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Everything posted by Pumpinmyhole

  1. OMG, I'm DYING laughing. That's BRILLIANT LOL.
  2. *hopefully* soon!
  3. I'll always call it my ass or my hole. The top can call it whatever he wants, whatever helps him get off. Just fuck it, breed it, and leave your load dripping from it.
  4. Being an airline employee, I asked myself early on what was more dangerous: Being in a metal tube with 320 strangers in a day (who were mostly masked), or hooking up with a single stranger in my hotel room. And honestly, I didn't see much difference. However, in March when most of the lockdown orders started, I was fucking with a single guy in PHX (where I was mostly laying over at the time). And I was fucking with only him through May. Then all of our trips kind of went to hell and PHX layovers weren't happening. So thinking about social distancing on layovers and working in a confined space with all those people, I decided to keep hooking up on trips. But for the time being, no gang bangs, no being a 10 load cum dump...just one or two guys that I could inform of my job and they could make their own decisions. So my load count is down the last few months, mainly because my layovers have been so short. Short layovers=airport hotels. And activity online has been down. But...I still try but am being more selective.
  5. This is awesome, paints a picture I can sort of imagine.
  6. I too, agree with theplayerking. I've tried in the past, using the parties section on BBRT. My no show rate was 70%. Even guys that requested invites a few hours prior didn't show. Reach out to any fuck buds you currently have and see if they're interested. Then see if they know of any *reliable* guys who'd be interested. Then ask those guys if they know anyone, etc. The most successful party I ever hosted was organized by a top that I'd hooked up with only once prior to the party. It was a gang bang with me being the only bottom. He went to a LOT of fuck parties, and he knew a lot of guys online that went to these things. I had the party posted on BBRT and he told me who to approve and who not to, as he knew who was reliable. I invited 12 guys, and 8 showed. Start small, cultivate some fuck bud relationships and go from there.
  7. Of course it's possible that the profiles are intentionally different. Another possibility is that one of the profiles hasn't been updated in quite a while. Take BBRT for example: I've noticed countless profiles where the BBRT system will log them as being a certain age, say 50. You've entered your birthday and their system will automatically update your age for you. But their profile text has them stating that they're 45. They're either not smart enough to notice the difference of the two ages, or they simply haven't updated their profile in 5 years. They may have gone on/off meds since creating the first profile, and they had a different status when they created the second. That said, it might be fun to ask them which is correct?
  8. Well, I Worked for an escort service In Fort Lauderdale from 1998-1999. I was new at my current job, and flat broke. Easy money. I had been doing on a lot of dinner dates with guys prior to this, just for the food. And I was letting them fuck me because, you know, they paid. Why shouldn’t I fuck just for the cash? Now I fuck for free...I guess I’m a failed whore? LOL
  9. My first anon load wasn’t until my mid 20’s, at a bath house (the Denver swim club). I arrived pretty late on a weeknight, and it wasn’t particularly busy, but there were a few guys there. They used to have this great multi tiered public play room, with mattresses spread over the staggered levels. Late at night I went in there to rest un an upper level and dozed off. I was woken up by someone fingering my ass. My heart was racing and I didn’t look up, but I spread my legs and raised my ass. He slid his dick in and fucked for a couple of minutes before loading my hole. After he finished, a guy that had been watching in a corner came over and started to slide his dick in. I was so turned on by what was happening that I blew came as he was fucking me. He came shortly after. After that, I was HOOKED.
  10. Girth isn’t a problem, and always appreciated. But usually anything over 8.5” is too much. Despite the number of miles on my ass, I’ve never been good about taking dick deep. No matter what I’ve done to try finding/training my “second hole”, if you’re over 8.5” you’re just going to be pounding the back and it’s going to be painful. And I don’t respond well to pain. If you’re 6”-8” you’re right in my comfort zone, so feel free to pound away. As a matter of fact, I tend to politely decline offers from guys that are “too hung”.
  11. This is really a non issue with me. Hooking up via BBRT, we all know it's happening raw. With the other sites/apps, the top's intent might be a little vague. But my profiles/posts explicitly say I'm BB only. When they invariably as "what I'm into/looking for", I always reply with "needing my ass fucked and a load in my hole." If they ask if they can use a condom, I politely decline. But this is all decided prior to meeting up. Only once have I had a guy come over that I turned away because he wanted a condom. We'd discussed it prior, he knew it was BB only. He drove 20 minutes to get to my hotel, and after he came in he mentioned the condom again. I replied, "that wasn't what we negotiated. That's not going to work for me." He wound up leaving. I felt bad he drove all that way, but it was all on him. Bottom line, for every guy that wants to use a condom, there are two that will fuck you raw.
  12. The "straight" guys are on all the apps/sites. I get a sense that Sniffies and Doublelist are more of the "straight" ones.
  13. Wow, I thought I was the only guy out there who learned by accident. I was babysitting, 13 or 14 years old. The father had a few Penthouse and Hustler magazines in the attic (I was nosy, don’t judge). I took a Hustler home with me, one that had a couple of pics of guys in it. In the privacy of my bedroom, I’d look at the pics of the guy, and have an instant raging hard on. I think I was just adjusting my dick with my hand, but touching it felt great. Then I rubbed it a bit...that felt even better! So I kept rubbing it while staring at the naked guy in the magazine. As you can guess, it wasn’t long before I came. And I had no idea what had just happened. What’s that white stuff? Did I injure myself? Am I going to die? I didn’t know what happened, but it felt so good that I risked death doing it 2 more times that day LOL. No, I was never caught
  14. On request by the top, sure. If another bottom wants to felch it out for me, I'll politely decline. Whether I've taken one load or several, when I'm finished for the day I always jack off. I finger my sloppy ass as I stroke and edge myself. Some will leak out and I smear it all around my hole. When I can't hold back any longer, I push some (ok, a lot of it) out in my hand and eat it as I blow my load. It's my guilty pleasure.
  15. Thinking about it even more, the daytime guys definitely have an agenda. They want to cum, and they want an easy hole to fill right now. None of this, "how about in an hour" stuff. NOW. The night time guys will be online cruising, but you know, they've go time to look around and wait and see who else logs in. Wait and see if something better comes along. I'll even go out of town every now and then for a couple of days, just to hookup and play as much as possible. I always get up early so I can have my ass available from about 10a-4p. Guys *will* look for a lunchtime fuck. Of course, nowadays more and more guys are working from home. Instead of bringing them to me in a hotel, I may need to travel around and take loads from their home offices? Happy to do my part 😉
  16. I'm probably 98% bottom. I jokingly say that I top once per year, just so I can maintain my qualifications LOL. But I love to grab, grope, and feel a guys ass. And I can really get into rimming a guy. I haven't encountered a lot of tops that don't like it. I love to get a top on his back, suck his dick, move down to his balls, then gently brush my tongue across their hole. Then they'll raise their legs a bit giving easier access, and it's game on. Generally, makes them SUPER horny to fuck.
  17. I always encounter the same problem across all sites/apps. I'll be online cruising, and someone will send an oink/woof/wink/smile to me. I'll respond with a "thanks, great profile. How are you doing? Are you looking?" And then...nothing. I understand the concept of sending a woof/oink/whatever if your just acknowledging a hot profile, and I understand that some guys might have limited free messages. Just let me know if you're seriously looking or not.
  18. I follow Hawk's Vegas on Twitter. They had several posts from tonight that they were opening at 10PM...bring cash only, bring a mask, sanitizer available at check in. Then a post saying that they were permanently closing. I wonder what went down there tonight, causing them to close? A sign of the times I fear. But to answer your question, I guess it's Entourange.
  19. I've had the opportunity to use multiple apps/sites all across the country. I like to compare them to bath houses. On any given day, one will be busier than the others. One will have fewer flakes than the others. Generally speaking, I do the best with BBRT, A4A 2nd, and Doublelist 3rd. I won't use Grindr, and Scruff almost never gets me anything. One thing I've noticed though: No matter where I am, or what site I'm on, more guys want to hookup during the daytime instead of in the evenings. This leads me to believe that 90% of the guys on these sites are married/partnered and can't get away once their spouses get off work. If I'm hosting in a hotel between 8am and 3pm, I'll be overwhelmed with messages. But once 4pm hits...crickets.
  20. Been there too! I've had to stop referring to them as "dead". Some guys think that means they can chew the fuck out of them and I'll feel nothing. So I now say "my nipples do nothing for me." If they're going to insist on playing with them, they have to go easy on them...otherwise I'm just highly annoyed.
  21. Mine do nothing for me. I've been told I'm great at working sensitive nipples on other guys, but mine are a dead zone
  22. With these scenes, I always tell the tops that they might cross paths with others. If they're cool with it, great. If they insist on going at it alone, I'll tell them to come by right now, or give them a window to show up. If they're more than 10 minutes past that, I'm moving on. 95% of the time they don't care, they just want to get off. Hotels are definitely safer than at your own house. I've never had anything sketchy happen in a hotel room.
  23. There's no one answer for me. When I'm in a hotel on a layover and cruising the apps/sites and someone hits me up, the first thing I ask is "do you want this ass up anon style, or make out and fuck?" If the former, any guy/dick will do. If the latter, I'll be a little picky. Same if I'm at the baths...in the dark room, it can be anyone. A guy stopping by my room, I'll be a little picky. I tend to hang out in the dark room mostly 😉
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