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Everything posted by drscorpio

  1. My fuckbuddy canceled our plans for tonight due to a stomach bug. The apps have been very quiet this holiday, so I am guessing I am not going to get any more. My count is 34 loads up my hole and 5 down my throat. I think that is pretty good for a plague year with as much lockdown as we had.
  2. Express an interest. Don't mooch off him for money, but let him spend a little on you when he offers (drinks, dinner, stuff like that). Don't be selfish in bed. Don't be ashamed to be seen with him. Don't fetishize his age; he wants to be appreciated despite the age difference not just because of it.
  3. I think you probably cannot go wrong with something along the lines of "You know I am curious and inexperienced. Would you let me give you my first blowjob?" If he's at all interested, that should get him going. Don't underestimate how exciting it is for a man to be your first. If he's not interested, nothing you say or do will matter.
  4. You have to remove the extra yourself. It just takes a moment. Then you should write a story. I don't mind helping clean up well-intentioned messes. It's just when people are assholes about things (taking personal offense at infractions, feeling the need to personally abuse me, repeating behavior they have been warned about, ...) that it gets under my skin.
  5. Also, they would probably be barred from attending public school and universities. It's that way for a number of diseases now.
  6. My late husband broke through my resistance to the word "pussy." He simply would not allow me to set it as a limit. I am glad he did because there have been several exceedingly hot men since then who loved using the word, and it would probably have been a deal breaker before him. I still don't care much for "cunt" because I have the same emotional response to that word most people in the USA have. It is one of the most extreme swear words to me. It implies revulsion and contempt. That said, when a guy is using it in bed, I know that's not what he means. Still, it takes me out of the moment. I really prefer "hole" or "butthole" or "asshole." I have a really hot, young online friend who likes to use "shitter." I fail to see the erotic appeal of that term, but it doesn't particularly bother me.
  7. He’s been working at TimTales for years. There are a dozen or more videos with him there.
  8. Lee Ryder is one of my all-time, ultimate fantasies. So sad we lost him so early.
  9. Moderator’s Note: I have taken a few posts down that seemed needlessly confrontational and personal. If you wish to continue the conversation, keep it civil.
  10. I am not aware of a single transperson who has such goals as the principal reason for their transition. I think you might be confusing your bigoted imaginary perceptions as reality.
  11. I’m not sure where you are, but if we can work out logistics, you can ride as long as you want.
  12. I'm a 57 year old bottom. I started getting the attention of young tops in my 30s. I have a fairly steady stream of young guys wanting to fuck and breed my ass. I like younger guys sexually. I like their energy, but it can get exhausting. It would be nice to get hit up by a guy closer to my own age sometime. I had lunch with an old friend who was in town visiting his parents yesterday. He was talking about the same thing. He and his husband are about 10 years younger than me. They have been trying to date guys for a number of years (as a threesome in other words), but all the guys who are interested have been under 30. That works for him, but his husband really wants a guy their age.
  13. Moderator's Note: Report the post, and a moderator will move it. I will be happy to do so.
  14. I received my first shipment of Descovy this afternoon. I have a few doses of Truvada left, so I will start it Monday.
  15. Moderator’s Note: The title “Curious” comes from a separate system based solely on your number of posts. It is explained here: Currently, you are a New Member as well. That’s the system that was being talked about before.
  16. It could be. It could also be lube that is designed to look like cum. A lot of studios use stuff like that.
  17. Questions and answers about how the forum works are in the Tips and Tricks section for the most part. Here's the one you want:
  18. Some young guys will say they are bi as a transitional thing towards admitting they are gay (I certainly was one of them back in the 80s). That doesn't mean there aren't guys who really are bi. It's not a transitional thing for them. I think it can be similar for transvestite and transsexual men. It's easier to cop to being turned on to it and then later admit it's your identity not a fetish. Some guys are passing through cross-dressing but not all of them. Here again is an analogy from my life. I came out as gay my freshman year at college in 1981. I had only known being gay was a thing for about 5-6 years. I grew up in a rural setting, and there wasn't a lot of coverage of the gay community in my area. There were hardly any gays on television, and the ones that were there were no one you wanted to be. If I had been born 30-40 years later with so many more positive images of LGBTQ+ people, I probably would have come out at 14 like my niece did a few years back. I think we are seeing more transpeople because there is more awareness that it is a thing. There is a vocabulary people can use to describe their experience, and there is support for coming out as trans.
  19. As long as you promise to repost them in a gallery 😉😈
  20. I think you probably are thinking of the old Bugshare forum. That was the big one that was dying right before this site began.
  21. There’s nothing better than having your tight, white pussy owned by a big black dick.
  22. A friend of mine told me a story about the bathhouse in Austin, TX. He said it would be a regular occurrence late at night that it would become clear to him and all the other tops that they had held off to long on shooting their last loads, and all the bottoms had gone home. I started out thinking I preferred to top because I was having a lot of mediocre sex with a lot of other inexperienced young guys. Once I got fucked by an older top guy who knew what he was doing, I knew I was a bottom. I still appreciate a beautiful ass though. Throughout my 20s and 30s I would top from time to time. Eventually, I stopped trying to top. Even when I am mentally turned on by the idea, I find it challenging to stay hard enough to perform, so I just bottom now. I think a lot (but not all) of versatile (and versatile-top and versatile-bottom) guys feel like if they can make a choice of role in the moment that anyone can. I get that it is hard to understand everyone isn't just like you. At least the total bottoms and tops understand how each other work. Also, much respect to the vers guys who get it.
  23. I agree with what people have been saying. A shorter cock can be just the length to poke into your prostate over and over. The bigger cock fills you up and rubs over your p-spot smoothly. That said, guys of any size can be a bad or good top. A lot of it is whether or not he knows how to best work with what he's got.
  24. March 8, 1983 - the first time I had sex. I got fucked by a guy in my dorm and took his load. Two nights later, I bred him.
  25. Moderator's Note: Scat is an off-limits topic. I am not giving any penalties because this is kind of an edge case, but this discussion is closed.
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