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    Love being used for somebody elses pleasure
  • HIV Status
    Not Sure, Probably Neg
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  1. Oh so nice and painfull to be split open by a fat cock
  2. Oooh yes, born for men to enjoy
  3. Nice beginning both of the story and of his sexual life
  4. got me longing for raw cock
  5. what an experience
  6. I'll always clean a tops cock whether it has been in me or another
  7. Who can say No when a nice bare cock are working in the hole
  8. Welll I love when a real man uses me, humiliates me, I seek it
  9. Nice setup - would like to hear more
  10. Nice outdoor fuck
  11. Oh My - what a hot story Been there in my dreams - being a 24/7 slave between slaves, belonging to a master - or masters. Castrated, marked just masters property to use and dispose with. In real life I don’t think it will ever happen. I have chatted seriously with masters in spe, but only once got the guts to meet a might be master - well he never turned up. And then thinking: Being a slave 24/7, to be used, punished, modified by masters, you have to get rid of your old life, your belongings, your family, your friends and your name. You only exist as an object for masters. So. What becomes of a slave when his not attractive any more, useless for any master. As you are not known by the real world can your master just dispose of you, let you disappear, your body never to be found? I don't know if it happens to any slave, but must be illegal in most countries. So it s a dream, best left as a dream in a great story - or are here any real slaves?
  12. Need a stallion like that
  13. nice touch to clip the bands so he is in for agony - until his eventually can be cut off
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