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Everything posted by Blueyedsoul

  1. Anyone into vacuum pumping before a bottom comes over to take your load? If you are into that, what's a good pump for a beginner like me? I have never pumped but want to try it out then top one of my bottoms. Thoughts?
  2. Gallerias: Great reply. Very mature for your age.
  3. ATLFUKBUD: I am finding this to be the case with most long-term couples. The first 5 years is the best sex and monogamous. About year 7, you start straying for whatever reason, and if you make it past the cheating on the side, then it seems to evolve into nothing more than an open relationship where most don't even have sex with one another again. It seems like most in this situation only pay each others bills all the while becoming more and more angry at one another. Now, that's been my observation. I think you've found a good solution for you and yours. I wonder though, for others, if there's no sex between the two, what's the point - at that point. Make sense? I am just curious as to your thoughts.
  4. Interesting thread everyone. It's sort of ironic that this has come up. Let me tell you about my last trip to the San Bernardino County Health Department (this morning). First, let me tell everyone that I received a call yesterday stating that my test results for HIV, HPV, HSV, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea were all negative/non-reactive. However, the Syphilis test showed positive/reactive. The MD on staff believes it's a false/positive since everything else came back negative. So, yes, I told him I wanted to be treated and as a result, I was given a shot of penicillin in my buttocks. After the treatment, I inquired about PrEP again. This is the second time I have inquired about PrEP and it's availability. Again, for a second time, I was told that the county would not and has not offered PrEP due to its cost. When I inquired about Obamacare (or for those politically correct reality deniers - the Affordable Care Act), the public health official told me that it is still unclear if the legislation will in fact cover PrEP. In his opinion, this official believes with almost 90% certainty that PrEP will not be covered. I was somewhat shocked but not surprised. I then challenged the official questioning the logic of this decision because the area I live in is poverty stricken with a large migrant farm worker Latino population. The area also has a significant amount of low income African Americans. Since both of these populations serocoversion rate is sky rocketing, you would think they would want the constituents to have the information for those considered high risk. The official just shook his head and told me, "Look at Desert Aids Project in the Palm Springs." I told him I would. I left dumbfounded. So, for anyone sure of the answer (covered or not-covered), I suggest we all take a 'wait and see attitude' because this is one soup I plan on not tasting until there's a legitimate chef back in the kitchen. And yes, Tiger Milner, that shot does hurt and my ass has been tender all day and night while at work. I read your earlier post a few days ago about that shot. Fuck. This really cramps my sex life. I know, I know, you chasers and gifters are shouting why? Go out and pass it along you're saying... Sorry. I just can't. But I have found it hard to resist.
  5. Wow TylerJ, you're one amazingly hot top.
  6. Well thanks toughguy. Much appreciated.
  7. Yanto48: I like how you term it "gauche." I haven't heard that description in quite sometime but it's so true. I too have had the "I want to be smothered by your weight," or the "your weight makes me feel safe," and of course I have also heard the "you're so not my type but all I want to do is fuck and you're the only one here." The worst however happened recently. I was down in Palm Springs with my best friend. The two of us only live a half hour away so after a good time and some cocktails, we were invited to one of the clothing optional resorts by an older gentlemen who's conversation we enjoyed throughout the evening. As all three of us were enjoying the summer night in the pool, a very hot young man walked up and started chatting, then he says to his friends as he's looking directly at me, "I wouldn't want to take that pregnant blond bitches load if he was the last dick standing!" Seriously! What the fuck? Now, my best friend had heard my horror stories before about how gay guys would show no shame in commenting on my weight... And when compared to most I am relatively small. Needless to say, my best friend of 20 years flipped out, got out of the pool and was in this guys face. It was so embarrassing. I just wanted to leave at that point. In the end, I can't figure out if hot guys really do feel that entitled to the point of where they feel they can comment on weight and other things with no repercussions. Or, have we just grown accustomed to allowing the behavior because it's only 'weight'. It seems to me that fat or weight discrimination is one which has universal approval. It seems that most everyone is comfortable with commenting or discussing someone else's weight in such a disparaging and vulgar manner.
  8. So, lately I have been fortunate to have a small stable of amazingly hot twink bottoms - all very vanilla - but two will take me raw. You know these boys. They are like underwear models who spend every minute of the day in the gym making everyone steam clean the carpets with their tongues... Well, I met all on either CL or A4A and just recently one was telling me how much of a double life he leads. I was confused by this statement so I took the bait and asked, "what do you mean?" He then told me that he only saw men like me (older, stocky and sometimes fat tops) in secret. He then proceeded to tell me that he has the best sex with us but will not be public with his wants. He recognizes his friends would not approve. He then told me that when he is out with his friends clubbing or at the local bar he will sacrifice good sex for another twink/jock; just so his friends won't look down on him. To all of you twink/jock bottoms: Do you find this scenario to be true? Do you enjoy many older stocky or fat daddy tops more in private than what your friends suspect? Is it a hidden fetish? Are you out publicly with being 'chubby chaser?' To all of you older stocky or fat daddy tops: Do you find this scenario to be true as well? Are you that hidden secret who fulfills that twinks/jocks needs? Is there a steady stream of these young men in your life? Or are these experiences rare and far between? I am beginning to think this scenario is more wide-spread than I thought. I would love to hear everyone's perspective on this...
  9. MJ206: First, let me say thank you for your service and sacrifice. As for the no balls, I actually find the idea fairly interesting and suppose I wouldn't mind since I love to chew, suck, stretch and generally play with the sack; more so than the balls themselves. As a top I do visually get off by seeing them bounce while getting fucked. When I bottom I tend to reach behind and massage the balls while they are pummeling my hole. So, who knows, I wouldn't shy away at all. Now regarding your disability, I have never been turned off by the idea of sex with an amputee although it is not a fetish of mine. I actually wanted to be with a gentlemen who was paralyzed from the waist down. He was so fucking hot and beautiful. An amazing body and killer smile. However, the irony, he readily admitted I was 'too fat.' Who would have known that even the disabled could be discriminatory. To an extent, it's human nature I suppose. We all have or likes and dislikes. This should be a very interesting thread. By the way, don't be shy, post some pics.
  10. Chipymalion80: Good stuff! As I tend to be slightly stocky, I find that in public guys young and old tend to ignore me. I am invisible. However, online, when I start exchanging pics, I often times get young twinks/jocks/emos and average guys who all of the sudden find my belly sexy. When I was over 300lbs, I was getting laid regularly. Now that I am closer to 200, my action tends to be a lot less. I am not really sure what I should attribute this too. I will say this, I have had many young men in private tell me that many men are afraid to vocalize their affinity for larger men because they do not want to be ridiculed by their peers/friends. Basically, its a scenario where in public they discriminate, in private they are ready to go. God bless the hypocrisy, vanity and shallowness of gay men. By the way, I have attached a link to a story which was published in 2009. It's about the new fashion accessory: the beer belly (aka the Ralph Kramden as they are calling it). Everyone should read it. Quite interesting. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/13/fashion/13POTBELLY.html?_r=0
  11. Bototmbottoy: I have asked this question many times here. No one seems to reply or have an answer. Hopefully, you will get something. This also interests me.
  12. If you are prepared to be pozzed then you'll be ok. But you will probably find some pozzed top who says they are neg. If you can accept the prospect of being pozzed and exposing your girl then go for it. if not then I would reconsider... just my two cents.
  13. Fuckboy: I think you are right when it comes to relationships. In 2 out of 4 long term relationships - the last two were exclusively raw. In those last two I was the top. The most recent relationship we lived together (that being the recent young athletic twink). At first, prior to moving in, when we would meet up and fuck he would be squeaky clean. But after moving in, our love-making/sex was so much more spontaneous and I recognized that often times he would not be prepared. As I have gotten older, I have been less turned off by a small mishap. For me its just an occasional part of life you have to deal with. No one can be prepared 100% of the time. It got to the point where I would just slide in to him and have my way. At first he was worried but as we grew more and more aware of each others bodies and such, those worries disappeared. Now that I am single, I try and keep a regiment up so I am prepared at anytime. It's to the point now that I keep a travel bag in my car with disposable enemas, lube, and whatever else I feel I will need. Usually, a small minuscule amount of 420 (legal in CA), small pipe, an old popper bottle with a soaked cotton ball for the initial hit, cock ring, and one or two rubbers for those who insist. Seems to work in a jiffy.
  14. I am a 90% top and to build up huge loads, I bottom for a few days straight (no cumming on my part). This allows my prostate to really get worked and then by the time I blow my load as a top, the bottom is almost completely overwhelmed. I thought I was going to cum so much I'd blast one bottoms head-off. LOL. He told me there was so much at the end that he felt it would go straight through to his mouth and out. I love to drowned a bottom with my load.
  15. When I top, I like my bottoms to be tight, shaved, smooth and baby soft. I also love a jock twink who has a lightly hair ass. Yum. I also love to see those ass lips milk me. I also love how they open up and some leave a perfect open gaping hole. When I bottom, I have learned to control my muscle on the out stroke. Although this wears me out from time to time (I guess I just need more practice ) In the end, I want to achieve a nice rosebud - insert shameless plug <check out my pics>. I have found that nearly every top I have serviced has really got off on cumming all over that bud.
  16. I am with Bottombottoy. I have been looking into this as well. I know just about the same as him. I do know that the concept is really gaining steam and catching on. Please let us know what your decision is. Either way, I am intrigued for many reasons and may check it out myself as I see my dollar be constantly depreciated; thank you very much Federal Reserve.
  17. This is an excellent annotated bibliography of some good research/literature. I may have a few you would like to add to the list. I will definitely get back to this one when there's more time.
  18. Thanks everyone. Any one have experience with the anal speculum? Bentover: I am assuming he is brushing his insides to allow for bleeding so he can have that poz load take. I am assuming. Since I am not a chaser in the traditional since (some would argue that I am since I bareback) like others here are, it doesn't interest me in the slightest. However, using a device like that to play with my hole or my bottoms hole would be amazing - minus the brush of course.
  19. OK, so I have a huge fetish for gaping holes. Someone posted this video of the Chimney brushing. Towards the end of the video, we get to see this device that spread this cunt/hole/pussy open. What is this toy/device? I want one! Where can I get them? It's so fucking hot. Is it a speculum? Or something else? http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=A4aWD-G173-
  20. Any of you tops like to use a pump before you have a bottom over? I am really turned on by pumping. Any recommendations on a specific pump? What are your thoughts on pumping your meat so when a bottom comes over you're really big and engorged?
  21. DO you think that's the devolving from ID Specialist's to GP's is a direct result of the government controlled healthcare system? A cost cutting measure? Or is it that the system has slowly forced physicians to not bother with an ID specialty?
  22. Bear: As always thanks for your insights. Regardless of the nature of the cause - political or just work stagnancy/complacency - I was astonished with the lack of knowledge not just among some health professionals but the general public as well. Since PrEP is now approved in the good ol' U.S. of A., I would like to think that demand would be on the rise and consequently the learning curve for professionals would be bolstered. Wishful thinking I guess.
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