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About NastyRigPig

  • Birthday 07/20/1967

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  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
  • Role
    Versatile Bottom

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  1. My biggest WTF moment was me and a fuck bud went down to a cruisy area under an onramp to a freeway that was never completed. We fixed 3 rigs, 2 x .4 and 1 x .7 that we were going to share. We planned on climbing under the ramp to do our slams, and about an hour or two later do the shared one with pigs watching us. Except my FB ‘accidentally’ gave me the .7 and as I was slamming it I realized something was off and I blasted off. I didn’t lose consciousness, but I lost awareness for an hour and a half I guess. When I got my awareness again I was lying on a disgusting mattress covered in piss and vomit, I had a fist up my shit hole and an asshole blowing either diarrhea or piss enema into my mouth/over my face.
  2. Wanna degrade each other ill have to do whatever you want and you do whatever i want cock assplay even self pissing drinking ect ?

    1. jizzswallo


      Wanna piss assplay jerk cum and order each other anyone wanna cam and end up drinking our own piss xxx

  3. I eat from hole, and whereas most don’t consider it food, there are some…
  4. I only pushout if I’m with a good pig buddy who will suck it out, otherwise, it’s mine!
  5. You were raised right.
  6. I can’t believe there are still gay people who support him. They’ll be on the same train to the camps that I will be.
  7. I like the Falcon Manrammer dildo, when you’re really loosened up you can slam the ridge in your hole as well and it pulls your asslips out nicely.
  8. The most irksome part of the equation is that it took the poster out of his headspace. Being a cumdump slut isn’t for everyone, and erosWired wasn’t trying to convince anyone to be one. He was just a slut looking to have a good time and connect with men.
  9. You say you are very much in love, so I think being honest will serve you well. Communicate that your preference is to make love to him, but if he doesn’t have the drive for that right now, you understand, but you are still seeking sexual satisfaction. Let him know that you’d like to negotiate sex out of the relationship, and let him know that it will only be sex, you aren’t seeking any other type of relationship with somebody. Set the parameters, and check in with other frequently. We don’t have to follow some puritanical idea of what a relationship should be, that very few American couples achieve, even str8 ones.
  10. It was before AIDS, so definitely bareback.
  11. Don’t refuse them, but make certain that they give you the condom when they’re done.
  12. You nasty fuck, come sit next to me.
  13. Getting a room, laying on the floor with a rimseat over my face, door open. Guys just come in and take a seat.
  14. I also like cleaning cocks off after fucking a hole.
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