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Everything posted by topstud127

  1. Been on it a year and a half.... done a handful of bathhouses, however many fuck buds, hook ups and threesomes. I top more than bottom in those situations and not all have been bare, but its proved its efficacy for me. I've had gonorrhea once and possibly another time (did antibiotics anyway, would've been anal and asymptotic). My boyfriend keeps me from getting too crazy so I'm reigned in a bit, but I've done a lot that I wouldn't have dare been comfortable doing without it... I'm definitely an advocate for it. I know I'm privileged enough to have insurance, but if possible, I think its a great idea to have regular doctors visits and be on top of your health if you're gonna be a raging slut and really adhere to those prep check ups.
  2. Lube, poppers, comfortable, really want it. It's more mental than physical.
  3. I can't create a topic in Bareback Bloggers and that section seems to be abandoned. Any favorite, REGULARLY UPDATED, blogs you guys frequent for hot stories? All the ones I find or either not my cup or tea or they go dormant (spermpig). I'm needing some good reads to get me going.
  4. The bf I used to use coconut oil when we were messing around in the living room or kitchen. I don't like the taste or smell of it but it works very well.
  5. When topping or bottoming, do you prefer someone smaller or bigger than you - why? I'm 6'1, 220, fairly muscular and thick... most guys are way smaller than me so no problem when topping. When bottoming, its a bit more tricky... I prefer guys over 200 pounds and near in height but the odds are against me and I'd be turning down plenty of hotties. I feel like I'm LETTING guys fuck me instead of them roughing me up and making me take it. The few guys I have had who are bigger than me, its uncomfortable and unfamiliar, I feel a bit powerless. One of my old fb's is taller and 250 pounds of solid muscle, standing on my toes to kiss someone and being manhandled is new. My bf is 5'9, 175, says bottoming for me can be a bit overwhelming due to my dick size and all the weight thats on top of him and holding him in place.
  6. I'm not one of those people with an overly sensitive prostate (unfortunately) or naturally super-duper tight. Just works. Sorry, I don't have an insightful answer for you. I don't run into many "hung" guys so average can go on and on.
  7. I like a bit of hair in the nearby area and not too much darker than surrounding skin color. Otherwise, not too beat up, I guess.
  8. One on one but I have major organs from getting fucked and sucking at the same time. I'll only sign up for a threesome if it's primarily versatile (2 out of 3, etc, strict tops and strict bottoms are eh)
  9. Philadelphia, The Nornal Heart, and Dallas Buyers Club just flashed through my head... yeah, i don't think anyone associates erotica with late stage AIDS. If slow, painful, wasting away, incontinence, and impending death turns you on... alrighty then.
  10. I prefer various forms of missionary for bottoming and topping but legs apart. And I'm over 6 feet.
  11. There are easier ways of suicide
  12. Totally versatile though I've very much been in a topping mood the last three months. I rarely cum when bottoming... It's very difficult for me, unfortunately. I jerk off but I either lose my load, go limp, or don't bother. Topping, I've regularly had guys cum with no hands and often while jerking off.
  13. Oh dear. *exits stage right*
  14. Boyfriend fucked the concierge at his hotel yesterday. Has gotten head from an airport guy at the airport.
  15. I think mentioning your status is the honorable thing to do, but you're not wrong for not mentioning it since you are on meds. Now, if you had a high viral load and were certain to be contagious, that's a whole other fucked up scenario. Like mentioned above, he should take responsibility for his own health, ESPECIALLY if he's leading a double hetero life. It's not your responsibility. I'd point him in the direction of PrEp or stop taking random loads, at least for the sake of his girlfriend. If she catches something, he's responsible.
  16. Shot a MASSIVE, firehose like, load in my boyfriend last night. He had to get up and get rid of it as soon as I pulled out. He couldn't take me thrusting in or stirring it around, said it felt like a cum enema. It was 4 days worth + he had fucked me the night prior and I didn't cum. There were sticky spots on the sheets, I had a rope of cum going around my waist to my butt and my butt actually got stuck to the sheet. It was a mess.
  17. 4 and 5, but I'm not THAT busy on a regular bases so I assume that knocks me down some.
  18. I didn't make the post to judge. What I said is exactly what I meant - outside of barebacking, is the thrill (or whatever else I'm missing), worth the hassle that comes along with being positive? Its just a question.
  19. I prefer them for topping. I've mastered just the right amount of spit on the head of the dick and rimming. When bottoming, very seldom does the top get it right.
  20. Bump. Anyone familiar with Clock Cleaners? How are their formulas, Castro, specifically?
  21. When you're unloading in an ass, do you get more aggressive and plow them faster, harder, deeper.... or do you get tepid, slow down, and start to shallow out a bit? I'm the latter. When I'm about cum, its suddenly too sensitive and I end up pulling out a little and slowing down. I try not to, but it happens. I wish I could cum with total abandonment and have every single inch of my dick pushed up their ass, pubes ticking their hole.... but alas. Needless to say, I go limp after I cum. I can keep it in, but its just a chub. I need a break to go again.
  22. Speaking of, this is a big reason why "straight/bi/just curious/new to this/first time" guys don't interest me.
  23. As a bottom, I don't have this problem. I can count on less than one hand... and they've been with my bf going in when I told him not to. Only one, years ago, was after I had cleaned out and there was a mess anyway. Otherwise, knowing when I've gone to the bathroom or when I expect to go, then I decide if water or an enema will be sufficient. If I have any inkling of an unsettled stomach or bloating from water or mess up there, I don't go through with it. Topping, I can't remember the last time its happened. When it did, unless it was a complete mess, I'm cool about, let the bottom go rinse and we'll continue or stop. I try not to shame them, especially if we mess around regularly and they're normally fine. Now, if its our first time fucking and you make a mess, there won't be a second. But ya... hardly ever happens. I am surprised at how many bottoms never clean. Some are lucky to get by on being solid and regular and maybe a little soap. We've had to teach a bottom or two about douching when they've stayed over or they didn't have time to prepare.
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