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Everything posted by drscorpio

  1. Done! Next time, file a report on your story, and it will get noticed quicker.
  2. Moderator's Note: Keep making posts. Keep commenting on posts. In other words, keep interacting and being a part of the site, and those restrictions will naturally lift.
  3. That's my job. Always feel free to ask for help. No, I just take the tip (or a little more) 😈
  4. I think this is just a return to form after a few decades of getting your needs met by a fag being tabu. It was an unintended consequence of gay liberation. Up until the point we started coming out, the perception was the sucker/fuckee was a fag but the suckee/fucker wasn't. That made it a lot easier for straight guys to get their needs met by us.
  5. I hated missing the parades and the debauchery in New Orleans this year, but I thought this might brighten your day. [think before following links] https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5e53e2d6136b2 This is more silly than erotic unless you have a food fetish.
  6. Friday, we were forecast to have an ice storm, but it ended up being just a little too warm for ice to accumulate. Lots of people who had appointments to get vaccinated by our local hospital canceled that morning fearing the weather, so the hospital had 30 doses that had been thawed had to be used that day. I was on the waiting list through the university where I teach, so I got one of those doses. My arm was sore for a couple of days, and I was a little out of it Friday afternoon. Other than that I have had no side effects. I am scheduled for my second dose next month.
  7. Let me know what tags you want, and I will add them.
  8. As a chubby white guy, I have always received more attention from black and Latino guys than white guys (since I kept track last year I can tell you 90% of the loads I took were from black guys). Over time, I have become more attracted to men who look like the darker-skinned men who seem to find me most attractive. That said, I have no problem taking dick from any man who is interested in my chub ass.
  9. Grindr allows searching by zip code. Don't be too sure he can't.
  10. Moderator's Note: Yeah, all in one thread is best. Otherwise, the chapters will drift apart and get out of order as people comment on different posts. The Chapters have now been merged into one thread.
  11. Moderator's Note: Toon hasn't been on the site for a couple of years. Not sure what happened with him. When he was active, he was posting a story nearly every day. If you look back through the archives, you will find dozens of them.
  12. Moderator's Note: I addressed you in exactly the same manner and tone that I address safe-sex guys who go into the Backroom and bitch about nasty fags spreading AIDS because what you did is exactly analogous. You have a right to come here, you have a right to post here, but if you come into the sections reserved for discussing a topic that we work very hard to keep contained in that area and bitch about people talking about that topic, you are going to get pushback from the staff and the people who frequent that section. Please don't think of yourself as a victim when you deliberately came into this section to start a conflict.
  13. This thread is in General. We update it when/if rules change.
  14. Moderator's Note: @ChainedBoy. I edited cop #1 into the main story. Cop #4 is also missing.
  15. Moderator's Note: I know this is a true story as opposed to fiction, but this is the best place I could find for it.
  16. I don't care that other men might want to watch condom porn (although I have yet to actually meet one). I am certainly not one of these men.
  17. Personally, I find that exchange very erotic. The top is giving me the chance to reaffirm that I am a receptacle for his seed, and I am doing this of my own free will for his pleasure.
  18. Moderator's Note: You really don't. Just like people who don't like bugchasing or PNP don't have to read about those things because the staff of this forum spends way too many hours of their lives moving things posted in the wrong places to where they belong. If you don't want to discuss politics, stay out of this part of the site.
  19. Moderator's Note: This is the correct place to discuss the legality/morality of Age of Consent laws. The thread in Tips & Tricks is just for discussing the rules of the forum.
  20. If you do a search on psyllium and drug interactions, you will get several sources that say different things. There are a few meds (insulin in many forms for example) that have known interactions. It would seem that it hasn’t been studied in depth, but most doctors think it could be an issue for all meds. I keep a bottle on my desk at work. I try to take it sometime in the middle of my day. That keeps it far away from the meds I take after breakfast and at bedtime.
  21. Will do. It's easier to spot mistakes in someone else's writing than in your own anyway.
  22. Moderator's Note: I have fixed quite a few spelling, punctuation, and grammar mistakes. Let me know if anything looks wrong. I am up to Part 22.
  23. Moderator’s Note: Report your post and include the changes you want in the report. A moderator can edit your post. Report your post and explain why it needs deleting. Generally we do not do this, but if you have a good reason, it will be considered. We are always happy to remove pictures, phone numbers, and other personal information. On the other hand, if your post has provoked a discussion with multiple replies, it will almost certainly not be removed. That discussion belongs to all the people who participate and the forum as a whole.
  24. I only touch my cock when I am told to do so by the top. Sometimes they want you to get off, so you can really feel the fuck. Sometimes they just get turned on by watching you stroke. Other than that, I have no real desire to play with my cock while I am being fucked. Feeling what I feel from my hole is all I need.
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