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Everything posted by topstud127

  1. In theory, but my preferred positions are missionary and variations of missionary so it doesn't have much use.
  2. I've done that when the bathhouse prospects were disappointing and few. There always tend to be 'of interest' guys that live nearby. I treat bathhouses as a candy store, variety and endless samples, but I still need to like the candy to bother with it.
  3. As long as I completely trust you're clean back there and we have chemistry, go for it.
  4. If it's fucked out of me, churned, used as lube, whatever, I won't see most of it. But still, some left. If it's just one load, it stays in til it's pushed out.
  5. Just end it. I don't know why he's already living with you/visiting long term if things are that new. Sounds like he isn't very secure [yet] and hasn't learned to balance a few things. You two aren't meshing, let him know and tell him its time to go.
  6. WTF does "Versatile Play (Not A Top)" mean? He wants his dick sucked and wants to eat ass but draws the line there? Just say you're a bottom. Bottom shame is real but I don't think its that deep, especially on a hookup site where all anyone wants to know is how you wanna fuck.
  7. If you're doing them all the time, take a break and let your nose heal.
  8. Is it okay to take carry-on suitcase? Looks like I'm stuck flight wise tonight and I have my bag. Don't wanna get a hotel if I'd be there all night anyway. Doing laundry would be nice, too. I've heard they give you a little cleaning kit to get bottom ready but is the space private enough or you just recommend I get a room?
  9. I tend to reserve ass eating and snowballing for guys I know well and truly trust their hygiene.
  10. I've read about Rawhide. Rawhide is the only place I've been able to find that sounds fun. Is it a full on leather/bear club or a bit more diverse in clientele?
  11. I'm heading to New Orleans this weekend. My research says the bathhouses are gone (would've made up for a hotel too!), are there any comparable clubs with dark rooms or a laissez fare attitudes?
  12. Missionary, legs pulled back or me pinning them back, preferably looking at each other instead of shoulder nuzzling.
  13. Just with an enema and low eating/fiber (not starving), I've had no problem staying clean for a couple days.
  14. Bathhouse situation, important. I use those places as to pick out exactly what I want
  15. Get on Prep, get in to your doctor on a regular basis, and let yourself try new things to see what you really feel without the health scare. Worrying about HIV and the next test was always over my head pre-Prep
  16. After I cum, I tend to immediately turn off. I have no interest in semen, whatever's happening, I'm ready for it to be over. This effects me not being able to go multiple rounds and have to prolong for orgasm when necessary. Even when I'm jerking off and watching porn, as soon as I cum, off and done. Anyone in the same boat and figured out how to get over it?
  17. Just a trim every month or so for my upper thighs, balls, and butt. Occasionally some lightner for dark areas I get from friction on my thighs and hole.
  18. Been using the generic viagra here and there. Had a threesome the other night, I was the primary bottom, still kept my dick up the whole time. Firm and stiff. Had a hard time cumming, but I'm guessing thats cause I was high on weed pills. Otherwise, they've been great. I always take Advil with it, though.
  19. Great stories, guys. Thanks for sharing.
  20. I have a few, they're all rubber or the like. I don't need them or use them all the time but I like them. Good for flip fucking and keeping it up a little better when bottoming.
  21. I don't see other guys all that often and new guys are supposed to be protected to we know them a little bit. Its kinda annoying but its the trade off.
  22. Bathhouse nights, I just do try to go poop + use an enema and rinse a couple times and I'm fine. As long as the water is clear and I feel "empty." Nothing crazy. Regular day, poop/rinse til I need to poop, rinse out, all good. I've never done longterm fasting and such. Just because I'm not always regular and solid, some rinses can be extensive but that's not intentional. I don't understand the guys that don't clean out at all. Even if you have the most perfect shits in existence, some water does wonders for [lack of] odor and residue.
  23. What do you guys think about or how do you maintain your stroke when getting fucked? I always lose it.
  24. Curves, girth, tips What are your favorite types? I like mushrooms; the head of the dick to be [about] same size or bigger than the shaft. I won't turn down someone with the missile with but not preferred. For curves, I prefer straight or a slight upward bend. Too far, especially downwards, tend to be a nuisance outside of sucking.. Evenly thick throughout is best for me, but I'll take a thicker mid-shaft than skinny up top and thick down low.
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