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Everything posted by PigGeorge

  1. Well hoT, the perfect inTro to raw chemmed mansex!
  2. Just superb, sTraighT guys T'd up are pig perfecTion!
  3. TwisTed and very hoT!
  4. So hoT to read a story like this and realise this is what you ToTally desire!
  5. This story is just superb in every way, a toTal turn on!
  6. Superb start, looking forward to whaT's in store for the biTchboi!
  7. Well horny, looking forward to a poziTive outcum!
  8. Just superb, a True menTor to Bobby!
  9. Well horny!
  10. Awesome, dad&son certainly have the same DNA!
  11. Well hot, a poz dad and son is the ideal combo, sharing neg arses together!
  12. Well horny, alas my 3rd year school trip to Rouen was nowhere near as eventful, but we did at least get to practice our French! ;-)
  13. Well hot story, be horny to have the prequel about how his boy with the 12"cock gets his AIDS virus! ;-) And waht else the boy is into!
  14. Great story, beautifully written, and so sensual!
  15. Rufusred has a very creative mind for infectionsex games, I know, I've been lucky enough to be a participant in an number of them!
  16. Mmmmh, what a greaT way to descend into the depThs with your maTes!
  17. So hoT, horny intro to sexy slamming, awesome story!
  18. Well horny ticks all my boxes, definitely for continuation please!
  19. Another good story, nice twist at the end. The Brotherhood has the making of an exciting series!
  20. Well hot story, and a pozitively great party idea!
  21. a great start, so looking forward to the next chapter!
  22. So hot, dream breeding!
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