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Everything posted by Blueyedsoul

  1. I was wondering the same thing. I wasn't sure what to believe or do. I enjoyed the preview at least.
  2. San Fran: Thanks for the update. I plan on taking the test. I suspect I am a long-term progressor or highly resistant.
  3. I was out at Toucans in Palm Springs the other day. This young man (who's now 27 and I met him at 18) came up to me and gave me a big hug. I started fucking him when he was a senior in high school. He told me his young twink friend was scared of me. I just laughed. At what? He knew if he had fun with me he'd be turned out. LOL. My young friend told him, 'He's a playboy. He gets hot boys and men. Why? He doesn't talk about it and he knows how to fuck or get fucked. If you want to have a great night, let him turn you out!' I couldn't believe it. Me a playboy? How Hugh Hefner of me. I also get a ton of 'your hole feels like velvet.' In fact I got that from a hung DL latino late last night after I got home from the casino. He replied to a CL ad I had posted later to line things up for when I got home. He's local with a wife. Guess I will be seeing him a lot. He had no problems fucking me raw and then finishing up with a huge load all over my gapping rose bud.
  4. Does anyone know how long it takes before your system builds up immunity? Do you have to be on PrEP for at least a month for the drugs to be at the 95% efficacy rate? Any ideas or experiences?
  5. Hi everyone, I notice this a lot. Since I am not a chaser but a 90% bb'er, I use this site to help me serosort my fucks. Many times I will have a guy on Adam/BBRTS or some app hit me up who say they are neg. When I do my homework, I often find them here lying about their status. As someone who does serosort, I look for consistencies. If they are neg on Adam/BBRTS or an app as well as neg here then I (in my mind) am more at ease to play. If they are neg on Adam/BBRTS or an app but POZ here then no way. Sorry guys, if you can't be honest here in a forum where POZ is not a stigma then why should I entertain the thought? If your POZ and Undetectable on all of the sites as well as here, great! We can talk. Just my humble two cents.
  6. SanFran: Regarding the CCR5, it is also linked to genetic psoriasis in subsets of Europeans (mainly German and Eastern Europeans). My whole family, including myself, have suffered from genetic psoriasis and just recently my friend who's an MD told me there's a ton of research on this topic. It also happens that my family immigrated from Germany after World War I. It turns out this mutation in psoriasis is the same which helped fend off the plague and Spanish Influenza. My great grandmother who recently passed survived the Spanish Influenza epidemic of 1918 and I am German and Dane. So, I have have a high probability of possessing the mutuation. It effects between 15-25% of the population. I have been exposed too HIV multiple times due to condom breaks and two stealthing instances. Who knew that the bain of my physical would be possibly saving my life? I for one plan on taking the 23andMe test within in the next few weeks.
  7. I LOVE THIS COMBO especially when I bottom. Even though I teach during the day, when I work at night, I come home and place an ad on CL or cruise BBRTS/Adam for company. I usually start with a huge bong hit, pour a large glass of wine and wait for my fun. I always share with my guest. My big black dicked fuckbud doesn't party like this but he doesn't mind if I do. So a glass, another hit of weed then the poppers! I am ready to be his hole. I feel bad for his boyfriend. LOL. The poor guy has no clue that his man hits me up twice a week. Now, when I top, I try not to have too much because I do not want to have limp dick. But bottoming, this is absolutely the best for me. I feel everything. Time slows down and I could careless. In fact, many times after doing this, I feel so horny after that I have taken 5 cocks in one night spread out. It brings out the total pig in me.
  8. BB1991: I am willing to let your arrogant and presumptuous statement slide since you are obviously making large assumptions about my health and caloric intake; let alone not knowing that I continue to study martial arts (already achieving the level of 2nd Degree Black Belt in Tae Kwon Do) and walk 7 miles a day, 3 times a week. But because you are obviously an over educated Registered Nutritionist or possibly a Medical Doctor, I am happy to inform that my dietary vitals are: Average Daily Caloric Intake: 1250 Average Daily Carbs: 27 Average Daily Water Intake: 12 Glasses a Day I know these stats because I am not some duff sitting on my back shoving pies in my mouth. I am a Professor of Medical History at a leading U.S. university. Now, I see you are in the U.K.. Should I start making blanket statements about the British and dental care? Of course not! Maybe you should chose your words more carefully. Especially when your screen name is ''bb1991." The last time I checked, your posting on a site with content advocating high risk sexual behavior which puts you in the arena of "trying to catch some disease," as you put it. It is ironic to see that on a site like this, which is very open minded and not one for conformity due to our sexual practices, you find it acceptable to be prejudicial towards people who deal with weight issues.
  9. Bearbandit, thanks for sharing. I really appreciate your honesty. I am hoping to hear from others regarding this subject. Best wishes and again, thank you.
  10. Gentlemen, I am a neg versatile top that is looking at PrEP. However, if I turn up poz between now and then, I will deal with it. As a stockier older male, I have dealt with weigh issues my whole life even while I was an athlete in school and am conscious of my food intake. That being said, I have heard many pozzed men say to me that once they were diagnosed, they lost a ton of weight and in essence 'got their dream body.' I know of the wasting effect but I am not sure if this weight loss is this due to the side effects of older medications or prior to treatment, is this a normal symptom of being poz? Any thoughts? If you were larger and stockier and now your not due to HIV tell me about it. Was it being poz or a side effect of the meds? I am very curious about this.
  11. I agree with you Teen Slut. I teach at a medical school here in California and trust me when I say this, it is best to feign a genuine intent and accept the mild inconvenience. The snarkiness and often times combative nature only adds fuel to a bad fire. It just reinforces a belief - whether fair or not - that our behavior of barebacking and for others 'bug chasing' - is mental. Now, do not get me wrong, I am not saying anyone here is mental however most medical professionals do think that actively seeking a life threatening illness which could be easily prevented as mental. Whether we like it or not, our proclivities are not of the mainstream. I have literally had doctors who I teach with - who are very open minded and some gay tell me in casual conversation that the behavior escapes them and that it can only be chalked up to a mental disorder. Once that's in your charts, look out. I find my self taking the FDA Home Access Blood Kit which is both convenient and anonymous. Same for the OralQuick swab.
  12. That's fucking hot!
  13. Curiosity here, however since I turned 40, I am finding it harder and harder to keep off my small tummy. God I hate my metabolism. Now, it seems that that number (40) and a few extra pounds has been a deterrent to tops as of late. Maybe it's just me. My question to all of you hung tops is: Do you find yourself passing up an average or slightly chubby guy for a jock type or smaller framed bottom? Or, are you an equal opportunity top? I know this is all subjective however I grew up in a Northern California rural community just outside of Sacramento. While I was there visiting last weekend I placed an ad on CL with pic and all. Over 4 days and not one hit. Same went for A4A and BBRTS. Once I got back to my SoCal neighborhood I started experiencing somewhat of the same thing. Maybe I am just having a dry spell. Could this dry spell be a combination of superficiality and location? I am willing to bet Californians are a bit more vain than other areas of the country. Could it really be my age, my slight tummy, the local 'preferences' and location?
  14. I love interracial action. Usually, for me I top young Asian, Latino and White twinks but bottom for large big black and latin cock. Today, the complete opposite! I topped a young 23 year old black bottom with one of the hugest cocks. Amazing. He asked if I would allow him top top me and video! Hell yes. I can not get enough of interracial anything right now. In fact, RawTop reminded me, I need to post my short vids of me getting plowed by some local big black dick. Thanks RawTop for this site and the reminder.
  15. Hey guys, great thread. I've enjoyed it especially since I have been pondering to PrEP or not.
  16. I have also been pondering PrEP for the same reasons you have been Hollywood. For me, I am 90% top 10% bottom. As a bottom, I have a hunger for huge Black and Latino cock. I test every three months and always get the proof. I also am one of those who adheres to serosorting. I know its not perfect, however, over the last 10 years I have topped almost exclusively raw and also bottomed with only trusted buddies or recently tested partners. One note: I never seed or have intentionally sought to be bred. Then it happened. Yes, I was stealthed by a young big black cock. We met on A4A and talked for weeks. We finally met and had a ton of wine along with 420. I watched him put the condom on, felt it through most of the evening. At some point after more weed and then poppers he finished by giving me a facial. That's what I requested and that's what I got. The morning after the used rubber was on the floor and I thought nothing of it. Then he texted me a few weeks ago and told me to come over and take some more loads! I thought he had the wrong person... Nope, he admitted to pulling off the rubber while I was all poppered up and dumped two loads in me then gave me the final third load all over my face. He told me I was way to poppered up and high from the weed to notice. I DIDN'T EVEN FEEL THE BREEDING! Although I've tested neg twice over the last 6 months, I am beginning to wonder about how many are actually stealthing. I think the PrEP would give me an added level of protection. I just have so many questions a out the regimen and the idiosyncrasies of it all.
  17. I agree with "Always." I am a half hours drive from PS and I must say, he nailed it.
  18. I use A4A, BBRTS and CL. I honestly do not find much on BBRTS since I am not a chaser. However, I found my 'stealther' on Adam. On CL, I have actually found both bottoms and tops who are more (strangely enough) willing to deal with my fetishes and limits.
  19. The reason, because I have over 100K in student loan debt. If something happens to me, like a car accident or some other tragedy, I do not want to burden my co-signers (my parents) with that debt. If your naive to think that doesn't happen well, I know plenty of colleagues who have been left on the hook as co-signers. I also would some day - regardless if I have children or not - like to leave a partner or my only nephews (one with sever autism) and my god daughters with something. Plus, why does it matter? I feel it's a necessary part of someones planning. I do not feel it is right to leave loved ones ill prepared. Does that some it up?
  20. Thanks again for all the advice everyone. Interesting idea on the Credit Union. I will definitely look into that! For those curious about my initial 'breeding,' I was able to ascertain my original breeding date. Thank you iPhone and my not deleting text messages. The original breeding date was April 11, 2013. I tested negative on May 13, 2013 at County Health. I know this test is pretty much invalid because it is within the three month initial period. Today, August 2, 2013, it is almost 4 months so I took the OraQuick Home Exam. Test results: Negative/Non-Reactive. For now, this gives me piece of mind. I chatted with the young breeder today and his reply was "I TOLD YOU I WAS NEGATIVE." So, as of the day of my breeding, yes - I suppose he was. He wants to breed me on a regular basis. But I am still reluctant because he said hes been breeding about two holes a week. He doesn't have papers but said the next time he would take an Oralquick Home test in front of me.... Sounds reasonable. Thoughts? My plan of now is lay low sexually for another three months, purchase the Health and Life Insurance and then go from there.
  21. Tiger, and everyone else... thanks for the advice. If you think I am unlucky in the sex department, you should see me with cars. It's truly an unmitigated disaster. Even my parents (who are very supportive of my sexuality - although they would be mortified to know my penchant for taking raw big black cock from time to time) shake their heads when it comes to my luck. My brother on the other hand - born with beautiful genetics and some of the best good luck I have ever seen. As for me... cars, men, good sex have all alluded me. If I receive a poz testing... look out! I think becoming a private cum dump in my local gay mecca of Palm Springs is in order. Thank god I live close to West Hollywood, San Diego and Palm Springs.
  22. Hello everyone. I am a new member to the site and I must say, I am a little overwhelmed. I do have multiple questions to ask so please forgive me if I touch on some issues that may or may have not been discussed in other forums. First a little background. I am a recently turned 40 year old who has been single for almost a year. I am uninsured even though I am employed as a non-tenured contact college/university professor here in Southern California where I teach at a major medical school and junior college. I have over $100k in student loan debt and am scared for my financial future. I have very little retirement due to the fact that I am non-tenured and accrue service credits in a non-traditional fashion. I have tested negative twice through county public health... If your wondering, I am only a half hour from Palm Springs. I want/need to buy health and life insurance before I receive a poz test result. Yes, I do have to worry about a possible poz result. More on that a little later... 1) Can anyone tell me what insurance plan here in the states seems to be the most agreeable for an HIV+ person? By that I mean do you have issues with claims, treatment, medications etc? Many of my friends, one being a very famous ID specialist recommends Blue Cross since he never has his patients needs denied. Any thoughts? 2) What about Life Insurance? Since I am 40, it is now that time to think about some sort of policy to secure my families future in case I have a catastrophic accident or illness. Any thoughts on this? Secondly, for those of you asking 'why I am worried?' here's the reason... I was in a relationship with a young man 17 years my junior. Very hot, very sexy with an amazing bareback sex life. I was the top and I never bred him. Once I found him cheating on me, I threw him out and tested neg. twice by county public health. After those tests, my mind was at ease and I recouped my sanity from being betrayed. I grew to enjoy being single again. My first hookup resulted in me playing with a long time friend where I actually bottomed. The condom broke and yes seed was spilled inside me. I waited and tested neg. while he tested poz. I never experienced any 'fuck flu' symptoms. So far so good. Although, the anxiety was unbearable at the time. Then recently, I bottomed again for a large 10.5'' black cock. Admittedly, I was high from weed, poppers and booze. We had chatted for months. When we started playing he had a condom on. In the end, he finished me with a facial just as I had wanted. Although I do not remember much of the encounter, I do remember the condom on and the lovely facial... In my mind I had nothing to worry about until the other day when he texted me asking if I wanted to be bred again. I was shocked. He must have had me confused for another hookup. That's when he confessed that he had taken off the condom during the night and seeded me twice with two loads (I did not even feel the seed)! He then proceeded to tell me that he gave me his third load on my face so that I would have no reason to doubt him while in the moment.' As you can imagine, I am shocked, disturbed and facing the anxiety all over again. I DO ACCEPT MY RESPONSIBILITY IN BEING HIGH AND NOT AS DILIGENT ON THIS. SO PLEASE SPARE ME THE LECTURE....He still claims to be neg however I do not trust that since he was willing to do what he did. As of now, I have not tested since I am still negative in the counties eyes. I want to buy all of the necessary insurances BEFORE I test again. I recognize once I test poz (if it happens) that I will be on the counties radar as poz. If this is the result, I will most certainly be denied any coverage. Any ideas? Thanks in advanced for your thoughts and advice.
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