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Everything posted by Poz2play

  1. I’d like to be a total cumdump faggot like you I’m just a full blown cumdump faggot 

    1. dickluva


      I🐖 want your☣️FFuckin' strains~!

  2. How long have you been chasing 

    1. 757neg4poz


      this year for real tbqh

  3. You sound like someone fun to play with and share strains.only been poz for about 7 years now never started meds been full blown AIDS for 3 years now and still super horny 

  4. I love your background goal I’m like you I became a chaser wanting to play with hvl givers I got given the the gift and have taken it to full blown now I’m HIV poz and enjoy being poz 

    1. FetishFreak


      Nice. I love fellow proud poz men. I got biohazard tattoo on lower back as a tramp stamp to show how much i enjoy it! Biohazard clothes abd necklaces and flags all over my home. Its hot as fuck knowing im a biohazard and can knock a bitch up

  5. I wish we could play together tonight I’m poz and fully charged and full blown 

    1. PozVersTwunk


      Mmm id let you give me your strain and any bugs youre willing to pass over ☣️☣️

    2. Poz2play


      That sounds so cool 

  6. Would love to exchange strains with you I’m I have HIV and now I’m full blown AIDS I’ve never been on meds I’m a strain chaser and a former bug chaser 

    1. pozboy


      you;'re SOO near 14 out of 14,which we all aim for!


    2. NeedToxicRecharges


      YES! Let's share our unmedicated bugs and become more toxic.

  7. You sound so cool to play with if you were here I would love to play 

    1. PozVersTwunk


      Id give you my strain and other gifts that come with it 😈

  8. It took me 6 years to get to that point
  9. How is your journey to be full blown going since going full blown it’s been good a lot of chasers want to be full blown like me 

  10. Looking back I was afraid of coming out as gay but after I got hiv I have no problem or regrets of being gay now I am happy and proud of being gay now and if I could have come out sooner I would have done it to the first guy I kissed at a bar was so cool
  11. Great profile and idea I would love to have been to a conversion party like that when I was younger chasing the gift 

  12. I would love to be your boyfriend I’m poz
  13. I joined the class in 2016

    1. PozBearWI


      Thanks!  I am Jim.  As you've read I am just two weeks into BEING Poz.  Not that it was an accident; but definitely kinda heady and strange now that I am here.

    2. PozBearWI


      Man AIDS now?  How is it for you?

    3. PozBearWI


      And why did my cock just plump up?

  14. Hot profile 

    1. NeedToxicRecharges


      Thank you! Yours is so hot too, would love to swap strains. ☣️☣️☣️

  15. I was married and in a straight relationship and one day this cute guy at work started to flirt with me and we hit it off well and he asked me out for drinks and we held hands at dinner and made out at the bar and this was my first date with a dude my wife had no idea that I started to date a dude showed me about Barebackplay and I got hooked on him doing it from that little flirt at work I to cheat on my wife tobe come a homosexual growing up I don’t want to be a homosexual and this dude would be my first boyfriend he was so cute from Brazil and I was sneaking around on my wife my boyfriend was in a group of guys who played raw with each other and friends so that Christmas at a party we snuck away from the party had sex he had been testing negative all this time my sneaking around would end soon my wife soon found out that I was cheating on her with my boyfriend and I soon seroconverted and she outed me to family and friends that I was a homosexual so I came out to everyone that I was gay now
  16. You look so cute in that profile picture 

  17. Love your profile HOT

  18. Yes after my wife found out I was having sex with this guy at work he started to flirt with me one day and took me out for drinks and he did me after and started me bare backing and I started to date him and he became my boyfriend and he converted me after he seroconverted and my wife divorced me soon after that and I came out as gay and
  19. Last fall I got my diagnosis of AIDS after about 6 years with HIV with no meds.my boyfriend had just seroconverted when he was toxic and we did it and I seroconverted a few weeks later and never started meds after my diagnosis at that point I came out and stopped hiding that I was homosexual which was the best thing I ever did my friends were surprised that I was homosexual and that I was HIV positive they were more surprised that I was a chaser. Ex girlfriends were not surprised that I was gay but
  20. I would love to be part of your group it sounds like a great group to have a lot of fun 

    1. rublthlad
    2. rawnpitt


      Like to get a strain I don't yet have to share.  😈

  21. Poz since 2016.

    and AIDS since fall of2022. And 

    gay since 2015andhorny ever since 

    1. Poz2play


      And hornyeversince

    2. Ponystallion


      I’ve been hiv since 1989, pox since 1999

  22. After I started to have bare back sex it felt so good that I don’t want to stop I grew up straight and never was interested in being gay but after my first time bottoming I enjoyed it so much and a secret boyfriend that showed me the new life style of being gay and sex soon after that relationship I came out to family and friends as gay
  23. My diagnosis is AIDS not on meds been positive since
  24. I started late in high school for fear of being labeled gay but looking back I should have started then cause I grew up around a lot of cute surfer guys and skateboarders who were hot when I started it was not enough cock I loved sucking them and swallowing now I would have liked to be gay some people thought I was gay the guy at the regular video store took me into the bathroom to suck me off and I came back the next night looking for him he asked if I could top him I was still in wanting to be straight soon after that I tooka girl I was dating to a gay friends house for a party she asked me if I was gay and I said no and she asked if I was sure about that she didn’t really believe me that I was straight she thought I was gay from that time on she took me to a gay bar to hang out I was hit on by a few guys and one cute guy asked me out and I went out with him a few times I dated him for a couple of months and she knew that I was gay one night she experimented with a stripper friend we both started having and hanging out in gay bars and clubs she was a cute little gym bunny girl and she became interested in being a lesbian and went that way she was happy with that so that was my first real gay relationship to everyone else I was straight and would remain straight till I hooked up with my secret boyfriend that knocked me up before I got divorced after my wife found out
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