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Everything posted by DrtyMrtini

  1. I got a wart on my mouth after sucking a guy who had a wart on his dick. I was maybe 25. The first time I got got chlamydia i was 37. Late Bloomer 🙂
  2. Thank you for this great story. I keep rereading and rereading it. Cheers!
  3. I love sex and fucking when it's fun. Instead of being tricked or forced or what the fuck ever I think it's sexy as fuck to just be yourself (well, myself, lol) and love, REALLY LOVE every single part of bug chasing. Getting excited about HIV, feeling your ass start thumping when it really hits you that you're about to contract an std , AT LEAST one, and it could be prevented by using condoms and making sex as safe as possible. but that feels like getting f***** by a bicycle tire and you just want to be giddy get stupid and pumped full of poz cum.... So you're not scared or apologetic, just fucking hungry! Lol. And it's even better when you're hanging out with a guy who wants to put his raw dick in your raw ass with more and more virus and venereal disease it gives him a boner. Man of my dreams right there... So thank you for this story. Very well written. Cheers!
  4. I’m 40 and I still shoot my methed up wad wishing I had such a cool dad.
  5. Consider Andromeda at St. Marks as well. I was pierced for a guiche and bf a frenal there and damn do those folks know what they're doing. Customer service is spot on as well.
  6. Mr. James is pretty much the Patch Adams of Really Hard Partying, and I like it. I like it a lot.
  7. One day when I have a charged up ass I'm going to keep all my poz friends. Everyone has a status but I like exchanging fluids at any rate.
  8. I didn't know it was gonna happen, but I slid down on an anon cock sticking out of a gloryhole for the first time today. I rode it and let him fuck me till he bred my ass. A big black daddy was supported me, pushing me down on it, feeling where the raw dick was going in, and generally encouraging me and talking me through it. I felt so fucking free and sexy. Daddy made sure big nut stranger man seeded me. I just heard the juicy smacking sounds of his fingers tapping my hole. It happened and I'm so glad. Daddy came in his hand and fed me. Held me tight kissed me good and hard and let me fuck myself on his fingers for about 20 minutes more. Then he came in me. Also sucked another anon dick, so four loads today!
  9. moving to NY in a week or two, looking forward to getting bred and loaded up as much as possible.

  10. You, sir, are a master at your craft.
  11. 6 loads in 4 hours. All deep deep inside my gooey ass baking. I begged each top to please not pull out.
  12. I got 5 loads in my ass last night at cumunion in DC.
  13. Thanks! Yeah, my diet is pretty regular and balanced, nothing else has changed that I can think of. I'm going to let it go for a while. I'm really excited about this whole thing and I really want it to work. Btw my insurance is carefirst care choice and my monthly co pay is $20.
  14. Of all things to post on this site, I never thought my violent, angry, abusive diarrhea would be included. Do I weep or do I laugh? I've been on truvada for over a week now, and my stomach has been a mess for 5 days. I hope this blows over.
  15. How long does the diarrhea last?
  16. let a guy breed me at his outdoor storage unit today. he was taller than me, didn't want to kiss (straight?), nice gut, thick thighs. big round firm ass, and yeah big nuts and and thick boner that curved up. kept asking me if i wanted that saved up load, kept looking up at him begging for it. slurped on it good and sloppy, turned around and he popped it right in. went pretty quickly cause we both wanted him to cum in my ass. he fuckin SOAKED it! shit it felt so good, so warm and filling. that said, three fucking cheers for the quickest hookup time! i swear, logged on my phone, he was there, saw me, asked if i wanted a stored up load, i said "where?" and 10 minutes later i was pulling into this gravel parking lot looking for an old dodge caravan. lol it was so much fucking fun!
  17. Just got my test back and I'm still neg. No damn clue how that's so, it's hard to remember the last time I had sex that wasn't very high risk.

  18. 3-ish loads. Stopped by a gloryhole after work, just got home. blew two dicks fast and sloppy through the hole, no clue what they were attached to, but both soaked my mouth. tasted some cooling cum someone shot on the wall and floor (hence the -ish LOL). then jumped in a booth with a sexy tall guy with a fattie, but he made me suck him with a condom on (this ever happen to anyone else?). but... after he came he took the condom off, threw it in the garbage can and left. i stayed, and damn if i didn't pull that gooey little fucker out of the trash can and suck all the sperm out of it.
  19. gloryhole: sucked 4 dicks, made out with 2 guys, ate 3 loads. no names, no questions. YUM

  20. took three loads tonight and didn't ask a single question. praying it was aids tho.

    1. pigpozdad


      good boy, take those poz loads, or better

  21. Stopped by a really nice guys house, his ass already had some cum up in there from who-the-Fuck-knows.... So I sucked and chewed on that sexy wet pucker, got my lips all glazed. Slipped my Dick in, felt how gooey and slick it was, shot off hard. The best part was not even asking about status! Almost made me late for my accounting final exam, but was so worth it.
  22. The legal age of consent in MD is 16. it's 14 in PA.
  23. godDAMN i just shot another wad!! lol i'm serious, number 7 to this story.
  24. This is the one story that I read from beginning to end, over and over. dickslime all over the computer here.
  25. all those pics of your legs spread, that poz dick swingin around... makin my ass SQUIRM here for some sick sperm. cheers hot fucker

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