on cumdump network. El Paso is Texas, however, I can well understand if that’s a bit far more than you were originally considering....if not...HMU.
  18. I go to Dollar Tree & in the school supply section for $1 they have available two plastic test tubes (about the circumference of a quarter) with screw caps & a little tray to hold them upright. As one adds loads to the plastic test tube, one can observe layers of frozen semen. when it’s time to recycle, one could just thaw it completely or I just usually roll the tube in my hands to warm the plastic which in turn melts the frozen load which is in contact with the inner test tube wall. It’s not long before the cylinder of frozen semen disengages from the test tube wall and slides out of the tube. at this point, depending on quantity on hand and piggy-ness of recipient, the whole cylinder can be inserted like one gigantic suppository. I usually corn cob the hole with the frozen cylinder. This allows the cum catcher to get a sample of every deposit made. It can melt rapidly while pushing it in & out of the hole. Once adequately cum sloppy & wet, place what r3mains of the frozen semen cylinder back into the plastic test tube, screw cap on, then place back into freezer.
  19. Major cum fetish here so no question on locking lips & enjoying some cum tongue play......the catch.....like most everyone so far......semen is not on the menu for most play partners. 🙄
  20. Regret I Didn’t see your post in a more timely manner. your default idea is/was well intentioned, however, as you may have discovered by now, Fiesta is sort of removed from the more developed areas of EP. Im not readily recallíng any motel near Fiesta’s area. Fiesta not withstanding, I’d avoid the west side & settle on an affordable external entrance accommodation near the airport on Montana Ave or I-10. It’d be interesting to learn what you decided on and how that worked out.
  21. I’ve used an 18 inches on occasion to assess how much clearance I have. I love the plugs b/c they really open one up inside so if anything is hanging out up the trail it won’t be for long hehehe. Im aware that psyllium is quite popular. I’ve looked into míralax (available generic for$1 at dollar tree). Its use for bowel cleansing preps. The downside is it takes a long time, though there was an article recently where patients started in the morning for an afternoon procedure. i understand it may sound extreme to many, however, there are occasions when one will be getting fucked for hours on end and there may not be opportunities for spot checks & fixes.
  22. I’m willing. Just wish we were closer. :-[
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