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Everything posted by BrockTop1973

  1. That's awesome. Now we just need it to go generic!
  2. No, I'm in Toronto.
  3. Hoping I can find a new doc before my PrEP scrip runs out!

  4. I have never bottomed, so nothing to share on that, but as I mentioned in the other thread I do often have trouble coming when I top. These days I tend to warn guys in advance that it often takes me a long time, and that it may not happen at all. Some take that as a challenge, bug I've worn out more than one guy and it's frustrating for all involved. I tend towards anxiety generally, and I think I'm getting stuck in an analytical/observer mode instead of losing myself in the emotion and sensation of the sex. I wish I could figure out how to flip that switch.
  5. I'd be really interested to hear more about how you "trained" yourself to be more present & cum more reliably -- maybe in a new thread. This is sometimes a problem for me.
  6. Here in Toronto Steamworks was $15 for a locker tonight (Thurs). It's a little more expensive on the weekend, and a little cheaper earlier in the week. It wasnt too bad - there were maybe 20-30 guys there during the two hours I was there. Unfortunately I think the baths are past the point where discounts are going to help bring in any more. If I was a bathhouse owner, I'd think about hiring some cute slutty rentb-ys as ringers to help spark more action. Most guys these days (myself included) are really too shy for their own good. It's like a slot machine; one good encounter will keep me coming back time after time, even though I'm usually disappointed. Interestingly if you look up Steamworks (or many other places) on Google, their business listing now shows you exactly when it's busy (based on anonymized cellphone location data). As you might guess, Friday and Saturday late nights are the only time it's hopping anymore.
  7. Trying to decide between blackout night at the baths, or naked night at the Eagle tonight.

    1. PozSlime


      Is it possible to hit both? ;)

      Happy Hunting!

    2. Ranger Rick

      Ranger Rick

      See, those are the kind of dilemmas you *want* to have.

  8. I cruised so much in college. I can remember the first time I watched somebody sucking cock understall -- it was this scrawny guy in between a pair of huge beefy thighs. Later I sucked my first cock (as an adult, anyway) in that same stall. I probably would have finished grad school years earlier if I hadn't spent so much time exchanging blowjobs with strangers!
  9. This guy doesn't look particularly young or twinky to me. But twinks in gear are definitely hot.
  10. Yeah. There's a hot ftm guy I hooked up with a few times this past summer. He loved taking my cum and I enjoyed fucking his front hole. I was hoping we'd become regular fuckbuds but he stopped returning my messages. I still see his posts on Craigslist though. Looks like he's gotten into pnp lately.
  11. No, I didn't have a public face pic at the time. It was kind of funny because he used to make a big show about how he didn't use hookup apps.
  12. I had a close friend hit me up on bbrt once. I didn't respond and have mostly tried to forget about it.
  13. I went to the Black Eagle last night. Chatted a little bit with a cute younger guy who looked really familiar - he thought he'd met me before too, but neither of us could figure out where. Later I saw him swing quickly through the backroom a couple of times, but our paths didn't intersect. Finally I saw him on his knees blowing someone with his pants hiked down to expose his ass. I leaned up against the wall next to them and hauled out my cock, and when he got up and bent over to let the guy fuck him, he took me in his mouth. We spit roasted him for a couple of minutes; during which I practically had to fight off some other greedy cocksucker who was trying to physically drag my dick into his mouth. The other top slipped away - I don't think he came - and then it was my turn to tap that ass. He braced himself against the wall and I slid in raw and fucked him steadily, enjoying his moans and the grip his hole had on my dick. Other guys were stroking my chest and one even reached under to feel my balls while I rode, but all my attention was on that beautiful ass. Soon I heard "shoot your load in me", and I picked up the pace of my fuck, feeling my cock swell as he gripped me and then going over the edge and seeding his hole deep. "NOW I'll remember you," he said. I hope he does!
  14. I've been thinking about this since I'm trying to decide whether it's worth going to Toronto CumUnion tomorrow. I confess I am sometimes one of the guys standing back, because even at a sex party I need to feel like there's mutual attraction between me and the guys I hook up with. I don't fuck any available hole. That said, if there is someone I'm into, and they're into it too, I'm not shy about fucking in a group or with an audience. I do wish spectators would be less handsy though. I hate when guys are trying to grab my cock or balls while I'm in the middle of using them! Anyway, one of the problems with CumUnion in Toronto is that it's held at Steamworks. There's very little advertising for it so you have no idea whether guys are there for the event or just on a regular spa visit. So guys just default to usual bathhouse cruising behavior. They should change things up with posters, different lighting and maybe give out special wristbands or something to set the scene better. I also think most guys here have very little experience with sex parties so they don't know how to act or react in an exhibitionist environment. Maybe it's because we're Canadian but there's a tendency to hang back rather than taking the risk of being the first one on his knees in a group setting. However, I have seen that once a few guys get going things usually take off. You just need a fes guys who are willing to be the spark that sets off the fireworks.
  15. When I go out to someone's place I usually write their address / phone down and leave it somewhere prominent at home. Won't keep me safe, but if I do get murdered at least the cops will have a clue to work with. Lol. On my last attempt I got a slightly sketchy vibe so I left my wallet at home. Turned out my safety wasn't an issue but the dude flaked with an excuse after I showed up, so maybe I was picking up on that flakiness.
  16. I can't seem to get laid lately either. Last night was my third trip to Steamworks in a row without getting any action worth talking about. Particularly frustrating because I only went there due to an invite from a bbrts guy who was supposed to be running a breeding party with a couple of other bottoms. They were there, but when I came to the door all I got was dirty look. Great for the self-esteem, and it really got in my head. I ended up leaving early even though the post-club rush was just getting started.
  17. Just had a dude flake on me with an excuse after I showed up at his place. Fucking annoying!

  18. That's cool. I checked out my own once back when I was an undergrad volunteering in a lab with good scopes. I'm surprised that a consumer grade student microscope has good enough resolution to see sperm. Makes me want to do a science project!
  19. I haven't been laid for a couple of weeks. Want to go to steamworks tomorrow and fuck some twink hole

  20. I often tell my bottoms that I want to fuck them pregnant and it has nothing to do with HIV. It just emphasises that they are going to take my raw load. You can ask the guy what he meant but it's probably no big deal.
  21. I'm in Toronto -- no copay assistance available here unfortunately. I pay just over $100/month; my insurance picks up the other 90%.
  22. Interesting observation. Here in Toronto there seem to be very few guys under thirty on bbrts. But it seems like so many of them fuck bare these days, maybe they don't see the need for a special bareback site when they can easily get or give loads using Grindr.
  23. I probably shouldn't let it bother me, but I really hate it when guys bring straight girls with them to the black eagle

    1. Fistulike666


      I agree ... shouldn't be allowed in any gay club

    2. bols59


      If a female comports herself correctly she becomes a part OF any gathering, not a thalidomide day-glo observer. The trouble is that girls treat mens bars like petting zoos, giggling and slumming and telling their gay eunuchs how amused the sorority will tomorrow morning.

  24. Bought my first harness yesterday!

  25. I've known this guy since my university days, more than 10 years ago but we never hooked up back then. A couple of years ago I ran into him again at a gay campground where I teased his bare hole and he blew me in the woods. Then last year I saw him again at the Eagle where he followed me into the back room and I seeded his raw hole up against the wall while we got watched by a crowd of other horny dudes. We had exchanged numbers, but our schedules had been out of sync until this week, when I got an unexpected midweek day off. He was up for it so I met him at his place and then rode his tight bare ass for about 45 minutes. It takes me too long to get off, but after fucking him hard I paused for a bit to jerk myself to the bursting point before pushing back into his hole to dump my load. He finished himself off with a big load on his belly. It was fun -- I hope our schedules sycc up again soon.
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