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Everything posted by Ocelot2000

  1. I had chronic prostatitis in my 20s. The doctors in the US wanted to put me on a long course of antibiotics as it's hard for the antibiotics to reach the prostate however my GP in London said I could do that, or ultimately not go on any antibiotics and let the symptoms go by themselves which will take a couple of years and that's what I opted to do. He also said with he antibiotics it would be courses that last months and those could be dangerous in other ways. Anyway, I am sorry you had to deal with this. Oh I also took tons of herbs, eastern medicine and certain things like saw palmetto etc which are good for the prostate. It fucking sucked for those few years though. There were days where I was walking around like I had a broomstick shoved up me because I was in so much pain. I hope it doesn't last much longer for you!
  2. I think it's got to do with where you live as well. If you are in NY or LA or SF or Chicago there are plenty of sex parties. You are on BBRT. Put your location in Los Angeles, CA and then go to parties. You will see parties where you have this sort of thing, eg Cumunion, DenLA and TeamPig, and lots of bottoms doing parties where they are the exclusive bottoms for a cum dump session at whatever given afternoon or night.
  3. I've had it the morning after but that's all and it's because of semen I think.
  4. When on Clapham Common? Also, winter or are you talking summer?
  5. Thanks. Gonna try it this Sunday anyway and see. I don't know about the Hardon events, never been, I'll try and look them up.
  6. I wonder where the good parties are now. In LA we have communion but there's also DenLA, TeamPig and other parties...
  7. I went. It seemed more like a club than a sex party. I mean there was sex, but the people came in their groups of friends and had sex with them and danced and left. Not like a real sex party. Some very cute men were there though.
  8. How is cumunion now that it's daytime? Anyone been going? I'm back in London from next week and will be there a couple of months and I'm always looking for good sex parties to go to
  9. How do you get invited to those?
  10. I've had it hit in a bad way when it just sort of pokes and hurts over and over but if a guy does it right there is no pain, they enter that area and it just feels sort of like an expanse and it makes me cum.
  11. Sigh, the plot will always thicken...... Well, I think it's safe to assume how he contracted it now, I had a feeling it was through needles or another man. Yes you can get it from hetero sex but it is much harder. I knew about his brother being bi/gay, but not about Charlie. I bet Bill Cosby is happy to be out of the limelight for a minute......
  12. No, you cannot get it like that... Unless your dick has a cut on it and you are bleeding, there's no way of getting HIV from getting basic oral. From what I understand the cases in the past that allegedly happened that way ended up being from other factors where the person was not telling the whole truth about their sexual history and ended up being from Anal sex. It has to enter your blood from a reliable fluid source from said partner, i.e. not saliva. If you had high level untreated HIV and he had gonorrhea and you came in his mouth and throat, him having ALREADY had gonorrhea from before might make his throat more raw and therefor able to transmit HIV into it but again still very very low chance of it. Saliva kills it, Air kills it..... Anyway, there are of course never any guarantees as chances in a million can happen, but that would be so odd. Either way, hope all is well of course.
  13. People have low immunities for many reasons, not only HIV.
  14. Words fail me..... good luck?
  15. I was gonna say that sometimes the actual reason is that we get into our own heads sometimes and the more we worry about it happening the more it happens 'i.e.: not chemical but mental". It could be medically induced, I'm not saying it isn't, but it could also be just worrying about it happening which makes it happen..... Whatever it is, I hope you figure it out and are happy in your sex life x
  16. I agree. It's good to know from now how well the generics are faring compared to Truvada itself.
  17. lol, I was gonna say, that is not a daddy fucking in that vid
  18. Anyone going this Saturday?
  19. Same but what an awful song.....
  20. Thanks for bringing this up!
  21. Not looking for a room mate but if you need some advice around LA, message me and I can try and help if I know the answer.
  22. He's hot front, back and wet all over!
  23. Moroccan dad made up some excuse to his wife and came over again. Gave me two loads but his dick is a bit too wide for me. Ended up bleeding a bit but it wasn't too bad Kept his loads inside me for as long as I could.
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