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Everything posted by NWUSHorny

  1. Ironically, I've always done quite well finding like minded Mormon pigs to rut with in SLC, and I have worked in SLC for extended periods of time. It has never been good for me in PDX and I've lived here since 2007. Maybe someday I will figure out why my hooking up style is completely incompatible with the PNW. It is equally incompatible in PDX, SEA, YYJ and YVR.
  2. That's pretty much how I learned. Hopefully there are still libraries with a copy, I read it back in 1988 or 9, and still consider it invaluable. If you are trying to hookup at the urinals be on the lookout for eye contact and motion in the arms before looking down at the dick.
  3. My VL goes above 100 occasionally, it is usually in the 30-50 range and I think has only met the under 20 threshold for undetectable twice in 5 and a half years, but was over a million before I started treatment. My ID doc has been reluctant to try to change my treatment because my CD4 count has stayed in the 850-900 range and was only below the 400 threshold while under going chemo, but even then the CD4/CD8 ratio remained in the normal range so it may not be a good measure. He has asked me about missed doses right after I finished chemo, but hasn't since and generally considers my HIV infection well under control. I would be concerned if my CD4 count dropped below 400, but would probably brush it off at 500.
  4. The Paul Harvey heirs should sue both the creator and His Orange Hindness. I hear he has shat this video or whatever you do when you post on his social media platform ironically named truthsocial. Do you think we should remind the MAGAts that Paul Harvey originally produced that bit for a non-US organization? It was made for the Ontario, Canada Farm Bureau, so by MAGAt beliefs and definitions it is "tainted" with globalism.
  5. I would generally agree with that, but that is at least partially because you should put a dick that has been up an ass into a pussy because of the bacteria you may be introducing. I know my bi married buddy always carefully wiped down dicks with antibacterial wipes that had been in his or his wife's ass before allowing them back in her pussy even though we were using and changing condoms if we changed holes. There were times I shot in her ass, as well as times I shot in his ass.
  6. DEI while good in intent, has spawned a cottage industry to help us "comply" without actually doing anything meaningful, and in many cases keeps the prejudices in place.
  7. I'm guessing you don't have a "fag hag", neither do I, but it seems like a lot of gay men do. I do however have a few close friendships with both sexes, but not with the type of gays that attract "fag hags" or the type of women who are.
  8. I can't speak for @ktopper, but given equal opportunity, I can imagine being equally active with both men and women. Unfortunately I haven't found the situation yet.
  9. I absolutely love getting fucked while I'm fucking a bottom, and have never had a problem gauging which tops will be open to becoming the meat in a fuck sandwich in the group play spaces at a gay fuck venue. It's actually pretty simple if the guy topping brushes you away or gives any indication they don't want the attention, don't do it. I've found that more than half of the time if you start touching the ass of a man fucking in a group play space they will encourage it, and even try to guide your cock into their hole while they continue to fuck the bottom. Some of my most intense cums have been while I was the meat in a fuck sandwich.
  10. I'm fully bi, like you I acted on my heterosexual desires several years before I acted on my same sex desires, but once I tried any form of penetrative sex, there was no turning back, I wanted it again and was willing to take the risks to get it. The biggest impediment to my sex life has been with available partners in some geographic areas. I've lived in the PNW for 10 years, and during that time have had most of my adventures while traveling. Gay men here are less into anal sex than most places, and while there may be a surplus of oral only bottoms, there really isn't much of a hookup culture. To be fair I've also seen some really strange things on the straight side as well. I am friends with a bisexual couple that used to hit the adult theaters to try to get her gang banged, even when she was in her 20's and very attractive by any standard at least half of the time the crowd in the theater would completely ignore her. I remember one night in particular when we were trying to get her gang banged directly in front of the screen when an older not very attractive couple came in and sat in the roped off couples area at the rear of the theater and the entire crowd turned around for the next couple of hours to watch them not do anything except smile at them. For whatever reason this older larger woman had their undivided attention without doing anything sexual. I think my friend only managed to get fucked by 3 men that night, including her husband and I, on a night when there were at least 50 men in the theater at any given time.
  11. If it is an active venue, bottoms will lay face down in their private rooms or make it very obvious that they are presenting their hole for fucking in the common areas. If the active venue has a darkroom some of the bottoms will get pretty aggressive try to guide and impale their holes on any hard cock available.
  12. My observation is that Cumunion and other piggish sex events will survive in cities where piggish sex is readily available anyway, and it will lead to bigger crowds and a lowering of inhibitions at the publicized event. In places where piggish sex isn't readily available fewer venues are seeing the benefit of paying the Communion organizer a cut, it may bring in a few guys that wouldn't otherwise come, but it also drives away regulars that don't like the more piggish events. The venues that are still hosting Communions in the less piggish cities are continuing to promote it online where us pigs will see it, but have completely removed any acknowledgement of it at the venue itself, to limit the number of regulars they are scaring off by hosting a sex pig event.
  13. @hntnhole & @tallslenderguy I do suspect cultural repression is partly behind the emergence of gay and bi men who either can't admit their desire to fuck. None of us can really understand that since we allowed our biological urges take precedence over the cultural at least in private or in the exclusive company of like minded men and women. I also suspect there is some biology in play here, these men have a definite preference for same sex companionship and/or romance, but do not seem to have the same strong biological drive to engage in sex. Ironically that same cultural repression that drive me nuts, in the past was a factor in getting people with low sex drives to procreate, they didn't enjoy it but did it out of a sense of obligation.
  14. The PNW isn't accepting of versatile men, I frequently get told I need to pick a position by bottoms, that I can't be versatile. The reality is there are very few guys that fuck in either position, plus most guys have so many inhibitions and restrictions that even when they do let themselves have sex it isn't much fun.
  15. As a fully versatile man, it's not just a shortage of bottoms, it is a shortage of men into to fucking in any position.Gays here think they know at least 1001 ways to have great gay sex that does not involve anyone even touching an icky dick.
  16. I can only give you my personal experience, while I am a total introvert, I have always been very open sexually. I didn't exactly know what to expect on my 1st visit to the bathhouse, I got a room, took my clothes off and started to explore. In the 1st group play area there was a couple fucking and they motioned for me to join them so I did. One of the guys was verse, and the other a bottom so I wound up flip fucking with the verse guy while we fucked the bottom. So within 15 minutes of the 1st time I set foot in a bathhouse, I had fucked and been fucked probably at the same time. Even though it was a Thursday night this was Denver in 2000, so it was fairly busy by the standards of most if not all cities by 2024 standards. I stayed about 3 hours fucked 6 guys and got 2 big cocks up my ass. I went back Friday and Saturday nights, and have been visiting bathhouse regularly ever since. I'm not sure this will help, but here is a thread with multiple men relating their early bathhouse experiences.
  17. I haven't seen Rhyheim bottom, but I would definitely like to flip fuck with him.
  18. So only those that admitted to their gay and bi proclivities had more children? That is possible, but somewhat validates my theory that true bisexuals have higher than normal sex drives. That is even more intriguing in light of the large number of men that want to be fully out and celebrate the gay lifestyle, so much so that they go to the bathhouses and fuck venues to see and be seen, but don't participate in the actual fucking. Is that just a really messed up version of repression? They aren't just here where I live, I've been watching and trying to understand this for several years and have noticed they are present even in cities that are gay sex Mecca's, they just aren't the majority in those places that they are here.
  19. Just curious, doesn't the loss in libido lead to deeper depression?
  20. That is an interesting point, for me not having sex frequently has a very negative impact on my moods, but not to the point I believe could be classified as clinical depression, that side effect would be a major mental health concern in and of itself for me. Depression itself can reduce libido and my libido wanes slightly during the depressing winter months, yet having sex is considered to be an excellent way to combat depression and absolutely sure it works wonders for me, so I would have a major issue with taking any medication that I could tell was suppressing my libido. I would certainly be asking my healthcare provider about alternatives that are less likely to have that particular side effect, at the very least.
  21. Luckily there are a few of us that like both fresh and preloaded hole! I've even stated on multiple threads I never ask a man if he has loads in in his hole unless I'm already balls deep in his hole.
  22. I always think of the Willie Horton furlough. The MAGA party doesn't have any moral high ground on this, the idiot the support pardoned more criminals than any previous president, including several well known violent offenders.
  23. [think before following links] https://thehill.com/policy/equilibrium-sustainability/4387638-same-sex-attraction-genetic-factors-darwinian-paradox-new-study/ Saw this article this morning, and found it extremely interesting. I know as a bisexual I spent my 20's and a lot of my 30's fucking anyone who would have me and shudder to think how many kids I could have conceived if I had been born before the advent of effective birth control. I've also long thought that either omnisexual or hypersexual were better descriptors for my situation than bisexual or gay (even though I have had sex several magnitudes more men than women). I'd love to see what other bi and gay men think about this. This really doesn't give me any answers on why there seem to be so many gay men who are mostly or completely averse to sexual activities, which is a topic I'm very interested in for personal as well as intellectual reasons.
  24. I'm not sure about limiting it to those "who absolutely do not want to," but politics should not become someone's life work.
  25. I don't want to keep track. I love spontaneous fucking, tracking it on an app seems counterproductive, I already know I'm a big old slut after almost 35 years of extreme promiscuity, I really don't need to prove it to myself or anyone else.
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