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Everything posted by ChaserBtm84

  1. Everyone has different tastes and appetites. I grew up just naturally kinda accepting of different kinks/sexuality/etc. I'm a weird one though. Lol Since you mentioned rough sex and your love of it. I have always fantasized, even as a younger kid, of having extreme rape fantasies where I'm just beaten/used/whore and crazy gangbang rough scenarios where I'm pumped out and abused. BUT IN REAL LIFE I don't care for rough sex at all! Don't get me wrong there's times ya gotta let your top go to pound town on your ass and you enjoy it but I mean in I would never try to reenact or want to ensure the insanity in some of my fantasies. Is that weird?
  2. Seriously? Go to the fucking Dr! I don't care what you smoke it shouldn't hurt like that to take a deep breath and when the pain isn't just in your chest but your back also...that could be a sign of something serious. You could have pneumonia. The low back pain could be due to how much you were fucked during your pnp but if it's persisting as well that could also be serious and a symptom of a slipped/herniated disc, a UTI, issue with your kidneys, etc. Bottom line you shouldn't be feeling this way after a week. Please go to the Dr and get checked out just to be safe. No judgement here. Glad you had a fun time. But you have to take care of yourself too. Keep us posted!
  3. Curious question to us bottoms...if you had it your way would you rather go down on your top first and take a load there and then have him breed your ass with a second? Or vice versa? And tops what do you like best? Personally I love giving head so the first thing I do when I have a dick in front of me is go to town sucking it and that's a weird way to start kinda because I love to take loads in both ends but when sucking dick it's like my mission and obligation to suck to completion and swallow the load...then he'll fuck me. However...in my mind I want the first load to be in my ass because it's usually tthe biggest and most potent. But at the same time that first cum can sometimes really taste the best! Anyone else think about stupid shit like this during normal waking hours but yet when you get down to business you'll just take it any way you can? Lol. I'm just asking as a curious hypothetical. I think it's nice for tops to hear bottoms preferences and bottoms to hear tops preferences. It's the circle of life...if you will. Hehe.
  4. And once again I have to agree with SuccessfulChasers simple logic. It's true. I'm not new to the scene at all as I always hated and never used condoms even when I got my cherry popped but new here to finding out about this site and I can't help but throw what I previously said out of the window. I only fuck raw because I love it and it's just natural to me but at the same time I don't panic the second someone cums in me and regret everything. I've actually seen a lot of that...in the real world and from quite a few on this site. And while it's true that someone without warts could easily transmit them to you same as someone with warts the fact of the matter is you knew beforehand and still fucked him anyway. Why would you care now about the risk? That's maybe a little hint you might not be ready to accept what could come from bb. And that's fine. It's your choice but if you are actually worried about catching something you're going about it the wrong way. It's like Judge Judy says "you ate the steak!" If you didn't like the steak you would send it back right away but you were served the steak (warts n all) and you ate the steak. You can't send it back now or complain you want your money back because...You ate the steak! Lol. It's amazing how Judy's logic can apply in any situation...Even hot gay barebackerz fucking their brains out. I should write her a letter about her help in this situation.
  5. Forgot to mention cuz I went off topic..... ...when it comes to HPV men are naturally the carriers and like 99% of men already have it and have no symptoms. So it kinda comes down to you and what your preference is. Personally I would say if you don't find the idea of your asshole and the whole surrounding areas being covered in warts then don't let a guy fuck you who has noticeable genital warts. Common sense. There's always a possibility.....
  6. There's a guy on YouTube who makes all these videos about his dick and I guess he can get away with showing all the stuff he does bc it's under education or whatever so they can't take down his content. Anyway one of the videos he actually showed how to remove warts yourself getting that freeze off stuff from the drugstore. The funny thing was he didn't have a wart at the time but wanted to show how easy it was for you to actually remove them because he froze off his own before and he just freezes part of his skin. So basically he's jumping around with his dick out and burning in pain from the freeze off the whole video. If interested you child probably find it if you search how to remove your penis warts or something like that. It's worth a view I just don't have the link or know his name. He's a white dude with a nice dick and never shows his face. He has other videos to about how he increased his dick size and "re-grew" his foreskin with these kinda jelching like exercises and also a strange one to stop premature ejaculation. Is that really a thing though. I've had a lot of dick in my life but I've never been with someone who is a "one-minute man." Though this anon married guy did give me head once and he was so good at I literally came in 2minutes...big fucking load. Married "straight"men always seem to give the best blowjobs! Anyway...sorry I'm off topic now. Yeah...I don't like to discriminate and all but if there was a bunch of warts I would not go near the thing. Now if it's just like one on the pube area, cute lil guy like PELOPS was talking about than I wouldn't worry about it.
  7. So....let me get an opinion here and in this opinion keep in mind I don't care about contracting HIV. Hello....read my screen name! And I'll have it soon enough. Say you do meet someone you might like and they are HIV Poz and have Hep C. What do you think your chances are of not catching the Hep C if having unprotected sex? I don't like condoms and don't plan on starting now. Yes they say you need blood to blood contact to get it but more and more people seem to be contracting it through sex it seems.
  8. Did you convert yet? My Dom's last VL was 600,000. I'm finally going to be meeting up with him in exactly 7 days. This time next week I'll be attending to his every desire! And slamming his blood to seal the deal.
  9. Can't help ya here. The first time I bottomed and got the proverbial cherry popped the guy I was with didn't have a condom. Neither did I. So we said "fuck it" and went at it for hours. Got bred and fed and it was so Damn HOT that I never looked back! The only time I ever used condoms in my life (don't ask me why I'd take em from the bars and clubs and anywhere they were free when I knew I want going to use em. I guess I just love free stuff! Lol) were to occasionally masturbate with. I still do sometimes too. It sometimes makes things feel more realistic or its an easier clean up in a quick situation. But yeah...I love dick way too much to keep it held captive in a latex prison!
  10. Chaser here so doesn't much matter to me. Gonna be converted in a week anyway. I'm 32 years old, sucked my first dick at 12, first anal at 18 (I'm a bottom) and through those years I tried to keep track of how many loads. When I started hard core chasing bout 5years ago I was in the same boat as you with how many guys/loads. I finally lost count but I know I've had somewhere over 200 guys/loads and that's just anally (and just counting Poz loads) not including the head I gave and loads I swallowed. Strange thing is as much of a whore as I've been in my lifetime and as many guys I've serviced thus far, I have never had an STI/STD of any kind whatsoever and still neg. I dunno if I've just been extremely lucky or have a good immune system but seriously...NOTHING. And I see my Dr every 3months for other issues anyway so it's not like I don't test. Used to test for hiv every 3months and since I never had symptoms of any STI I go to the free clinic once a year for a full STI check up. Nothing. That's weird isn't it?
  11. Sorry Fillmyarse...people can be very ignorant. And I hate the term "clean" when applied to sex or status, as if to apply that if you have anything or that sex itself is dirty. Fucked up. Glad you haven't been put out too badly health wise thus far though. SuccessfulChaser thanks for your input as well. As a Chaser myself I have a curious question for you. If you were chasing the bug and the only way to succeed would be to sleep with someone who was both Poz and had Hep C and that was the only way you'd convert, in retrospect, would you still have gone through with it?
  12. I'm curious how many people here have had or currently have Hep C. I ask because between PNP and rough bareback it seems we, esp those HIV+ are at a high risk of injection. I read through the previous thread about Hep C being worse than HIV and I'd just like to know whether Poz or Neg, can you share what your experience with this is like. For those going through treatment and also those who can't afford treatment and are forced to live with it...what have your symptoms/experiences with this been...the bad, the worse and the ugly. Thanks for anyone willing to share.
  13. I agree with Nelliess statement. Personally, right now sitting here in a non sexual state I hate that shit when guys want to call it my pussy or cunt. I'm a man. I'm not quite Masc but not quite Fem(not that it should matter either way) I'm somewhere in between and have my moments of both in my personality but if someone's chatting with me on an app or messenger and starts in with the manpussy talk it totally turns me completely off. I hate it. I'm a man. I have a cock and balls. I do not have a vagina or cunt. I'm a man that just so happens to like to suck other men's cocks and get fucked in my man ass! NOW...THAT SAID...I Fucking love dirty, freaky, nasty shit talk in the bedroom! Mmm....That shit just kicks it up a level so...If I happen to be in bed with someone and I'm head over heels...or heels over head as it may be and we're having some hot sucking and fucking and just madness going on up in that bed...and especially if you have that feeling with that man(you know the one. The feeling where it's not just good sex but you click on some other level to make it great sex and he's rocking your world and you're rocking on that cock...at that point he can call me whatever the Fuck he wants! Damned if all our morals, positions, beliefs....all that shit just goes straight out the window when you find you some good dick! Mmmhmmm....He could call me his little fucking bitch/whore and tell me how he owns my mangina/pussy/cunt/whatever... Shit he can name that ass Charles if it makes him hot and makes him cum all up in me and makes me orgasm! Now that being said...you have a man in your bed where things just don't click or its just not a great hookup but you go through with it anyway because you're horny and you're just laying there praying to either get into it or that he'll just cum already and get out...you get one of those and he starts in with the boy pussy and all that and I stand by my first statement. And I'd say something to him. He don't like it, there's the door. I ain't into you Anyway! Lmao...but it's true!
  14. Any tips to get past the taste/smell of lube. I know lots of guys who use Vaseline or coconut oil for lube...though I don't mind the coconut oil! But even when using regular lubes let alone Vaseline I notice when they pull out I want to suck them but sometimes the smell and taste of the lube mixed with everything else is just too much for me. Let me also include that even though I'm a loyal sub bottom I don't really even enjoy eating ass. I'll do it if my top really wants it but my hearts not in it because I just can't get past the ass smell and all that...Even when they are clean. Any tips on either acts are appreciated. Thanks.
  15. I fucking hate Florida. And this whole St Petersburg/Clearwater/Tampa tri city area is fucked. All the good places are slowly but surely dying out and going out of business and I don't know what the Fuck you guys are talking about when you say "community". We have no sense of community here...even in the gay community. Nothing but a bunch of catty cunts with image problems, drug issues and no TRUE friends or we have the rich stuck up gays that only care what you do, what you drive and where you live based on your bank account. I'm 32 and have lived all over these areas my whole life. Trust me, there's nothing here worth while. It may be a large tri city area but to actually live here and not be a tourist it's a small fucking town and its depressing.
  16. How are you feeling this year jtonic? I noticed after reading this it was posted a year ago. I have to say I appreciate your post. Not many people give a shit or even care to learn what it might be like to deal with depression. I've suffered with bipolar depression and anxiety my whole life. If it's not one thing it's another. You made some very nice points and suggestions that could potentially help some people out. Nice job.
  17. I don't like being missionary with legs together or crushed like the pic toppledtop showed. I call it the "babywipe" because it just looks like when someone is changing a baby's diaper and holds the kids legs up with one hand while they wipe their ass. Idk...I just feel weird like that. Never tried doggy style with knees together but I'm a pretty tall guy(6'3-6'4") and have a naturaly bigger build so I've never thought to even try it. like everyone else pretty much said though I'm up for any position as long as it feels good for me and my top. Prefer missionary or at least get to missionary at the end because I like seeing a guys face as he's having an orgasm and cumming inside me. Maybe if I find someone tall enough....or lower furniture where my top can be comfortable fucking from behind at the height it would create for me to get in childs pose I'll try it out. In yoga they call it childs pose.
  18. As someone who works in the medical field myself I would say if your insurance covers it and you can afford whatever deductible then go see the specialist. If you maybe don't have the money or just might want to get a referral your general care physician should be more than capable of doing an exam and giving you his opinion. I always go to my primary first because I've been with him over twenty years and trust him completely with any issue. But obviously if I went to him with something like this he would examine me and if he felt I needed a specialist for a more thorough exam or second opinion then I'd go. Also sometimes some insurance companies make you see your primary first and require a referral for them to pay so honestly I'd say it's up to you and what your coverage will allow. Either way you'll be in good hands...or fingers...
  19. Is it weird that I wouldn't want a gay gi specialist. I mean my primary care Dr is a straight guy who's very open and cool with the whole gay community And I've had prostate and inner hemorrhoid exams from him before and its like it should be, professional. The thought of sex never pops up...so to speak. But I think if I knew he was gay I would be so uncomfortable with his fingers in my ass. I know I'd start thinking about those stupid fucking Porn clips of the Dr exams leading into sex or also be worried he's judging me by my hole. Idk Then again my Dr is cute. Idk. Nevermind. Lol.
  20. But honestly if you have the insurance coverage you might as well get it checked out. Better safe than sorry. Especially if it's fucking up your sex life.
  21. Ok i know where you're talking about now. Thought you meant higher up. I'd still maybe get it checked out to be safe but if it's off and on it could just be that if you're having rough sex it may be getting bruised sometimes. I knew a top who's bf always bitched about the same kind of thing and it turned out it was him causing the pain bc sometimes during fucking he'd pull all the way out and shove all the way back in and sometimes he'd just hit a spot wrong and it would bruise the inside. He wouldn't really feel it till the day after though or sometimes a couple hours after. They took varying times to heal. It could be that simple. A lot of guys, especially bi guys who Fuck both men and women seem to forget that your asshole isn't going to open and become elastic magically or at the second they enter so they're basically bruising or tearing the tissue in there.
  22. Maybe it's just me but it sounds like you're taking like your hitting your prostate. This can hurt if done too rough but with a finger applying pressure out shouldn't hurt. That's just a normal rectal prostate exam. I'd get it checked if I were you. How long you been in pain?
  23. Sorry man, wish I could help. (Scratch that! I don't want to be in the same boat and have to experience that!) Most I've gotten is hemorrhoids from a long Fuck session but they naturally have gone away on their own. I am gonna follow this discussion though bc as a bottom you can never know too much.
  24. Btw is that a pic of you?
  25. Thanks first the post. The balls on the ring are about the size in that photo...maybe smaller. There wasn't really any talk of taking it out. He just asked if I'm cool with it and I don't mind but did let him know I've never had a pierced cock. Can't find a lot of helpful info online but in general it seems like most agree it sucks to give head with a PA in because out bangs against your teeth and whatnot...like you mentioned a lil harder to deep throat. And I love sucking cock. I could do it all day and I want to go to town before we Fuck but I was concerned my skills and talented tongue might not live up to their reputation if I have this hung of metal in my way.
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