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PigOut last won the day on February 6 2017

PigOut had the most liked content!

About PigOut

  • Birthday 06/05/1970

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  • Gender
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  • HIV Status
    Poz, Not On Meds
  • Role
    Versatile Top
  • Background
    All the stuff that any fetish pig worth his oink should be into - rubber, leather, fisting, Domination and poz breeding
  • Looking For
    Sleazy bottoms that need loading with the good stuff

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  1. is that your neck with a biotat?  that's so fucking hot - would take your seed in a heartbeat if i were closer.  god damn, now i'm horny 

  2. Have fun, guy, and never go on meds!

  3. DaddysHand, we missed your poisonous, pus-smeared input for a while. Nice to have you back ramming your toxins into us.
  4. Loving this story DaddysHand, and the nasty sleazy mind it comes from...
  5. fuckin hot profile pic

  6. This is a great story that has me stiff and oozing precum. Can't wait to see where Daddy Dan leads you...
  7. Thanks man - really appreciate the dedication! And still HOT-AS-FUCK writing...
  8. Fuck man, you have got to keep us updated on this! Hot as hell to see you weaken under his control...
  9. Anytime!  Thanks for following me. 

    1. PigOut


      Very welcome dude!

  10. Always up for a challenge with other's like myself. 

    1. PigOut


      You would certainly be fun to make challenges with!

  11. Thanks man! Really appreciate that. You write really well and your content is fuckin hot. Look for ward to getting more from the trough of that sleazy pigmind. Maybe the further adventures of Finn?
  12. Fucking hot story mate - you build it up nicely, like the charged loads in James' balls. Looking forward to the boys in the bar getting their go at Finn!
  13. Update on the conversion party on that thread, for those that have been asking

  14. ☣☣☣Fuckin' Oink~! Please keep sharing. Pervs like you make visiting BZ fun.  Wood love to breed it, & swap bugz too. My VL= 100G. Hep C+ & TB too.  Wish we are bleedin' closer.  Thanks for following me.

    1. PigOut


      Fuck pig, we'd make beautiful toxic babies together! Awesome profile...

  15. Another successful pozzing



    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Guest


      I want to be that ass

    3. mjkuhl


      making my ass twitch in excitement

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