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Everything posted by LetsPOZBreed

  1. As I've gotten older, I find guys aren't as good at this as they used to be (by and large). I absoltuely loved giving a guy this when I was younger (and still do, considering he's "prepared" for it); had a really good regular FB in uni that could eat ass for days and make me want to get fucked SO BAD. Not really sure what's behind this. Either they take it too literally, as the OP said - or they are a bit too scared of tasting "something". the ones that are barely on it and barely give a few licks thinking they've done something. Those guys make me feel a bit self-conscious; I do prepare myself for the occasion, and it gives me pause to think I might have missed something. I think it's just a mental block on their part, though.
  2. I like afterplay too, but whether or not I want it depends on the vibe and place. Usually, afterplay is the kind of thing I reserve for at-home hookups; even still, you have to be a good fuck to make me want that. That being said, there's a biological explanation for the loss of sex drive immediately after ejaculation...called the refractory period. It's doesn't last forever, and depending on the guy, it might not last more than a few minutes. If it's a hookup that wasn't that great...this is when I peace out. If I'm really into the guy and he's a regular playmate, this period is the cuddle period. If I'm at a sex club/sauna, it's been known to happen where the guy and I will find a way to relax with each other for a few minutes afterwards. It's kinda nice for a little bit, but then you want to move on to the next opportunity.
  3. Note to moderators - I wouldn't consider this hardcore, but happy to move this if needed. Over the last couple years, my interest in spanking play has gotten much more intense. I've only done very light stuff with it in the past; maybe the occasionall smack on the ass when getting fucked, and I did spank a (legal age) boy I played with a few years ago - but nothing too intense. However, I've been wanting to get into a proper adult spanking session. I've joined the Whappz app; had a couple introductory messages, so we'll see if anything pans out. I'm also planning to head to one of the spanking fetish nights here in London to check out the scene as well. I'm nervous about it, but one good session will get rid of that I'm sure. Question for those of you who have done it (more the receivers, but happy to hear from everyone): What was the experience like? I've read this quote regarding the moment your reactions change from "cries of anger" to "cries of repentence". That moment where your sounds indicate that you've fully given yourself over to your spanker. Also, any advice you can give a potential first timer (for a real proper session, not just the occasional bum whack)
  4. Depression leading to barebacking? In hindsight, yes... I wouldn't go so far as to say it was proper bugchasing; although, I knew conversion was a real possibility. This was long before PrEP was a thing, so it was kind of inevitable. As to why it lead there? I'm sure I'd need a number of therapy sessions to uncover that. But the shortest guess I can take is this. It started out with a regular playmate where we ended up making the decision because neither one of us had a condom at that point; figured since we'd had sex countless times before - why not. And we never went back. By that stage, though, I also thought that if I even suggested going back to condom use that we'd stop playing. So, yeah, there was also a bit of a self-esteem issue at play. I did move cities a couple years later, and from that point onwards, I just knew that I wanted to just be an unashamed barebacker. Actually converting took longer than you might think. Happened about 4 years later. Likely cause here was that I'd been playing with guys who were either neg/UD up until a point, so there wasn't any real transmission. But once I started into some drug use, I became much more indiscriminate about looking for sex. My best guess of the guy who likely converted me were guys who were recently pozzed also and hadn't yet begun treatment. A part of me realises that I changed many things about my life after becoming poz (eating healthier and generally taking a bit more care of myself). In hindsight, though, I never really got past the depression that led me down this road. It's tough looking back on some of the past memories of the things I've done, just to get a little self-esteem and satisfaction. I still seek to address the root causes of my own depression and try to do something about it. I'm learning to no longer value my own self-worth by whether or not men wants to fuck and breed me. I've had far less sex in the last couple of years, but I'm actually okay with this. The more recent times I've been sexual have been amazing; I'm going into it with the right mindset each time, and it comes across during the session. Do I still bareback, though? Absolutely...but I'm also UD (and have been for close to 10 years), am very upfront about that with my partners, and am not into any situation where there's an intent to "poz" someone. Granted, that sounds a bit rich considering my profile name; however, that's only a roleplay scene I like to do with another consenting partner. I don't want it on my own conscience that I've pozzed a guy - however he may deal with it afterwards; that would likely only further any depressed feelings I have, knowing that I've intentionally inflicted this upon another being.
  5. Gun to my head? I'd pick a small number of regular good dicks over a parade of mediocre ones any day here. I'm definitely in the minority here, but I actually enjoy finding those new things out about someone I've had great sex with before. Anon has it's moments, don't get me wrong. But if I had to pick ONLY one of the two options for the next year? Pals wins hands-down.
  6. It depends on the vibe. During times where I'm the one fucking, I don't really say anything - just let the moans and grunts do the talking for me; and the pulsing cock of course. When I'm getting fucked, I'm fine with whatever the top is more comfortable doing, but there is a such thing as a top being TOO verbal about it. Once that line is crossed, the whole thing just becomes awkward.
  7. I've come across the second type before; although, not really since my late teens in the late 90's I ddin't get it then, and don't get it now; the cum would be going in my mouth and in my insides. Any risk involved would overwhelmingly be taken by me in performing that act.
  8. This, too. I assume anyone on BBRT and elsewhere that quotes his status as "not sure" or "don't know" is in this boat.
  9. Also, I'm sure a certain subset of those "negative" responses might be poz in disguise. Not necessarily intentionally, of course, but I remember being warned in my younger days about the guys who are poz and don't yet know it - prob due to a recent infection. These were the more dangerous ones, as their VL wouldn't be tempered by meds yet. I'm 95% certain I got converted by this type of guy.
  10. I'm nothing if not a statistic nut. Good question to pose, but my thoughts on the results that stand at the time of this writing (through 245 responses, with a "neg" % of 68.5)... First is consider the forum. This is BZ, so I'd say the sample size on here is going to be more skewed toward poz than the general MSM population at large. As for the numbers of men responding poz further back than 1990, I'm afraid it's been mentioned that many of those are either not on here posting about their general escapades (or lack thereof), or have sadly left us some time ago.
  11. Definitely uncalled for. Even if he felt a certain kind of way, keep it to yourself, dude. Long before I got pozzed, my older best friend (who has been poz since the 80's) would constantly tell me horror stories of the kinds of private messages he'd get from guys on gay dot com back in the day. He would say the same thing about educating one's self on how trasmission truly worked and whatnot, but at some point in the argument, it's just a lost cause.
  12. I'll agree with this statement. I've seen guys at the sauna who just genuinely look unapproachable; and they are typically just wandering around or sitting watching the porn on TV - rarely interacting with the others.
  13. Well, not having seen you at the sauna, I can't comment on your body language. But, yeah, I've had this happen to me as well. There are top guys (or those that are willing to top) that are looking for the next best hole. You see them, introduce yourself to try to get things going; then, I see their eyes darting around looking everywhere else. It's why I prefer not to suggest meeting a guy from the apps at the saunas. If we run into each other and play, great; I'm not going to get my hopes up, though. If I focus too much on who I plan to see and play with going in, it would take away from the other actual encounters that I might have...some of which may well turn out to be far hotter.
  14. Depending on the app, I'm pretty sure that some are just messaging you based on the photo(s) alone. The text is almost irrelevant at that point. I respond best to guys who message me referencing something I've written in the profile - lets me know that it's gone through at least a cursory perusal. Similarly, as someone who does read profiles, I try and do the same when sending a first message. The flip side to this is that I've done that, only to be met with a sense of bewilderment; the guy doesn't even remember his own profile text, and the moment just dies right then and there.
  15. I've certainly had some first-timers try it with me before. Some clearly enjoyed it far less than others. I usually only do piss play these days when I go to S.O.P (where it's blatanly obvious what we're all there for). If I do it in the privacy of my own home - or his home - then it'll have to be a guy I know well enough beforehand.
  16. I've never been into ABDL (still not), but I've always had a fascination of pissing in underwear. Can't really explain why. Also, because this isn't the watersports forum, I'll just leave it at that. The poz talk fetish only became a thing after I was actually poz. It's never been about actually infecting anyone, or getting personally infected. Just one of those liberating things that I found out about after the fact.
  17. Oh my God, yes!!!! Not really sure what it is about oral either, but this has to be the biggest chunk of bragging. Personally, it's not that I don't like receiving head; it's just that many guys can't do it the way I like it. I'm not into the "hoover mouths" that take the phrase sucking dick far to literal. I've had other guys who say they like to "go slow" in fact go so incredibly slow that it just doesn't feel like anything. Worst experience getting sucked though had to be my first ever receiving of head - after about five half-arsed bobs on my cock, he looks up at me and asks "you close?" I politely said no...then after a few more similarly disappointing bobs, the same thing again. Clearly far too focused on wanting me to cum, but not having the technique to get me there - and he was one of those who bragged about his skills, which is why I agreed to it in the first place.
  18. It's a balance. There's boasting, and then there's confidence. By the same token, there's understated, and then there's zero confidence. Personally, I find boastful guys to not be good at the thing they've boasted about - that's probably my own experience, but there ya go. Honestly, I might enjoy certain acts and think I'm good at them, broadly speaking. But a large part behind those great experiences was the other guy in the room doing those things with me. I've been told my ass feels silky and welcoming before - by a guy who fucked me appropriately; another guy who wanted to just jackhammer into me without lube would very likely disagree with that statement. This is why I've tried to avoid overtalking about my sexual techniques when chatting on apps. I might give a general idea of what I'm into (i.e. oral, anal, snogging, etc.), but will always put into conversation that every connection is different and we should try it in person.
  19. That's probably just co-incidence. Again, the colour code only makes sense if you're attending a venue where it's meaning is almost universally understood. Besides, a shirt wouldn't really signify top/bottom in the way a hanky or armband woutl (left = top, right = bottom).
  20. To be fair, since this incident years ago, I've become a bit more discerning about the environment. If I get the sense that red=FF would be a reasonable expectation, I go without them...I've since worn my red trunks (my favourite pair) to underwear nights without issue.
  21. When I've seen the code used, it's not anywhere near as complicated as the original post (but have seen that list before). Most fetish gear shops nowadays have very limited colours to select from - white, black, blue, red, yellow, and green. I've worn wristbands with my colours before; depending on the venue and crowd, some just don't "get it" - I've had other bottoms try to whip my cock out when my blue band is clearly on the right side. I've also nearly worn a red jockstrap to an underwear night - before my friend told me it was code for fisting (a hard limit of mine). I'd say that if you're going to a proper fetish club or event, then the code is fine, so long as you stick to the basic colours.
  22. Few nights ago. This guy and I were chatting off and on for the last few weeks after I moved into a new neighbourhood. Finally ended up getting together. Nothing overly complicated; just back to basics - a good old fashioned intimate encounter. Just really took it slow and let things happen. Ended up fucking me for a few minutes, then we stopped for a bit. Started again for a while, then stopped again. Went on a few more times until finally getting his (very intense) load. Was great to just have sex, really...not rushing one another or anything like that. Very little verbal was involved, but there was the odd moment of him telling me how sexy I was - it was the biggest turn-on for me and one of the best things about the whole experience.
  23. There is such a thing as "gay for pay", so I do believe that some of them are only doing the man-on-man action for the cash. Not all of them, though.
  24. My view on fetishes - to the point where this is now on my Recon profile - is, "my life doesn't revolve around sex; my sex doesn't revolve around fetishes" I enjoy my fetishes and kinks, but a big part of that is the fact that I don't do them in every session. I don't really WANT to do them in every session. As far as the poz/gifting fetish goes, despite my profile name on here, I'm not going to do any poz verbal with a guy who's not into it - it's the kind of role play that has to be discussed ahead of time, and I'll only do it nowdays with other poz guys. When I've had my bbrt name as this in the past, I've had guys message me saying how hot it is (which I appreciate the compliment), but it's funny how quickly they lose interest after I get really upfront that it's just role playing - or I ask them about their own sexual health and STI's only to get the response of "I don't really know/care". Well...I care. Having HIV, even being undetectable, isn't fun. Neither are the inconveniences of contracting other STI's. Yes, there's always a risk in bareback play; yes, I accept those risks when I let a raw dick inside me. But I'm not really interested in playing with another guy who clearly acts so callous around this sort of stuff.
  25. I've seen this ad, and I wondered the same - the number is markedly higher now (up to 70). If I read through the attendee listing of who's been accepted, there are a number of guys on there who are unabashed bottom cumdumps themselves. I feel Mr. Host-man has fallen into the trap of inviting anyone that asks and even with a good turnout rate might find that other bottoms are getting fucked in his space. I really want to talk to this guy afterwards to see what happens. If the guy is on here reading this - message me...I'm curious 😄
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