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  1. 12 years old Summer of '93
  2. From my perspective as a side, perhaps I just look at it in a different way but I feel that as creative as we LGBT members are, when it comes to sex we can be very hard-nosed sometimes. I mean it's so funny to me how most people make intercourse the main focus of sex. There's so many other things you can do. There's so many other ways you can get off. I always feel strange because I never ever felt intercourse was necessary. Actually I'd prefer (as a side) not to have intercourse at all. Because when try to top, I can't feel anything, And as much as I love to say I could bottom: 1. I don't care for the sensation and 2. I'm picky about my shoes and those just go in my feet lol.
  3. January 2001 on a rainy afternoon I was in the Navy and stationed in San Diego on 32nd Street Navy Base. I was too paranoid to got to any of the ones in town, but I usually took the Greyhound to LA on weekends, so I went to Midtowne in the Skid Row (Kolher Street) area of downtown LA. I walked around the block 7 times before getting the nerve to walk in! It was raining a bit by then. Had fun and never looked back! RIP Midland Spa and Hollywood Spa!!!
  4. I don't see the point Because I know 1st hand That many people will lie. I mean there was a time where asking someone status was considered Responsible And an appropriate precaution, but now we've reached A new era in time where people have no problems Being dishonest about their status An not to mention the very real possibility that the person may not know their status
  5. As I stated before, I am torn on this subject because while I'm watching videos or even watching a live display I think the idea of blacktop submissive white bottom scenario arousing in that sense. I would be remiss if I didn't say that as a black man I am jaded with the idea of people expecting me to build that kind of role because even though I'm hung I'm definitely not a BBC top I'm more of actually a side. And living in Texas it is a crapshoot most of the time because it is very [pun intended] black and white here. And when a guy says something racial to me in a submissive way, I feel completely turned off and I say something right away that if that's what they're looking for that's not going to work for me. However at that times where I met guys have different races who claim to be dominant and I've been willing to explore it and almost every time once the guy sees me naked he turns into a total submissive practically and then he wondered why I have an attitude and I'm not into it. So I'm divided in the sense that I like the whole blacktop white bottom race play but I don't want to be expected to actually do it! Does that make me hypocrite? I guess so but it is what it is!
  6. I wish we did have our own island! Seriously. I get so sick of people giving me shit just because I'm not into intercourse. Ever since I moved to Texas, its like, if you're black and hung and not a BBC top, then you're often considered worthless. People will stay so amazing shit to you! Seems like if you're any other race, you can be whatever you want to be in. It's mine, but black guys Are relegated to being human dildoes!!!!
  7. Have to say I'm conflicted... As a black guy who is a certified SIDE, I would be remiss if I didn't say that, the whole "Hyper=Sexual, overly aggressive BBC TOP vs White, pillow-biting, cock- craving BOTTOM slut" has been DONE TO DEATH!!! I will be honest and say that in porn I still enjoy it, but I ABSOLUTELY HATE when white guys (especially since I've lived here in TX) EXPECT ME to fulfill their BBC FANTASY/ STEREOTYPE!!!! Being black and hung, I notice that guys rarely read my profiles on hook-up apps and 90% are bottoms wanting BBC! I know that "SIDE" is still a relatively new term, so I try to bare with it! I just wonder sometimes: If guys loved BLACK MEN as much as they do the BBC, how much greater life would be!!!
  8. He used to be on Good Day Sacramento in the from about 2004 to about 2010. It was funny to see used to always talk crap about tweakers on the show. It was one of those funny morning shows.
  9. You can see the video currently on YouTube if you just look up "judge Judy Angel Arroyo"
  10. Gabriel D'alessandro was on Dr. Phil ([think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.drphil.com/shows/2062/) spoiler alert: he's married with two children
  11. Chris Neal was on Judge Pirro (circa 2009)
  12. 23 LOAD GANGBANG BY KNIGHT BREEDERS??? [think before following links] https://photosex.biz/v.php?id=6692df0273f22d2b415a9a595caac7fa
  13. Love it total saliva fetish
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