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hamser last won the day on April 28 2016

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About hamser

  • Birthday 01/25/1969

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    chem... ws... group... 1-1... mature....
  • Role
    Versatile Bottom
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    I am a cumdump

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  1. hamser

    Cloud Cuckoo-Land

    damn ... i am spending my afternoon reading your blog. what a treat
  2. hamser

    A Nuclear Option

    what an amazing entry... well done dude
  3. He sleeps. Excausted. Too much cum. Too much piss in his ass. Too much slam powder floats in his vains. For six hours and a half hours he was offering his hole to the men I had picked out for him. Twenty men, from 35 till 75 years old… Yeap no twinks . He had asked for mature escorts . At least for tonight. Birthday boy would get his wish. He preferred to be mostly on his knees and take them from behind. He also rode a couple of them while they were laying down on the mattress, mostly to make it easier them for a double penetration. He didn’t like missionary. Yeap I could tell… doggy was the thing for him. I had spread the cocks arrival and departure in two sessions of three hours each. With ten minutes break every ninety minutes for some clean up and shower. But even then I didn’t take his blindfold from his eyes. He had no objection. Yes, there was trust. Quick shower and rinse, a small dose of g from a glass with sprite,. a bigger in the needle for his slams.. 6 slams altogether. Two doubles and two of half a gram. and back to the bed. While he had his ten minutes break there was a change of the black sheets and a bit of a freshing up room service by Alex my helper for the night, an escort I asked him to take care of some small chores eg towels, or needs of John like provide water or make sure that the other guys are not messing around with talk and bullshit laughs like it usually happens when there is more men in the room than three. Men are men. They easily lose focus. Alex was born in Nigeria, he is over 6.4 height and more than 140 kgr weight. With a cock thick as my both wrists but short only 6 inches. But Yeap… so wonderful thick. Almost sixty years old. And with a unique technique. The one that slides semi hard and gets hard in the hole and doesn’t abandon the ass till he comes three times and pisses twice. Then and only then he ends his session. And that’s it. He doesn’t go in back. He will jerk while watching the porn in the TV or just watch the whatever fucking is taking place in the room , he even might cum.. but not in the ass again. He doesn’t leave the room. I had met him in San Francisco, in a motel room near civic centre where I had placed an ad for anon pump and dump scene. I had started at 11.00 am, he showed up at around 5.00pm while I had seven loads already in me. He had found me ready and bent, slide in with his semi hard thickest prick and gave me his loads. “Do you mind if I stay? Just to make sure you will be fine” My first instinct was to throw him out. Some guys just stay and easily can ruin the scene. But then I said what the hell. So he stayed in the room, on a chair at the corner playing with his dick while he was seeing me taking three more cocks from other strangers. Around 8pm I needed a break. We went for a Korean noodle place. I bought him dinner. He bought the drinks. In his real life he was a cook. An eggman… making omelettes and scrumbled eggs for workers who started their swifts at the earliest of the morning hours. So it was very logical in my insane thirst to ask him to take me to a warehouse and take cocks there as well. And we did. Six cocks in a south of market warehouse behind a leather bar. And four more cocks in a glory hole of a video booth place near by, which stayed open all night. And when the beast in me was fed he took me back to the motel room, gave me his loads and piss, took his shower and then left to go to his shift at the restaurant. I like simple people. With simple needs. And silent pride. Alex is one if them. We kept in touch with messages thru the bareback site I had initially put the ad when we first met. No more no less. And one day I was in Paris and he wrote “ look I can visit Paris stay somewhere cheap and fuck..” Again knowing me I would have expected that I could freaked out. But I didn’t. In fact I liked the idea. He bought the ticket, I rent him the next room from my motel I was planing to spent my days and nights fucking. Paris with Alex was fun. And there I told him that he should put an ad in a site for escorts. Never late for a new path of life. A 60 year old cook became a 60 year old bareback fucker. And he was a damn good one. He left San Francisco, moved in a studio close to my place. He makes good money at least more than the eggplace. He does his thing… I do mine. I watch over him… he watches over me… and when a heavy duty scene happens he is there for me to provide cock and other services in his own silent way that suits me and somehow suits him. Like tonight. John s hole had to get filled and I had to make sure that he was taking all the loads. But I had a good share of joy my self. And a few loads. And a few slams. After the 90 minute period, I needed to get some cock up my butt too. For the rest of the night Alex took care of John and kept his eye on me to make sure that the other guys were treating the two cumdumps right. Whatever right that might be. So I ended up taking a few loads of my self too. No blindfold. It was a night that no matter what I had decided to keep enough control. And now all was done. The men were gone. John was sleeping. Excausted. A German creampie gangbang from sperma studio was on the screen. Alex on his chair soft. Spent, I looked at him. Smiled. He approached. Slided his thick soft cock and let a steam of piss while I hit the needle for the last time of the night. He saw me getting the buzz. And stayed in to piss some more, Then silently took the cock out and left the room, Two cumdumps on a big king bed. I heard the noise. The pans and the crack of the eggs. 5.00am Time for breakfast. Because no matter what. An eggman is always an eggman
  4. Moderator's Note: I could not find a way to adjust the color of the text in this post. I reposted it below. John knew how to follow the rules. Not by the bdsm obedience kind. But the one with the smile of easiness and the feeling of ‘yes, OK I can do it’. He was ready. The moment he stepped into the car I could smell the soap and the smooth lemon shampoo on his hair. I liked it. While I was driving I explained him the set up. Since he had agreed the ‘no buts no ifs’ deal I had to keep my side of the bargain. The ‘no secret agenda’ part. I told him about Mattias and his apartment. That when we ‘ll enter the loft there will be a glass on the front table. He will have to drink the cocktail and then he’ll go to the bathroom to fresh up. I asked him if he wants to be blindfolded. I have to admit that he surprised me by answering me that he preferred not. The trust issues were still there I guess. During the week till his birthday we had to work on that more. Some scars from his own jungle seem to be deeper than I thought. That’s OK. We all need our own time to heal the pain, the loneliness, and the need of self destruction that a cumdump like him - or me- carries. No matter how many smiles… No matter of how self confident we look when we drive our car down the streets of the city, or programming set- ups of gang bangs like the one I have organized for him… still… deep inside, we all are lonely creatures… trying to reach out for deeper understanding… I guess Kate Bush long ago had made a song about this deeper understanding thing. I am not sure if he knows who Kate Bush is. I guess in the soundtrack of the ‘jungle’ Kate Bush’s songs are not included. I put again my father figure mask saying that not him having a blindfold is not a problem, as long as he would put a kind if restrain like the horses do in the races so he won’t look back who is fucking him… “Instead”, I made it easier to him. “You can focus easier to the porn that will be playing in front of you in one of the huge TV sets our host is providing…”. I told him few things about Mattias and his ability to register the points. You have every right to know a thing or two, about the man who will have access to your veins... My father figure trusting voice was doing the work well. He seemed relaxed. In andrelanine of course but still not alarmed. The same mask of ‘yes, OK I can do it’… but with a touch of glow in the deep of the eyes. I explained that there will be a few men coming to the party. All escorts and all bare. “ Some will stay just for a quickie some will stay maybe longer. Some will take chems some might not. But kiddo you will definitely be the center of attention. Its up to the guys if they want to be introduced to you after the fuck or if they want to remain anonymous. I do not share info about their work their profile names or their telephones. I share the loads and that’s it. “No. You don’t have to worry about the cash… I am taking care of this”… I showed him the envelope but I didn’t tell him how many banknotes are in it. He didn’t ask either. What he asked was this: “Why do you do it?“ It was time. It took him more than few months of brief encounters and a night of sharing the sleep to ask his first ever serious question. Until now what ever talk we did, didn’t really include questions. Or at least questions that their answers matter. The ‘no buts and no ifs’ part of the deal, demanded the ‘no secret agendas’ part… Again… Fair enough. We were already there. I could see Mattias building. Downtown is empty at this time of hour. But I couldn’t trust my car at the side of the road. Not in that neighbourhood. When the evening falls and the offices close, the mood of the area changes. It is like if a black veil of sin covers the atmosphere. A smell of urine combined with cheap perfume of junkie whores. Pimps and heroin dealers. No safety net. And not nice to drive a fancy car or carry envelopes with banknotes. Mattias has given me the code for his private own parking lot. I park next to our hosts’ car. But I don’t get out. I turn of the engine and I stay a bit silent. “Why I do this… You see Stephan, I call you Stephan because it is time for truths and Stephan I will tell you the truth at least as far as I can understand my own motivations…. … “In this life we lead, the world with cumdumps, toxic bare loads and chemsex, it is not easy to connect. Not easy to trust. Not easy to stay sober. … “I call it ‘ jungle’… There is no mercy if you show weakness... Big beast eats little beast… There is no tomorrow if you start losing your self. It took me some time to understand what kind of river I chose to cross. And even if I always thought my self as a pretty good swimmer, there were times I felt I was ready to drown by tsunami waves. It is pure luck I just didn’t. But I could. … “You see my friend… the most difficult in this jungle or this wild river, is not the cock, or the sperm, or the chems. The most difficult part is to connect. We avoid to connect. We avoid to be human. Taking the position of exposing the hole as you and I prefer, deep inside we do just that: … “ We disconnect with our humanity… … “At first sight it looks that we are weak. We are holes… useless cunts… We become vulnerable taking random cocks thinking that it is our way to survive in this jungle… “…but weak… sorry, we are not... …. “Some we will survive some we won’t. We play with fate. And the odds are against us. But we still continue playing this losing game. Love is a losing game. How true indeed. Good entry choice for the Dutch in Eurovision by the way… “ He smiled at my last comment. Good. A true queer knows about Eurovision issues. I smiled back. I don’t want him to get too serious and spoil his mood for fun. But I owed him an answer. “And now we are back to your question. ‘Why I do this’… … “I do this because you look like me… few years ago… of course you are better looking than I ever was, definitely more nicer, and for sure friendlier than I will ever become. You are even smart enough to protect your space, and still remain goofy and a bit romantic since you ask strangers to share your sleep and help you fullfill your fantasies…. … “But weak? No, you ain’t... … “I am a bottom. Not a top. I know how you think. I know how your thoughts operate. I used to be like you. In a way, its thrilling for me to share a journey with another cumdump. Cumdumps can be ignorant and possessive. Believe me I’ve been in the jungle way longer than you… “… So my Stephan… I consider you as a challenge. My own tribute to the paths of your destruction. Or salvation… that is up to you… “… Today it is a test. The inviroment of Mattias is one of the safest you will ever encounter. You will deal with professionals. And the chems and the slams that you will be given are going to be first quality…. … “But it won’t be like this next Saturday. It will be darker and seedier and more dangerous… … “I like you. I wish someone like me would come and do the same thing years ago. It would save me from some serious problems. It would put things maybe in another prospective. And maybe change my path of life. But no one did. Or if he did I wasn’t paying attention and I let him go. C'est la vie.. . … “So it is to time for redemption, my friend John… from now on you are not Stephan… ll’ be back to JOHN. So John… … “I do this not because of you. But because of me. It is all about me…” I said and got off the car. He followed. We walked towards the elevator in silence. I called Mattias on his cell. “We are here… “ I said. I opened the door for the elevator. I let him in first. He seemed a bit confused. But the smile was there… “You are good. What’s your job, you said? “ he said with confidence. Back to his old self… I smiled back knowing that my smile has no sweetness or easiness like his. But from time to time it seems to do his job just fine. “I am just a cumdump kiddo… an old beast who knows how to survive in the jungle… “ I answered… And I pushed the button for the top floor. The button had the letter M. “M” I heard John saying. “Like the Fritz Lang’s film… Yes it’s going to be fun… “ I let his comment flow in silence. I made no comment… but deep inside my mask of indeference I smiled…. Damn, that’s why I love the jungle. And its beasts….
  5. I left John’s place and told him to get some rest because I had plans for him for the evening. I told him to be ready at 7pm and I will pick him up with my car. He was smart enough not to ask further more questions. It was our ‘no buts and no ifs’ deal… Went home. Parked the car. Fed the cat. Called my dealer. Twenty minutes later he had brought enough Tina and coke for the weekend. I went and bought lube and syringes and went to the bank to get some cash. Made some phone calls. First I called Mattias. Mattias had a nice place he was renting for men who like to get in a party mood without having to worry about bringing people at their own private place. The world of cumdumps and slamwhores is more than a jungle. You flirt with all kind of dangers and sometime people you encounter are beasts… including your self… so it is good to have a couple of gateways and shelters… Mattias’ shelter is unique. His place is downtown. It is on the top floor of a building that has only law offices. From 7pm the whole building gets empty. EXCEPT the loft at the top floor. Mattias’ cave… Hidden lights, no cameras, easy access with private elevator, no neighbours, big room with double beds, a sling, two huge TV screens playing all kind of porn, two bathrooms, lots of towels. Mattias true profession is a Doctor…. Which is handy and precious to me since he enjoys giving loads and provide the slams. And if it is in the same time then even better… I told him that I will bring some friends for a party gathering and he would be more than welcome to stay if he had no other plans. He knows that my parties are fun and that I am reliable for the fees he is asking for renting his place and his skills too. He also knows that my guests are people who will cause no trouble with the cops or paramedics.. (told you it is a jungle out there….) The next call was to Serge. A cool 50y old guy from Jamaica with a huge 24cm thick uncut cock with huge toxic loads and veins always ready for double slam session. He is an escort. An expensive one I must say, but he is worthy every penny.. And he knows people with the right attitude… thick cocks who play bare and snort or slam whatever chems but still remaining stiff. My kind of favourite people… I am a man of old habits. I usually go to the same place, sit in my usual table, order the same food. Yeap. You can call me boring. I don’t mind. I’ve been called with worse names. But as I said I am too old to change. The same with sex. I have rituals that I follow in a… hmmm… I must admit a bit selfish way. But it works for me and confess: I am too old to apologize if I follow mostly my needs than my fuckbuddy’s. But at least to my defense, before I engage into any kind of sexual contact I make clear of my agenda. If the guy is OK with my terms then we continue and play… if not that’s pretty understandable… no hurt feelings… … the next… My usual session in Mattias’ place has a very predictable routine as well. It goes like this : I arrive and call Mattias to open the door downstairs. Most of the times I go with a cab. I know I will be under the influence of chems so I do not take my car. But if I do, Mattias has given me the code for his private parking lot. And he is not leaving me to drive unless I stay sober for 48 hours. You see why Mattias is a guy I trust… I press the code for the elevator and arrive at the top floor. I always find the door open. The TV screens are already on playing raw gangbang porn. And Mattias is no where around. I make my self comfortable and undress. I drink the cocktail that Mattias has put on a glass on the front table ready for me. I trust him. I don’t trust dudes easily. Or the drinks they offer. But Mattias is professional. I know that whatever liquid is on the glass will help me to get in the mood. I have around ten minutes to start feeling the buzz from the drink. The envelope with the money is left it on the prearranged hidden place, inside a jar next to the breakfast biscuits. I know that while I’m in the bathroom Mattias will come out from his hidden place and will take it. And then he will retrieve to his ‘cave’ until I am ready. Quick shower and a bit freshing up for my butt. Before I leave my place to come for a session I make sure I am clean and prepared… and shaved… the hole is hairless though my body and legs are bearish. Nothing better to feel my hole exposed and lubed by sperm. And piss… I told you I am one of the jungles’ beasts. Mattias has a peculiar taste on towels. They are all black… the bed sheets also black. And always smell fresh… and the touch is soft. Even the carpets. Also black. Always soft in the bare feet. No latex. No cold surfaces. Even the marble. Black marble brought from Kaspia sea in the bathrooms. Always heated. Black wooden floor in the kitchen floor with black small carpets here and there. Air condition controls the temperature all over the big loft. And the air is filtered. He has a very trustworthy cleaning service. He is not charging in discount. I appreciate the high standards of his services and from the very beginning I made clear to him that I am not a client who bargains… … the jungle has its laws and the beasts have their own kind of understanding. Thru Mattias I met Serge. And thru Serge I met the Brazilian Paolo, Elias from Greece, Albert from Ghana, Wolf from Dusseldorf, Ahmoud from Egypt… All escorts and who fuck bare and enjoy pnp. After shower I go to the bed take the position ‘on fours’, with the poppers ready. I blindfold my eyes with the piece of cloth that is already on the bed and then I wait. I hear Mattias approaching. I feel the belt on my on my arm and the cotton on my vein. He has the slam ready. I feel the needle. Yes.. Always the first slam is a strong one. And Mattias is a pro. Slam and cocktail make me fly… and he provides the first load. And the second. And then the escorts start to arrive. For the next twenty four hours I become a hole for men I rent. No suck, no kiss, no chit chat. Mattias takes care giving the towels for their shower, pays them, and make another slam for me. Or cocktail. Or both. And while I buzz I hear my self whispering.. The next…. That is how I usually play at Mattias place. Once a month is enough for me. And one Thursday in one of those bar parties. I am not losing my self in the jungle any more. But I was excited by the idea to give to John a glimpse of my own kind of savanna… When I put down the phone I checked the alarm clock and set it up for 6pm. I took a pill to help me sleep. I had eight hours ahead before I go and pick up John from his place. It was going to be a nice Friday night. I was pleased with the way I had it all set it up. John’ s training was about to begin…
  6. John is a good friend. He is younger, around thirty, 70 kilos and around 1.75cm. But he looks much younger. He goes to the gym so he looks like a wrestle. People tend to like him. I guess it is his smile. Tops adore him. I guess it is his nice round smooth bubble butt… one think I know for sure… he definitely knows how to use it. He is a cumdump like me. But I enjoy so much watching him getting fucked that I don’t mind sharing the tops with him. He is one of those law key good hearted bottoms who deny no cock and after they take the load they say thank you. I am different. I say the Next. We first met in a bareback party one Thursday evening in a bar. We happened to put our asses on a bench… side by side. He smiled in a way that only generous bottoms do. So I decided to be nice… I shared my poppers with him. Later on we had a beer and we laughed talking about the importance of semen in our hole, both agreeing that we are focused more to the sperm than the size of the dick who delivers it. In bareback parties I seldom talk. With him it was different. We clicked. I had seen the scars on his hands so I knew he was a slammer but I didn’t say anything about our common chem habbits . I am old enough to know when and where I ask questions. I even gave him my load. It is so nice to meet a bottom who is more bottom than me and his hole was so nice and sloppy that I couldn’t resist. When I bred him he said thank you to me as well. I told you he is a really nice guy. In the next few months I met him three or four times. Always in those bareback parties. And always in clubs. Every time we met each other we kept the same routine. Bend on our knees and getting fucked doggy style taking loads from random tops, then going to the bar having a drink and then return back on the bench sharing the poppers. It was in one of those Thursdays that he asked me to go to his place after the party and sleep together. Just sleep. I had no plans for the next morning so I agreed. Nice studio apartment. Big bed. Big kitchen. Two big bathrooms. A huge TV that played straight porn with no sound. And all the glasses of windows painted in black. You had to slide the glass to see the daylight. I was OK with that. I like pitch dark when I sleep. And my sleep is not easy since I know a thing or two of slamming my self. We had a nice long shower. We drank our cocoa milk and we slept. I was still a student in the University the last time I shared the sleep with a bottom. I have to admit. It was a comfortable sleep. He had a way to make things easy with the snuggle. I am usually not good with intimacy. But with him was different. I loved the touch of his skin of his back stucking on my belly. It seems that I have missed a good snuggle more than I wanted it to admit. Next morning I woke up first, cooked some scrambled eggs and made some tea. “So Johnny”, I said when he was drinking his chamomile tea. “What’s on your mind? ” I took him a bit by surprise. “What do you mean? “ he asked. “I mean you need something. All this time we know each other you smile and you are friendly, and I thank you for that, but the truth is that you were checking me out. “You never flirt the tops they fuck you, you are friendly of course with them but always distant, you don’t share data about your life and your name is not John but its Stephan…“ I had seen a bill for the electricity stuck with a magnet on the fridge. “Which It is ok by me. You have every reason to protect your privacy, just next time you bring someone you don’t know, be a bit more careful and not leave traces around… but to let you know… I will continue to call you John… ” He blushed. “John is fine with me… And sorry… you deserved to know my true name at least.” I smiled my way. The father figure way that I carry only to certain occasions. And he was still a good guy. There are certain truths that you don’t share easily specially with people you meet in parties sharing loads and poppers. He got more relaxed. “So you were checking me out to see if you can trust me and then you brought me to your place to see if I fit and then you asked me to sleep as for a test to see how safe you can be when you are vulnerable. Isn’t that right? “ Now he was really speechless… “Damn you are good… what is your job you said? “ “Look kid I am a cumdump. But I am a really good one. One of the best you will ever encounter. And I guess I have been wandering in those steep hills of depravity quite a long time to recognize the whatever hidden agendas… And you are right. I like you… so you have no reason to feel awkward as long as you are not keeping me in the dark with your true intentions. So what’s up? “. He had a last zip of the tea. He looked at me like a boyscott ready to start an adventure. And then he spelled it out. “I have my birthday next Saturday. I want to celebrate it with a bang. I want to become a hole. A true hole like the one you see in the creampie gangbang porn films. Where one man after the other enter the room get hard shove it in give the load and then go. But I can not do it alone. And It is not something I can ask from any of my friends without them freaking out… So I had to find someone who can understand and not judge and with whom I can feel safe when and if the door opens and the cocks start pouring in…” What a great way to celebrate the new decade. He was waiting for my response. “Tops are a bit possessive. Bottoms are easier to trust… “ he continued. Well I guess he has a point. But all these stereotypes are a bit dated. Or maybe I am dated. I had to give an answer. Stood up and went to pee. I needed some time to gather my thoughts. The kid was brave. Braver than what I used to be twenty years ago. That’s for sure. He was washing the dishes. I took the towel to dry them. My voice was firm. Damn I could be a decent Top using that voice. “OK… but you need some training for that particular night. We have a week. If you are to become a hole you wish than you will have to slam hard and go to the zone…Do not look at me like I am any wizard. I know you slam kiddo… Look at your arms. No matter how good you cover them with make up I can see your small scars. Look I love being close to a chem slam hole. So… yes I can do what you are asking me…. Be by your side and make sure you get not into trouble and you won’t get robbed from your nice silverware. But to do so you have to follow my orders. With ‘no buts and no ifs’… and most important ‘no secret agendas’... I am I clear? “ He shook his head and then gave me that smile. Damn kiddo… what a beautiful smile….
  7. yeap guys... Hamser here... thanks for the positive comments... By the end of the weekend there will be another chapter... It is not exactly a porn thing what i put in words and damn writting in engish which is not my native language can be a kind of a task .... but definately it is a journey... too much of a lonely journey i guess... and yes sex is yhere., chems are there and i guess i am in there... Thank you for reading my "Strangers"chapters so far and also want to thank the breedingzone guys who have theis specific forum platform so that peope like me have the chance to reach out, explore the Inferno i... and attempt to "tame" the demons...
  8. In the van... not much talk. The Bulgarian speaks shitty english... he has the fly open and his huge dick is hanging hard... I asked him if he wanted me to suck him. But he said. “i want ass not mouth” and I want your ass slammed with cum before I fuck you...” The motel was about 30 minutes drive... and the whole 30 minutes he was hard. About 23cm and fat... I was scared from what was schelduded for me in that motel but on the other hand I was way too excited. I had given my hole for two nights of breeding and slamming to all the truckers that he had arranged... He had promised no harm but I would collect all the cum no matter how old ugly small or big... and the slam doses were going to be big..really big... Since I couldn't really touch the drivers dick I just sat at my seat thinking... I have to confess something. I don't like the silence of my thoughts. That is why I like chems I guess. When I Slam all my focus goes that at my asshole and the sliding cock. All my being my energy my whole ME is focused there... No need to think of any thing else but the internal need of getting bred. I let my body to be conquered by the feeling of the seed when it starts to flood my hole. I so eagerly submit to the need of receiving of a male hard cock... even a soft cock... as long as it is in me … raw... bare... The moment I surrender to this instict I connect with my salvation... my religious beleid my Non God.... my death... my immortality... Yeap this 30 minute drive in a van sitting with a bulgarian driver with a 23cm hard cock who was not letting me touching him gave me time to ask my self the one and only question: Am I going to see my Vicking all that was it... He gave up tired of my sluttiness like all the others before him... Did I scare him ? For how long I can continue the hunt... is this really me? A slammed cumdump getting filled with stangers' cum... Would I ever be loved for what I am ? Do I deserve to be loved? Or I will spend the rest of my days hiding from the world … doing sex trips around Europe and slamming alone before I open the door so that I wont scare the dude who few minutes later will sperm my ass... It is not easy to connect with others when you are a slammer and a cumdump... There is so much paranoia around... I guess I am paranoic too. but this damn silence of my thoughts when it happens like for example on this 30 minute drive to Inferno probably is the reason why I still can function between the two worlds... the real world and the Tina world... It is not easy... but part of the reason why I can still balance on the thin rope is that I understand the moment. And now the moment is to get out of the car. We arrived. The Inferno motel is Next to the highway North. The parking was not empty. More than a dozen huge track were there. No idea if there were for me or not. The Bulgarian put his still hard dick inside the zipper and told me to follow. He collected the key from the receptionist. The room was on the far left on the ground floor. A big double bed. A sling. A small sofa... And a stack of towels. He was well prepared indeed. As was I as well. In my back pack I had my towel and my kit. I had brought a fifty euro that I was going to hide inside my shoe. But even that was taken care off. There was a trunk with a key so I could put my things there … yes everything was set. The Bulgarian dude showed me where the bathroom was and made a funny gesture showing me his butt telling in his own way that I have to clean... I did... I spent 15 minutes cleaning up my ass... and setting my mind ready for the night. No more silence. No more thoughts. No more ifs and whys. I had a mission to accomplish and a slam to take... I had to make my self turn the key to the slut mode... Piece of cake... When I finished with all my showers and flushings of the water and felt my ass clean then I went back to the room. A porn was playing on the big TV. Straight creampie gangbang porn. And the Bulgarian was naked. His dick the hardest I had seen. On the table read there was a small plastic rope some white Cotton and a bottle of white alcohol next to four syrignes. He asked me lay on the sling. And when I did he secured my legs. Then he called on his phone. While I waited he took something from his big bag. Red pillow cases. With them he covered all the lamps. Even the one on the ceiling. There was a a knock on the door. The receptionist. They talked bulgarian while the receptionist got his clothes off... Thin around sixty, bald... but with an uncut soft cock that was hanging to his knee. He took from his pocket a plastic rope as well and came to me. He kissed me while he took my arm. The other did the same too... Two arms two slams... and no idea how strong the doses might be. The cotton on the skin then a small breath while I flet the pin of the syrigne entering... Flash and then push... and then.... yeah... the cough... What a buzz... Never felt anything like that. I lost sight for few seconds and when I opened my eyes feeling lube spreading around my hole. It was the receptionist. And then the put some around his huge hard cock... I had never see a cock that big. EVER. He played a bit with my hole and then slowly he entered all the way. His partner approached with the rope and the syrigne. He tied at the receptionist arm and he slammed him smooth. The light from the room was red from the pillow cases but I was sure I saw the red flash before the injection.. And that sight made me come without even touching my self. The receptionist felt my spinster I guess the moment that the chems entered his blood because I heard a lions roar. He came too. But that didn't stop him. He didn't lose his erection at all... he started banging me sliding in my hole using his cum as lube. And he came again... And again. In ten minutes on my own slam state of time he came four times, releasing the same roar each time. From the corner of my eye I saw his friend slamming him self as well... I heard the cough. The receptionist turned his head and saw the other Bulgarian setting down to the table the empty syrigne... He came out of my ass and went to the other guy and kissed him... How beautiful they both were kissing each other and licking the blood from the arm... Then my Driver came to the sling and spit on me … and bang he entered... Damn that was a thick cock... He fucked with speed.... His eyes were closed and he was muttering to words I had no idea what they were about … but I could recognize the lust... and the slams … and the feeling of his cock on my cummy hole. He came... He filled my ass with piss as well. He left my ass and the receptionist took his place. A bit softer . I love when a soft big cock enters me and finds the target all the way... Specially when my ass is prelubed with cum and piss... And there he was... he pissed in me also... A buzz with chem piss... Yes... that was heaven... For some time the played that way. Entering cumming pissing.. entering cumming pissing... The slams started to ware off... The helped me get out from the sling and took me to the bathroom. The sat me on the seat made sure that I was ok and told me to clean up and have a shower. The Inferno gangbang party officially was going to start in thirty minutes an hour... I was happy... Yes... I was happy....
  9. yes... great story.... great characters that you feel they care .... good job my friend.... looking forward to read the next chapter
  10. “Who are you?” He was drinking his coffee… evening… In our timetable almost dawn… I got fucked by almost 40 men on the ping pong table… until dawn the wolves were fed… sister moon should be pleased from the sacrificed lambs …three double slams… he took me to the sauna where we had spent a night few days ago… he fucked me under the shower stall… made me kneel and drank piss from three different men including the janitor of the sauna… then took me to the same 212 private room, where he gave me another slam and fucked me again … three loads, a piss inside and another load from the janitor again… yes… the slut in me is satisfied but still wired… We had light dinner at the sauna bar… pasta with tomato sauce for me… a hot dog for him… then we went back to the room where we had a light siesta… we cuddled… his cock stayed in me all the time while he snored lightly… I couldn’t sleep… maybe nod for few minutes but that was all… the slams were keeping me excited… I had water beside… I was drinking without taking his cock out… Yeap. I have my moves… all cumdumps should have their own “sheet music” moves to keep the Top happy and satisfied, even without him knowing exactly what you do or how you do it… what matters is the result… the cum in your ass, the smile on the Top’s face, his snore on the bed next to your ear… those are all what matter… After the siesta in 212 sauna room, we came back in the café… a towel around our waist. Relaxed… like two friends who just happened to meet in a friendly all male environment… But relaxed we weren’t. Somehow, talk was a bit awkward between us… he would fuck me, make me a cumdump, slam my veins, piss on me, piss in me, share my hole with other fuckers, recharge me with poz loads, but words were not easy… Probably because of my thick accent … maybe it was his Viking accent… To be honest I could find poetry in his voice but I guess he could find only uncomprehensive mumble from my part after all the slams he was giving me. I do not blame him… a cumdump on a sling or on a ping pong table or kneeling on a bed in front of an open sauna door is not truly expected to carry any kind of logic apart from the self destructive mode… the hole offering to any cock doesn’t make any sense… and I am the one who definitely loses any kind of logic when the flash registers and the chems floats in my blood… no I am not going to ask for reason … or for words… so I won’t be bitchy for his awkward silence… It just happened that it was the first time I felt awkward… the other times the silence between us was sexy… now while he was drinking his coffee and me drinking my lemonade I had the feeling that the silence had its own weight… its own significance. “Who are you…” “You know who I am, what I am, and what I do in here… I am a cumdump… a damn tourist … a slam junkie… a servant to your cock or any other cock you tell me to… a poz cum seeker…” “And is there something you want to be or it is just a phase… a fantasy trip… a kind of a two week vacation… “ I had to be careful on my answer… we were ready to cross the borders where fuck talk was becoming real people’s talk, even if we were wearing just towels around our waist. “It has started as a long weekend vacation. I was supposed to get fucked by a cock … any cock on the dark basement we met… The slam was an extra bonus on that night… even with that I am content… but somehow things took another path… and the one night stand has become a kind of journey… And I have to thank you for that… the journey you took me was and is more than what I expected…” Damn his eyes and damn his silence … “This is not true life, you know it?” “I have lived every minute of our meeting in truthiness” was my answer… “Do you think you are capable of leaving everything behind and become a full time cumdump?” It is a question that somehow I knew it was coming… SO it was my time to wear my Poker face mask… “Full time cumdump for you or for someone else?” I asked hoping to avoid the answer. “Any…” “No… not for any… the way I connected with you I do not connect with anyone… My journey has to do with you… If it was not you I would be already back on the plane doing what I know best… be a man with a proper id, proper work, proper life, proper mask. But you see I am in the sauna getting fucked by anyone, getting slammed in double doses, and drinking lemonade. And all that because of you… Simple as that…” “For me you are still a cumdump …” “I know but the question is am I just another cumdump for you?” The silence again… maybe I took it too far… maybe I should have kept my mouth shut. But I didn’t … If I hadn’t taken all these chems probably I would have kept my tongue… but I was wired… maybe even tired from keeping everything in balance… his and mine as well… enough from silence … enough from poker face. “That is a good question which I do need to answer you.. after all I owe you at least this… and here is how I will find the answer… “ He drank one more zip from his coffee… You rememebr the guy who fucked you after the second double slam… I had my eyes shut with a piece of cloth so I couldn’t see him but I remembered that there was this guy with a really thick cock who came in me three times without even getting out from my hole.. yes… thick and hairy… “Yes, I remember the fucker…” “He is Bulgarian. He loves loading cumdumps and chem whores… he seems to be impressed by you . He keeps a motel with whores… male and female. Called Inferno… His customers are truckers, losers, junkies, homeless people… poz sluts… you name it… it is all there… He was impressed by your performance on the ping pong table… So he asked me to ask you if it is ok to hire you for a few days… he will provide all the chems all the cock.. everything a cumdump like you desires… “And what about you?” “No I am not included in the deal. You go there you are all alone… no safety net… from the moment you are there you will take all the loads… you will take all the slams.. isn’t what you any cumdump would have asked for?” “Do you want me to go?” “I would love to see you take everything and everyone but since I am not included I have to admit it is a bit weird… In any other case I would just feel relieved. I am not used to have a second person at my place or share my cumdumps the way I did the last days… So I need to take some distance and think… and see where I stand and see where you satnd and what lies ahead… “ “Fair enough…” I said and I had another zip from my lemonade. “If I go, am I going to see you again after all this Inferno thing?” “That is a question I am not able to give right now… when I share I share in my own terms… I am present to the scene… Now this is completely new thing. Let’s say that in someway I am excited by the idea but in some other way I am furious by the idea… I feel territorial and that makes me angry not towards you but towards me .. I am angry with my self. I overestimated my control abilities…” It was our first talk… our first real talk… our first real true talk. And we were both exhausted. “Ok tell me what’s the deal” “Ok the deal is that you go… It is your duty as a cumdump… a test to your limits… And while you are there I will test my limits. And see if your presence is important to me or you are just another slamming whore like the rest I can fuck in any sling…” “Fair enough” I said. I could see logic… and I could see a sadness behind this bargain. “Till then I need more cum in my ass” I continued… “let’s go and fuck some more… And there is some Tina for three more slams. I want you to slam when you are in me… look the janitor. He wants more of my ass. Let’s write on the blackboard that the 212 whore is looking for loads… and let’s spend the night like that… like the way we know … because after this night all will be changed… nothing will be the same… for better or for worse…. After Inferno nothing will be the same…” And yes the bulge under his towel started to grow again. My Viking was back to his old self. A hunter looking to recharge my hole… a slammer looking to feed my veins… yes my kind of guy… Inferno could wait… at least for one more night…
  11. Laying low for two days… My stay in the city has prolonged. He told me “stay” and I just stayed. Usually when someone tells me “stay”, I run… But I am the last who should complain. I know that I am not the right boyfriend material type. I never was and I never will. “Your quality is your total command of the moment… Even when you spin you are tottaly aware of the situation and the environment… and so easy to adapt. You could be a top…” “No thanks” was my answer and he laughed. That was the new spice… He was laughing more… more relaxed… nn a way that a top feels like he doesn’t need to give exams every time to any loser or self- centered bottom… Sometimes I feel that the loneliness of a Top is more heavier than of a tweaker bottom’s, like me, who doesn’t give a shit if he has an erection or not. The bottom’s role is to provide the hole for a cock to unload. The top’s to provide the cock… Life should be simple. But what is simple? Sex is not simple. And sex on chems and slamming make it even more complicated. Too much paranoia… too much of a scene that can go wrong… too much drama… And the drama usually unfolds after the second session… when reality and the real character comes to the surface. When the beast is fed and the beast needs to rest and the beast needs to have a name and a house and a life, other than the dungeon and a bed other than the sling and the most important a washer and a drier to clean up the mess from the whatever session has just ended… I am a cumdump. I am not a slave. I do not find pleasure from pleasing a Top by doing the domestic chores. But I am not ungrateful. I do stay back to help cleaning up the mess from the lube, the cum, the piss. or the bed sheets… People like that. And I have passed the test. I do not steal drugs or money or silverware… I never chit chat asking about other tricks and I provide the less information about tricks and joints… Sir seems to like the way I command my silence. And I like the way he commands his… And it is easy for him to read me … I do not want to read him. He respects that I am not trying to out- smart him. But again he has seen the film again. As I said bottoms can be so mean and so self- centered and so territorial… I played the game once.. and I became no better… So now on this journey I want to become better. Less wounds and less words. So silence is part of my shield. My way of not hurt and not getting hurt. Some times it works and some times it doesn’t. With Sir I found myself that I want to make it work. So I prolonged my stay. Packed my stuff from the hotel called home and work that I was not returning soon and went to his house. He gave me time to heal the veins… heal the scars of the needles… slept next to him… and no fuck … no piss… he was leaving in the morning around 9 am and was back at 1 pm… morning. I checked his library… Literature was there… Travel guides… and the whole collection of Phil Andros’ novels … long ago before the whole internet shit Phil Andros was the James Bond of our tribe… And he cooked… I ate what was on the plate… simple food but tasty enough… I needed energy… for what was coming next… The fourth night without sex he said… clean your self … tonight we have a full moon gathering… I cleaned as he ordered… a good cumdump has to know how to rinse his insides and keep the ass hairless… I like things clean… even my breath… mints are always in my pocket… next to the fresh bottle of poppers… He warned me… “You will be double slammed… you will be on your limits… you will be a peace of rug… There will be around 50 people… you will be bent over a picnic table… I will give you the slams… only me I will do the needles … but you will get the loads from anyone.. there will be three bottoms… all slam sluts like your kind… do not exchange pleasantries with anyone... your hole is what matters… if I hear a word other than “fuck me” the deal is off… and if someone tries to bite you or give you more pain you shout for me.. I will be around.. maybe fuck a cunt or two but I will be not far… “Will you fuck me too?”… “Do you want me to fuck you?” “No fuck or no slam is the same if you do not cum in me…” “I will fuck you no worries but bitch… don’t dare to fall in love with me…” I wanted to say don’t fall in love with me either but as I said I know when I have to stay mute… The drive was about 45 minutes… We came to a trailer park… some tracks… some bikes… barrels with fire… Chilly but I knew I was shivering because of the anticiapation… I was like a lamp destined for sacrifice… We arrived in the center of a playground... A ping pong table… No one was there, only the two of us… But I could feel others presence… eyes were watching us… hungry eyes… I checked the moon … full moon alright… he took my clothes… and ordered me to bend over.. ropes… and a cloth over my eyes… I was bend over the pick nick table on the edge… my arms spread … my hole like an offering… I could feel the cold surface of the wooden ping pong table… couldn’t move… the arms secured… hole and mouth still available… I could hear the footsteps approaching… I felt the pricks of two needles entering the same time in both arms.. and then the push of the chem in my veins… I coughed… Head spinning.. buzz… and a cock in my ass …. Spinning… and a cock in my mouth… and I became light so light I could fly… and there was some kind of chants… or maybe it was just moanings… no reason to make sense in what was happening… One more body next to me… the other bottoms arrived… yes the lambs were secured… the moon was satisfied… and the wolves ready to seed… One cock came in my ass… It took only four seconds before another one push its way in … “Are you Ok bitch” I heard the Viking whispering in my ear… “Say you love me and I will” I wanted to say but instead the only word I said was “More”… And at that very moment I understood… if there was God if there any kind of ancient worship of Moon and Earth… then I was there for a reason… to feel connected with forces that are beyond of any understanding… My holes, my slams, my soul, where nothing more than offerings to something beyond of logic or understanding. My path is not a self-destructive one as I thought until now… No there is a reason behind everything … and the only way to full fill my destination is to take all the cum all the cock all the slams… “Are you with me slut?” I heard my Viking ask as he bind both tourniquets… yes time for round two… A cock inside stopped without getting out… just time for the slam to register… I heard my voice say : “More”… And more I got…
  12. I love slings… the way I float… the way my body is on the air… Expanding my self … becoming my true self when I am offering my hole… Three loads in my ass already… by three different men. Big thick uncut dicks.. Poz loads… pissfuckers… my kind of fuckers… A fourth man around his 60’s with a big gut is fucking me…Big uncut dick and a leather vest… He gives me his poppers.. I take a hit… nice buzz… he speeds faster and faster… But stops. Looks like he doesn’t want to cum yet… Not so easy… “I want you slammed…” Sir comes… Sir is near… he is always near… he films with the video-camera… He has promised no faces… and I trust him… In fact I asked him to show me some of the tapes he had on the black iron trophy closet and he was true to his word… No faces .. just cocks sperm points veins assholes guts and then more points…. No faces… All those anonymous ghosts... Servants of pleasure… There is the tourniquet around my arm… so easy for him to find the vein … and how smooth the blood registers in the needle before he pushes it all back. And then the tourniquet is released… yes.. all is done how it should be… the cough … the buzz.. the rush… The man with the leather vest seems to like the way my ass is letting go... He picks up the tempo fucking me… It feels so right. It was a good slam and now my whole being is in that hole … and the thick cock that fucks me. “Yes… let it go… that is the way I prefer my bitches… slammed and wasted… Take that dick… you like my dick?” I nodded yes… But no words.. .I was in that space where words had no place… the dose was strong.. and nice… and he knew how to fuck… so yes… I guess I was happy… I was at the right place at the right time.. .with the right kind of people… There, on the sling, getting random loads in my mancunt from unknown people, and offering my arms for more slams, was the reason, if there is a reason of my living… The way the guy was fucking me and most important the way he was staring me feeling the buzz, while he had stuck his thick cock in me I had the sense that his gaze was like a mirror. And thru that mirror I could see my self … a wasted slut on a sling … a starving ass for cum… a junkie for more meth… the right material of a fallen angel.. I felt beautiful… “Thank you” I mumbled… He didn’t hear me… or if he heard me he didn’t give a damn… I was a hole on a sling no more no less… And I loved it… When he came I felt the cum… deep… and he came with a loud howl… the rest of the wolves approached… I don’t think that there is a better compliment for a chem slam bottom than having men fighting with their hard cocks who would be the next to seed the whores hole… It was one of those rear moments that I felt like I control the scene.. But maybe it was the chems that gave me this sense of power… Other times when I am getting fucked on a sling I feel so vulnerable so fragile. And others, like this one, is like a force hidden deep where only a good slam combined with a cock in the ass can release and expose to the world… But my world was Sir’s basement… and the wolves were horny and the bitch on the sling was slammed… In the normal eyes this doesn’t seem a pretty world. But again what is normal. My eyes were so comfortable to the semidarkness of the dungeon. The red soft light in the two corners of the room gives this hellish atmosphere where everyone and everything happens like a slow motion… and the sounds of fucking.. the coughing… the moans the slapping of the naked bodies… the hiss of the tourniquet when it is released from the arm… that is my kind of music… All the senses where on alert. And when I am like this where even the slightest movement and sound gets noticed then I know that I am in the the zone of the true slam cumdump… “Are you Ok?” My Vicking is next to me… stroking my hair … there was sweat. I smile to him reassuring that all is fine.. that I am in peace… and the pounding that I get from this bearded 70year old man with the pierced huge cock is almost perfect… He touches my hole. My fucker doesn’t stop. He seems to like the attention. My hole is wet from cum. Sir gives me his fingers to taste the cum… So delicious. “How many you’ve got...” He asked “Not enough…” “Yeah… that’s the response I wanted to hear… ready for a double slam?” “Yes please…” I answered… And there it was.. once again.. .this smile… this feeling that he cared… that he was proud of my sluttiness… that somehow there was a kind of a match that we suit to each other, that there here was a kind of a mystic communication… It is this delicate balance that we seem to make it work… He can sense that my journey as a sperm collector is more like a journey of the soul. Only my salvation and probably his probably is going to end in a messed up loneliness… But I made the bargain long ago… My path is chosen by me and only me… I welcome the co-pilots on this bumpy flight but there is only one truth. I am doomed… My only and true salvation is just seconds away, when Sir will return with the two points and the guy with the pierced dick will sperm my ass right in the moment when the buzz will start to take over my whole being. Nothing else matters… Even in the semilights of the hellish dungeon you can find beauty. And right now on the sling while Sir ties up both the tourniquets around my arms, I know… He sees this Beauty, on me… Point.Flash.Push.Go…..
  13. I woke up... Not in my room… I am at the Viking’s house… King-size bed… Linen…. Nice warm comforter… Puffy pillows… He is sleeping next to me… A light snoring… close to a whisper. I like it… His body is spooning next to mine. He kept me warm, he kept me safe, he kept me his… That’s OK. The beast in me is fed. After whoring my ass in the 212 bath house deluxe room and collecting 23 loads and 5 slams he had said: “I can leave you here. On your knees like the whore you are… Getting even more loads… adding lines of marker of your back… or you can come with me, obeying my orders and be my boy until I release you from my keep…. You have 30 seconds to decide”. It only took me three seconds to decide. “I will come with you Sir”. “Good. We go to my house. It is a test. If you steal from me I will know. If you do not behave with respect to my property you will be punished. If you try to harm me in any way I will kill you. And… I don’t fuck slam whores in my bed… You will sleep… I will sleep… maybe I’ll touch you… I may caress you… but I won’t fuck you. Not in my bed.” We went to the showers together… Same stall under the running water… he helped me clean by rubbing my back from the marker’s prints… 23 lines… “Clean your ass… I do not want your ass leaking diseased cum. I will wait for you at the counter. I will call for a cab. Don’t make me wait.” I cleaned my ass… It was sore. The ass lips swollen… soft, but nice. Cum, lube, piss and water coming out from my hole… until I was clean… I must confess I was tired from the fucking and the slams… I checked my veins on my arms. The marks were there… My war medals from the last 36 hours… My heroic statement… I did good… He should have been proud.. I was a very well behaved chem slut. Didn’t lose my manners even after 5 slams… I didn’t mumble nonsense… On the contrary his orders were usually “Don’t hide in silence… Talk to me…” And I talked… And I said everything… hmmmm… almost everything… and he seemed to understand… Probably because he could sense that I understood him as well… But when he told me he wanted to take me back to his house I have to say that he took me by surprise… I am used to be left alone in the a bathhouse room to wipe with the towel, or leaning on a tree at the park with my ass leaking from some stranger’s cum to put my trousers back on, alone again, or on a chair in a porn theater taking a handkerchief and wipe the cum from my moustache, alone but not lonely… Because these are the rules of engagement.. You do what you have to do… you get fucked, you fuck, you take cum, you seed the whore, but… when the deed is done you leave… Alone. No prisoners taken. It is not a date. It is a fuck encounter. In a sauna you do not ask for a boyfriend material. You do not go hunting the slings to find your husband… You hardly want to see the face again of the man who saw the beast in you… Well sometimes you do… Sometimes you hope he will tell you “Can I get your number?” or “Can I see you again?” but I am not that kind of guy... I usually run… hide myself in my silence…. My boxes are so well organized… No room for leaks. Sex is sex. Work is work. Boyfriend material is found in a Concert House. Fuck buddies are found when I am hanging on a sling. Slam buddies are the secret garden of my existence. I know how to control my boxes, how to make clear borders and territories… where they start and where they end… Linen sheets in a double bed demand respect. So I know the importance of respecting Sir’s limits and expectations when he asked me to come and crush at his place. In his blue grey eyes when he was pushing the needle with the chems in my arms, or when he was seeding my ass, or when he let others to breed me with sperm, or when he was marking my back with lines I felt he cared, some other times I saw contempt… some other times I even saw respect… but what I saw was not enough to expect his proposal to share the sleep… In my poor slutty mind, sharing the sleep is the ultimate test… I can let others fuck me, breed me, slam me, piss in me, but I am in that Box…. The Box of the Cum Slut… The territory is known … I know what to expect and what is expected by a slam whore like me… But sleep in a stranger’s bed whom I met few hours ago? In his own bed? That is an unknown territory… The intimacy is a land where I do not visit often. It is tricky… Because when you wake up you become a man with identity. You have to say where you are from … what kind of job you do… the hobbies and the whole nine yard agenda that make us human. And to be human after 23 marks in your back, 7 slams and a face of a still hungry beast is another Box… Yes… there is always a price we pay for the borders and the territories… Do I want to know who he is? Am I going to be disappointed by who he really is… Is he going to be disappointed by the real ME? He opened his eyes… He caught me staring at him… The blue grey Viking eyes penetrating my soul. “Do not look at me when I am not looking at you… Do not try to predict… and do not try to read me… Do you understand?” “Yes sir” I said… “I need to piss. Follow me…” He got up from the bed. Loved the way he walked over the wooden floor… Big bathroom…. White marble and big mirrors… led me to the shower… “Put some soap in your ass…” I did… and then leaned over the marble… The position of a whore… I am well trained… My ass lips were swollen from the fucking of the previous hours so I must confess it was not easy to receive his cockhead at the very first seconds… And he was big… he was thick .. he was uncut… and fully erect… But I am a piss whore… A cumslut… I was not going to complain. All over the mirrors our reflection… two beasts connecting. Me, offering my hole … Him, with closed eyes concentrating and then losing his blender in my ass… Hot piss… I started feeling a slight buzz… chem piss… my kind of breakfast. He started piss fucking me… Noises of piss escaping my ass… He seemed to enjoy it … Didn’t need poppers… didn’t need anything… Just his chem piss and the sight of our mating from the bathroom mirrors… “Now, look at me fucking you under the light…. I give you the permission… And look at yourself… No dark rooms… no sauna slings… Look yourself in the mirror… A chem slut… A piss whore… That’s who you are… And now concentrate just in you.. not me… Do not look at me… I am just a cock in your ass… No more, no less… Look at you and only you… Damn, you are still tight… I am close to give you another poz load… Look at yourself… you hold too much… you ask for release and then you built walls and fucking defenses… I should have left you in that fucking basement…” And he kept on fucking… telling me about what he has planned for me. About the room where he plays with the sling and the fuck bench, the new Tina he ordered… about the double slams he was going to prep for my veins… and the guests he has already invited to arrive in a few hours And he kept on fucking… And I saw myself in the bathroom mirror… piss squishing, escorted by his cum… deep in my inner walls… music in my ears indeed… And I thought… “Yes, I am safe… I am still in the same Box… The same border… the same territory…”
  14. Room 212 … We took the deluxe room… Double bed… a sling and mirrors everywhere… We undressed, put our bags away, he took his small lap top and hooked in a bareback hooking up site… “Go douche!” he told me.. “Take your time.. Go to the sauna, relax, wander around… give me half an hour… I need to fix the points… and see if I can bring any of my friends at this part of the town…” And I did as he ordered me… Went for a shower and cleaned myself from the earlier piss and cum… After the slams in the bar and the earlier fucking from Sir and the Turk taxi driver, my body seemed to crave the hot water… I was never comfortable in saunas… I was always feeling too exposed and couldn’t stand the competition with the other younger and piggier bottoms… Maybe it was my self-esteem that was low since I was not big in the cock department… or maybe it was because my butch looks were giving the wrong signal and people thought I was a Top… So in saunas there too much negotiation for my own taste… or somehow it was difficult to relax and be the slut that I wanted to be… But wisdom comes with age… The last few years I finally managed not to be that harsh with myself… I guess that since I was introduced to chem sex I left most of my defenses down… I started leaving my door open showing my ass for people to see… I stopped being too picky of who was going to fuck me… and I somehow became more aggressive in asking to be seeded … I came in terms with my demons… So be it. The sauna was busy for a Sunday morning… The after hour club crowd… And some daddies… and some twinks… and some trolls… My kind of crowd… with red eyes… like wolves… hungry for more sperm… I looked myself in the mirror… yeap… it is me alright… the same thirsty me… Went to second floor… checked the rooms… Sluts like me waiting with their ass exposed… Men wandering… checking out for the best offer… I went to the cock-sucking maze… Few years ago I preferred to suck cock more than fucking… But like I said: Wisdom comes with age… I am now a cumdump… that is my true nature… to offer my hole for breeding and sperm… went and took a couple of mints… I wanted my breath fresh… got water for us… plenty of water… and then back to the 212 room… Everything was set up… the small tray with the cotton and the points… the poppers… the lube… the blindfold…. the camera… “You need to trust me…” he said… “I do” I said and I kissed his lips while I grabbed his already hard cock… “Get on all fours” he said… and I did… He started to rim my clean hole… the way he was pushing his tongue in my ass was sending me to another dimension… the poppers helped as well… He was sucking my hole for ten minutes… and then I felt his cock teasing my asshole… “Please fuck me…” I begged… “I will … in time… you need to get ready… Stay… “ I stayed on my knees like he ordered me… He came with the point. “It will be a bit stronger… I need you fucked up… I want you to be my chemwhore … “ “I trust you”, is all I said… He put the tourniquet around my arm… cleaned with an alcohol pad and found the vein, pushed till the tube went red and then took of the tourniquet off… “Here we go… stay in all fours…” he said and gave me the point all the way… I coughed and then there was the buzz… My ears started to ring… I almost lost my vision… but I looked up… and there I was… facing myself in front of the mirror… Red eyes… Happy eyes… I saw him put the tourniquet around his arm and then slammed his own point… He was so beautiful… Hard and ready… He put the points away… “I want to hear you taking big popper breaths…” he ordered me… and his voice was different… And I did… I was spacing in the most amazing zone…. Felt lube in my ass crack… and then his cock… He went all the way in… My ass was so relaxed… I saw him from the mirror fucking me… Yes this is me… On my knees, getting fucked like a cumwhore I truly am and he was my stranger Viking driving his cock in the depths of my existence… He looked at me… “Tell me what you are?” “I am a cumdump Sir”… “Yes that is exactly what you are… and a slam whore… My slam whore…” “Yes Sir… my ass is yours… my veins are your for slamming … make me your whore…” “Stay where you are” He stopped fucking. From the mirror I saw him going back to the hidden tray and took another point… “You need more…” And without living me time to object he cleaned my arm again, flashed and registered the second point for in such a short time … “Fly my whore” he said when he pushed the chems in my blood… And yes… I did fly… The most beautiful buzz… “Thank you” was the only thing I said which sound more like a whisper. He smiled… Yes, the wolves sometimes smile… I was in the zone. Almost disconnected from myself. Like the man who was in front of the mirror was not me… But some man who was happy and in peace with his own demons… A happy chem whore… A lucky chem whore who was offering my ass to a Viking stranger… “Thank you” I said again … and this time he heard me… “No, I have to thank you… For letting me see who you really are… And there is more to see….” He opened the door. And then came in front of me. He got comfortable on the bed… leaning his back on the mirror wall but at an angle where I could see myself and the open door in the same time. Anyone who was passing by, could see my ass sticking out while I was sucking his cock that was so hard… “You will take any cock… Old, young, healthy, diseased, black, chinese, I do not care… All I care is that you will take cum… and every now and then I will slam you more… and here is the water and here is the poppers… and see yourself in the mirror… you see this black guy… he is a bit hesitant but he will come.. and he will see me nodding him and he will stick his black huge cock in you… and if he asks for condom I will send him away… But he won’t… because he knows that you are a cumdump… he doesn’t know that you are a chem whore… but that is Ok… he will breed you… and then another one will come … and another one… here look at yourself… and every time anyone cums in you, you will say “thank you”. And I will be here all the time.. feeding you piss and chems… Look your self in the mirror… See how beautiful you are... See how your eyes glow… You are my whore… I will film you taking chems… I will film you drinking piss… I will film you receiving cum … Because you need to see what I see…. You need to remember everything that is to follow the next hours… And only when I tell you “I am ready”, I will slide in your sloppy cumhole and I will give you my poz load… and then and only then you will be allowed to rest… and then and only then I will be satisfied…” The guy behind me found the target easily… I felt his massive black cock sinking in my lubed hole… and when he was all the way in Sir held my head down and started to piss… With the corner of my eyes I saw where I was…. It is exactly where I was meant to be… My hell and my heaven … my place was here… the place where I meant to be… The guy behind me started to speed … My hole was too hot to hold enough… and he came… silently… like he was a bit ashamed for being so quick… I wanted to tell him that there is no better compliment to a cumdump like me that the Top comes quick… But there was no place for words. I heard my self saying “Thank you”… and then I felt the tap on the back of my neck… Sir was satisfied… And then I felt his finger pushing the cum deeper… “Good”… he said… and then an older guy came in the room… around his 70’s… Like he didn’t believe his luck… Sir, opened my ass cheeks to invite him.. I got some poppers…. Nice buzz… I felt his cock… Not too hard, but enough to get in… He got harder in my ass… Sir kept my mouth on his cock… I was buzzing form the chem piss and the poppers… The guy old enough to be my father was fucking me… sliding his cock in my cum lubed ass… I saw myself again in the mirror. And there was again the same thought: “Wisdom comes with age… My hell and my heaven … my place is here… the place where I meant to be”…
  15. We took the cab that was parked outside the bar . During the ride, Sir took my hand and put it over his bulge… He liked the way I was squeezing his hard cock… The taxi stopped in front of a grey building… Nice area…. He told me to stay with the cab driver and he went inside the heavy iron. The driver gave me a lazy look from his mirror. Our eyes met. In his 50’s, grey moustache. Probably Turkish, because he asked me something in that language… I answered in English and that was all… no more talk… No idea if he knew I was high from sex and drugs… Most of the times I can hide my condition easily… I hoped I did a good job not showing the adrenaline of the chems … and my need to get fucked was not that obvious …. The Norwegian came back… He was only absent for five minutes… In my time zone it looked like an hour…. He said to the driver to take us to another address… Put my hand again back to his fly… it was open this time… I took his thick uncut cock in my palm.. thick… and the foreskin like velvet…. He put his hand on my neck and pushed me head down… I should have worried about the driver… or if someone would have seen me sucking Sir’s cock… But the driver seemed to be ok with the whole scene and the glasses of the car were dark enough…. I started to suck… Sir was hard… at one point I felt his piss floating my mouth… I didn’t waste any drop of his chem piss… I started to feel the light buzz… I was kept on blowing him… He was giving me instructions how to take him down to the root… He seemed to enjoy gagging my throat… He asked me if I wanted a nice thick Turkish cock in my ass…. My moaning of pleasure was exactly the answer he wanted to hear… I was sucking him for more than ten minutes (whatever time zone)… And suddenly the taxi stopped… Sir held my from the neck… “Stay”, he said. I kept on sucking… I heard the driver’s door open and then the door from my side… From the corner of my eyes I saw we were parked in a deserted parking lot behind an empty factory… I felt a finger poking my hole… Sir took me at the edge of the back seat without removing his cock from my mouth…I got comfortable on my knees… Sucking Sir and offering my ass to the Turkish Taxi Driver… I felt his thick cut cockhead rubbing my ass ring and then went right in… His breath got short when he realized that he was sliding in an already cummy ass… It was the first time I was getting fucked by a Turk and hearing him telling me in his own words how he loves to fuck sluts like me… and he was going to plant his seed in me like a whore… Sir gave me some poppers… I needed them… Although my hole was well fucked the driver’s cock was way too thick… Loved it… The Driver took also some of the poppers that Sir gave him and then started to increase his speed…. “Take his load whore” … Sir whispered to me… And the seed I took… The Taxi Driver gave my a last thrust and then with heard him losing his breath while he unloaded in my ass…. And then he stayed in… “Piss in him” Sir ordered the driver… I felt his piss warming my hole… Taxi driver started to laugh… and kept on pissing… “You better not let any of that piss leak on the car seat”… Sir told me in a harsh voice, making sure that I should not misunderstand his command… Taxi driver took a paper towel and cleaned himself… while I went away behind a corner and let all the piss and cum out of my hole… Like a dog… How low can I get… I silently asked myself… but the animal in me that was still hungry… I went back to the car… Sir and the driver were smoking a cigarette talking like buddies from the Army or something.... I got back in the back seat and then Sir got back next to me… “Thank your fucker in your native language… He wants to make sure that you are not Turk”… So I said in Greek “You were a Good fucker… Thank you for giving me your load…” The Driver laughed… and then he said “Kalimera” I laughed… It is the Greek word for “Good morning”… Yes, indeed the morning has started just fine with a load and a piss from a Turk taxi driver and I am on my way to the sauna where I will be probably gangbanged and surely slammed with more chems… True… A Kalimera… People were going to their offices… riding their bikes… driving their cars… A day in a life… Living the life of common people… The life so many songs are singing about… and me… Where am? Where do I go? Why I am here, in the back seat of a taxi driver who has just fucked me and why am I sitting next to a guy whose thick cock I hold in my hand like a dove? Why do I not end the night that became a day and I intend to make it till afternoon … without sleep, asking for more cum more piss more chems? When does this all end? When do I say that’s enough? When enough is enough? Is there ever enough for me? Some questions are not going to be answered… And if there is an answer I am not going to give it today… Not while the taxi takes me to my next destination… there where my Norwegian Master wants me to be... But somehow I feel like a lamb… aiming for a holy sacrifice… another kind of Iphigenia… only this time the temple is going to be a bath house… and my altar will be a sling… or a fuck bench… both will do… Sir seems to read my mind… “Boy… don’t put logic behind things… I see you struggle … Your mask works well with the others… not with me… Trust me and you are not lonely in this… “ “Sir, I will say it only once… Cumdumps get lonely… that is true… But what is another undeniable truth is that even Tops and Masters get lonely… That is why I am still in the back seat of this taxi… You are as lonely as I am and maybe even lonelier...” He looked at me… Poker face… He could have given me a punch… He could have me thrown out of the taxi… Instead he kissed me… Like he cared… Like he loved… “Too much logic…. You’ll need stronger doses when I ‘ ll slam your veins in the sauna… “ he said…
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