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Everything posted by naughtycute82

  1. Thanx for the friend request! Hmm, only 4 days until Sunday Funday! ;))

  2. Public exposure like that, oh hell yeah! I once wrote a blog here about a sexual encounter where the top used the word 'pussyboy' and how that was a huge turn on for me. But instantly I got this angry message from someone telling me how a man's hole is called 'hole' and never 'pussy' or 'cunt'. (Seriously the nerve of that guy!) I'm very much into verbal humiliation but I don't have a real personal preference. When dating I usually try to find out what 'sex language' the top likes and use the terms he likes to hear. If he uses 'pussy', I'll use 'pussy' but at initial contact I will only use 'hole' just not to offend tops for whom it's a turn off. The way I see it I am fully focused on providing pleasure to the top who fucks me so I'll let him decide what names he wants to call me and play with that during sex.
  3. Have dalabottom's vids been posted here already? This one just sets my brain on fire everytime I watch it: http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=2yDfa-G489-#.VbdHHbPtmko It features dalabottom ass up face down taking some raw anonymous daddy's dick. I love how the top gets verbal and asks him whether he's already been fucked today and (after two thirds of the vid) starts asking questions on how long the bottom has been into taking dick. No close ups but definitely a hot slamming finish at the end. I also like this one from furryjock86 where he's breeding a 'neg slut' in a park bathroom. http://www.xtube.com/watch.php?v=XjEuM-G175-#.VbdLFLPtmko It starts out with the bottom blowing him after which he takes him from behind. Later the action shifts to the floor where he pins the bottom down. The sound is a little crappy though it has some nice verbal to hear if you turn your speakers up, and you get to see the bottom sluts' face the whole time.
  4. Dirty Dicks and Eagle have been reopened since the fire and renovation. Both going strong for a couple of years now! The problem with businesses closing isn't always due to dating apps or other cities. It's simple economics: 'if people don't buy your product, there might be something wrong with your product'. If businesses want to survive, management has to be willing to make investments, if not...then businesses close.
  5. My standard reply for fuck requests today is: leave the condoms, bring your camera instead. Who's up for it?

  6. This Birthday boy will be in chaps at this party tonight: http://www.leatherhistory.eu/?p=7372 #hint #justsaying

  7. Hi, thanks for the add here! Great profile as well! :)

  8. Hi thanks for the friend request! :)

  9. Hey thanks for the friend request! :)

  10. In the UK for the weekend...and I've brought my leather chaps! *very evil grin*

  11. I've recently become an active pro-PrEP voice in the local PrEP discussion, so now some of my poz friends have started joking about me taking their Truvada. When they take their pills while I'm visiting they go:"Look, here is what you want!" Several of my friends have done this now and I know they're joking. But since I also hear their stories about this and that guy who needed to drop or temporarily stop his meds because of side effects I was wondering whether I should seriously ask them for it. (PrEP won't become available in our local community until 2017/18.) Does anyone have experience with this? Did anyone ever ask their poz friends for Truvada? And what did they say?
  12. Amsterdam will start with a PreP research at the beginning of next year. I've been told the research will involve a group of 250 men who they'll follow over the course of 3 years. I sent an e-mail to GG&GD Amsterdam's homocohort in August to ask how I could be included and now I'm on the list of potential 'testers'. If you are interested, I'd suggest you do the same and just send them an e-mail. They will do a screening before the research starts, so no guarantees that you would be selected for the research, but it could be worth it. Also, on October 11th, Poz & Proud is organizing an informative evening about PreP. It's in Amsterdam and free of charge and it could be interesting to visit as also GG&GD Amsterdam will be there to explain more about their plans.
  13. Thanks for the add here sexy!

    1. BareBen


      thanks for accepting! ur cute!!

  14. National radio just called for an interview about bare sex, fear and Prep. I seem to be the only #public Raw Sex Advocate in the village. :S

  15. Not a fan of bath houses but definitely love fucking bare in public, especially at the local cruise bar when I'm leaning on the bar among the crowd drinking beer and then the top just starts fucking away at my hole. Shocked the crowd when a friend fucked me like that a couple of weeks ago hehe. Haven't done it like that with tops taking turns - but that definitely sounds way hot. *quickly adds to his cumbucketlist*
  16. In my experience there are quite some tops out there who like it when my hole has already been loaded by another guy before they fuck me. And I always love it when a man asks me whether I've already been fucked and then gets all turned on and excited to fuck my sore hole and add his own cum. Recently even met some tops who turned me down when I mentioned they were the first to fuck me that night. Equally, I love true breeder tops who like to mention how many guys they fucked. Just knowing he loves to breed and fuck hole is a big turn on to me so it seems only obvious that there are tops around who love to fuck slutty cumdump bottoms as well. In any case, for me, no embarassement there!
  17. In my city, we're lobbying for Prep so I made the decision to make my interest public to the larger lgbt community. I get lots of positive reactions but also some attacking Prep - basically always with the argument that Prep will turn men into bareback whores. To which my reply so far has been that 1) research shows that Prep doesn't make all gay men into sluts (I think Rawtop posted a link somewhere on this forum, should look that one up) and 2) however I decide to behave sexually, as a slut or not, is none of anyone else's business. Seriously, how much of a friend is that guy really when he starts calling you a slut for wanting to go on Prep?!?
  18. The one where I talk for the first time about my rentboy-experiences. (And it's not all fun.) // About Prostitution - http://loadhunterxxx.blogspot.nl/2014/09/about-prostitution.html

  19. So what do you do when you've been chatting w this hot hung top all week and then he insists on using a condom? :(((

    1. naughtycute82


      Hate to get fucked w a condom though. Will have to keep looking, grr.

    2. slowfuck


      First thought was to insist on oral only and swallow the load - deny him the prize. But that's unlikely to work for either of you. On with the search. Grrr indeed. :(

  20. Why do sum bottoms always NEED a top, NEED a dick, NEED cum? My motto is to OFFER him my hole and mouth. I focus on HIS pleasure, not mine.

    1. Hornyone


      Hmm interesting thought, I will have to give it a try.

    2. slowfuck


      Some bottoms are Dom bottoms to sub tops, you are a sub bottom to Dom tops I guess.

  21. I have a lot of things on my bucket-bottom-list but right on top of the list is the dirtiest fantasy I've had for a long time. It's the one where I get fucked by man's best friend while blowing a top and then after his k9 buddy has finished, he fucks my sore hole raw and adds his load. It would only be hotter if it was taped as well. It will stay a fantasy though because I don't think I could ever find a top who'd be into that kind of stuff and be able to make it happen.
  22. I voted no because science has found the human brain is only fully grown around the age of 30. (Google it for sources and research.) I'm not saying your not a bright kid or anything, but just wait until you have settled your life. Hiv-positive men have not only to deal with health complications, but also with a (very unfair) stigma. Think housing, insurance, etc. It can get really nasty. I recently decided to give up condoms, fucked bareback and then found out they might be releasing Prep at the end of the year. So I'm now on their potential Prep-list. I'd rather be on Prep and have - at least some - protection in the form of Prep, rather than getting poz now and having to deal with health issues I could have avoided. Now, I'm trying to serosort. Which is hard when your hole only wants to take bare loads from every next best top. But at least I want to try and be conscious about what I do before the Prep-screening. If it turns out I am poz already, fine, it was my conscious deciscion so no regrets. I'll only be angry when I'm negative and don't get acces to Prep, if that ever happens, I'm just gonna whore my hole out. Bottom line: wait until your older, try to get on Prep and then, only then, it would be ok to go out and get poz. Also, get yourself educated man! Always know what risk you are taking! Let your brains decide, not your hormones or your - undoubtably very fuckable - hole!
  23. Hmm, I guess I need to meet more - erm - creative tops (or get more experimental myself). I think I haven't tried half of this list, damn! I do love to get fucked standing up. Especially when I can put my hands on something to keep balance and look at him as he pounds away and loads me up. Missionary comes in close second, especially when the top locks my head in a tight grip with one arm so I can't move my head while he fucks my hole - it empasizes that feeling of being submissive and makes him get totally empowered and in control.
  24. Wow, that is so hot! I was just thinking of starting a collection as well. But not with things I steal (or ask) but with pics of the dicks that go up my hole. Would be great to have like a Slut Wall of dick pictures in my house, hehe.
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