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Everything posted by NWUSHorny

  1. If I remember right their were a few booths where you could stick your ass out into the hallways or in one case the next booth. I must have been there on a bad night, because I don't remember any asses being offered to the halls, and generally LA men are as piggish as they come.
  2. Both bathhouses in Portland now have them. Hawks has had 2 since they reopened a little over a year ago, but you have to rent a room. Steam added one to their maze this summer. I'm yet to see them used for their intended purpose at either venue, guys do frequently lie on their backs with their heads sticking out into the group play area at Hawks, I haven't seen anyone use the one at Steam for any purpose, but I had a guy want me to do that at Steam this weekend but I passed since when I asked he wasn't going to let me do anything but lick his glass while he jacked off, so I passed on the offer. So I guess I'm the one that doesn't understand the local purpose for such a facility, as usual.
  3. While this I not possible with the current Trump led MAGA right (plus a lot of their agenda doesn't really fit into the United States traditional left/right paradigm), I would disagree that it wasn't occurring in the past. One of the bigger shifts to the left in recent memory was the 1983 Social Security Reform, that shored up the trust fund for 2 generations and basically ended the rights effort to abolish the program in its entirety. While not quite as major as what Reagan did with Social Security, Bush I, acknowledged the tax cuts were too deep (costing him reflection), and Bush II made several moves that established the acceptability of Medicare on the right. As someone who leans lowercase l libertarian, but short of being an anarchist or believing all taxation is theft, the primary reason we have to defeat the MAGA movement is due to their anti-democratic stances. We can argue the other policy considerations once we have firmly established that our representative democracy is not going anywhere, and that the government does not dictate social/cultural norms. The only policies the Trump inspired MAGA right is even willing to "debate" revolve around imposing their desired social/cultural controls on the entire populous, and their effort to abolish any form of direct taxation. Additionally all of the leaders of this movement have made it clear they aren't going to let a little thing like democracy stand in the way of their goals, and will resort to any means to establish their power. It is also worth remembering that this ideological coalition, that we are calling the far right today, hasn't always belonged to the same party. Luckily it has rarely been able to take unified control of both chambers of Congress and the presidency and has only done so a few brief times since the Civil War. It was the faction that for the most part completely controlled the Democratic party from the end of the Civil War in 1865 until FDR was took office in 1933. During the their period of complete control the Democrats only managed to hold both chambers of Congress and the White House twice, from 1893 -1895 under Cleveland and 1913-1919 under Wilson. FDR ushered in a substantially different ideology for the Democratic party and they became the faction became the non dominate Dixiecrats within that party for most of the next 60 years. They only started migrating to the party they had previously hated after WWII, and did not achieved the full stranglehold control of the Republican party until 2018 midterm election. Which meant the worst aspects of their agenda was frustrated by the last vestiges of the old guard Republicans during the first two years of His Orange Hindness term, but unfortunately they have successfully banished any dissent within the party since then. We must vote to keep them out of elected power again, period. The judiciary will take more time, but luckily enough old guard Republicans and modern Democrats remain to at least slow them down.
  4. I'm still trying to figure this out myself, since I'm at a point in life where relocation makes sense, have a job that allows me to live anywhere in the US, and am 10ish years from retirement. There are many trade offs to be considered, but after living 16 years in a rain forest that is also a casual sex desert, the availability of willing hookup partners is very important.
  5. Some of my favorite things in the world to do are: 1)take a cock in my ass while my cock is in a hole; 2) breed a man and then flip over and let him breed me or vice versa. I may regularly fuck total bottoms I see at sex clubs, but if you want a regular arrangement as a fuck bud you have to be willing to occasionally return the favor. I guess the same would be true of total tops, but I can't remember ever having a top fuck bud that would not occasionally let me fuck them. For whatever reason bottoms seem a lot more committed to their position than tops.
  6. I figured it out long before I set foot in fuckjoint. A young man can learn a lot in college, if he applies himself.
  7. 6699, can be a lot of fun if you can find a 4th.
  8. You had to be watching TV in the wee hours to see commercials like that.
  9. That is very possibly part of the problem where I live.
  10. I've noted several times recently tops that required coaching on this very issue. This could very well be a consequence of losing so many gay group play venues. Guys that are used to one on one hookups through apps or from places that lack group play even at the fuck venues seem to be baffled by the mechanics required to make group play work.
  11. I think I paid over $50 to attend CumUnion at Club San Diego. If it had been a great orgy, I would pay it again, however I didn't even see anyone fucking so . . .
  12. I don't know, one of my local bathhouses, where it is explicitly against the rules to charge other attendees for services, hosts radical rub down every Tuesday and a monthly spa night on a Saturday. I would guess that the monthly spa night is their biggest event of the month, and Tuesdays are at least as busy as Friday nights. I quit going on those nights because other attendees became indignant about the idea of actually having sex. @viking8x6 I suspect the skill level of the masseurs is likely to be low, but very few are providing or looking for a happy ending.
  13. Steam has been hosting CumUnion parties for over a year now but on Thursday nights. The very 1st one they hosted had a lot of fucking by Portland standards, but so did the 1st few at Hawks, unfortunately the sexual intensity did not last at either venue. I haven't been to a bi night at Hawks in several months, the last few I went to had decent attendance but very little sex. I think the only fucking I saw was a male/female couple that are exhibitionists but don't play with others, there was some oral action but I'm not really into oral.
  14. Hawks calendar, no longer shows CumUnion parties. It looks like they will be hosting fisting parties on the 1st Saturday instead. Years ago I learned that in the PNW there are a lot of fisters, including fisting bottoms that have no interest in having sex that actually involves a cock so I am not likely to go. Hawks seems to be leaning even further into fetishes rather than the free for all fucking that I prefer at a bathhouse, they are also cutting back again on their hours staring in November. As a versatile guy, I often have a hard time even finding bottoms in Portland, maybe they have just given up, but it is very easy to spend hours at fuck venue and not find anyone ready and willing to get fucked. It isn't a good city to be either a top or bottom if you have a high sex drive. If you really want to break your record you will have better luck taking a sexcation outside the PNW.
  15. I'm feeling under the weather today, and won't be having sex with anyone because of it, but my libido is definitely still intact. It's just a nasty cold (negative for COVID), but I'm achy, fatigued and running a low grade fever, and horny as hell. I've already jacked off 3 times between naps, and will almost certainly cum at least once more before I go to bed. I have to be really sick not to be horny.
  16. Have any of you ever had a guy spurt directly on your prostate? It is an amazing feeling and you can still plunge balls deep to push it in and finish shooting the load deep. The 2nd guy to ever fuck me did it to me, it was incredible, even though it was 1991 and he was wearing a condom. He didn't do it intentionally, but we were both 21 and versatile, so we taught each other to do it intentionally within a week.
  17. Wow, I guess it really isn't that different from the HIV "gift givers". I can't even comprehend fantasizing about it let alone actually knowing spreading diseases.
  18. My 1st visit was in February 2000 (I think), so you didn't get it from me.
  19. I was really surprised by the closure of Denver Swim Club (my 1st bathhouse and the standard I wish all bathhouses could meet for ease of finding willing partners) and Denver Midtowne Spa, those 2 were always busy, and had a lot of actual fucking when I lived there, and on return visits in the years since. DSC did not make it through the pandemic, but Midtowne reopened and from what I heard was drawing crowds after the pandemic. I believe it was the 2nd to last Midtowne location to close. I was also a big fan of several other Midtowne locations namely Melrose and 1350 in LA, and Milwaukee, all of which I believe were lost to gentrification. @tallslenderguy Hawks in Vegas could be hit or miss, but even on my worst visits was never as slow as really good night at any of the bathhouses in Portland, Seattle or Vancouver, BC. I haven't been to either of the 2 that are still open in Vegas, but would guess they are all more depended on who is in town than the true local scene. As to the park scene, I've found that at least LA and Palm Springs have a lot of park cruising this summer, as did Denver immediately before the pandemic on top of the active bathhouse scene, but I haven't been back since.
  20. For me sex must be a mutual trade of pleasure. For me, if monetary compensation is involved it is no longer for mutual pleasure. Maybe I'm not as desperate for sex as my posts indicate, because even here in Portland I have walked away from encounters where I was offered cash to "fuck me with that big dick," even though I would have fucked him for free, as readily as I walk away from encounters that have asked for cash or "generosity" of any sort.
  21. I don't know that any of the 3 options fit for me. I don't have an issue with performing sexually for money, but would personally never exchange money just to have sex. While many porn performers are also escorts, it isn't a given. So here is my unique set of standards: Would perform in porn if I can wear a mask. I have donned a mask, signed the release and had sex at 2 bi events that were filmed, since none of the footage of me was used I did not receive any compensation but if I did I would donate it to a HIV prevention charity. I would even consider making a few scenes where I was masked and putting it out on one of the amateur platforms and donating anything I made from it. On paying for sex with an individual, I have refused both sides of the transaction. Sex is not, nor do I see it ever becoming a financial transaction for me.
  22. I keep wondering how long Hawks here in Portland can hang on. They were about to relocate prior the pandemic and the old location was demolished a few months after they closed for it, but because of issues with the city were unable to complete the build out of their new location until more than a year after the other bathhouse Steam reopened. Not that attendance has ever been great at any Portland bathhouse in the time I've lived here, it is visibly way down at both Hawks and Steam compared to prepandemic. Actual sex at Hawks is way down compared to before, and actually up some at Steam, which in my opinion the lack of actual sex has always been a sore point for any sex venue in Portland. Hawks has tried to really lean into more fetish and bi events, which in Portland always seems to lead to more posing and no sex. They also keep adjusting there hours and switching up fetishes for their monthly events, and anytime I have been other than Saturday nights it has been a complete ghost town. I haven't been to any of the explicitly non-fucking fetish events at either bathhouse recently, but in the past Steam drew very large crowds for theirs and Hawks drew almost no crowds for theirs.
  23. The sexual feature I enjoy getting complimented on the most is my sexual intensity.
  24. While I have been a part of many different scenarios, and like any kind of group better than one on one. While gang bangs can be fun, I very much prefer more equal numbers of bottoms and tops with a lot of switching off.
  25. I had a lot of fun there over the years. Are the Entourage CumUnion parties still on Fridays? Saturdays work much better if you need to travel.
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