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Everything posted by LetsPOZBreed

  1. That can work if there's enough guys to chat up...at least ones willing to entertain starting something. But speaking from personal experience, it doesn't always work...but worth a shot nonetheless.
  2. The naked nights tended to have bigger crowds. Monday night used to be my favourite.
  3. There's a bit of a sunk-cost fallacy involved here. Depending on how much you paid to enter the venue - whether cover charge, locker fee, or even a room rental - you want to feel as if you've gotten your money's worth. If things are a bit dead for the first 30 min to an hour, you want to believe that things will pick up; alternatively, you might get the sneaking feeling that things will pick up right after you decide to abandon the night and head home. But if it's a place you've been to with some sort of regularity, you can surely gauge what constitutes a "good" night and crowd versus one that isn't. If it's a place you're unfamiliar with, then you might have just picked the wrong time, so best to give it some leeway. Either situations, I'd say 2 hours max...just in case; even if things might pick up thereafter, you've prob become too sexually frustrated for it to really matter.
  4. They're less "toys" and more along the lines of gear, but here it goes... I'm getting more into bondage play, so I got a good pair of leather wrist restraints that have a metal hook that you can use to join them together. My other one, and I haven't had the chance to use this, is the bar with four bands...one for each wrist and ankle. The idea that the top can restrain me fully and just grab onto the bar and go to town.
  5. I know I've already answered earlier in the thread, but I have another favourite point to mention: I call it "riding the wave" This is the point during sex where you've gotten past the initial insertion/penetraion, and aren't at the point of my top's load starting to make it's way through the necessary plumbing to ejaculate. It's where both of us are just enjoying the feeling of one another - the noises are natural, the pacing just flows (and can speed up and slow down as necessary). It's this part of sex that makes the sense of impending ejaculation all the more rewarding. What's been putting me off of some hook-ups and group parties lately is this almost-extreme focus on the top's orgasm. I mean, let's not get it twisted - I love getting bred just as much as everyone else here - but I want my top to know that I'm interested in ALL he has to offer me, and his cum is just the icing on the cake, pun intended. This notion of me wanting his load after he's barely given a scant number of thrusts can put my fucker under this pressure to perform - and that overthinking it actually means I DON'T get bred in the end, or the top has to pull out to wank his load out versus letting it happen the natural way. Honestly, if my top guy knows how to fuck me well, I couldn't care less whether he lasts 2 minutes or 2 hours; I want BOTH of us to feel like we've gotten what we wanted out of the session afterwards.
  6. I like showing off because it shows the other potential partners there what they'll be in for when it's his turn. If other top or vers guys see how much I enjoy getting fucked (when I'm getting it done well) and how attentive I am toward my top during play, then I find they're more likely to take a turn when I'm available Back when I used to top more, I would also pay attention to bottom guys who are getting fucked in full view. Basically, if I didn't get into the mood while watching them, then I wouldn't take a turn myself. That being said, when I'm occupied and ingrained in my top...do NOT interject. Guys who try to take liberties and interject themselves into my play are surefire not going to be let inside me when the time comes.
  7. I've been curious about it, on both sides. Comes from things guys have said to me over the years about the way I fuck or get fucked. Would love to know how it feels to fuck me or be fucked by me. I've been told off and on over the years by bottoms that they can usually feel me cumming inside them...so part of me wants to experience that. I've also had some top guys comment on how my face seems to light up when I get the sense that they are close.
  8. I'm only half into it...in the sense that I love the actual act of fucking with the verbal (whether I'm getting knocked up willingly or unwillingly). But I wouldn't go the full nine yards after the actual sex is done.
  9. All due respect, if you're wanting to "make sure ppl are negative" you're prob not in this for the right reasons. At a minimum, take @BadInBrooklyn's advice and get on PrEP; otherwise, just let this be a fantasy you wank to.
  10. Only once did I have a guy overfill my mouth...hyperspermia type thing. He came like he was pissing, as each jet empties out like a stream. It would have been one thing had he warned me ahead of time, but he did not, so it took me by surprise and I couldn't do anything but gag on it. I mean, had I been able to properly prepare myself, I'd have tried to gulp it down as it was flowing - not what I usually do which is let it gather in my mouth before I drink it like a shot.
  11. I've been into tasting and swallowing a guy's cum ever since the first blowjob I gave. That first time, it was purely down to curiosity...I wanted to know what it tasted like, then figured swallowing was the only real option after that. My practice when getting my mouth filled is to let my guy shoot his whole orgasm in my mouth to fill it up...I don't gulp or anything while he's squirting. Then after it's all there, I drink it like a shot. I've had a couple of ex partners ask me about why I like it (neither of them were particularly into tasting cum). My response is that personally, it's not about the taste at all (though I have been known to spit out cum that tastes downright rancid). As much as I love cum in my mouth, I don't think it tastes particularly *great*; though, there has been the rare occasion of some delicious semen in the past. It's more the thought that I brought a guy to that point, and I owe it to him to have a piece of him in my body.
  12. Personally, it takes a bit of effort to get (or keep) me hard when I'm bottoming. That's by design, though; my prostate is very sensitive when getting fucked, and if I'm even remotely hard, it'll give me a hair trigger and make me cum. Might think that's not a bad thing, but it's quite watery and not a good feeling in the moment. I'd prefer to wait until my top is done first, then jerk me (or even suck me) to the point of completion - tends to be a more proper cum in that way.
  13. Only you know what's best for you. That "versatile" before bottom on my profile is there because I've found over the years that I do miss being inside another guy. It's not my primary preference at all - in fact it's become incresingly rare. It does mean, however, that I like to savour those moments when they arise; give the guy I'm topping the same type of pleasure I derive from servicing the guys that top me. BUT...and it's a big butt 😄... realise that cumdump bottoming has become quite competitive over recent years. Find a niche that sets you apart from the plethora of others out there...that thing that you can offer that no other cumdump can offer. I can't tell you what that is because only you can do you; but if you have that one thing that makes prospective breeders want your ass over all the others options out there.
  14. My advice on this point is to chat with your partners about this - assuming the guys you do this with are regulars. For me, watersports is the kind of play that I have to plan out ahead of time. When I started out drinking, I was in the same boat as you - I was at a piss fetish night and got lucky (of sorts) with the first guy to feed me; it tasted great! But it was quite watered down and didn't really taste like what I had assumed piss to taste like - he also didn't warn me ahead of letting go, and his stream wasn't that powerful...so it caught me a little off guard. Figuring that I was actually into drinking, I offered my mouth to other guys there. The ones who were sticking to beer had a decidedly different taste, and I wasn't able to enjoy all of them. So, yeah. If I'm in a position where I want to feed a lucky guy, I tend to work toward watering mine down. It's a two-fold benefit - less likely the guy will spit it out, and I tend to build up more piss this way. Like any other fetish or sexual act, you'll adapt your style to your own preferences. That being said, never be afraid to communicate with your partner(s) about this, though, as most guys are more than happy to accomodate what really turns you on about it.
  15. As a general rule: I don't care how long my top lasts, as long as he keeps it interesting. I've had fucks that didn't last more than a few minutes, but the top made it feel great. For tops that last a long time, I prefer ones who can keep me into it by changing pace, intensity, positions, etc...the idea is to make me continue to want it. I get that in a group situation where there is more than a few cocks around to sample, you don't want one guy monopolising your time. But then again, I don't have the heart to ask a guy who's railing me into next week to even take a 5 minute break.
  16. I wonder if this is an extension of the age-old problem of reality vs. fantasy. I don't think the original post is a recent phenominon at all. I've certainly had guys come over to breed me anon and blindfolded, only for them to clearly not be into it once they got here. Then again, I've had guys come over to breed me anon and blindfolded where it's totally awesome. I haven't done this scene in a few years now, and not really interested in restarting - but it was a bit hit-and-miss toward the end. To me, it's frustrating if a guy comes to the decision mid-fuck that he's not as into it as he'd like...but if he were to be dishonest with some line about "I'll be back later to give you my lead", I immediately cut my losses. Maybe this is because of the number of times I've been at group sex parties where I can't bank on a guy loading me until he's actually done it. Echoing the OP, it's not that I'm not loaded that's the most frustrating part...it's the leading me on part that miffs me. Have the apps changed lately? Absolutely. For many, the lockdowns were the perfect time for guys (the ones folllowing the rules, at least) who would have ordinarily hooked up, but are instead talking about all the things they'd do to one another "when it was possible". It was fap-bat; plain and simple. I hate to admit it, but I had a few discussions with guys where we talked about things we'd like to do once the opportunity presented itself - only for those hopes and dreams to die, as the lockdowns persisted longer and longer. I'm not particularly proud of this, and I'm not making excuses for it. Now that most of the developed world is back to as close to normality as possible, I still sense the lingering "let's talk about it for a while" but never committing to action, or not being able to perform those promises in the actual moment. The few hookups I've had since early 2020 have left things to be desired; all the talk and expectations over time didn't materialise into the hot sessions either of us hoped for - I won't go into any more detail on the off chance that those guys are members (we met off other sites/apps). Was it overpromising on the part of those tops? Absolutely. Am I partly to blame for also overpromising as a potential bottom? Absolutely. But this part is a personal one - by no means am I attempting to put the blame onto any of the posters here, and I sincerely apologise if I've come across that way. All in all, I've just come to the conclusion that I'm a different sexual being since late 2019 when I was last hooking up regularly. I want more out of my sex, and any experiences I've had since just aren't meeting that need. So, I've made the personal decision to forego the cumdum lifestyle and look for other types of opportunities. I've had far less sex - none for nearly 8 months, in fact - but I'm actually fine with that. Just hasn't felt right, and that's enough comfort for me. **side note about the stealing poppers bit** when I would do these scenes, I'd always keep the bigger bottle in my own hands, then have one or two small bottles for the tops. To be fair, though, I had to devise this system after learning the hard way. Yes, I've certainly had bottles "stolen", but I prefer to save my preferred poppers for myself in those scenes.
  17. I was going to say this point too (but thanks for putting it there first). It's also not a new phenominon either - I used to get guys asking me if I'd let them fuck me raw going all the way back to my early 20's (over 20 years ago now) back before Prep was even a thing. Would I let them? I think we all know the answer to that... But yeah, the main profiles were always about "safe only". Even guys I would hook up with from the club would only ask after they were back at my place (or me at theirs) where it was only the two of us.
  18. Has to be the guys behind TIM, but specifically Dawson as far as performers go. There's an article about this one: [think before following links] https://www.thebody.com/article/is-dawsons-20-load-weekend-the-most-important-gay It changed gay porn forever. Yes, TIM had been around a few years prior to this, and had made films of guys taking a few loads here and there. But I'd venture to say that this is the film that brought TIM, and other bareback studios, to the mainstream. Their videos were all about the sex, and never a condom in sight. There was no contrived "plot" attempting to make the video into some sort of fantasy narrative. There was no corny "dialogue" by performers who were seeminly trying to pull off that they were "actors". The success of this film in particular is what made the other non-bareback studios take notice, and eventually start (or re-start) production of bareback scenes. We also wouldn't be in the level of "cumdump" hookup culture in modern gay society without this (well, at least not at the level of being open about it). This video was the inspiration for many bottoms - myself included - to want to explore our desires in this way. I've not done it at that level, of course, but I've had my good days in the past.
  19. 100% on this one...when I drink, it's directly from the "tap". For me, it's the intimacy factor of looking up at your feeder as he's unleashing in your mouth (and vice versa for the times I've been the feeder, too). There is a control factor, of course, but there's also a level of caring that's involved. If you're feeding a guy, you don't really want to drown him with your stream - rather I prefer there be a measured pace to allow me (or my partner) to gulp down periodically; and this draws out the act even more. I would never drink from a glass, or any other vehicle...when it's not directly fed to me, it does lose somethings - both physical and mental - that make the whole experience a particular favourite of mine.
  20. Granted, I realise this post is a bit odd, but want to clarify this one. What happened to you was rape, plain and simple. The fact that you went over for sex doesn't negate the fact that you were penetrated without your consent - the understanding is that you would top, and prepared yourself accordingly. You said "no", and violating that is violating your consent; textbook definition here.
  21. Wasn't my first time, but actually my second. I'm not exclusively into black men - enjoy all races - but it was a fun experience. Honestly, I've found it isn't a determining factor in the quality of the sex. I've had great, bad, and mediocre experiences with guys of any race (including mixed guys). It's not about that; it's never about that. Just like anyting else, it's all about how the partners connect in the moment.
  22. Couple of questions from me: - How many times have you and your b/f had threesomes (or moresomes)? Would this be the first one? If so, this gets a little tricky to navigate. Before even contemplating anything with this guy, you and your partner need to lay down the ground rules about what is and is off limits during mutual play - not just condom/raw (though that should def be a part of that discussion), but also about any specific acts that might be off limits; things such as do you kiss on the mouth? Some couples find this part to be very intimate and reserve it between themselves. As with any other sexual act, it's important to check in with your own partner about what they are willing to consent to in this situation - and THEN you can contemplate how you can approach a threesome with this guy or any other. - As alluded to in an earlier post, I've been in threes with couples where it was very clear that one of them was more into it than another. For me, that made things a little uncomfortable - I liked both of them, and went out of my way to give them equal attention during play. But at the end of the day, once the sex was over, they are still a couple. If you have any unresolved issues with your partner, your third will notice - and it will make him uncomfortable. - If you find your guy is interested in the idea of a threeway with you, I'd still check his level of interest in both of you. Again, you don't want a mismatch where he's into one of you significantly more than the other. Can lead to hurt feelings that the two of you will be living with once your shag is in the bag.
  23. I got my first jab this morning. I think the supplies in the UK still aren't really where they need to be, so most places don't do "walk-in's". I got a push notification from my HIV clinic on Monday saying that they had some slots to book, and I snapped one up. Very quick and painless; they didn't ask me any questions around my sexual activity (which has been non-existent for about 7 or 8 months - so I'm surprised I even got an invite in the first place). Second dose should be in 28 days (assuming availability of supplies). Just want to get it done and dusted.
  24. If I may ask: are you finding it difficult in general (from both tops and bottoms alike)? I'd say most bottoms are more into taking piss than giving - I've had other bottoms outright refuse to let me go anywhere near their cocks, even at S.O.P....they'd rather piss on themselves than in my mouth. But if I find a top guy into W/S play, then I rarely encounter an issue with them wanting to give me theirs.
  25. You're not in a funk, really. I think you've just come to the realisation some of us others have come to. Do I still want to feel a guy unleash his warm seed balls-deep inside me? Abso-fucking-lutely! But, I'm not really interested in some stranger doing it. I want a guy where there's a bit of passion shared between us, and the sex is more than just a pump-and-dump scene. The load is the end result, but not the sole reason we're fucking. Personally, I've had only 5 hookups since the pandemic started. Didn't really enjoy a single one of them, to be honest. Wasn't much of a connection in any of them, so the end result was rather disappointing. And when it comes to the "laziness", I don't think that's totally accurate either. For those of us that bottom, we need to prepare ourselves ahead of a session...I've got no interest in doing that for a random fuck of indeterminate quality. This was true even before monkeypox came along as well, but that only added more reason for me to hold off on meeting for any random play. I just don't think any of it is worth it (for me, that is - every guy has his own feelings, all of which are perfectly valid).
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