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About AZchaserphx

  • Birthday 04/10/1968

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Phoenix, AZ
  • Interests
    Purposely chase, catch, and become infected / pozzed with stds / hiv from enthusiastic, infectious pozzers and std'ers. Chase ends when confirmed poz plus 3 other confirmed stds. No specific order or timeframe. Not trying for all 4 at same time but fine if it happened.
  • HIV Status
    Neg, Recently Tested
  • Role
  • Background
    HIV/STD Fetish
    BiMWM, 48yp, no kids, separated; soon to divorced/ single. Spent WAY too many years adhering to safe sex, being causcious, lots of latex, and no shared fluids. Success! Except that it spawned my STD fetish. So now I'm soon to be single and free to purposely and actively hunt, chase, collect, treat, and manage as I please. STD season is open, no license is required. Infect me.
  • Looking For
    June 2018update. Fetish still strong; Took break for awhile.
    RInfectious pozzers / std'ers who like sharing. Local AZ or out of area. All ages(18+), sizes, shapes, genders, races, orientations, motives, etc welcome. all types, genders, all scenarios and scenes, EXCEPT underage or anything involving unconcenting people. Std told up front, or during, or after. Anonymous or open.

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  1. Thank-you for the follow bro

  2. Fuckin' Oink~! Chasers like you make visiting BZ HOT. Please keep sharing. Wood love to breed it. Thanks for following me.

  3. Hey ... thanks for the follow xx

  4. Should be in ATL area Feb 13-17.  Can delay return aday or so past the 17th for some toxic connection. 

    1. cumbottom4use


      hey, when you make it to Atlanta you should go to Club Eros and Manifest.  They are 2 sex clubs right near each other as well as 3 bars nearby. 

    2. AZchaserphx
  5. I like your experience and that you have a potential source for STD donor.   I keep looking and will succeed in getting syph, etc.

  6. Depends. If it's an ass and fuck feel so good that pulling out would take extreme discipline, than no. If it's one where it's just getting hard to get there, that makes it easy to pull out if I want. These are the actions I'd take regardless of the request. If I am top, it's about me. If you top me, it's about you.
  7. Your first name (or a name you'll respond to): Perv Your cell number (for texts and voice calls): 314-328-9970 A location (be at least as specific as a zip code): Phoenix, AZ /Glendale, AZ 85308 Times you're generally not available: weekdays Age: 48 Height: 5'9" Weight: 170
  8. Visiting Atlanta area / Alpharetta. Mid Dec.. hoping for first pop chance. Of course in ATL I luv BBC, but not required
  9. Proud and assertive gifters wanted in PHX area.

  10. Decided to restart my quest again after a hiatus. Grifters welcom

  11. Still looking in PHX

  12. 7 to 8 wks; still none. Visiting DC area 8/5-8/7. Hoping chg of venue +++

  13. Still no poz or bugged loads. But only been onsite 6 or so weeks.... Patience, patience.

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