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Everything posted by MackyJay

  1. From racing bikes, your advice on that works for anytime it goes over. LOL
  2. My 2014 load tally is really lagging behind all the others on here it seems. I have had exactly 3 loads in my ass and only two in my mouth.
  3. Don't know how many like it but I wish I could find about 4 or 5 guys to all do me one after another and slop up my hole for sure.
  4. Fucking hot as hell. I get the same way. Want some cock and then when I get it I don't want it to stop until that nice cock cums and fills me up good. Get so fucking hot I don't care what kind of cum it is even as long as I get that load in me.
  5. Quite a hot start to this story and looking forward to next installment.
  6. Damn, just this morning saw this, so close, about 50 miles. I would have come to see you if I had seen quicker.
  7. I have listed on BBRT for a while now and am neg and list as such, but seldom get any kind of hit from guys that list as poz.
  8. Have not received even one reply to this post at all, even for an inquiry. Hmmmm Come on guys, I am ready for all the cock you can ram in me. Yep, I want to know status but it just means I am curious and does NOT mean I will turn down any cock I can get in me.
  9. I just love bearbandit's replies on almost any subject. Good work guy! So many that reply seem to have no clue, but your answers always seem to be well researched, logical, and basically extremely good advice. The only other one that comes close is the owner of this site Mr. Raw Top himself. Both do your homework and more guys need to before answering with things like, just take it and don't question, or other fairly ridiculous answers. I, myself, am not actively chasing, but on the other hand, I only BB, so being a good little realist, I know it is probably only a matter of time. Have had about 8 or 9 poz undetectable loads in me (the last one being last April) but have not had any 'known' unmedicated loads. I am also one of 'those' twins, Gemini, LOL, and mine falls into a romantic realist. LOL Makes for lots of conflict. LMBO Take care guys and don't ever change.
  10. I voted for all of them. LOL I think every age has it's plusses and minuses. I find that most younger guys have, overall, harder cocks and bigger loads, but seldom have enough experience to make the fuck more than just good (I think all fucks are at least good). The older ones seem to be longer lasting on average and make the experience more sensual. These are just 'on average' from my own experience and there are exceptions either way. My main thing is if their cock gets hard enough to stick in me, that is fantastic. LOL
  11. BARE is the only way to go.
  12. My very first cock in my ass was bare. Kind of freaked out a little by it but got over it quickly as it felt so damn good. Think I have only had maybe 4 or 5 times where a top has used a condom on me. Not a big deal to me but do much prefer bare cock and a nice cum load in my ass as it feels much better. Taking almost any cock that comes along anymore.
  13. Gave my word to my bud in Wisc. that for the entire month of February I would take any cock and load offered with no questions asked about status and all BB. My luck doesn't seem to be worth a damn though. Soon as I gave my word I caught a nasty cold and was pretty much out of commission for last two weeks. LOL I should explain a little here: I have asthma (diagnosed at age 5), COPD, Emphysema and just a hair over 3 years ago I had almost 1/2 of my right lung taken out for lung cancer. This explains a lot of why a damn cold can lay me out good when it drops from my head into my lungs and I can't hardly walk from one room to another without sitting down. Now it is over again. Hallelujah! Back to basketball agains 19,20,21 year olds and keep up when I can breathe. Now the problem is scheduling and finally got a load a week ago from my regular FB who is like me NEG. Can't seem to get together with anyone else though. Either they are tied up or I am(an not with a rope which could be fun). LOL Oh, well, still 10 more days of this month left, so if anyone knows someone in my area that wants an ass to unload in, let them and me know. I am in central Iowa, Marshalltown and ready to be bred good.
  14. I have just got to find a sling somewhere to get in and try.
  15. My regular FB is nice and large and fills me a lot but within a very short time after he pulls out I am wanting more and more and more. Not sure if a dozen guys would actually satisfy the craving my hole has.
  16. MackyJay

    Hot Fuck

    WOW Just got home a few minutes ago from meeting with my regular fb. He is about 8" and almost as big around as my wrist. Fucking damn nice cock. He pounded my hole hard, deep, fast, slow and all around the inside of it and then dumped his huge load in me and filled me up good and my cock was spurting all over between us at the same time. My ass is still twitching and it is a 1/2 hour later now since. He is an awesome fucker for sure. See my pics for a foto of his cock too. I'm in heaven for sure.
  17. I am approx. 65 1/2 and sometimes have trouble and sometimes not. If I can get the younger guys to meet, they generally want my ass. I keep in as good a shape as possible. I play basketball every Wed. night and many that play are in their early 20s to late 20s and I have no trouble keeping up with them and avg. 56+% shooting and double figures rebounding. I also go to what is known as the Iowa Games and compete in the high jump, long jump, 100m dash, 110m hurdles and even medaled once in the shot put. I earned 12 medals in 4 years of it. I also do this with a slight handicap: I was diagnosed with asthma at age 5 and now have COPD and emphysema and just over 3 years ago had almost 1/2 of my right lung removed for cancer. Despite this the young ones like to make rude comments at times but then change their minds upon meeting and finding I could if I wanted to take most of them apart. LOL Age is a state of mind more than anything else.
  18. wow 4 to 1 tops to bottoms, that is far better than average I think. Have never heard of any having that before. Bet most would love that kind of average for sure. Supposed to attend a party in Des Moines next weekend and so far looks like about 2 to 1 bottoms to tops so far and maybe worse.
  19. Too piggy is an individual thing I believe. What someone thinks is extreme or too extreme may seem calm to someone else. I think everyone needs to set their limits and then maybe push them a little until they decide they cannot do more. Beyond your personal limit is too piggy.
  20. WOW Glad this got posted. Am supposed to go to a group fuck in a motel myself, but not till the 16th. Have never been to one and hoping I get at least one load. I don't have huge expectations. LOL Last time I checked the bud holding the party had 6 of us coming from BBRT and last time I emailed him he said he had about 8 others confirmed from other sites also. That would be, counting him, 15 people and with what I had heard, of that number be lucky if 5 show. Hope he has others in mind too. Seems like mostly bottoms coming. What do we do then, sit around and say, hey, your hole would look nice with top's cock in it. LMBO
  21. Thanks for the comments.
  22. People use Google cause it is the 'thing' right now, but I don't use it cause I can find thing easier and faster off of Bing/Yahoo every single time and have proven it to several people now that thought Google was just 'it'. Google is vastly overrated as far as I am concerned and wish it would just go away, period, as a nonsense and useless money grabber.
  23. I agree with fillmyhole. The poz virus has been shown to be very delicate outside the body, but will hold toxicity for sometime afterwards. 30 minutes that he says sounds about what I have looked up also.
  24. If he is taking meds properly the risk is very minimal. I took 7 or 8 loads after being fisted from an undetectable man over a year ago and all within about a 2 month period and still neg. From what medical 'facts' I have been able to find, it is a very very low risk. Risk actually calculated to be lower from undetectabel guy who is taking his meds than from a 'so called' neg guy who has been checked lately.
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