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Everything posted by NordicBtm

  1. Hey there! Just quoting some of the recent contributors in hope that they know the freshest info 😉 My buddy heard that the St Giles installed keycard access now. Do you local experts know the situation? Are some of the other hotels mentioned in the thread some years ago still options with no keycard needed? E.g. President hotel at Russel square or Strand Palace. Other options that are good for now in 2024?
  2. @PozFunBER how was it? I am going in early May and I heard that the St Giles installed a keycard access system now.
  3. That’s nice and I have had my own happy times in that park 😉 Too bad one of them wasn’t me haha! It is way overdue to meet up! But oh well next trip to Gran Canaria or if we are in Berlin at the same time!
  4. Oslo based here. There is a gay club called SLM. It’s a membership club bc it has play spaces. That’s the only place you can fuck at the venue. Otherwise the rest are lame girl gay bars. otherwise there is also a cruising area (Stensparken) somewhat centrally in Oslo, it can get quite busy after midnight if the weather is nice. It’s not busy at all before midnight as it’s a pretty public park lol. I should be around those days and could probably meet up for a drink / fuck depending on interest and situation 😉
  5. I bought a year of Xtra about 8 months ago and the glitchy thing has been very true for me since about 1 month ago for sure. Taps don’t show up until after the fact and everything is just so much slower in general. Really like a downgrade.
  6. I always feel the spurts of cum as the cock jerks. My hole is sensitive to it and it drives me wild when I feel it. Usually won’t feel the cum itself but the feeling of being a bit more full and wet stays for many hours when the load/s are kept inside as they should. 💦
  7. I have an open relationship but I’m the pig in the relationship. He doesn’t mind it and loves to fuck my wet hole but also he’s super jealous so it’s difficult. an intermediate solution is for me to take sex trips a few times a year and then it can be a bit “don’t ask don’t tell”. we also go together to darkrooms and sex clubs and I try to encourage him to fuck others but he mostly just gets sucked and likes to fuck my hole full of cum.
  8. You’re my idol 😁😘😈🐽
  9. Sounds like he has some issues. I used to do that “just work a lot to hide my feelings”. I agree that he needs time but also if he doesn’t come around right away it has nothing to do with you but more with him. You’re currently blowing his mind in terms of what is possible in relationships, so he needs time to process it. Hopefully he comes around and you can continue to deepen your relationship.
  10. Planning a trip to Madrid in the spring sometime and wondering what hotels are well placed and with easy access (no key cards) to get to the rooms? Sorry if this was already posted but I only found a guide for Barcelona and a a guide to the different places in Madrid 🙂
  11. Yes this is a difficult one! Mostly I try and collect a little black book of contacts where we have enough trust to share phone numbers. Find it much easier than always looking for the next one online. But I also live in a small city you waste a lot of time online if you are always looking there.
  12. Aaaand it’s so cheap lol way better option than some overpriced little bottle of lube. boybutter is nice but I still prefer Vaseline.
  13. I almost always use Vaseline 😁💅🏻💦 it lasts a long time, it’s mild for the hole and gives just enough friction to make it a perfect fuck
  14. Well put. I do feel the same way, when I hold the cum in for a long time I notice how only a part of it comes out the day after. And I feel a hunger in my hole for more at the same time that I feel a deep connections with the previous nights sex partners. In general I also feel more connected to the world, like it is a tool for us as gay men to understand that we are all in this together and the sex and cum sharing just strengthens those bonds. 🐽💦
  15. Woof! Sounds like a very slutty and friendly adventure. My favorite kind. Hope to meet you one of those days for a good night out. Would eat the loads out and add my own at the end 😉
  16. Wow. WOW. I work in IT and to send a response like this in the year of our lord 2024 just reads to me as “We are arrogant assholes and we are going out of business in 15 minutes”
  17. Like the others here I’ve lied both ways 😂😈 You want that load, so I need both the tops that only fuck non-bred hole and the tops that only fuck after 2-3 loads. 💅🏻💦🐽
  18. Thank you for your dedicated service of loading up those bottoms 😍💦 Ive never kept track of loads really, just estimated. But now I’ve installed a tracker and I’m keeping tabs on all the loads since it was my chance this year while everything is still fresh in memory. Totals so far in 2024: In ass: 30 In mouth: 2 with about 40 fucks behind these. obviously all but 3 of the loads are from my sexcation in Gran Canaria, but I’m usually getting 1-5 loads per week when not traveling. Next cumdump event is Darklands in Belgium then Snow pride in France shortly thereafter. 🐽💦
  19. Very hot party 🎉🐽💦 would have been fun to be a fly on the wall there 😈😁
  20. Had 2 very memorable surprises. One was when a guy had sent me the pics. Totally looked like a nice average cock. Turns out when we meet that he has very large hips and a big hands, so what looked average in proportion was actually huge both in girth and length. Took him but it hurt a bit to start 😉 The other one was a fuckbuddy that I have very fond memories of. Found him online and I agreed to visit his mountain home and try his hot tub. A sexy blond and rough army guy. Well when it’s down to get naked I see this monster cock growing; thicker than my fist. Was able to take him with a lot of lube and good will from him. As we met up more it got easier and he loved to breed me in the night as I had the load from the evening before to lube it up easier. Still top 5 fucks of all time.
  21. I would say for cleaning I can always feel if I’m not fully clean. You’ll notice that when you’re really done cleaning you will not feeling like there is anything at all in your colon / stomach. Make sure to not eat at least 2-3 hours before starting to clean (eating moves your bowels faster) and for long play you need to deep clean which means use at least 1/2l of water early on to clean the lower part of your colon. The key to getting fully clean without accidents is then to give it some time without flushing out too much. You will get sore if you use water too many times so my best tip is to deep clean for about 20 minutes, then go for a 30-40 min walk / run, and then finish. The movement will help to get any remaining stuff out so it doesn’t happen when you fuck 🙂
  22. Oh yeah it is the best choice by far when it comes to gay sex out of Europe's sun destinations. There are tons of men wanting to have sex all times of the day and you can hook up, cruise outside, cruise inside, fuck in darkrooms all what suits you best. 😉 Go to the Spain forum in the local forums and read @EuRawBulls review of the sex clubs for a more detailed description. ☀️🐽💦
  23. Unfortunately leaving tomorrow. What a time it has been! Never had so many hookups in a week before 😂😈
  24. Thank you for a detailed review @EuRawBull this is important information! 😁 I didn’t get to visit all the bars this trip, so many bars so little time lol. on NYE Construction was super busy, to the point that you couldn’t fuck bc of how crowded it was. However on Thursday it was less busy but still lots of guys (the place is big!) and it was the perfect environment for guys to get horny and fuck, I was being constantly fucked and had 8 or 9 loads and didn’t even get to use my welcome drink ticket lol. Went to Factory on NY day and it was super nice also. Guys are there to fuck and not wait around for the hottest guy, so there was a lot of action. I came there preloaded with about 10 loads and had 3 loads in the hour I was there. The topic came up for discussion also and apparently you should avoid Construction on the busiest days such as pride and holidays and rather go to some of the other bars, though of course everywhere can get crowded!
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