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  1. I was 1984, I was 18, a summer weeknight evening, and my job as a lifeguard had left me with a a golden brown tan that made me feel very confident in my looks. I was at the local mall and had just bought an ice cream cone when I saw a sexy, very tall guy, like myself, with equally dark bronzed skin and a big nose which has skwsys been a huge weakness for me. Mr Bignose seemed interested so I stopped right there and worked that cone like the brazen slut I aspired to be. And then I walked away. In spite of wanting to be that brazen slut, the truth was I was very shy and insecure. A few days after that I went to the big gay dance club in town with a friend. We were doing the rounds when I locked eyes with Mr BigNose and he smiled and came right up to me and told me that he had never seen anyone eat an ice cream cone as sexily as I did. I was instantly smitten. He was 26, hilarious, smart, Lebanese, and had a dick thst was equally big as his nose. We never really dated but we did have a lot of sex and became fast friends. We lost touch when I moved out of state a few years later but think about him quite a bit even today many years later. So Brian H, if you’re reading this I would love to share an ice cream cone with you again. Call me, S.
  2. Back in the early 90's, before any real effective HIV medications, I was diagnosed with HIV. I was just 25. I thought for sure I wouldn't live to see 30.. I was scared, depressed, and terrified of anyone finding out about my diagnosis. After getting my positive test result at the health department I made an appointment with my family doctor, a gay man himself. I was sitting in the examination room at his office, almost embarrassed to be there when he walked in. He shut the door, nodded, gave me a small smile and asked me to stand up. When I did he took a step or two toward me and hugged me and told me it would be alright. I cried and he kept holding me. I eventually composed myself and we talked about my prognosis and how he was very hopeful about medications coming down the pike. That hug was the best thing he could have done for me that day. I will never forget how much it meant and helped me. Don't be afraid of being a human being when you break the news to this young man. It may be what he needs most.
  3. And good luck getting your house insured that doesn't cost you an arm and a leg.
  4. I thought I was the only one that thinks like that.
  5. I'm going to be in Chicago next month. May I ask which video stores you'd recommend? Haven't been to one in years and definitely would like to check them out.
  6. I dated a guy for awhile who totally got off on watching me get fucked. One night he took me out to a couple of sex clubs and 18 guys fucked me and left a dozen loads behind. The bf then took me home and had me let loose as I rode him. Was a very messy but also a super hot night.
  7. Haven't been to Chicago in years but am planning a few days there in a couple of months. What are the best vide stores/ABS's these days?
  8. I was probably 19 or 20 the first time I ever fisted someone, he was about 30. I was always up for new things and he when asked I went for it. Was an odd experience because I was so afraid of hurting him somehow. The thing that made the biggest impression on me was feeling his heart beating so intensely.. I tried and tried and tried to get fisted for years. I was a pretty big slut in my teens and 20's and was getting fucked regularly but just could not cross that last barrier. It finally happened when I was 35. I had met a couple at a sex club and would run into them every now and then. We had talked about me coming over sometime to pop my FF cherry and I agreed to one Friday night. One of the couple was small statured, maybe 5'6" to my 6'3". I remembered him opening the front door and welcoming me by shaking my hand. It was at that moment, when I realized how small his hands were that I thought to myself 'it's going to happen tonight'. And it did. Hurt a little but not like it had before on my many attempts and I bled a little which freaked me out a bit. But I finally had done it! It was definitely more of a mental block for me rather than a physical one because I took my second fist about 24 hours later. And he was a 6' + guy like my self with proportionally sized hands. lol
  9. Have fun, but also be aware and be careful. A friend was stabbed in the chest by a crazy guy I(crazy guy was gay too) n a local park. Thankfully he lived to tell the tale but now only has one nipple now due to his massive scar..
  10. It gets even more confusing when they use discreet when they really mean discrete.
  11. I want o hear all the juicy details too. DM me please
  12. Girth every time
  13. Where do I line up for the cavity search?
  14. You deserve better. It can be a pain to find a doctor you're comfortable with who isn't judging you or even just seeming to judge you. You are most likely less willing to be completely honest with your current one, no? Completely understandable but also one of the reasons you need to find one you can be honest with, one who is just as open and nonjudgemental back. I'm in the medical field and can say there are a lot of really great, nonjudgemental doctors out there, gay and straight alike. There are also a few duds that we all need to avoid as much as possible. Good luck on your search for a better doctor for you.
  15. It has with me.
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