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Everything posted by topstud127

  1. I'm 24 and I'm certainly a lost. I use my insurance for Truvada, anti-depressants, adderall, and all the associated visits and blood work. I'm still on my parents, but 1) the deductible is absurdly high so damn near everything is out of pocket. Its works better as a secondary supplement. 2) I don't want them in my business that way (HIPAA, but still). All those things are more or less voluntary, but for better and worse, our medical system isn't built around "need." That said, if things weren't prohibitively expensive and insurance wasn't such a high profit business, I wouldn't be so indifferent to "paying my share." Instead, a month worth of pills is $1400 and the shrink I see every three months for five minutes to authorize my refills is $400 an hour with no insurance.
  2. Any stories of sharing you got or gave an STD and it did or didn't go well? Do you allow repeat offenders? The couple I've had, I was the receiver and while annoyed and wished people would be more vigilant of their health, I wasn't upset with them. I take responsible for my own sexual health. Stealthing and deception are another idea, but even so, I'm not much of a begrudger. When I was worried that I had passed something along, I was direct and told them "hey, just FYI, there may be...." and they were good sports about it. Luckily, their tests came back neg or they said they'd be vigilant and I didn't hear anything else about it. I was talking to a buddy yesterday and he was saying a FB of his gave him chlimydia three consecutive times, but the guy was sincerely sorry... I would've cut him off my roster, but instead, they still fuck, just with condoms.
  3. Neither. I don't have much of a set schedule and when I do, it tends to be during the day. Very random, but General Discussion
  4. Speaking of, its seems to be damn there omnipotent for gay men with insurance. All over the course of the last two years. Its time for the price to go down. $1400 for 30 days... Gilead card aside, I doubt they need to price it that high. When the time comes for generics, it'll drop, but until then, we're at their mercy. Meanwhile, they're testing other iterations so I'm guessing one will replace the other.
  5. My only issues are creeping and sliding but fairly infrequent. I have to say I love the floor mats that European bathhouses have
  6. I enjoy reading porn and unfortunately, I have trouble finding good and consistent writers. Please update with recommendations.
  7. ^^ Not the greatest or easiest idea, but if you have two insurances or a friend with two, do double refills, preferably at different pharmacies that way you have extra. You can also go down to taking them 4-5 days a week. Any free/low income-gay clinics in your area?
  8. Why rush? Get comfortable being naked. Scope out and be scoped out. If you see someone you want to fuck ("as opposed to willing ass and dick, so why not"), take a moment to get acquainted via kissing, foreplay, or talking. Then go ahead. First and foremost, you're there to enjoy yourself, entertaining everyone else is secondary. Just you and your partner(s) at that moment. I've been fucking with over a dozen guys watching, I know they're there, but I'm not thinking about them or looking at them. In fact, some of the most intimate sex I've had has been with an audience. Lock in with your partner and with your pleasure. If you're into it, the audience will be. Applies to porn, applies to writers, to performers, on and on. Either take your Adderall (or whatever) or don't. But again, sex should not be a high pressure anxiety activity. Take some deep breaths, focus on your body and his body, and be in the moment.
  9. When you have AMAZING first timers, you tend to compare and expect everything to live up to that instead of just letting things happen as they are. Get out of your head, forget about previous encounters and just take in what's there. Deep, full body breaths and more-or-less channeling your sexual energy through your body helps recalibrate you. As mentioned above, Viagra and Cialis for good for an all night-back and forth-flips, especially if you normally don't cum multiple times or are able to top and bottom back to back.
  10. Yup, was my first STI when I was 18. Bottom buddy make a mess on me and then was painfully peeing blood a couple days later. Antibiotics.
  11. Just shaved my hole and taint the other day. I normally trim with clippers, but I used a razor cause it was easier.... O. M. G. the hair bumbs and itchiness within my crack. Never again (and I'm certain I've said that before). I'm using anti-bacterial face wipes and Clearasil multiple times a day.
  12. Just inside works for me. Unless we're going to bed, I'm probably gonna push it out, so doesn't matter.
  13. Briefs, workout in a jock.
  14. I used to hate Astroglide and KY, can't imagine how awful I'd find this
  15. I agree about it it feeling like a waste of cleaning out. There are different types of bottoms, some that just love feeling full and having a dick in them and its more mental versus those that are more sensitive inside and have a threshold of what they can take before its too sensitive or too sore.
  16. Minimal lube. Some guys like glob after glob of it and need to reapply every 5 minutes, but it really isn't necessary. Get in what you need so there's no chafing or tearing, and beyond that, let the friction do the work. Some guys get a bit wet up there and or have excess water that makes its way out, but assuming that doesn't happen, should be fine.
  17. Two days ago, I was with a fuck bud, he made a mess on me, just a couple strokes in, as soon as I bottomed out in him. He showered, cleaned up, we went again, but in between, talked about cleaning and how often that happens to him- not all the time, but it's not a rarity either. He says he cleans with a bulb and he eats a lot of spicy foods, I told him about Pure and pulled up the site for him. He asked if I recommend a hose and we had a little talk about it, but yeah, hopefully Pure helps him out. He's 42, mostly bottoms, and still isn't 100%, crazy to me. I won't even consider bottoming if I'm not certain I'm clean.
  18. Just curious when you guys mastered cleaning out and how open you are about the process. Some of they guys I've been with, it came to my attention that they didn't ever REALLY clean out until they were with me on a regular basis. I'm a bit big and they feel nervous about me "going too deep" if they haven't cleaned out properly. One always went naturally, everything came out, then would shower. He had to figure it out when he started HIV meds and he was no longer spick-and-span up there; probably something to do with eating poorly and it catching up to his age, as well. My bf, prior to me, used a water bottle then migrated to enemas when he saw me, then regular douching. A couple others, I'm guessing they just showered or water-bottled it (for better or worse). It always baffles me how secretive gay men are about their cleaning habits or just being blunt about "my ass is or isn't prepped for sex." We all experience the same bodily functions; doesn't mean it oughta be dinner conversation, but a bit baffling when men refuse to acknowledge it and instead create an awkward situation or go ahead with sex, knowing they're not clean, and end up making a mess in place of stating they aren't bottom-ready. At this point, my boyfriend and I have douched in tandem for impromptu threesomes, we regularly rotate shower and douching if we're trying to save time, have had fuck buds come over, go do their thing in the bathroom and we get to business. It's a bit gross, but its something we all experience and need to figure out. I can't tell you how many hours I've wasted trying to find answers online when it would've been easier to just ask someone. Oh, it ALWAYS makes me chuckle when I'm in an experienced bottom's bathroom and a hose or bottle is no where to to be found. Just 'LOL', you don't need to hide everything or undo your shower head when you're having someone over. On the other hand, I've had some fuck buds with hoses attached to their showers or brought their own bulb and its just something we talk or laugh about.
  19. Great story. I'm rock hard. Thank you
  20. Not really. Some cases where I should have, but went along with it anyway or found a reason to excuse myself early.
  21. Show up and things weren't as advertised, catfish, the environment looked a bit sketchy, questionable health, surprise drugs, extra participants, etc, stories of you bailing on fucks. Always interesting what people tolerate for the sake of being polite to strangers (even when they were wronged).
  22. I bottom infrequently and have probably done more damage from rough wiping and douching over the years, but I have extra skin down there. A bit to pull and pick up. Started happening a year and a half ago and has progressively gotten more slack. Not as horrible as it may sound, but certainly not my favorite. My anus itself is still as tight, just skin outside.
  23. You should've started after 2 months, let alone 2 years. Just because you don't feel anything, doesn't mean something isn't happening. You could very well be lucky and have gotten a latent or slow virus. On top of that, its not just about you, whomever your sleeping with is at a WAY higher risk, especially if you're topping. Also, if you don't have health insurance, nows the time to get that in order (assuming you live in the US?). It's the end of the year so figure out your enrollment options, and with President 45, there is a real chance that pre-existing coverage or staying on your parents til your 26 can go out the window, then what?
  24. When did you become skilled and confident in your abilities as a sexual partner? I've always given good head. Just one of those things that came naturally to me. Topping: 18. I caught on pretty quickly. I've always listened to your partner's body and varied my stroke. I HATE "just plough as deep, fast, and hard as I can tops." Didn't cum consistently until relatively recently. Bottoming, since I was 20 or 21, I'd say. I've always been able to go for awhile since I can't cum when bottoming, don't have an overly sensitive or tight hole and most guys tend to miss my prostate. From my experience as a top, I know where I need to be, what works, what doesn't, when the top is having trouble. I do wish I were more flexible and I have big legs.. My only issue now is cleaning, I'm ALWAYS clean but the process can be 5 minutes or never ending. Just depends on my pipes. Back on Pure lately and its doing wonders. But still, I top 90% of the time.
  25. If you can't afford Prep, what makes you think you can afford HIV meds and all the associated costs? Just FYI, its easy to get truvada for free if you know the right programs.
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