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Everything posted by Ocelot2000

  1. Back in London for a bit

  2. Domestic Partnered/Married to an ex porn star for the last 14 years, separated the last 3 years and divorcing now. Does that count?
  3. I wonder if there are any good ABS in LA for this...
  4. It totally depends on the dick and the guy. Some dicks I can only suck for a certain amount of time before I get lockjaw of some sort. I definitely don't have a snake's jawbone that others have that can accommodate certain girths for too long, but I do love sucking dick like no ones business... Also depends on how hot the guy is, that does make a difference for me. But you know, I started sucking dick at 7 so it's in my blood, lol
  5. I went to have sex with a guy about 2 years ago and was lying on top of him and had my dick against his butt, then I went to finger him and felt something, opened his ass checks and saw all these warts. I stopped and said I had to go. Since then I've been worried O.o
  6. OK I am officially sore. Lebanese daddy fucked me in his pad 3 times this evening and gave me two loads. I should have stopped after the second. He tore my ass up for 45 minutes the third time time trying to cum again but couldn't. Still... ANYWAY....where's the hot bath for my ass??!?!?!?!?!? ouch lol
  7. Not really. Some of us might be chasers, others of us might not be. It's about bareback sex and breeding, not necassarily getting HIV or other STDs. Sure there are risks but a lot of people are here because they love the feel of it, nothing else. To each his own
  8. Not sure about that. One might advocate bareback for themselves but still be objective for others based on that particular person's needs or worries.
  9. I was with someone for 11/12 years. Him poz undetectable and me neg. I would never in a million years have asked him to put on a condom to give him head, lol, that's totally insane. And kissing? He's one of the best kissers I have ever been with, plus the only risk with kissing is if he ate garlic, lol, bleh... Anyway, it sounds like he needs to educate himself and for you to realize you deserve better, be brave, be confident, let him go in a nice way and if it's meant to be he will come back. Also another thing came to mind, are you sure there wasn't some sort of control on his part to keep you in line? Some things don't add up. No one is that stupid nowadays to think there is anything dangerous about kissing. It sounds like he's taking some sort of power thing against you and/or he's insecure about something and projecting it that way to make himself feel better and make you the object of insecurity. Either way, my advice is, walk away graciously, and if he wises up and comes back all the better, if not, better to leave now than be in a bigger mess later. Take care and let us know what happens x
  10. Last night in Doha, Qatar, outside in a car park by a Moroccan "straight" dad. He fucked me in his car with his quite thick dick and left a pretty hefty load in me.
  11. Advertise it as a party on bbrts. Obviously you can't mention The Vault, but a heading like Naked Night at the usual bar this Thursday, and people will know. That way you get people coming just for that and you aren't leaving it to chance. When a party is listed, it's PACKED!
  12. If you were in LA I would say look at Massagem4m.com but I checked there, not much in London.
  13. I started at 7, but that was just older men playing with me, not fucking.
  14. Not sure if what you call mine "extreme" porn but it's definitely taboo
  15. Edward! He tried so many times with me but I kept saying no, lol. He was always dumbfounded that someone would say no to him. Such a sweet guy!!!
  16. The top cumming inside and seeing him contract pulsing his cum into the bottom. When they take out their dick to cum annoys me.
  17. jdman, I only bareback once in a while and I'm on PrEP. It doesn't have to be only for those who are barebacking 24/7. I seriously think you should consider going on it. That way whenever you decide to engage, you are protected. Communion is once a month and in San Fran there are tons of other parties throughout the month. It will give you peace of mind and you can then decide which parties you want to go to whenever the "need" arises, as your needs I would imagine come at the spare of the moment?
  18. Thanks guys. I'll do my best! As for rechecking before I started it again, I did not, maybe I should have.
  19. OK so, I was off PrEP for a bit as I was changing insurance carriers. Now I'm starting back on it but had a question. Not sure if it's covered here yet. I love to take it right before I go to bed but now I travel a lot between timezones. It gets really hard to manage the time you take it, but I was thinking, If lets say I'm going from LA, where I live to London, my second home. It's an 8 hour difference. Do you take one that night. Travel, take one when it would be night again, where it's morning there, and then take one only 12 hours later again? Then you can go back to one a night? Also what is the window period? +/- 2 hours? 3 hours? where it's still considered the same time period? Thanks.
  20. I live between London and LA. LA is way easier, especially in WeHo. Not sure where you lived in LA but if it was WeHo or Silverlake you could be feeling the difference of how heavily the area you were in was populated as opposed to how spread out gays are in London? Dunno. But yeah, generally I can get laid in LA way easier.
  21. Vault 139 is always hit or miss. The best way to make sure it's packed with Bbers is to do a party listing for a thursday naked night on BBRTS and then you get masses of people coming to breed or be bred. Otherwise it's very hit and miss depending on who's there.
  22. Have you trying going to BBRTS and looking on quick connect adds? Sometimes escorts and masseurs advertise there.
  23. In Doha for a week but not Bahrain, sorry
  24. Seems a bit too busy to be really cruise worthy. But dunno, have you tried since?
  25. Yes Dunes Inn is one of the good ones. I hope you had a good time and sorry for such a late reply.
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