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Everything posted by timfreo

  1. Just gotta love restroom breeding sex. Raw & animalistic
  2. A BZ Classic 👍
  3. Of course yes
  4. Popularity of chasing has gone ballistic
  5. I can often feel a sensation of warmth as he cums in me. Have only twice, I think... Felt the cumshot hit inside, which was sexy as fuck
  6. You may want to put that add in the Backroom, not here
  7. Prep or not, condom use is a crime against gay sex
  8. Best of luck!! Hope it's a good result!!
  9. Shouldn't use condoms, ever. Horrible things
  10. Been there in that exact position... Years ago when I first started going bare. I was so nervous & scared but that moment I felt him pulse in me, filling me, my eyes rolled back and mouth opened in exstacy.
  11. Must check it out when next in brisvegas . Masks don't bother me as much as condoms do 🤬
  12. Big nipples
  13. Depends . Starting on female contraceptives, then it's a slow process over a few years with modest development. Full hormone therapy will see big changes within 12 months
  14. If taking PreP has the result of your anxiety going through the roof, then that's a pretty bad mental state to live in. Can't be good for you.
  15. counselor just needed what so many do, a firm controlling hand, to get them through that terror despite them knowing deep down its the best thing for them
  16. Aready have one set up
  17. Give it up & feel free
  18. Missing a day should be fine if you keep up the dosage afterwards . It's about maintaining a residual minimum in your body. A singular incident is controllable, but if the missed dose is repeated the residual level will fall below the minimum for protection
  19. Final pozzing down the back in bicentennial park
  20. Chastity defines who and what you are . It is for life
  21. After all this covid shit goes away, any suggestions on the best countries or places within cities to visit for raw sex? Want to get my white ass over there, give it up for as many hot Black African guys as I can
  22. This year? Only 71 so far. But most anon breeders. Damn lockdowns
  23. I've been trying to get Pozzed in Sydney for years, but never had any luck... Damn sad this is fiction!
  24. It's totally worth it. It ft wonderful when an ex FB showed me the BB way and how taking seed made me feel. I'm forever in his debt. And then when I admitted to myself what I was and came out publically as a chasing cumdump, an amazing weight lifted from my shoulders. I never felt so free
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