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Everything posted by NWUSHorny

  1. There was a time when 6 would have been a disappointing weekday visit to the bathhouse for me. e. I probably averaged fucks with 30 different men a week for the 9 years I lived in Denver. Of course most of them were not truly unique, most of them were a group of 100+ regulars that I fucked with anytime I saw them at the bathhouse.
  2. I've found that being an introvert isn't really a problem at bathhouses and fuck venues in most cities. I can usually present myself as being open to fucking or get fucked and let the natural gravitation take place. I will readily admit I struggle in cities where there is a lot of socializing at the fuck venues. Darkrooms are even easier, if you want to fuck or get fucked in and enter an active darkroom it will happen, the key, for me at least, is it needs to be an active darkroom I have no idea how to get things started in a situation where guys are just standing around resisting all gropes.
  3. Vegas still has 2 bathhouses, if the right groups of horny guys are in town it shouldn't be a issue.
  4. As a bi-guy, I'm pretty sure this means you are bi. I 1st acted on my opposite sex desires at 13 and my same sex desires at 19, I'm 54 now and still enjoy being sexually active with both sexes. In my opinion, You aren't straight if you continue to act on this desire, and you aren't gay unless you swear off sex with women entirely.
  5. So I went to Cumunion at Steam tonight, no signs about it being Cumunion any where in the club but tons of signs about other events including last weekends themes. I just checked it does show on the calendar on their website, as well as Cumunion's website and a party listing on BBRT, but they are no longer promoting at the bathhouse itself. There was a decent sized crowd, but no more than a normal week night. I did fuck and get fucked once each but as usual it was impossible to get a group started.
  6. I don't think there is a possible pick that won't piss off some subset of his hardcore base. There is to much variation in who they hate.
  7. That is an excellent description of how I feel about gloryhole sex. Completely unconnected.
  8. One of my earliest fuckbuds didn't seem to have a problem with it. We fucked each other with our BWC and BBC at least 4 times a week my last semester of college and used those terms almost every time. We certainly expanded each other's hole-rizons and learned to be in demand tops.
  9. Sounds like NYE at Denver Swim Club, Denver Midtowne Spa, and Hawks Gym Las Vegas. Sadly all 4 are closed.
  10. I've thought for many years, almost 14 now, that I have to be missing something, yet I can go to even small cities I've never been to before instinctively sniff out the cruising spots, outside this region and usually find willing partners that become fuckbuds if I'm working in that city for awhile. I do have sex here in Portland, but finding partners is time consuming and finding either fuckbuds or a reliable hookup spots that have other men who share my proclivities seems to be elusive. I don't have a good way to quantify it, but an extremely high % of my local hookups are visitors.
  11. Even though I'm fully versatile, I don't really understand a bottoms sexuality, and will chalk this up as another aspect that I can't understand.
  12. Personally I think he will pick Kari Lake as his VP. She has a very similar mentality, and enjoyed his kind of popularity and electoral success and then "unfairly" prevented from taking office.
  13. The issue with saying you had contact this whole person not just the cock, is if he provided the handjob through a gloryhole, the cock is the only thing he saw. Personally I dislike having sex with a cock in the wall or using an orifice (in this case a hand) in the wall to get off.
  14. I've hit the bathhouses on years when I didn't have something else to do on New Years Eve. I had a few really fun NYE's at the Denver bathhouses during the 9 years I lived there. I've also had one really fun NYE at a Vegas bathhouse. Here in Portland bathhouses, the blue balls drop at midnight, they hand out glasses of champagne or spakling cider, toast kiss and go home to consider resolutions to not fuck again in the next year. An invite only NYE party with like minded pigs sounds like a really great idea, I love fucking in the new year! This years resolution will be to actually relocate, and hope I can actually find the time to make it happen.
  15. Depending on how late I have to work will probably go tonight in Portland. There is a 98% chance there will only be a handful of guys there, most of whom do not fuck or get fucked, but hornyness and hope spring eternal.
  16. Not sure where you are located. Recently, I've been hitting LA and Palm Springs for that purpose. In LA the Men's Meat Up parties on Thursdays and Sundays are great, and the CumPlay LA party at Sanctuary LAX on the 1st Friday of the month are very clear winners for me. Flex and Slammer are ok fun, plus there are numerous opportunities for cruising in parks, shopping centers and etc.. Plus the apps are full of guys that are actually looking. Palm Springs has CCBC, get a day pass at least one day, even if you don't stay there, The Barracks, I haven't been yet but can't wait to try Club 541 based on what I'm hearing. You also have the same general cruising and apps situation as LA. San Diego is good for general cruising and apps hookups, I've only been to Club San Diego once and totally struck out, but did have good luck in the past at now closed bathhouse. Minneapolis and Milwaukee don't have bathhouses, but lots of opportunities for cruising and hooking up, and decent luck with the hookup apps. I haven't been since COVID, but Denver is a great city to cruise and hookup, the only remaining bathhouse is Buddies which used to be great, in Colorado Springs, a little over an hours drive south. Even longer ago Chicago, St Louis, Dallas and Pittsburgh were always good for me, but don't have any recent experience. In central and western Canada, Winnipeg, Calgary and Edmonton all had active bathhouses and cruising scenes, but I haven't been since COVID.
  17. It seems like every term has varying definitions in the gay sex realm, why would breeding be any different?
  18. I've long been of the opinion, that if someone asks if there are loads in the hole before he is balls deep in the hole he isn't going to fuck. I frequently ask bottoms, but not before I'm in them. I frequently get asked when I'm hoping to bottom, but unless he has already penetrated me, there is no right answer, he never intended to fuck you anyway.
  19. It depends on how much cum, how deep the load is shot, and how loose my hole is. If it is literally dripping out, I scoop it up with my fingers and eat it. Even if it isn't I can see why some guys might push it out, it seems like I always have an unexpected cum fart when I take a sexcation, that leads to having to clean the driver seat of the rental car before I return it.
  20. Some cities were hosting Cumunions up to 4 times a month. I have long wondered if the frequency of the Cumunion parties isn't part of the problem. Even here in NoFuckland, the 1st few Cumunion parties were great events where guys indulged their inner pig. Even the 1st post-COVID Cumunion was great by local standards even though it took place at a time when their seemed to still be a lot of pent up piggish energy at the baths. Unfortunately after those relatively piggish events the baths were ghost towns for the next 2 weeks. So I have often wondered if once a month is a better schedule for most cities? Regrettably I suspect you would have to at least limit it to a semi-annual event in NoFuckland, or possibly even an annual event to have enough pent up piggish energy to make a Cumunion orgy work. We are back to once a month, and even considering it is on a Thursday now, it has even sparser attendance than a regular Thursday night at the tubs.
  21. As someone who leans pretty far libertarian on social/cultural issues, it has been painful to watch the cultural warriors adopt the same heavy hand of government approach to enforce the mores they want that has long been used by the social justice warriors to enforce the progressive society they want. My reaction to both, has always been, figure out how to take the government out of the argument entirely. To be fair today's MAGA cultural warrior movement is a direct descendant of the Dixiecrats who used the heavy hand of government to enforce their culture for a hundred years following the Civil War, merged with the heavy handed tactics that the modern Democratic Party employed in the post FDR era to enforce their progressive views on our society. My general opinion is we need to phase out the government interference from both sides of this tarnished coin and amend our constitution to disallow the governmental meddling of the past.
  22. To be fair, that how I probably became poz. When you can only get pig sex occasionally, you make the best of it when you do get a chance. So I would go to a Cumunion or sex venue in a city that does have a piggish sex scene and stick my bare dick in cum filled holes for hours on end. I usually have that rubbed raw feeling in my dick for several days afterward. My guess is I caught it at either the LA or Palm Springs Cumumion in I attended September 2017. If it's not too late tell him to get on PREP if he isn't.
  23. Well they certainly aren't fucking, and cuddling is the current trendy way to have "gay sex" without involving a dick. Tit play without removing your towels, while occupying the prime fuck real estate for over an hour is also a popular Cumunion activity.
  24. Sounds like a Cumunion in the PNW. On the other hand the cuddle parties are supposed to be big here. I've often thought about setting up my own parties, but it will have to wait until I move, since I haven't been able to find kindred pig sex lovers here. They really don't even do group sex.
  25. Just in case anyone is interested, here is a clip from the video
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