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Everything posted by NWUSHorny

  1. I don't know of anyone here that actually caught MP at a bathhouse or ABS. Ironically a no touching below the belt, clothed cuddle party was the disease vector for the 2 local guys I know caught it. From what I've heard the cuddle parties are still popular.
  2. I'm curious, did San Francisco see a brief but big increase in cruising fucking after COVID? Here in Portland the summer of '21 was the best I've ever seen it, and I've lived here since '07. Things tapered off gradually until Monkeypox hit in the summer of '22 before unfortunately returning to normal.
  3. I was in a park in LA this summer, where this form of cruising seemed to work. Once I got past everyone staring at their phones and looking like zombies, I managed to use Sniffles of a couple of decent fucks. Here in Portland, I have know idea what would actually work well for cruising.
  4. I believe we are fairly rare. It can be really difficult for those of us that moved to a place that the other rare breeds within the subset have flocked to. I live in the PNW an area that has a much higher than normal percentage of the population that is openly gay, unfortunately that does not necessarily translate into a sex scene that is full of "wanton lust",. It seems to have attracted a combination of those that are gay but want the heteronormative monogamous relationships, and those that are into kinks and fetishes of all sorts that don't see cock as the primary object in a sex act. We exist as some percentage of the population everywhere, but that percentage varies widely. It is actually easier for me to find guys into quick easy hookups in the smaller conservative Midwestern cities with almost no openly gay population that I've lived and worked in than it is in Portland or Seattle with their large gay populations. Here in the PNW even the local cruising spots and fuck venue, and there are a lot of them, are dominated by men either looking for Mr Right to start a long term relationship with or they are functionally lesbian, or I suspect in many cases both.
  5. Sounds like is the same as the PNW region of the United States. My sympathies.
  6. I see the same problem in Portland, it is perfectly acceptable to be openly gay and indulge in any and every fetish or kink, just don't ask them to fuck. They know at least 1001 ways to have "really great sex if you promise not to touch my icky dick and I promise not to touch your icky dick." The bathhouses both host events that cater to the men who want to see and be seen as gay but aren't into casual sex, it is probably the only way to keep the doors open.
  7. My peak years for acting on my sex drive were in my 30's. My sex drive hasn't diminished, I moved from a city where I could almost always find a willing partner if I had a free hour to one where I couldn't at 38. After spending 16 years here, the availability of casual sex will be a factor in where I decide to move next.
  8. Hearing all of this makes me realize how lucky I've been with this. The only ART I've ever been on is Triumeq, and while it has not been quite as effective at suppressing the viral load as my Dr would like, it stays in the 30-50 range and has only been below the 20 threshold twice, it 2as over a million when they started me on it. Other than while I was taking chemotherapy my CD4 count has stayed comfortably above 500 hundred, usually 850-900. My CD4 count was at 550 when I simultaneously started Triumeq and chemo and while it did drop dangerously low for a few days when I was neutropenic and stayed around 200 for the duration of the cancer treatment, my CD4/CD8 ratio always stayed around 2 so they did not make any changes to my ART. I'm yet to have a blood test that indicated problems with kidney function, the only thing that has ever come up was a single test that showed slightly elevated liver enzymes about 2.5 years ago. I hope that the rest of you can find a treatment that works and does not have serious side effects.
  9. It has been so bad at the in person fuck venues here recently that I couldn't motivate myself to go and even try this weekend. I've been working really long hours so I'm both horny and tired, which combined with the normal behavior leads to nothing but frustration. I did manage to find a couple of hookups that were actually there to fuck last weekend, but it took so much time to find them that I had to shortchange other aspects of my life. Even in the gay fuck venues most of the men in attendance are more lonely than horny, and will happily waste the time of anyone who is there to find a quick fuck or two. I don't even know what the current hot hookup app is here they all get quickly overrun with men looking for activities I don't even consider sex, and then abandoned. Meanwhile I'm taking things into my own hands 3 or 4 times a day.
  10. I will admit that I only jack off 2-3 times a day now, it was more like 4-5 through my middle 40's. If I'm visiting an area where casual sex is readily available I will still breed 3-4 holes a day and take as many up my ass as I can find. Sadly where I've lived for the last 16 years I'm lucky to find 3 guys a week (bottoms and tops combined).
  11. I'm in my middle 50's and still have a very high sex drive. At this point I don't anticipate it diminishing any time soon.
  12. Sorry to hear this. I wish we could put this message on every single one of the damned bugchaser threads.
  13. That is the biggest reason I hear. Ironically I've heard from at least a handful of online profiles that never want to have sex again after they have joined the "brotherhood".
  14. A4A, at least here, is mostly used as a dating app. The profiles mostly have long lists of what they are looking for in a LTR, with the sexual preferences left blank. I gave up on it.
  15. The primal lust is really important, I guess I've never really considered that a connection. The general lack of primal lust in the fuck venues is probably what I dislike the most about living in the PNW, it seems like really good fucks are few and far between.
  16. I will let anyone who is who long enough to reach my hole and can get hard enough fuck me. I have tried with a few guys that weren't long enough to reach my hole unfortunately.
  17. I'm curious, what makes up the "connection" in wanton casual fucking? I for one enjoy , or maybe is the better term love, wanton casual fucking. Do I have guys that I really enjoy the act with, and guys that it is nothing more than getting my rocks off with, yes. So am I making a "connection" with the ones I really enjoy? I traveled 75% or more of the time for many years, and have found favorites in many places, even some I make a point of trying to find if I am in their area. Does that constitute a "connection"? I also frequently have guys come up to me at fuck venues wanting me to fuck them again, even though I don't remember them. Are they "connections"? I'm not sure whether I should be ashamed or proud, but I have fucked thousands, and been fucked by more than a thousand. I definitely understand the urge the OP is describing, but I've also had many favorites.
  18. Yes, and unfortunately the areas it is the biggest problem are the very same areas where the locals complicate in person hookups. The hookup apps merely magnify the worst idiosyncracies for a given location.
  19. I understand that feeling quite well.
  20. Most of the time if I'm looking for sex, I'm looking to indulge a few more sense than just feeling a hole on my cock. While I'm not big on extended foreplay I do actually prefer to be able to see my partners. This is why I've never liked gloryhole fucks, and gravitate to better lit play areas in fuck venues. While I prefer no strings, semi anonymous sex, I do want to experience more from my partner than using him as a human fleshlight.
  21. I'm not going to put any stock in it, but can have a little fun: Fits me perfectly. This only seems to apply when I'm in OR, WA, ID, AK and BC. I will be on the lookout to see if my penis bends differently when I'm in this particular geographical area.
  22. If I remember right their were a few booths where you could stick your ass out into the hallways or in one case the next booth. I must have been there on a bad night, because I don't remember any asses being offered to the halls, and generally LA men are as piggish as they come.
  23. Both bathhouses in Portland now have them. Hawks has had 2 since they reopened a little over a year ago, but you have to rent a room. Steam added one to their maze this summer. I'm yet to see them used for their intended purpose at either venue, guys do frequently lie on their backs with their heads sticking out into the group play area at Hawks, I haven't seen anyone use the one at Steam for any purpose, but I had a guy want me to do that at Steam this weekend but I passed since when I asked he wasn't going to let me do anything but lick his glass while he jacked off, so I passed on the offer. So I guess I'm the one that doesn't understand the local purpose for such a facility, as usual.
  24. While this I not possible with the current Trump led MAGA right (plus a lot of their agenda doesn't really fit into the United States traditional left/right paradigm), I would disagree that it wasn't occurring in the past. One of the bigger shifts to the left in recent memory was the 1983 Social Security Reform, that shored up the trust fund for 2 generations and basically ended the rights effort to abolish the program in its entirety. While not quite as major as what Reagan did with Social Security, Bush I, acknowledged the tax cuts were too deep (costing him reflection), and Bush II made several moves that established the acceptability of Medicare on the right. As someone who leans lowercase l libertarian, but short of being an anarchist or believing all taxation is theft, the primary reason we have to defeat the MAGA movement is due to their anti-democratic stances. We can argue the other policy considerations once we have firmly established that our representative democracy is not going anywhere, and that the government does not dictate social/cultural norms. The only policies the Trump inspired MAGA right is even willing to "debate" revolve around imposing their desired social/cultural controls on the entire populous, and their effort to abolish any form of direct taxation. Additionally all of the leaders of this movement have made it clear they aren't going to let a little thing like democracy stand in the way of their goals, and will resort to any means to establish their power. It is also worth remembering that this ideological coalition, that we are calling the far right today, hasn't always belonged to the same party. Luckily it has rarely been able to take unified control of both chambers of Congress and the presidency and has only done so a few brief times since the Civil War. It was the faction that for the most part completely controlled the Democratic party from the end of the Civil War in 1865 until FDR was took office in 1933. During the their period of complete control the Democrats only managed to hold both chambers of Congress and the White House twice, from 1893 -1895 under Cleveland and 1913-1919 under Wilson. FDR ushered in a substantially different ideology for the Democratic party and they became the faction became the non dominate Dixiecrats within that party for most of the next 60 years. They only started migrating to the party they had previously hated after WWII, and did not achieved the full stranglehold control of the Republican party until 2018 midterm election. Which meant the worst aspects of their agenda was frustrated by the last vestiges of the old guard Republicans during the first two years of His Orange Hindness term, but unfortunately they have successfully banished any dissent within the party since then. We must vote to keep them out of elected power again, period. The judiciary will take more time, but luckily enough old guard Republicans and modern Democrats remain to at least slow them down.
  25. I'm still trying to figure this out myself, since I'm at a point in life where relocation makes sense, have a job that allows me to live anywhere in the US, and am 10ish years from retirement. There are many trade offs to be considered, but after living 16 years in a rain forest that is also a casual sex desert, the availability of willing hookup partners is very important.
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