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Everything posted by firefighter

  1. That was the saddest story I ever read on here
  2. Like most here, you will feel his cock throbbing if he is past the second sphincter, but if the top is not long enough to reach there, generally the only indication he is coming, is told by the wonderful facial expression of pure satisfaction, fuck I love that face.
  3. Here is the weird thing with me, If I sit on a guys cock, I seem to manage an erection, but if I am in any other position I can't ..
  4. My man gives out too me because I am quiet, and make faces like I am not enjoying the experience, but nothing could be further from the truth, like it's not as if I am as quiet as a church mouse or anything, but he seems to like me to be vocal says it makes him wild. That looks as it is the case for most tops.
  5. I think I am more the intimate type to be honest, I know you're going to laugh, and pose the question what the fuck are you doing here, but, I prefer to feel like I'm making love rather than I'm being abused. I guess that's just the way I feel. But that said, on occasions, I do like it a tad rougher, ever since my second sphincter was popped, it's not as painful when a big boy goes deep, So I can enjoy it tad more.
  6. Simply put, fucking gorgeous woof

  7. For some reason I was always a cum lover, but that aside I do understand where you're coming from, I would be the same with slamming and drugs, I don't think I would ever bring my sexual escapades to include those things. I will say this to you though, you will have no better sex. I do believe there is only one way to enjoy it, and that is bare. You seem to be prepared though, so sit back and enjoy the ride.
  8. Yes the Boiler House in Dublin has a dark room still, and it's a very busy area, particularly after 2am, all the young ass comes in after the night clubs, sexed up and horny after drinking their dutch courage for the night. http://www.the-boilerhouse.com/
  9. Cheers for the request :)

  10. Old love never rusts
  11. 19 year old last night, spoke about him before delivering hay for the horses, buried his cock in me balls deep last night, and off loaded the biggest load I think I ever got. He had a very sloppy man cunt, I had no problem getting three fingers in there, something tells me this stable boy is no stranger to this. Next time lets see how he takes a daddy cock
  12. Rayne post #35 above excellent, it was far from boring. You should open an agony aunt column
  13. Why is there no thumbs up facility on these boards, love your way of thinking Rawtop
  14. Panti is amazing, both on tv and in real life, I have had the pleasure of meeting panti on several occasions and that clip above I watched last night, I was sent a link to it. I found it very moving articulate and precise. If any of you that are not from Ireland come over to our fair shores, (well the ones that are not battered with the wind) she runs a bar, mostly leather and bears few twinks accumulate there. But a great place to assemble before doing, well whatever it is you do when you leave these places
  15. Yup they were indeed the 100's good Idea My doc is cool really, you can say anything to her, suppose it's a good way to be. I went for them yesterday to tie in with the monthly script, means I get all my tabs no matter what for 140 a month. If they cost less you only pay the cost of the tablets you are getting. And if you have to get a new script for anything at all in the same calender month, once you have paid the 140, the scripts are free.
  16. Went to the Doc today for a prescription for Viagra, started new meds, and I have a penis that is expanding and contracting faster than a bicep of a weight lifter, she prescribed 4 miserable tabs for the month, I told her I would use them on a good week, I shit you not she lifted her head and casually looked to me and said welcome to my world. Bitch
  17. Age used to matter to me until this evening, I actually broke my own rule, I always said minimum age 25, that was it, I was never going with any younger. Tonight a guy was delivering hay for the horses 19 and super hot, tight body super looks. He off loaded the hay, and just started snogging me I swear to fuck. Anyway one thing led to another next thing I was over the bails being pounded balls fucking deep by his 8 inch cock. He blows his load into me, pulls up his trousers and said no charge for the hay, it's on the house and heads off. I guess my reputation is not as squeaky clean as I thought it was. Young people these days, they have no fear. Where the fuck was my willpower to say no ...
  18. That is the most amazing story I have read here yet, yeah I know I have said that before, but this is the winner... Keep it coming
  19. OMG I can't believe I am beating some of the cum pigs here I have around 15 loads up my cunt taken, selfish bastard I am, I only gave one load, but he was a virgin, made me feel good popping a cherry. And I swallowed 1. This site is turning me into a daemon.
  20. Fuck that's hot, Changed my mind on becoming a Nun for a month I am going to seek out pozbrad, the randy fucker.
  21. HA ha that's where he is from, heading back Sunday, so I am not filling in this section any more for the rest of the week basically I will be taking loads from him every night until Sunday. Then I am converting to a Nun for a Month to recover.
  22. Hot cock :) you look like a mean lean fucking machine :)

  23. You're a fab looking guy :)

  24. Ha ha I was going to ask the same question, he has a beautiful face
  25. Took three loads last night, from the same guy, the last fuck was followed by a big piss into me, but hell my prostrate was aching from the last pounding.. He is staying for a few nights, something tells me that by the weekend I will be well and truly fucked, in every sense of the word. Come Sunday I will deserve a well earned rest, and allow my hole to retract once more from the gaping hole that is there now.
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