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Everything posted by topstud127

  1. I started this year.... to keep track of who and when and BB or not. Just so I know and to track patterns. I tend to get dismissive and forgetful about hookups. Just to have an actual record.
  2. Lost of attraction to you, more mentally and emotionally, than physical Having issues cleaning out or getting it up. Anxiety, depression Guilt, communal disease
  3. How long have you kept a fuckbuddy around? I'm at 4 or 5 years with one guy I see every couple months. Most others tend to fall off after a year or so, mostly due to infrequent trysts and me shaving down the roster for my bf's comfort.
  4. https://howtocleanyourass.wordpress.com/
  5. Midtempo to slow. I don't care for ballsdeep jackhammering, especially if its a bigger guy. If you're gonna do that, go for my prostate, not my colon
  6. If there's an attraction, you're comfortable with yourself (body image, hygeiene, etc) and your partner (safety, trust, excitement, etc), and you both know what you're doing, it will work. First and lastly, rid yourself of the anxiety. Nerves make everything clamp down and become worse than they oughta be. Don't be the bottom that's hands and legs continuously push back in an act of resistance. Don't whine and think it's "too much, this isn't gonna work. You're too big, I'm too tight." RELAX. Patience from both of you. He should willing to get you comfortable and you should truly want him inside you. Find your best entrance position; most guys like to start on top so they can go at their own pace; some like doggy; I prefer on my back. Lube. No need to turn your hoke into a Slup N Slide but it should slide. Silicon is best.
  7. I always scratch my head at "bottomed once or twice, was uncomfortable, didn't like it." That's either you didn't have a good partner who eased you in, mentally and physically, or you didn't really have an interest in doing it. Preferring to top, being indifferent, not wanting to deal with the process, etc, all valid, but just "I don't like it" usually confuses me.
  8. One of my favorite things is to have my guy fingering me as he sucks on my nips and I jerk off. I lube up, hit my poppers, pull his head to my chest and invite his fingers inside me. In no time he has three and four fingers in me, stroking, probing, and assaulting my prostate. We go for a bit, both of us changing our rhythms, amping up and down; from sensual and slow strokes to jackhammering my prostate with his digits. Eventually, I'm yelling and shooting glob after glob up my torso. Nothing makes me come harder, louder, or longer. He dutifully licks it up and kisses me as I come down and my refractory period tells me its "game over." ------ We did this this morning for the first time in awhile. I don't bottom much these days, but a hand in me when I'm jerking always excites me. If I happened to be rinsed out, I'm game. Anyone else a fan? Plus, its practice for cumming while getting fucked (whenever the planets align and I'm in the mood); I tend to have a hard time getting off while taking dick.
  9. I've fingered it out of a bottom bud of mine, too. Stimulating his prostate, he thought he was gonna pee and wanted me to stop... I kept going, aggressively stroking his prostate and he came all over himself. Was shocked it happened.
  10. Yup, that! Lol, thanks.
  11. I WISH! Triggered it in many, never had the favor returned. What NL said, the top and rhythm but some is physical and totally up to the bottom. I have one guy who nearly always does as soon as he's entered cause he's excited. Some guys just have way more sensitive prostates, but so much of sex is mental and we don't know how to access it.
  12. Check this out https://howtocleanyourass.wordpress.com
  13. I always intend to, but my refractory period kills the urge.
  14. A fantastic illustrated guide from https://howtocleanyourass.wordpress.com You can download it!
  15. Can't relate. Topping, I'll push past it if it's just a little bit from too much friction or a slight tear but more than, game ender. I sometimes bleed from douching, or at least enemas but seems to resolve itself quickly.
  16. Locking in and focusing on each other and the pleasure. Being distracted, pressure and expedition. and outside looking in are the main detriments to sex. Great comments above. I'll add on, keep your legs and hands out the way. They shouldn't be a hinderance or resistance band to fight against.
  17. Sometimes a strong physical and emotional connection happens, it'll forever be a highlight, but it's not meant to be repeated or go outside the bedroom. Sounds strange, but it does happen.
  18. Not racial, but more so, type of guy, ie, bulky top, older daddy type, little athletic power bottom, etc
  19. No. Especially when you're infecting someone. That's fucked up on a multitude of levels. Otherwise, just to get your rocks off and you know you're "DDF", it's fairly inconsequential but its not okay. If someone can't fully consent and come to terms with whats happening, you shouldn't be sleeping together.
  20. Outside of those teenage masturbation years, when you have you felt disappointed or disgusted with yourself? Deperate impulse fucks with people I weren't really interested in; Generally, very late night, acquiescing them and succumbing to the need to cum. After, realizing that jerking off would've been more fulfilling. When I've chosen sex over friends/partner. When it was something I new was gonna cause a blowup in a relationship, bathhhouse, unapproved FB. Gym sex. Pre-prep, barebacking.
  21. I like hard dicks and seeing a bottom cum with me and stroking his dick to match the stroke in his ass but the other isn't a deal breaker and for much of sex, I don't want you playing with your dick.
  22. Too many guys can only cum one way; jerking on their back, fucking in a specific way, etc. I want your tips and anecdotes on pushing those boundaries and how to cum at any time, in any position, with anyone. Flexible ejaculations.
  23. That is too nice of a dick to not get used. Wow
  24. Being in a long term relationship, I've gotten used to sex with him. We both very much enjoy the sex and look forward to it, but the excitement and thrill are absent. When I'm with guys outside the relationship, there's more of a spark, more cockiness, more lust, more showing off and desire to get them off, and most importantly, more variety in how I fuck. Anyone else have a similar experience whether you live with a partner or even FB's you've had for awhile, at some point they stop being as fun once you sink into a routine?
  25. I'd prefer to be symptomatic so I can get it taken care of and not spread anything. I may have had it once, a top told me he found out he had after seeing me, I got tested, was fine, but didn't do a rectal test since I was getting antibiotics anyway, my stool looked a little different and some itching so maybe.
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