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Everything posted by topstud127

  1. Haven't had the opportunity. The one pierced guy I encountered didn't have his in. I'm thinking I'd be a bit paranoid of it getting caught or tearing.
  2. In my experience, as long as you know what you're doing and don't hump their leg (figuratively), you'll be fine. Looking/being more mature than the "stereotypical kid" would help, too.
  3. Met up with some guy for a threesome with bf. That was eh. Guy was in great shape but little chemistry, older than advertised, and just not a good mix. Bf fucked me a little to get me opened up. Then built guy fucked me (with a rubber), came. Felt fine but condom plus little chemistry. Then I fucked bf on his bed, held off from cumming cause I wanted to fuck and fill him later. Went to Gibus nightclub in Paris for the New Year. Ended up in the dark room where I fucked my bf in the corner. He was doggy, pants around his knees, and I was standing up, pants around my knees. Couldn't ever cum thanks to a dozen guys huddled around, touching me, rubbing, inserting unwanted fingers, feeling unwanted dicks, constantly moving someones appendage off of me. Bf came in his hand/someone else's hand a couple times. Late on, he fucked me, he came a couple times, I sucked a thick guy while getting fucked, first doggy, then missionary. Thick guy fucked me after. Bf had him put on a condom though. He either pulled out to cum and came all over my ass and pants or fucked bf's cum out of me. Great dick. Wish I could've really felt it. I tried fucking bf a little bit after, he was sore and couldn't take too much and I was a little limp from getting fucked and not having a cockring to counteract it. He was blowing some ginger guy who came in his mouth. Later on, some AMAZING dick sucker blew us both, it was fantastic and I jerked off and came in his mouth. As I was pulling my pants up, I realized my phone had been stolen out of my pocket. So that brought things to a halt. Did find my iPhone, heard it dinging a few times but could never narrow it down before they disabled it. cocksucker was cute, nice, helped us look, and had a great dick that bf was sucking. Wish I would've tried it but the phone thing distracted me and he couldn't cum either thanks to too many people being too close and too touchy. Fun night. My phone getting stolen put a damper on things but cool overall. We may go to a bathhouse tonight if bf agrees he wants to go. Either Sun City or IDM probably. Maybe Le Depot. Then again, he's being a condom nazi so who knows.
  4. Yes, I did, thanks. Seems to be between IDM and Sun City. IDM has better reviews but it closes at 1 am. Sun City seems to be a bit dirty but its open late. A friend of a friend recommended Le Depot but that doesn't seem to be a favorite. Surprising so many of the saunas aren't all night here.
  5. In Paris now, looking for a sauna/bathhouse to go to on Friday or Saturday night. The more diverse, the better, but younger and fitter if I have to pick. Busy, spacious, well lit, and relatively clean would be great. I've seen so many choices online and contradictory reviews for all of them.
  6. Go with your gut. If you feel something is off, it tends to be. If you do decide to meet him, let it be public (coffee or something).
  7. Agee 100% with this. Once upon a time, I was new bottoming and had one guy who wanted to fuck raw. I liked him, he liked me, we had great chemistry, but it was always a mini-fight about condom use. I was so uneasy that it resulted in us hardly hooking up. When we did, I was reluctant and asked him to pull out. He was annoyed, but it was our compromise. I was concerned that he bb'ed with other guys all the time. Him cumming in me meant I had to be paranoid for the next 3-6 months. I was topping bare, but never as a bottom. I was 20, uninformed, and paranoid. Now... when I discovered prep, I would've let him unload in me all the time, but that didn't happen when I was seeing him. Happened when I was seeing some other big dicked fucker thats still a favorite, but thats neither here nor there. So yes, barebacking is a gradual journey and not everyone is eager take any load into them from guys they hardly know. Some people want great raw sex but they're concerned about the health issues, practical or not. Some people just don't like cum or don't wanna be bothered holding it in or rinsing it out.
  8. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but I get the impression from many posts here that its "Yay, I'm + and can have all the bareback sex I want with nothing to worry about" and there's a lot more to being positive than taking loads.
  9. Wrong topic I'm sure, but is intentionslly pozzing yourself worth whatever thrill and making sure you can always afford meds and troubles with dating and such...? Now, you can have all the barebuck fun you want on Truvada
  10. My bf mastered tantric breathing years ago and can cum endlessly within a session. He's literally gone upwards of 20 times with me. Our normal session is he cums six times if he's topping and three or so if he's bottoming. I cum once and I'm done. I can take a break or mini nap and go again, but its hardly worth all of that. I used to take forever to finish and was very hit or miss on if I'd cum. I read about the tantric breathing, focusing, and directing your energy, it worked and I was very much in control of my ejaculation - but it didn't feel like an orgasm. I was cumming and that was it. No joy or pleasure in it. Subsequently, I abandoned the intensely focused breathing and now just stay in the moment of enjoying sex. I cum consistently and in a reasonable time (sometimes quicker than I want to or have to pause to hold off), no longer have the anxiety about it and have mastered refocusing myself if I get a little distracted. Much happier this way, but I still can't keep it up after I finish. My ultimate goal would be to go all night while cumming over and over like my guy... or at least knowing I can drop a few out without being exhausted. Unfortunately, I still can't control when I cum as a bottom. That's truly a buzzkill. Anyone else familiar with tantric tricks or how they're able to cum multiple times? Like, most of my topics, no specific question, just my stream of thoughts and curious what everyone else's process is.
  11. This is great. Eagerly waiting for the next installment.
  12. Those of you who sleep with straight/married men, any knowledge of them ever passing anything on to their wives or close calls? Or the wives finding out? Just curious. Was chatting with an older FB of mine (in his early 50s) and he prefers straight guys for the masculinity and discretion. He's not a fervent barebacker or even all that active, but it got me thinking.
  13. I wouldn't sleep with you. Topping or bottoming, a big part of enjoying sex for me is knowing the other person is enjoying it. It's a two way street (or three or four or ....).
  14. What's the usual and the relationship with the doorman?
  15. Even in a bathhouse, I tend to talk to people a little before we mess around.
  16. I have a bit of loose skin on the outside of my anus. Doesn't look like a skin tag. Just skin. Surgery seems extremes for something that's purely cosmetic but it began early this year and hasn't gone away. Sometimes it's better, sometimes out and stretchy. Not sure the cause, no history of hemrhoids, haven't been getting plowed everyday, bit of excessive douching at times, but that's it. *bump was an ingrown hair
  17. That was incredible. I often think about it from that perspective when I'm trying to cum
  18. Looking for a good bathhouse in NYC. Unfortunately, all I'm finding are East and West Side clubs. Both have poor reviews. Any tips or other places you'd recommend trying?
  19. In the Last Load thread, NL Bear mentioned being robbed, anyone have any similar experiences- robbing, mugging, rape, unexpected and uninvited people, etc.?
  20. I have insurance, I tend to meet my deductible and max in the first half of the year. Prior to doing that, I'm GUESSING I pay anywhere from 50-150 as it falls under specialty meds.... with the Gilead card, I don't pay anything for it... yet it still goes toward my deductible so double win.
  21. Not everyone likes cum in or on them. Especially that of a relative stranger.
  22. In my experience, guys naturally have variances in tightness, but if you're comfortable, know you're clean, and want the dick, it goes in without too much fuss. Lube use may vary. Eat a hole right, put some spit on your dick, and have a horny enough bottom, that's all you need. Some guys like buckets of lube because they THINK they need it up, but get them comfy and you hardly need any. Novice or pro, its always more mental than physical.
  23. I like them, but the simple rubber or silicone ones are sufficient for me.
  24. Some guys don't want cum in them or on them. Annoying, sure, but it's their body. Consent still exist during and after sex. Respect each other's wishes or find someone who will.
  25. If more foreplay or poppers won't help, I'd move on. Sex shouldn't be frustrating or a battle of endless stop and starts.
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