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Everything posted by NWUSHorny

  1. For some perspective, I have always considered myself a small government, fiscal prudence, civil/social/cultural libertarian, who believes a politician must have decent enough character to set a good leadership example both domestically and on the international stage, who believes the robust level of immigration and infusion of new ideas has been one of the unique economic advantages the United States has enjoyed over its entire existence, I usually voted Republican prior to 2016. I made exceptions if the candidate was what we now call a cultural warrior, was overtly racist or anti-immigration, or was lacking in the character required to set a leadership example. I voted for Garry Johnson in 2016, think it would limit Hillary's mandate, Biden in 2020 because Trump's term was even worse than anything I could have even imagined from both a policy and leadership perspective. I'm at the elder end of Gen-X, and have voted in every election since 1987. I can't even comprehend how anyone who claims to be a fiscal conservative, civil libertarian, cares about national security, or believes that the character of our politicians matters, can vote for Trump or any craven MAGA candidate who's only campaign promise is to do whatever Trump and/or the loudest craziest faction of MAGA (there are a lot of policy areas where Trump himself doesn't have a strong position so he defers to the loudest craziest conspiracy driven group of his coalition to keep their votes) personally demands. His entire political career and the MAGA political movement (and the Tea Party before it) has been a race to the absolute lowest common denominator. This political transformation, at least in terms of party leaning is not because I'm bi, my entire family and many of my straight friends that previously learned Republican have arrived at the exact same place. We have a lot of policy differences with Biden, but even on policy Biden is very clearly the least of the 2 evils.
  2. I did manage to both breed and get bred once each after a long frustrating night at the bathhouse here in Portland last night. I bred a freshly loaded cute small Latino, that I have always thought of as a twink but he has recently let his hair go gray which looks really good on him. He was bent over a bench in the group play space getting fucked and obviously bred when I found him, unlike the typical bottom he didn't immediately jump up to go shower after getting bred, so I asked him if he wanted another and enjoyed the treat of sliding into his loose cummy hole. I've probably been fucking him when I see him at the tubs as long as I've lived here and he is always a really good fuck, last night fucking his talented hole was like fucking a warm wet slippery, cum scented, gripping and pulsing velvet sleeve. About 4 hours later I finally got fucked and bred myself, I was in the sling in the other group play area when a young cubby type guy came through the curtain with his towel over his shoulder, a nice rock hard cock, and got a huge grin on his face when he saw me. He went immediately to my hole, spit on his cock and shoved it in, as soon as he was sure I could take it he started pounding. He quickly acted like he was getting close and the slipped out, but let me guide him back into me, and did it 2 more times before he told me you feel so good that you made me cum too fast. I reached down and found his cum was almost pouring out of my hole. I'm not sure how many loads he bred me with, but I'm still farting his cum almost 12 hours later. I stayed another hour, unfortunately only observed some comical extremely anti-sexually behavior. I may post a rant about that in another post.
  3. They were at least trying, I get the distinct feeling parents that even try are a minority.
  4. I must be in a small minority, my parents while both conservative (although both of them have completely repudiated the MAGA GOP) did make an effort to have those conversations, as well as a booklet like @DallasPozziblementioned, I had an uncomfortable conversation with my dad when I was presented with the booklet (I don't remember the name of it), and several more in with both parents over the next few days. One of the more uncomfortable car rides of my life was with my dad when I was a junior in high school, we were going to tour his alma mater, he decided he needed to let me know what happens from a sexual perspective in college, thank god my mom didn't do the same, that drive was 2 hours longer. They also didn't pull me out of the sex education sections of my Jr High and High School health classes, although what I learned from the gym teachers was of rather dubious value, there were a lot of boys in my small rural school that were sent to study hall during those weeks.
  5. I suspect this is the main driver in the loss of bathhouses in many cities. Not all of them are in the downtown core, but real estate values have risen substantially above the rate of general inflation across the board in most major cities over the last 25 years. It will be interesting to see how the fallout from the current glut of vacant office and retail space shakes out and hopefully corrects the problem. Vacant retail properties seem to be getting slowly converted to residential, but so far vacant office spaces seem to be just sitting.
  6. There are definitely places where there are large numbers of uninhibited promiscuous gay and bi men looking for casual sex, and other places where very few such men can be found. I've been trying to figure out what causes those dynamics for the entire 17 years I've lived in one of the places where very few casual hookups take place. It doesn't seem to be related to the population size, either general or gay, political climate or anything else I've been able to figure out. Portland, OR should be a gay wonderland, relatively large population, by percentage one of highest openly gay populations in the US, politically liberal, one of the most permissive state/city for allowing sexually oriented businesses, yet their are far fewer gay hookups here than in politically conservative small cities, with draconian laws against sex related businesses in other parts of North America. The hookup apps are full of profiles that make no mention of what they are looking for sexually, unless you consider cuddling a sexual activity, the sex related business including both bathhouses are almost sexless. The lengths guys will go to in the bathhouses that guys will go to to avoid any indication that they might have sex would be comical if I wasn't so sexually frustrated while I was observing them.
  7. I think I'll wait for the toilet with his face in the bowl. Every time you flush Trump has to either take piss or eat shit.
  8. I haven't been to Canyon Club, but you can't go wrong at CCBC. All Worlds has the Maze which is a great setup, but has not had the uninhibited fuck pig clientele when I have been there. Also don't skip Club 541, just a fuck club not a resort, but it had plenty of sleazy action, I think I went 5 times in the 10 days I spent in Palm Springs this month and had empty balls and a cummy hole within 2 hours every visit.
  9. I find it hard to believe Denver can no longer support a bathhouse, they were always busy, and utilized for what I consider a bathhouse's intended purpose, fucking. Buddies, while in a smaller market has always seemed busier and better utilized for sex than any bathhouse in Portland or Seattle. Denver Swim Club was the 1st bathhouse I was ever in, and is the measure I still use for a great bathhouse, unfortunately few bathhouses have a regular clientele like they had, Midtown came close but they had a lot of customers in common.
  10. The kind that includes fucking with your "neighbors", or just socializing?
  11. I made the poll so that you can select multiple options. Impersonally voted for both diner and buffet.
  12. Actually the main reason he never got around to building his wall, was his lack of understanding of how our 3 branch, with checks and balances Constitutional Republic works. He could have had his emissaries in Congress propose legislation, have it debated and pass at least some of what he wanted to do. The other problem is the MAGA in Congress don't understand it either, and have actively sought to prevent the debate, which makes passing any legislation that moves the needle virtually impossible. The only meaningful piece of legislation that came out of Trump's term was the tax cut, and the only reason he achieved that was because Paul Ryan agreed with him enough to push part of what Trump wanted through the lawmaking process. The MAGA have been on a quest ever since to remove anyone capable of following the Constitutional process of lawmaking from elective office.
  13. Portland still has 2 bathhouses, but neither of the has, nor have they ever had the kind of sexual hookup culture at the bathhouses, that other cities seem to have in the 17 years I've lived here. They have leaned heavily into both fetish themes and the idea that they are more a place to hang out with other gay and bi men than they are a place to find a quick fuck. Hawks even more so than Steam.
  14. I thought it would be fun to compare fuck venues/events to restaurant types, what is your favorite, feel free to add another type in the comments.
  15. I would agree, that all information on local scenes is welcome. If you have cities, fuck venues and regularly scheduled events you always have good luck at, it is useful information for all of us. You never know when you might get to travel somewhere new. I used to assume, if I went to a fuck venue and it was a less than stellar night, that I was just there on an off night, but have since learned that there are entire geographic regions where great or even decent nights are few and far between, and even cities that I find sex easy to come by have venues that don't work for me. So providng a list of cities and fuck venues that generally work for you is a good start.
  16. Personally I love both receiving and giving a hard pounding. I don't know about other guys, but I try to be cognizant of whether the bottom is actually enjoying it and hold back if I sense that he isn't enjoying it. At this point I can usually open up and take even the biggest dicks with just spit for lube.
  17. Trump has certainly scrambled the coalitions. The loudest MAGAs I know were proud Democrats 20 years ago or less. Whereas the staunch small government types with mostly libertarian social views that were once the core of the Republican coalition have been forced out of the party entirely.
  18. Denver no longer has bathhouses, which is a shame since it has to be one of the easiest cities in the US to find casual fucks. Recently I've been heading to LA and Palm Springs. In fact I got all the sex I had time for (working vacation) in LA and Palm Springs this month.
  19. The man I swapped cum with was originally from 50 miles of where I grew up. So despite ancestral racial differences, the local culture we grew up with may have played a role in our sexual similarities.
  20. I'm in Palm Springs right now so I had black, white, latin and asian men's cocks and holes last night. At the end of the night I delivered a load into a man with a really nice black bubble butt, then flipped over and took a load from his BBC. I slept really well.
  21. As someone who leans fairly far lowercase-l libertarian, but also believes that as the world's largest economic power, the US should lead by example. I often voted Republican prior to 2016. I did not vote for Trump, and will never vote for him or anyone who has identified with or enabled the MAGA cultural wars, corruption, or retreat as a global advocate of freedom and democracy. So it is safe to say I won't be voting Republican again any time soon.
  22. "Woke" seems to mean expressing any opinion that runs contrary to a right wing cultural warrior opinion. Since the right wing cultural warriors don't all share the exact same philosophy, they often wind up calling each other "woke". In general being anti-woke seems to be a race to the lowest common denominator.
  23. This Gen Xer is officially admitting partial defeat and having less sex. I can no longer work 10+ hour days and hit the fuck venues for a few hours 3 nights in a row. The mind still says yes, but my almost 55 year old body is saying hell no. So I'm sitting here in my hotel room looking at the real estate ads, trying to figure out if I can justify a 2nd home in Palm Springs. 

  24. This place is great guys! Not a huge crowd, but lots of fucking, for a cold wet Tuesday night. It is a fuck club, no shower, hot tub, sauna, or wet facilities. They do have slings fuck horses, plenty of benches, and a suck ramp. They offer clothes check for $2 or you can bring your own lock and use a locker for free if you want to strip down. About half the guys kept their street clothes on and the other half went naked or wore a jock. It is a great alternative to a day pass at one of the gay resorts, although I'm still planning a couple of those. My balls are empty and my hole is full of cum. If you buy a membership it is good both here and Slammer LA.
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