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Everything posted by drscorpio

  1. Moderator’s Note: rawTOP made his new rules and his reasons for closing the thread explicit and clear. People like you who are being willfully obtuse was a big part of the reason for the latter.
  2. I was out with friends tonight when I got a message on Grindr. I had talked to this kid a couple of months ago briefly before he told me he was underage. I told him to hit me up after he turned 18. His message was "Just saw you on. My 18th birthday was last week." I messaged back I was tied up with friends for a while but very glad to hear from him with this news. I told him I would message later. I hit him up an hour or so later. He was pretty noncommittal about meeting. I eventually got it out of him that he was having cold feet because he was a total virgin. We talked off and on for the rest of the evening, but no progress was made. Finally, I was in bed almost ready to turn the lights out and crash when he messaged. He was waiting for his parents to fall asleep, so he could sneak out. I went to pick him up (no car). A few minutes later this tall, thin black guy with a baby face got into my car. I asked to check his drivers license; he looked amused but said he understood. This confirmed he was 18 years and 9 days old. So I drove back to my place. We went to my room and got naked. Damn, this boy was hung. I hadn't asked for pictures before, so it was a very pleasant surprise. He said he had never measured it, but by my inability to easily handle its length or width, I guess it was in the neighborhood of 9" x 7". He was very nervous but very game. We stroked each other at first. Then he reached down to play with my hole. He then asked me to give him a blowjob. Even with good, fresh poppers, it was a struggle to swallow his dick. I got him to the brink of cumming pretty quickly. I asked if he wanted to shoot in my throat or ass. He indicated the latter, so I took a break from sucking him. He then wanted to blow me. He was clearly a beginner, but he was eager and trying hard to please. He got my precum flowing good. Then he asked to fuck me. I got the lube for him and rolled over on my belly. I talked him through fingering my hole open. I didn't need as much loosening as we did; I was just trying to teach him what to do. Eventually, we were ready. He got into position over me and began to press in. It was really big as I said above. Fortunately, I have taken my share of big cocks. I had him add lube a couple of times and did ask to catch my breath a couple of times as well. All too quickly, he shot a huge load in my hole. We laid down on the bed together. I could tell he had a lot to process. After a few minutes, I got up to pee. When I returned he was almost fully dressed. I got dressed as well and drove him home. We agreed to do it again soon. It's been a long time since I had the privilege of being a virgin's first time. I hope it was as enjoyable for him as it was for me. I am pretty sure he had a great time.
  3. Whether or not a pre-op transman counts as legally female or legally male is going to depend upon the state's laws and at what stage the person is in their legal transition.
  4. If you really hear about it all the time, no one can blame you for being curious. Ask if you can have a peek no touching. Guys with big dicks love to show them off. If you get a peek, then the door is open a crack. Proceed slowly and cautiously. If he declines, laugh it off, and let it drop. I think you might get away with the friendship intact. Honestly, I think you have a better than even chance. Straight guys who go out of their way to joke with you like you mentioned are often curious.
  5. If you hadn't take the son's blindfold off, I would give you a total pass. It wouldn't have hurt either of them, and you would have gotten your fantasy of seeing a dad fuck his son. Traumatizing the son seems like pure sadism on your part. Also, I observe you chose to hurt the one less likely to be able to retaliate. You're a class act.
  6. rawTOP will have to answer the question for you, but I can provide a little perspective. We are currently on at least the 3rd platform for the site. There has been at least one major overhaul of the structure and several smaller ones. This post was from the very beginning of the forum. I am not sure anything being said here is still applicable.
  7. Sorry, I didn't not express myself clearly. I do think that TERF positions from women-only campgrounds are equally repugnant. I wasn't disagreeing that it happens both way. I was disagreeing that I am being a hypocrite; I don't like either trans-exclusionary policy. I think there is more of it from lesbian women for a couple of reasons. A large number of women have been traumatized by sexual violence and/or domestic violence from men which makes them more susceptible to the notion that men might pretend to be trans to gain access to their spaces. On the other hand, a lot of gay men seem to find transmen particularly attractive meaning they would more than welcome their presence.
  8. This is patently untrue. Women-Only spaces excluding transwomen is such an issue that there us even a term for it: TERF - trans exclusionary radical feminist. You may have seen that word applied to JKRowling.
  9. Sadly, this was his one and only post. He hasn't logged into BZ in almost 6 years.
  10. Do they have the right to do this? Sure. Does the LGBTQ+ have the right and ability to protest and boycott their transphobic asses? Damn right we do. Transmen are men. Excluding people based on the gender they were assigned at birth is transphobic. I cannot see how you can possibly think it is anything but.
  11. Moderator's Note: The plan is to edit the posts that can be saved and remove the ones that cannot. This will be a process. There are only so many of us on the staff, and there are so many posts to go through.
  12. I hooked up with a fuckbuddy right before Christmas who was almost as distracted by a video game as the first guy.
  13. I saw a clip from Young Hung Brits (I think that's the right name). The scenario was two guys hooking up in a bathroom at a party. One guy grabs another and essentially drags him into the bathroom. They start to make out, and as the camera pans past the mirror, there is the camera man in full view. You can essentially see the whole room. There are 3 guys in a tiny apartment bathroom filming a sex scene. It was nuts. To the camera man's credit, he was careful after that first time, and you never saw him again. Still it was very sexy.
  14. If you're not sure, get on PrEP first. If you decide after a while that you really want to convert, you can quit it then. Doing things the other way around doesn't give you a chance to change your mind.
  15. I envy you guys who have such intense relationships with your fathers/sons. I loved my dad, but I never had any attraction to him.
  16. Moderator's Note: Could you please give us a sentence or two about why you are bumping a post. You are burying newer posts without giving us any new information
  17. Apologies if I have said this before in this thread. The overwhelming majority of guys on these sites are not worth subscribing to long term. They just don't produce content often enough. But you only have to subscribe for a month usually for less than $10. That gives you a month to look through their back catalog and enjoy it. Next month, move on to someone else. That is my advice for consuming this kind of content.
  18. I was with my late husband for 14 years. During that time, I was always the bottom although he liked fingering my cummy hole until I shot down his throat after he bred me. He was very dominant, and I generally addressed him as "Daddy" throughout our relationship. Once we were living together we sorted out household jobs according to who preferred or was better at them. He thought it was stupid to let our sexual vibe control the rest of our lives.
  19. Moderator's Note: I merged the two threads. Please keep multipart stories all in one thread to prevent this.
  20. I teach at a university, and because of a lot of reasons that have nothing to do with public health concerns, we are teaching classes face-to-face albeit with masks and 6 foot distances. I don't have any illusions about being able to maintain a bubble. I cannot reasonably depend on the young adults I teach to keep up their part of the bargain. I do limit my maskless socialization to a small group of 8 friends. Last fall, I managed to get to where I had 3 fuckbuddies who I had reasonable trust in. I felt pretty comfortable with that. Sadly, they are all out of the picture now. I would love to have a couple of regulars again. I haven't been hooking up much.
  21. Moderator's Note: This is not technically fiction, but I think it fits here better than anywhere else.
  22. My late husband wanted me ready to be fucked at all times. I told him that I would do my best, but I couldn't promise anything hours after my last shower and clean out. We settled on I needed to be ready at half an hour's notice which worked fine. I douche every time I shower just to be ready. But sometimes, he didn't want to wait. He would tell me he was taking responsibility for any problems, but I needed to put out now. A couple of times I told him I could definitely tell I needed to clean out. Of all the rest of the times over 14 years, I was not completely clean less than five times.
  23. Done! Next time, file a report on your story, and it will get noticed quicker.
  24. Moderator's Note: Keep making posts. Keep commenting on posts. In other words, keep interacting and being a part of the site, and those restrictions will naturally lift.
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